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A random sample of all sixth-grade students enrolled in a large urban school district completed the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. Tests were administered by either a counselor or a teacher to groups composed of no more than six students. The correspondence of test vectors measured by the test was analyzed. Results suggest that the ITBS does not measure exactly the same constructs across student ethnic groups.  相似文献   

在倡导教育公平的及民族融合的大背景下,我国少数民族地区幼儿园课程内容、组织形式、师资等存在诸多问题,急需重新审视少数民族地区幼儿园课程的适宜性,针对问题所在,积极建构适合少数民族地区特色的幼儿园课程。  相似文献   

The degree of temporal stability of the PPVT-R was examined for Native American, Mexican-American, and Anglo-American kindergarten children. In addition, stability was examined for home language groups. The PPVT-R was administerd to 56 kindergarten children in September and May of the school year. Results indicated that strong temporal stability existed over an eight-month period for Native American, Mexican-American, and English-speaking kindergarten students.  相似文献   

本文就20世纪50年代以来有关普米族族源研究作了全面系统的论述,分别列出了“牦牛种说”、“白狼羌说”、“党项羌说”和“藏族说”的主要依据。在对各种学说进行比较分析后,认为追溯“白狼夷”和“党项羌”的历史发展过程及这两个族群之间的关系,将有助于普米族族源的更进一步研究。文章还就普米族族源研究中学者们运用的史料学、语言学、考古学和民族学田野调查等研究方法提出见解。  相似文献   

Criteria are proposed for defining and selecting preschool developmental screening instruments. These criteria include the purpose, breadth, and psychometric properties of screening tests. The Early Screening Inventory (ESI) is a developmental screening instrument designed to satisfy these criteria. The test samples developmental, rather than school achievement, abilities and focuses on performance in a wide range of developmental areas. The results of several reliability and validity studies performed on the ESI are presented, demonstrating that the ESI predicts school performance with moderate to excellent accuracy through the end of second grade. The usefulness and limitations of the ESI in predicting school performance from kindergarten to grade four are discussed.  相似文献   

就朝鲜族的民族认同现状而言,社会变迁对其族群认同、国家认同和跨境民族认同构成了一定影响,虽然这种影响并未改变朝鲜族的整体认同架构,却也在某种程度上消解着这一架构;就朝鲜族的自身发展而言,其自身发展出现了诸如人口负增长、聚居地人口的空洞化和老龄化、传统文化的衰微、民族教育发展前景堪忧等一系列问题.比较而言,朝鲜族的自身发展问题要比民族认同问题更加严重,应当予以重视和加以解决.  相似文献   

土家族吊脚楼研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土家族吊脚楼是南方最具特色的传统民居之一。学术界对吊脚楼进行了一系列的研究,本文将从土家吊脚楼的历史渊源、选址与布局、文化内涵、现代价值、营造技艺、传承及其利用、保护等角度进行综述,以达到全面系统的回顾和总结,并期待为这一领域的进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

提高幼儿园内部研发机制,建立多元的幼儿园外部研发体系,才能建立真正的"本园化"的园本课程。  相似文献   

Correlation coefficients were obtained between the Kindergarten Auditory Screening Test (KAST), the Metropolitan Readiness Test (MRT), and the Gates MacGinitie Reading Tests, Primary Form (GMRT). The KAST and MRT were given to kindergartners near the end of the spring semester and the GMRT to these same children in first grade during February of the following year. Neither the coefficients obtained nor an examination of extreme groups indicated that the KAST was an effective predictor of reading disability.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the School Problem Screening Inventory, Fifth Edition (SPSI) and the Bristol Social Adjustment Guides (BSAG) and the WISC-R. Subjects were 43 junior high school students enrolled in residential or day-treatment programs at a treatment center for adolescents with behavior problems. The results showed the SPSI Behavior Disorder-undercontrolled and overcontrolled scores to be moderately correlated with the BSAG Overreaction and Under reaction scores, respectively. The SPSI Learning Disability and the Mental Retardation scores were found to be moderately correlated negatively with the WISC-R IQs. The findings lend support to the concurrent validity of the SPSI.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effect of small, medium, and large group size on kindergarten children's listening comprehension. Approximately 120 children were divided by sex and randomly assigned to one of four groups which varied from one another only in size. To determine the children's entry listening comprehension skill level, subtests of four reading tests were administered to all children. Those children participating in one adult to one child instruction, one adult to seven or eight children instruction, and one adult to fifteen children instruction interacted daily for ten sessions with an instructor who posed specific comprehension questions, read a carefully selected piece of children's literature, then restated the comprehension questions to assess the children's understanding of the story. All responses were recorded on a pictorial answer sheet. Those children in the control group received no instruction. The children's exit level listening comprehension skills were reassessed by administering the same preinstruction subtests to all children immediately following the ten sessions. Group size was found to affect significantly the children's performance, with one to one instruction resulting in the greatest gains.  相似文献   

人类生活于由符号构成的世界中,服饰则是这一世界的重要组成部分。"昂倮人"是哈尼族的一个支系,其传统服饰在日常生活尤其是仪式活动中起着重要作用。这些传统服饰别具一格,展现了昂倮人的衣着风俗习惯和文化特色。  相似文献   

本文对鹤庆白语量词进行了系统的归纳和分类,从词法的层面分析了名量词和动量词的语法结构特征。  相似文献   

A short form of the McCarthy was developed primarily to help meet the needs for a well-normed brief instrument to be used for the rapid screening of preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade children. The proposed short form comprises 6 of the 15 tests in the General Cognitive Scale: Puzzle Solving, Word Knowledge, Numerical Memory, Verbal Fluency, Counting and Sorting, and Conceptual Grouping. The abbreviated form was specifically geared to the 3–6 year age range, although equations to convert short-form score to estimated General Cognitive Index were provided for children across the entire span of 212 to 812 years. The short form was shown to have a standard error of estimate of about 6 points and to have excellent psychometric properties in general.  相似文献   

本文以四川凉山州宁南县六铁彝区为调查对象,对彝族"策格"、"瓦之勒"、"阿古荷"、"丛嗯"几种唱丧仪式进行了展示性的认知,并反思和观察了一种敬畏祖先、尊重生命的文化姿态以及"祖先崇拜"的彝族信仰观念.  相似文献   

哈萨克族的生态文化是指哈萨克民族及其游牧先民们在新疆这一特定的自然环境中所创造的、与这一环境相适应的一整套生产、生活方式与技能;哈萨克族生态文化具有游移性、适应性、实用性、简约性及稳定性等特征;这一生态文化对今天而言仍具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

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