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This study investigated the utility of the Quick Test in screening for gifted students; 57 identified gifted students were administered forms of the Ammons Quick Test. This screening instrument was unable to identify 60% of the sample tested as gifted.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Preschool Learning Assessment Device, a dynamic assessment approach appropriate for use with children between the ages of three through five years. The approach is related to Feuerstein’s Learning Potential Assessment Device and to a general dynamic assessment paradigm. Research information from two studies investigating this procedure is described, and a specific case example is provided.  相似文献   

对112名学前教育专业学生的调查显示:他们对幼时幼儿园教师形象的理解普遍是教书匠+保姆,普遍认为当下理想的幼儿园教师形象是妈妈+孩子王+多面手。来自农村的学前教育专业学生对幼时幼儿园教师教学的印象是小学化现象严重。现在的学前教育专业学生普遍认为,富有爱心,能和孩子打成一片,具有多方面的技能是理想的幼儿园教师最重要的素养。  相似文献   

学前教育教师依法执教是全面依法治国在学前教育领域的实践。全面落实学前教育教师依法执教,必须首先从理论上厘清依法执教的概念与内涵,分析学前教育教师依法执教的必要性。在此基础上,详细考察当前学前教育教师依法执教存在的问题,从多角度进行分析,并有针对性提出对策建议。以此为基础,为构建比较完整的学前教育教师依法执教理论体系、推动学前教育教师依法执教实践提供理论基础。  相似文献   

英语口试中,口试考官对评分标准的掌握程度、执行的严厉程度以及个人疲劳程度、与应试者的交流互动等都会影响口试成绩的信度和效度.文章以剑桥少儿英语口试为例,透过项目评价逻辑模型、参照评分标准测量模型和问卷调查分析,评价英语口试考官的素质以及评分的准确性.对改进英语口试考官质量保证体系和提高口试考官评分水平进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

产学研联盟就是将不同企业分散的知识资源等各种信息资源进行整合,为企业提供更多的资源,这对企业提高市场竞争力是非常有利的。但是在产学研联盟中,企业同时也会面临着多种风险,尤其是知识产权风险。本文主要阐述了产学研联盟的知识产权风险评估,并对适用法律进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对幼教专业“学前教育学”存在的课程教学目标错位,教材缺乏科学性和时代性,教育见习、实习目标简单化、形式化,学生的学科态度消极等问题,建议:确定学科目标,以学科统帅整个教学过程;调整结构和内容,推出高质量教材;延长实习时间,发挥见习、实习的教育功能;增强需要动机,转变学生的学科态度。  相似文献   

The current status of intellectual assessment is reviewed. Traditional psychometric techniques are criticized for yielding only a single score that purports to measure the individual's intellectual ability. Such a unified score gives no indication of what specific deficit is present, nor does it suggest a strategy for remediation. The AVOM Test is presented as a potentially useful device. This experimental test measures performance in two input channels, auditory and visual, and two output channels, oral and manual. AVOM was administered to over 200 elementary school students. Scores increased with age, and the other results were supportive of the potential utility of the device.  相似文献   

Conclusion The purpose of this paper is not to denigrate pencil-and-paper tests of intellectual capabilities. The Understanding in Science Test, if it were not for its reliability problems, may be a useful test of intellectual processing. It appears not to be a successful analogue to clinically-administered Piagetian tasks. The same may be said of the other written or group tests of this nature. If they are reliable, they may provide useful measures of intellectual ability. Our research, though, suggests that, for junior high school students and younger, they may not possess high concurrent validity with Piagetian tasks.  相似文献   

以573名幼儿教师为研究对象,采用问卷法考察幼儿教师职业倦怠的现状及其与幼儿园组织气氛、教师教学效能感之间的关系。研究发现:(1)从教一年内的幼儿教师的情感枯竭水平显著低于其他教龄的幼儿教师,民办幼儿园教师的情感枯竭水平显著低于公办幼儿园教师。(2)幼儿教师的职业倦怠分为三类:倦怠型、低成就感型、适应型,分别占22. 17%、37. 17%、40. 66%。(3)结构方程模型分析发现,组织气氛(园长行为)和组织气氛(教师行为)均直接负向预测教师的职业倦怠;幼儿教师教学效能感在组织气氛(教师行为)和教师职业倦怠之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较20名5岁健听儿童与20名5岁听障儿童声调发音的声学参数,探求听障儿童声调的发音特点。研究结果表明:(1)听障儿童较容易掌握一声调,其一声的起点、终点、斜率与健听儿童无显著差异;(2)听障儿童二声调发音存在异常,其起点显著大于健听儿童,斜率显著小于健听儿童;(3)三声调对于听障儿童的发音难度相当大,35%的听障儿童用平调或降调的形式代替三声调,其他听障儿童三声调起点、终点、折点显著大于健听儿童,听障儿童的三声调斜率k升显著小于健听儿童;(4)听障儿童四声调发音存在异常,其四声调终点、斜率显著大于健听儿童。研究认为从发声层面,听障儿童之所以不能正确掌握二、三、四声调,是因为在声调的关键点不能将基频降低到合适水平。  相似文献   

A good assessment method should be able to distinguish between deep learners and surface learners in a way so the former are rewarded while the later are punished. Using data of a survey conducted at the Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, the study finds strong evidence that assignment essays serve to reward deep learners and punish surface learners, while formal examinations fail to do so. The policy implication of the study is clear and straightforward: assignment essays should be preferable over formal examination in higher education, at least in so far as the humanities and social sciences are concerned. The study is, however, limited in the scope of empirical coverage, and further effort should be made to find out whether the findings in this study are applicable to other settings.  相似文献   

从各国幼儿园科学教育纲要看幼儿科学教育走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪90年代起世界范围内基础教育改革空前活跃。在这样的大背景下,幼儿园科学教育领域也出现了一些明显的变化。幼儿园科学教育的变化首先反映了人们科学观,或者称之为对科学内涵理解和认识的变化。科学品质统领科学教育;“科学探究”成为科学教育的核心;强调科学教育与幼儿真实生活的更紧密结合。  相似文献   

This investigation seeks to confirm several key factors in computer–based versus paper–based assessment. Based on earlier research, the factors considered here include content familiarity, computer familiarity, competitiveness, and gender. Following classroom instruction, freshman business undergraduates (N = 105) were randomly assigned to either a computer–based or identical paper–based test. ANOVA of test data showed that the computer–based test group outperformed the paper–based test group. Gender, competitiveness, and computer familiarity were NOT related to this performance difference, though content familiarity was. Higher–attaining students benefited most from computer–based assessment relative to higher–attaining students under paper–based testing. With the current increase in computer–based assessment, instructors and institutions must be aware of and plan for possible test mode effects.  相似文献   

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