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当今世界,掀起了一场以加速社会信息化为宗旨的信息高速公路建设的浪潮,信息正以其前所未有的迅猛态势渗透于社会的方方面面,信息技术已成为社会各领域中最活跃、最具有决定意义的因素。作为基础学科之一的数学教学,必须充分运用信息技术的优势,进行突破性的改革。本文对此进行了论述。  相似文献   

信息技术教育目前已成为世界各国教育研究的热点。英国1997年底开始启动国家学习信息系统的建设计划。通过政府规划决策、学校整体改革、社会信息文化建设与科技基础提升等宏观社会机制的全面建构与动作,将信息技术教育普及为全民化的国民教育。信息技术的应用逐渐遍及  相似文献   

信息技术已经融入人们的生活,渗透到社会生活的每一个角落,人们的生活离不开信息技术,信息技术也需要在社会生活中得以发展。中小学生生活于信息技术日新月异的时代和社会,如果把学生的信息素养培养仅局限于课程、课本和学校,就割裂了学生与社会的必然联系,这样的教育显然不是成功的教育。  相似文献   

中小学信息技术与其他课程整合的教学模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息社会的到来,对人才提出了更高的要求,传统的教学模式培养的人才已严重滞后于信息社会的需求。建立中小学信息技术与其他课程整合的教学模式已势在必行,应结合中小学信息技术与其他课程整合的基本要求,建立整合的教学模式。  相似文献   

韩国网络教育的发展及其对我们的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为适应社会变化的要求,韩国试图应用各种技术使教育适应社会的发展。本文介绍信息技术在韩国中应用的情况,致力于民主和开放的教育“瞄准2000”全国项目及四个主要任务,政府支持的网络大学现状以及两个有代表性的个案。一、 韩国教育中使用信息技术的概况为21世纪做准备,促进信息技术在教育中的应用,韩国实施“瞄准2000”项目。该项目发起于1995年,目的是民主、开放的教育体制为建设,给任何人在任何时间、任何地点提供学习资源。为实现这一目标,要完成四项任务:1.建设信息基础设施;2.提高学生和教师的信息素养;3.建立与建设有关…  相似文献   

信息社会的到来,对人才提出了更高的要求,传统教学模式培养的人才已严重滞后于信息社会的要求。本主要从中小学信息技术教育课程设置和教学模式创新的角度,提出了中小学信息技术与其它课程整合的教学模式。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络与信息技术的发展,现代社会的信息传播方式发生了重大变革。面对信息社会信息需求的新特点与竞争的压力及网络环境提供的有力条件,图书馆必须更新观念,通过网络化建设来降低成本,实现资源共享,并进一步提高信息服务水平。  相似文献   

随着社会信息化的普及和深入,社会要求人类提高信息素养,以培养信息素养为核心的信息技术教育自然形成,拓展和取代了计算机文化教育,成为社会教育的重要部分。职业信息技术教育是开展社会信息技术教育、提高全民信息素养的重要途径,同时通过发展职业信息技术教育将促进信息技术在各专业领域、经济领域的广泛应用,促进信息技术与职业技术的切实整合,使信息技术和各种职业技术同时得到发展。  相似文献   

根据陕西高职院校在区域信息化建设中所处的态势,提出其应承当加强自身信息化建设和为社会培养信息化技术应用人才双重任务。为此必须加强基础建设,如硬件建设、人员培训、教学和技术软件的应用、多媒体应用、数字化图书馆建设等;做好信息技术与教学要素的整合,包括信息技术环境和教学环境的整合、师生角色的转变、远程教育的运用等;加强学校与社会的信息互联与交往。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识与信息的时代,以多媒体计算机和网络为代表的信息技术取得了飞速发展,并以前所未有的迅猛态势渗透到社会的方方面面,改变着人们原有的社会空间和生活方式。为了适应这个发展趋势,我国已经确定在中小学中普及信息技术教育,同时要加强信息技术与其他课程的整合。中小学信息技术课程指导纲要(试行)中指出,中小学信息技术课程的目标是“通过信息技术课程使学生具有获取信息、传输信息、处理信息和应用信息的能力。培养学生良好的信息素养,把信息技术作为支持终身学习和合作学习的手段,为适应信息社会的学习、工作和生活…  相似文献   

Multi-disciplinary co-operation, including use of central registers, is now regarded as essential to the management of child abuse, both in the UK and USA. There are significant differences in register operation in the UK and USA, however. This paper describes two research studies of registers in the UK, discusses various issues of register operation and contrasts the UK and USA experience as reflected in research and literature.  相似文献   

管窥英国专业博士学位教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析了英国专业博士学位教育发展的特点,然后从招生要求、课程设置、培养模式和评估等四个方面论述英国专业博士学位的总体要求,随后对英国五种主要的专业博士学位进行了简要介绍,最后提出了对中国发展专业博士学位教育的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据在英国中学短期就读的经历,简单介绍英国的教育体制、普通中学的课程设置和教学方法。通过亲身体验比较中英中学教育,对目前中学教育进行思考并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

问清泓 《成人教育》2021,41(3):18-25
英国网络远程教育比较成熟与发达,其基本特色是有专门从事网络远程教育的独立大学——开放大学;同时,英国有关网络远程教育之理论研究也同样繁荣与发达。英国网络远程教育非常注重教与学之方法创新,实践教学方法多种多样,"沉浸式学习法""大数据探究法""远程实验室研究学习法""翻转课堂教学法""自带设备学习法"等等都具有启示意义。英国网络远程教育以学生为中心,为学生提供了强大的服务支持。英国网络远程教育的另一特色是注重校企合作,其成功的校企合作模式为网络远程教育提供了成功范式。  相似文献   

Students and graduates alike are encouraged to enhance their skills and knowledge by moving to a different European country as both national governments and European institutions anticipate individual skill gains, closer European networks and a boost to national economies as a result. Using data from a longitudinal survey, this paper follows UK-educated intra-European mobile graduates from undergraduate courses into employment, further study or other activities, and compares their early pathway with graduates who remained in the UK (UK stayer). UK-educated mobile graduates are divided into three groups according to their residency and location after their undergraduate course: UK nationals moving to a different European country (UK movers); nationals of other European countries returning to their home country (returners); and nationals of other European countries moving to a third European country (other mobile graduates). Empirical findings show that mobility for UK movers is mainly employment-driven whilst mobility of returners and other mobile graduates is education-driven. However, if employed, UK-educated mobile graduates are more likely to work in skill-appropriate occupations compared to UK stayers. The transition to either employment or further study of most UK-educated mobile graduates does not take longer compared to UK stayers.  相似文献   

以投资诱发要素组合理论为依据,分析了英国对华直接投资的制约因素,认为我国政府必须采取提高行政效率、加强中英经贸合作等措施,以促进英国对我国的直接投资.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(1):22-27
UK higher education appears to have generally been slow to adopt an organised means of provision for special educational needs for its students. This may be due to the fact that, historically, relatively few disabled students entered UK higher education. However, there is a growing number of disabled students entering UK higher education institutions, and the figure is likely to increase. It is therefore important and, under the UK Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001), legally binding, that UK higher education institutions make appropriate adjustments to their activities so as not to disadvantage or discriminate against disabled students. In this article Mark Taylor examines the development of the special educational needs coordinator role in a higher education setting based upon a two‐year case study in a UK university.  相似文献   

This article attempts a contrast to the contribution by Hugh Starkey. Rather than his account of the inexorable rise of human rights discourse, and of the implementation of human rights standards, human rights are here presented as always and necessarily scandalous and highly contested. First, I explain why the UK has lagged so far behind its European neighbours in implementing citizenship education. Second, a comparison with France shows that the latest UK reforms bring us up to 1789. Third, the twentieth-century second-generation social and economic rights are still anathema in the UK. Fourth, the failure to come to terms with Empire and especially the slave trade means that the UK’s attitude to third-generation rights, especially the right of peoples to self-determination, is heavily compromised. Taking into account the points I raise, citizenship education in the UK might look very different.  相似文献   

In 2015, over 40% of UK higher education (HE) institutions employed oral assessment when assessing and awarding fellowship on HE Academy-accredited schemes using the UK Professional Standards Framework. This article develops research on assessed ‘professional dialogues’ for this purpose. Data collected at four UK institutions, in which 12 assessed dialogues were recorded, transcribed, and analysed, revealed common patterns and processes. The article discusses how the ‘assessed dialogue’ evolves to expose learning and is managed, in order to support those using dialogue for assessment. It augments the body of knowledge on oral assessment in the UK and internationally.  相似文献   


This article builds on the previous articles in this special issue to explore two related concepts – a ‘UK policy laboratory’ and ‘expansive policy learning’, with a specific focus on further education (FE) and skills. We argue that the potential for a UK policy laboratory in this area is based primarily on a new balance between the forces of convergence and divergence across the four countries of the UK. In this ‘goldilocks zone’ lie opportunities for policy learning. The methodology of the UK FE and Skills Inquiry, on which this article draws, attempted to model the conditions of the UK policy laboratory by involving a rich mix of social partners and highlighting the importance of national contexts and how these can inform differing approaches to common challenges. The Inquiry also identified ‘interesting practice’ that may form the basis of an initial ‘common project’ across the different systems. However, its pursuit will require shifts towards the more collaborative approach to FE and skills that characterises the three smaller countries of the UK. In this variegated political environment, we conclude by speculating on the wider conditions for the permanent development of a UK policy laboratory (or laboratories) and expansive forms of policy learning.  相似文献   

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