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张朝虎 《中国教师》2013,(24):20-21
语文学科的人文性特点决定了在小学语文教学中,必须把语言交际能力的培养作为教学重点,而"课堂互动教学"恰是培养语言交际能力的重要途径。一、"课堂互动教学"的内涵与意义"课堂互动教学"是一种动态的教学过程,即围绕某一教学内容,教师和学生交流合作,产生新观点、新思想的过程。在"课堂互动教学"中,师生互动是主要的表现形式。师生互动包括:教师与学生互动、教师与小组互动以及教师与班级互动等。"课堂互动教学"是师生感情交流的主要渠道。"课堂互动教学"承载了教师对学生的关爱、期望和评价,既可帮助学生树立自信、完善人格,又可培养  相似文献   

随着时代的快速发展,构建小学数学高效课堂也成了所有教师的主要任务,构建高效的小学数学课堂不仅仅是所有学校、教师的期望,也是广大家长的希望。素质教育下更要求广大学校、教师构建小学数学高效课堂。然而,怎样更好地构建小学数学高效课堂成了广大教师的难点。  相似文献   

针对民乐县农村小学教育缺少专业音乐、美术教师的现状,民乐县教体局开展了利用"互联网+教育"实施"SW+课堂"的教育教学课堂教学模式的改革,初步形成了音乐、美术等"SW+课堂"的教育教学模式,有效促进了信息化与教育教学的融合与发展,使得"双师"和微课成为了民乐县音乐、美术等课的教学亮点,解决了该县农村教育因缺少专业音乐、美术等教师的短板,有力地促进了教师专业成长,提高了课堂教学质量,提升了学生音乐、美术等的素养。  相似文献   

小学语文是语言的教学,因此,小学语文教师在教学中更应该注意语言的设计,促进课堂语言发挥魅力。但是,从目前语文教学中我们了解到部分语文教师不知道如何进行语言的设计。基于此,笔者提出"语言趣味化""语言探究化""语言积极化"等在小学语文课堂中语言设计的策略,促进语言发挥其应有的魅力。  相似文献   

初中英语教.学.练三合一教学模式是集教科书、教师教案、学生学案、复习资料和测试卷于一体的教学模式。它集全体备课组教师的智慧于一体,它科学地整合教科书、考试大纲,它既是教师的教案,又是学生的课前预习资料、课堂学习文体、课后作业、复习资料和测试卷。  相似文献   

小学科学课程改革已经走过了十多个年头,回顾这些年的实践和探索,笔者发现:要成就有效科学课堂必须做到三个字:实、细、活。"实"就是实实在在的课堂,教师实实在在的教,学生学到实实在在的知识,能力实实在在地得到提高。"细"就是关注细节,一节课是由一个个教学细节组成的,只有抓住、关注一个个课堂细节,方能打造出有效课堂。"活"就是灵活、生动的课堂,只有灵活的课堂才能充满生命活力,学生在课堂中才能获得多方面的满足和发展,才算是有效的课堂。  相似文献   

随着社会不断发展,教育模式也得到了革新,在新课程改革的大背景下,传统的教学模式逐渐被社会所淘汰,而自主、互动的课堂教学模式受到越来越多师生的喜爱。该种教学模式打破了教师作为课堂主导的状况,学生成为课堂教学中的主体,改变了学生被动学习的局面。从小学数学课堂教学出发,探讨如何在小学数学教学中应用自主、互动的教学模式。  相似文献   

新西兰的语文教学在国际上一直享有盛誉。新西兰学生的读写能力在西方工业发达国家举办的国际测试中常常名列前茅,引得美国、英国、加拿大等国的教师前去参观取经。笔者借在新西兰学习的机会,观摩了当地几所小学的语文课,通过他们的课堂,或许可以透视他们学生读写能力强的原因,并期望能给我们的语文课堂教学一些启示。  相似文献   

藏汉双语教学是西藏基层小学教育发展的重要课题,通过对80名来自西藏县、乡基层小学教师的问卷调查,从学生双语水平、学生双语学习环境、教师对双语教学作用的认识、教师的教学语言使用等方面对西藏基层小学的藏汉双语教学现状与问题进行了分析与讨论,发现基层农牧区汉语环境的匮乏导致双语发展不平衡;教师对双语教学的认识存在期望与实际间的落差。应构建丰富充实的课堂内外的双语环境;按照"最近发展区"理论实现双语教学从"同化"到"顺应"。  相似文献   

2022年1月6~7日,由江苏省中小学教研室主办的"江苏省第五届统编版小学语文教材主题观摩研讨活动"在苏州工业园区星洲小学举行.6日上午,冯凌燕等五位教师围绕"新教材·新思维·新作文"展开习作教学微论坛,南京师范大学吴永军教授做现场点评.下午,顾菠等九位教师进行了习作课堂展示,多位大市教研员现场评课.7日上午,特级教师...  相似文献   

Research in Mexican and British schools provides an empirical basis for arguing that, by the use of certain kinds of interactional strategies, teachers can enable children to become more able in managing individual and joint reasoning and learning activities in the classroom.The research described is based on a sociocultural conception and analysis of education, which focuses on the ways that children can be inducted into the communicative and intellectual activities of the classroom as a ‘community of enquiry’. The research has provided (a) an account of strategies teachers use, and for relating teacher’s scaffolding to the interactive process of knowledge construction; (b) an analysis of ways that children talk when working together on joint activities; and (c) a practical method for promoting children’s effective collaboration, communication, reasoning and learning, successfully tested with British and Mexican primary school children. The results of the research are discussed in relation to a Vygotskian conception of the relationship between ‘intermental’ (social) and ‘intramental’ (psychological) development.  相似文献   

This chapter focuses on ways in which talk and culture mediate learning in large classes in China. We suggest reasons why classes are kept large and show how language teachers use pair and group work but seem to scaffold dialogue with the whole class. We argue that teaching large classes is successful in China partly because of interactive techniques in classroom dialogue, but mainly because of the underlying culture of learning. The Chinese culture of learning is elaborated using questionnaire data with both British and Chinese students and interviews with Chinese teachers. The dialogue about large classes needs to take cultures of learning into account and in the Chinese case to consider collectivist and Confucian values. Classroom events are illustrated using visual ethnography, particularly the stages in a large-class language lesson in a primary school.  相似文献   

The current study was part of a larger project which examined teachers’ classroom practices and relationships with students’ learning engagement in primary-school education in Estonia. The focus was the role of autonomy supportive and structured teaching on learning engagement. Two primary-school teachers and their 46 students were selected for this study. The aim of the study was to explore how teachers’ classroom practices influence students’ learning engagement over two years during grade two and grade four of the educational system. Three trained observers rated classroom practices and students self-reported learning engagement. The results highlight primary students’ high-learning engagement, and did not confirm an expectation that low-autonomy-supportive teaching results in low-learning engagement in primary school.  相似文献   

课堂教学设计的好坏直接决定着课堂教学的效果。只有课前的精心预设,才有可能在课堂上实现精彩的生成。但多数小学数学教师的课堂教学设计仍停留在传统意义上"课本知识"的设计层面,缺乏对课程资源、学习情境、学习方式、教师角色、学习群体等多种因素的综合考虑。为此,作为数学教师,只有认真钻研教材,做好"教学设计",才能真正改进课堂教学,有效地提高教师专业水平。  相似文献   

There is an increasing trend towards the use of external providers in primary schools. The added value of external providers in enhancing aspects of children’s learning is supported in the physical education literature. Less is known, however, about the experiences of classroom teachers working with these external providers. To address this gap and guided by the question ‘What are primary school teachers experiences of external providers?’ we conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with primary school classroom teachers who had used external physical education providers (n?=?10). A thematic analysis of the data involved systematic coding from which themes were constructed. Findings alert to the limited partnership between classroom teachers and external providers currently. Teachers’ perceptions of external providers as having greater expertise resulted in classroom teachers engaging minimally in communicating with external providers and taking little part in lessons taught by the external provider. Overall findings indicate communication and involvement in pedagogical decision making as areas to address in reconceptualising the relationship between classroom teachers and external providers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported on was to investigate the current classroom practices of teachers. Using multistage sampling, 245 teachers were selected from primary and secondary schools in the Amhara Region and Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia. A survey design was used for the study. The major results obtained showed that problems were observed in implementing active teaching methods; applying a variety of assessment techniques; questioning skills; providing feedback; managing classroom behaviour; and establishing a positive classroom climate. The study results revealed that primary school teachers performed better than secondary school teachers and also female teachers performed better than male teachers in most teaching-learning activities; but there was no difference in terms of regions for most teaching-learning activities. Some of the recommendations are: training on active learning methods and assessment; providing feedback; student management; action research; and so on.  相似文献   

Since 1978 many studies have called for changes in the practices of science teaching. These changes in instruction will occur only when the teachers decide to change their practices. This study uses surveys to consider the question of what were the trends in the teachers' recommendations for changes in elementary and junior-high school science programs between the years of 1978 and 1982. Large samples of teachers in British Columbia, Canada, responded anonymously to questionnaires in these years: 3040 teachers in 1978 and 1631 in 1982, with return rates ranging from 77.5% to 85%. These teachers described themselves as shifting their classroom practices toward ones that emphasize passive learning and memorization. The British Columbia Science Assessments recommend more inservice programs to stop this trend. There were very few differences in the teachers' recommendations for changes in the schools. The elementary-school teachers had major changes in their rankings of only two activities: they increased their ranking of “activity-centered learning” and reduced their ranking of “outdoor education.”  相似文献   

在课堂教学的实施过程中,需要教师有较高水平的管理和调控教学活动有效展开的能力。该文在简介小学英语课堂调控的若干问题基础上,通过案例描述与分析探讨了小学英语课堂调控的基本策略。  相似文献   

Keeping classroom animals is a common practice in many classrooms. Their value for learning is often seen narrowly as the potential to involve children in learning biological science. They also provide opportunities for increased empathy, as well as socio-emotional development. Realization of their potential for enhancing primary children’s learning can be affected by many factors. This paper focuses on teachers’ perceptions of classroom animals, drawing on accounts and reflections provided by 19 participants located in an Australian primary school where each classroom kept an animal. This study aims to progress the conversation about classroom animals, the learning opportunities that they afford, and the issues they present. Phenomenographic analysis of data resulted in five categories of teachers’ perceptions of the affordances and constraints of keeping classroom animals.  相似文献   

John Harris, Chief Executive of the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, desctribes work carried out with teachers and classroom assistants in special schools to establish effective ways of responding to challenging behaviours presented by pupils with severe learning disabilities. He suggests a range of strategies which may be helpful to teachers, their assistants and other professionals.  相似文献   

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