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本文综述国际上在杯芳烃类化合物合成的新进展,评述了一锅合成法,分步合成法和碎片合成等反应和制法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of the relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every new finding in scientific research.

Each abstract or group is preceded by an evaluation and interpretative comment, which aims to guide the reader in understanding the research reported.

All of these abstracts are from PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and used by permission of that periodical. The abstract number is Volume 28, Number 9‐10, September‐October, 1954.  相似文献   

西部大开发战略的形成和实施有其特定背景 ,势在必行。而当前政府职能中存在的诸多问题阻碍着西部大开发战略的顺利实施 ,这些问题有 :政企不分 ,企业仍然是政府的附属物 ;地方保护主义盛行 ,消费者主权尚未确立等。因此 ,必须转变政府经济职能。这就要求政府从实物市场主体中退出 ,充分尊重市场经济规律 ,积极培育市场体系 ,完善法律法规 ,解放思想 ,转变观念。  相似文献   

A rethinking of Catholic educational policies is needed if the Church is to serve a pluralistic nation  相似文献   

西汉王朝从汉武帝至汉宣帝期间,修筑了约两万里长城,其中绝大部分修建于汉武帝时期。汉长城不仅防外,同时防内,维护封建专制统治是西汉王朝修筑和戍守长城的意图。汉长城对匈奴而言,主要表现在军事上的围困和经济上的封锁,达到了削弱匈奴的目的。汉长城对中原而言,产生了耗费巨额财力和破坏内地人民和平生活的不良影响,迫使汉武帝下罪己之诏。庆幸的是长城不能把互相连着的经济关系断绝,成为草原和中原的分界线,反而成为南北不可分割的见证物留给后世  相似文献   

A series of workshops concerned with Repetition Strain Injury (RSI) and Video Display Units (VDUs) is described from its first traditional design where an expert transmitted latest findings and participants discussed them, through its evolution to final form. Participants arrived with a large collective, experiential knowledge which dispelled myths about RSI, and a view that job redesign, or organizational restructuring, was the strategy for the future. The unpredicted and complex nature of RSI together with the community's well‐informed perspective, demanded a research and learning approach to RSI itself and to creating non‐bureaucratic organisations for its prevention. Each workshop and its design built upon learning from the last. These evolutionary steps and their effects are described and evaluated. Both RSI itself and the workshops raise many issues: new approaches to holistic conceptions of human health, the long‐term and side‐effects of computerized technology, our organizational designs and particularly, our elitist conceptions of ‘research’ and ‘knowledge’ and the functions of Continuing Education in a world characterized by conflicting values and relevant uncertainty. Given that we are increasingly confronted by unexpected crises, these workshops may provide a model of an Adult/Continuing Education which adapts its methods to the needs of its clients for a more active, adaptive future.  相似文献   

Religious education needs to anticipate changes in our culture if long‐range planning is to be effective  相似文献   

西部经济社会落后的根源在于教育落后,在于西部地区各级各类教育发展缓慢,水平不高,导致人口受教育程度低,人力资本和人才资源缺乏,进而造成知识和科技的吸收,生产和应用不足,丰富的自然资源得不到有效开发,经济社会不能更快更好地发展,因此,要开发西部地区,必然首先发展西部教育,发展西部教育,必须提高对教育在西部大开发中的战略意义和地位的认识,必须将党和国家发展贫困地区教育的政策落到实处,必须千方百计增加对西部地区教育的投入,必须全面提高西部地区教师队伍的整体素质。  相似文献   

实施西部大开发战略,法制要先行,特别是要加强和完善生态环境保护法。为此,应树立可持续发展的法律发展观,协调观,价值观和行为观,建立和完善生态环境综合决策制度和宏观调控制度,综合性生态环境许可制度,公众参与生态环境管理制度,生态环境效益和影响评价制度,生态环境税,环境补偿费,生态环境费制度,清洁生产制度,生态环境综合治理制度。  相似文献   

This article reports the ways five leaders situated within academic institutions widened the imagination of the role of religious education. From their own contexts and evolving vocations, they led a conversation hosted by the Forum on Religious Education and Academic Institutions. As they shared challenges and opportunities they see, they also showed how their lives prototyped diverse roles for religious educators. In so doing, they create multiple pathways for others to imagine new ways of adapting the field. The author ends with her own conclusions about how robust conversations such as this—across multiple religious traditions and diverse contexts of practice—might contribute meaningfully to the vocational identities of individual religious educators and to new, adaptive networks that may express collective vocations evolving within the field.  相似文献   

该文对n阶实对称正定矩阵求逆,给出了它的基本算法,并编制了实现该算法的两个模块程序。  相似文献   

贪污罪是一个古老的罪名,改革开放以来,随着社会经济体制、经济关系的发展变化,使贪污罪的主体范围也发生了许多变化。本试图通过对贪污罪主体身份认定的研究,使贪污受贿罪、职务侵占罪、挪用公款罪、挪用资金罪等这些在司法实践中经常遇到的问题得以正确区分。  相似文献   

农产品电子商务的快速发展为农产品的销售拓展了新的销售渠道,方便了经营者和消费者之间的信息沟通,然而农产品电子商务市场中的卖家与卖家之间在市场的博弈中容易出现"囚徒困境",同时,农产品电子商务平台中卖家与平台之间由于信息不对称,容易出现互不信任的现象.文章结合博弈论中的"囚徒困境"模型与信号传递博弈模型的相关知识,对农产品电子商务平台中卖家与卖家、 卖家与平台之间的博弈进行了分析,并就如何避免"囚徒困境"、减少市场中的欺诈行为提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

笔者对有关基础设施建设的经济学原理作了简要介绍;在此基础上,提出西部地区在具体进行基础设施建设中应把握的两条基本原则。同时,对几个既关系到西部开发战略又关系到经济体制改革的重点和前沿问题作了初步分析。最后试给出具有一定理论意义的“广义西部开发”的提法。  相似文献   


From a Ruined Garden—the Memorial Book of Polish Jewry, translated and edited by Jack Kugelmass and Jonathan Boyarin, 275 pp. New York, Schocken Books, $18.95.

The Five Scrolls. Trans. and ed. Herbert Bronstein and Albert H. Friedlander. New York: CCAR Press, 1984. xiv + 383 pp. $12.  相似文献   

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