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《莺莺传》中莺莺和张生的爱都是真诚而热烈的,但莺莺的特点是爱而不说,欲语又止,情感表现过于含蓄,这使得张生摸不着头脑,最终因“惑”而弃。而莺莺的爱而不说、欲语又止的情感表现。主要是她自闭抑郁的个性使然,另外也与其自献所导致的心理障碍有关。  相似文献   

《莺莺传》为元稹自寓的观点,学术界早有公论,但尚有系统论证的必要,对照元稹与“张生”,相合之处有三;对照元稹的其他作品,也有三篇可断定为是写其与莺莺之情的,这些都可证明《莺莺传》中的“张生”就是元稹,此外,吴伟斌先生《关于元稹婚外的恋爱生涯》一中的一些观点也有可商榷之处。  相似文献   

四《会真记》的立场偏于张生,笔墨却集中于莺莺,篇名也称为《莺莺传》,主人公实为莺莺。《董西厢》中,张生的戏分最多,其主题“自是佳人,合配才子”,表明以才子为中心。《王西厢》的主角为阿  相似文献   

唐传奇《霍小玉传》、《莺莺传》中的男主人公李益、张生分别是两种不同类型的负心汉,他俩与女主人公相恋的过程,以及抛弃女主人公的具体原因都各不相同。文章从社会制度着眼,通过对这两位男性的比较,认为他们在婚恋生活中的负心行为仅是表征不同,导致他们负心的根源是相同的——都是以男性为主导的父权制社会体制。从而揭示出在两性不平等的社会机制中,不仅女性是不能主宰自身命运的被统治者,作为个体的男性同样受到这种社会机制的约束,无法自主作出符合自身幸福原则的选择。  相似文献   

唐传奇元稹的《莺莺传》中,张生对莺莺始乱终弃,并于朋友前大发议论,称莺莺为尤物,而自己能够忍情,及时抽身,遂免遭祸患,并赚得“善补过者”的好名声.“尤物”一说,竟有如此大的魅力.翻开历史画卷,尤物论一直存在于历史的长河里,有它独特的时代内涵和意义,并引起后人深深地思考与探索.  相似文献   

唐代传奇小说中,元稹的《莺莺传》可以说是最为人所津津乐道的“热门话题”,同时又是最聚讼纷纭的了,历年来吸引了大批唐传奇研究者的注意力和兴趣。磁力所及,连那些并非专事古代小说研究,甚至并不研究文学者也“下海”议论一番。吴伟斌也是因研究元稹其人其诗而“跳槽”到《莺莺传》的研究领地,接连发表了《〈莺莺传〉写作时间浅探》(载《南京师大学报》1986年第1期),《“张生即元稹自寓说”质疑》(载《中州学刊》1987年第2期),《再论张生非元稹自寓》(载《贵州文史丛刊》1990年第2期)和《论  相似文献   

《莺莺传》是唐代三大传奇中最受后世关注、争议最多的作品。当代学者关于《莺莺传》数千篇之多的研究论文探讨争议的最大热点是崔莺莺与张生的爱而无果。文章立足学界对《莺莺传》的研究现况,分析了以下三个问题:张生对莺莺爱而离弃的根本原因当在于莺莺的身份问题;《莺莺传》是文人集体创作的成果;《莺莺传》塑造了爱情中一个生新奇绝的女性形象。  相似文献   

老夫人与崔莺莺,张生,红娘是王实甫《西厢记》中的几个主要人物。其中,老夫人一向是被当作反面人物的。如戴不凡《论崔莺莺》一书中说,老夫人“作为要求幸福生活的莺莺张生的对立面出现,她不仅在思想上不能同意莺张结合,还用直接的行动来干扰阻难女儿的好事。”段启明《“三幻”同名人物性格辩》一也认为,老夫人最突出的特点是有浓厚顽固的门阀观念,她的一切行动都是以维护相国门第利益为出发点的。“谎到天来大”是她“不讲信义,冷酷无情,杀伐决断”的具体表现。总之,她是一个不择手段,维护门阀利益和封建礼教的封建家长。郭预衡的《中国学史》同样认为老夫人是莺张幸福生活的阻挠。老夫人真是一个青面獠牙之辈,满面肃杀之气?否!细细地去品味本,我却发现了一个慈爱的,重情讲义,忍辱负重的老母亲。  相似文献   

一鲁迅先生在《中国小说史略稿》中指出,唐传奇诸作者中“所作不多而影响甚大,名亦甚盛者”是元稹。虽然他的传奇只有《莺莺传》一篇,但无论当时或后世,取材于它而创作的诗词及戏曲,只有李朝威的《柳毅传》可以与之比敌。元稹的《莺莺传》产生于唐德宗贞元二十年末至二十一年初。在《莺莺传》的篇末,元稹已明确地作了交待:“贞元(甲申)岁九月,执事李公垂宿予于静安里第,语及于是。公垂卓然称异,遂为《莺莺歌》以传之。崔氏小名莺莺,公垂以命篇。”  相似文献   

付琼 《语文知识》2010,(1):67-69
《莺莺传》之"会真"、"玉人"二词在西厢故事的发展中存在着被误解的现象,本文旨在对二词进行重新辨析。"会真"即"会仙",一方面表明女主人公崔莺莺貌若神仙的特点,另一方面也真实地传达了崔张对儿女云雨之乐的美妙体验。"玉人"不是指张生,而是崔莺莺自喻。莺莺为张生"代言",《会真诗》运用的是一种"换位思维"的表达方式。  相似文献   

对中等发达国家含义的解读主要有以下三种: 一是中等发达国家即发达国家的中等水平; 二是中等发达国家即全世界所有国家中在经济社会发展上居于中等水平的国家;三是中等发达国家即世界银行分类中的中上等收入国家。第一种观点目标太高,我们倾尽全力也仍然无法达到。这样的目标自然应该摈弃。第二种观点目标太低,没有实际意义,同样应该摈弃。只有第三种观点目标比较适度,是经过努力可能达到的目标,且符合邓小平的本意,作此解读符合我们的国情国力以及经济发展的现实,但因为采用的指标比较单一,所以,有比较大的局限性,应该采取措施加以弥补。  相似文献   

通过对贵州省贫困地区中小学校长基本信息、个人素质、教育思想的调查与分析,发现部分校长存在一些不容忽视的问题,主要是基本条件不达标,选拔方式单一、敬业精神不够、学校管理流于一般、知识功底较薄弱,教育技术运用较困难、缺乏现代教育观。  相似文献   

This article provides two ‘portraits’ of headteachers in primary schools in England and Hong Kong, derived from semi-structured interviews with these individuals. Contrary to some claims that such a small sample is worthless, this article argues that what is most meaningful is sometimes derived from the singular and unique; that generalisations in education are as likely to be useful if they are ‘fuzzy’ generalisations as if they are from scientific or statistical generalisations; and that the individual case can strip away the clutter of large contexts and allow recognition of a common shared humanity. What these portraits also show is that responses to larger contexts are heavily dependent on personality and local context, and that if policy implementation and professional development are to have impact, then an attention to the personal and the local are going to be critical factors in any success in these areas.  相似文献   

This paper is grounded in a phenomenological‐interpretive exploration of how mourning is experienced and understood by the victim’s nuclear family – the victims are Greek‐Cypriot missing persons whose remains have been recovered, identified and properly buried, after exhumations of mass graves in the aftermath of war. Particularly, the focus is on the pedagogical openings that are created for educators and students who seek to engage in learning about mourning and/or how to mourn in schools. Two in‐depth mourning narratives are analyzed and the pedagogical implications of the nationalization of mourning are discussed. A careful critique of the nationalization of mourning formulates a critical discourse from which it becomes possible to launch a renewal of an affective community, that is, a restructuring of affective spaces in schools and the public arena so that new affective connections with the Other are created. The analysis shows the complexities involved in attempts to formulate public and school pedagogies of mourning.  相似文献   

It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. And we are not quite sure what kind of statement it is to claim that the social dimensions in theories of mathematics education are becoming more prominent, compared to the psychological dimensions. In our contribution we will focus, after a brief presentation of the above claims, on this particular domain to understand the successes and failures of the development of theories of mathematics education that focus on the social and not primarily on the psychological.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the perceived organisational legitimacy of the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) in preparing the population for work in the knowledge-based economy (KBE). It is argued that challenges to MOE’s legitimacy are emerging with ramifications that are difficult to ignore. These challenges relate to equipping the population with KBE attributes and developing diverse forms of talents in students. To maintain organisational legitimacy, education authorities need to work more closely with stakeholders to develop forward-looking learning eco-systems in schools where teaching is professionalised, assessments are responsibly leveraged, student talents are nurtured, and external stakeholders are involved.  相似文献   

张掖是国家级历史文化名城,有古城遗址、古寺建筑和出土文物,这些都是人类宝贵的历史文化遗产。旨在重点介绍张掖古城的形成与发展,以突出其珍贵的历史、文化价值,并基于对历史文化遗产的过度开发和保护不够的现状,提出开发与保护方面的认识和看法。  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of quality of teaching surveys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
All tertiary institutions in Australia use the same Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ); however, for the internal evaluation of teaching they use their own surveys. This paper performs an analysis of the internal Quality of Teaching Surveys (QTS) used in Australian universities. We classify the questions within the QTS surveys. This classification is used to explore how different universities’ surveys are similar to each other. We find that some universities use a QTS that is quite distinct from other universities. We also investigate whether there is a particular pattern to the types of questions used in the surveys. We find that there are some question types that are employed widely in a typical survey and others that are not. This analysis can be used by universities to determine how their surveys compare to their peer institutions and other institutions across Australia.  相似文献   

In this essay I offer a set of characteristic scientific activities, accompanied by principles to be used as guides in performing these activities, and dispositions that are desirable for the person performing these activities to have. This set is intended to provide a rough and ready elaboration of scientific thinking as a goal for our schools and colleges.
Although they are here labeled scientific, they are intended to apply to other activities than doing what is standardly called science. This wider application is part of the justification for offering science in our schools and colleges. We want people to think scientifically about many other aspects of their lives, as well as about science content.
There is no suggestion that science content is not important, nor that scientific thinking should be taught apart from science content. In fact I think that a very good way to teach scientific thinking is by infusing such instruction in the instruction of science content. See Swartz (1987) for a discussion of infusion, and Ennis, (1985, 1989, 1990) for treatments of the subject-specificity issue that is generally raised when thinking and content are discussed.
This essay contains one brief case study that exemplifies most of the activities, principles, and dispositions suggested as goals for the schools. I realize that the validity and comprehensiveness of these goals has not been here demonstrated. The scientists, science educators, philosophers of science, and critical thinking specialists to whom1 have shown them are in general agreement about them, but the ultimate test will be in whether the goals are widely adopted and successfully serve as guidance in the promotion of scientific thinking.
I hope that this elaboration of scientific thinking and its formulation in terms of a suggested set of goals are "dear and precise as is needed in the situation".  相似文献   


Much of the debate about that which comprises teachers’ professional knowledge has been important in the academic literature but does not necessarily reflect the reality of how they think as they construct the knowledge that underpins their practice. Typically, teachers are not encouraged to spend time talking about teaching in ways that are theoretically robust, or to unpack their teaching in order to show others what they know, how and why. Because they are busy ‘doing teaching’ they are not commonly afforded opportunities to ‘unpack’ their practice to explore and articulate the reasoning underpinning what they do. This paper argues that the essence of teachers’ professional knowledge is bound up in the teaching procedures they employ and that knowledge is accessible and demonstrable through the pedagogical reasoning that underpins their decision-making, actions and intents; all of which come to the fore when their pedagogical reasoning is examined. If teaching is to be more highly valued, it is important to more closely examine the nature of teachers’ pedagogical reasoning as it offers a window into the complex and sophisticated knowledge of practice that influences what they do, how and why.  相似文献   

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