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School-based management is being increasingly advocated as a shortcut to more efficient management and quality improvement in education. Research, however, has been unable to prove conclusively such a linkage. Especially in developing countries, concerns remain about the possible detrimental impact of school-based management on school quality; equity among different schools in the same system; the motivation of and relationships between principals and teachers; and financial as well as administrative transparency. The present study defines school-based management and, in view of its implementation in different world regions, examines some of its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, the author explores the strategies which must accompany school-based management in order to ensure a positive impact on quality. These are found to include (1) guaranteeing that all schools have certain basic resources; (2) developing an effective school-support system; (3) providing schools with regular information on their performance and advice on how they might improve; and (4) emphasizing the motivational element in the management work of the school principal.  相似文献   

本文结合函授教育站点评估实践.分析函授站点存在的主要问题.围绕提高函授教育质量,提出具体意见和建议。  相似文献   

提高高等学校教学质量,需要高校内外结合;在高校内部,需要教与学结合。但长期以来人们忽视对作为教育主体的大学生学习的研究,忽视从教学的本源上去解决质量问题。本文提出了建立基于学生视角的高校教学质量保障体系的建议,并从转变大学生的学习方式,转变大学生感知的学习环境、改善大学生的课程学习经验两个方面探讨了提高大学学习质量的途径与方法。  相似文献   

国外高校网上教学成功和失败的原因剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网上教学已经成为终身教育体系中的一种重要教学模式.然而,在十多年的网上教学实践中,有的网络教学机构获得了成功,而有的网络教学机构惨遭失败.本文旨在从国际的视野,从整体上探讨国外高校网上教学成功和失败的原因.研究发现,成功的网上教学是遵循了远程教育的基本原理和规律,充分发挥了网上教学的优势.网上教学失败的主要原因是:错误地认为网上教学就是通过网络把现有的课程传递给大量的学习者从而获得高利润;错误地认为网上教学是低成本的;错误地认为著名高校可以凭声誉把课程直销到世界各地,而无需顾及本地的实情和学习者特征.作者的结论是,网上教学将会得到持续发展和进一步扩展,同时不可避免地会继续出现优胜劣淘的现象.  相似文献   

This article examines educational decentralization efforts in both developed and developing countries, guided by two questions: (1) under what conditions does school-based management (SBM) produce best results and (2) what are the roles and relationships of the school/community and of the region/center. The authors summarize, from recent literature, reasons for the usual failure of SBM and identify the conditions under which SBM works, noting school/community relations and external infrastructure as important factors. In looking at research from developing countries, the authors highlight similarities and differences compared to Western research, focusing on projects with promising results. Finally, the article draws strategic implications for establishing the kind of school-based developments that will positively affect learning outcomes.  相似文献   

在我国职业技术教育驶入规模扩张的良性轨道之后,职业技术教育的质量保障和提高已经成为核心问题.在国际上,进行质量评估认证是保障和提高职业技术教育质量的最为重要手段.美国、德国和日本在职业技术教育的质量评估认证体制、标准和程序上都积累了大量经验,包括双层认证体制、基准性标准体系和周期性复审制度.随着宏观环境的变化,美、德、日三国职业技术教育质量评估也表现出一些共性趋势:外部评估与内部质量管理有机结合,质量评估与政府财政资助挂钩,质量评估与从业资格获取密切对应.  相似文献   

以北京大学光华管理学院获得AACSB认证的经历为例,总结国际认证对光华管理教育办学理念的更新以及对建立持续的质量保障体系的促进作用。最后结合"中国高质量MBA认证"(CAAMBA)对中国商学院建立质量保障机制提出了建议。  相似文献   

体验性学习与新课程改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
体验性学习是教育者引导学生将自己的全部身心投入到与外部世界的交往之中,进而生成反思与实践的学习方式,它从根本上区别于接受性学习。体验性学习有助于新课程改革基本目标的实现,尤其有助于使学生成长为知识的主动探索者。  相似文献   

国外发达国家在高等教育助学方面积累了丰富的经验,多种形式的助学制度对推动其高等教育的大众化以及普及化发展,起了十分重要的作用。我国的高等教育助学制度还不够完善,因此,借鉴国外的经验,完善我国的高等教育助学制度,是我国高等教育由精英化向大众化发展的重要前提和有力保证。  相似文献   

美国各州继制定了早期学习标准之后,政府和学界开始对如何运用早期学习标准提升教育质量进行深入思考。本文主要介绍早期学习标准的具体运用,以及将早期学习标准与质量评定和推进系统相结合的系统化的质量提升策略,并提出相关启示。  相似文献   

基于QFD理论的大学课程教学设计   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文将质量机能展开(QFD)理论应用到大学课程的教学改进中,提出教学质量机能展开模型(TQFDM)。以生产运作管理(OM)课程为实例,通过需求分析和构造“教学质量设计”、“教学模块配置”、“教学质量控制”系列质量屋(HOQ),将对于生产运作管理课程的需求展开至教学过程的具体步骤中,通过需求的追踪管理与控制,提高相关方满意度,并达到学校教学质量评估要求,从而提高教育质量。  相似文献   

创造有意义的学习经历——对高校人文素质教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高高校人文素质教育质量,美国著名的教育学者迪·芬克提出的创造有意义的学习经历这一教育理念值得我们借鉴。创造有意义的学习经历可以突破传统的教育思维,从思想到行动进行人文素质教育全面建构,缩短人文素质教育与社会实践的距离。我们可以从课堂上,设计与实施主题交流、课堂辩论、模拟情境、小组学习、案例教学等有意义的学习经历,同时,设计和增加服务学习、体验学习、观察学习、真实项目等有意义的课外学习经历。  相似文献   

This article examines the hermeneutic, narrative, and social co-construction of cultural understanding as two educators shared their teaching and learning experiences in Japanese and Canadian schools. Our dialogic inquiry reveals how perceptions of practices in one culture—including curricula in non-core, academic subjects, stances on student assessment, and attitudes toward extracurricular activities—were shaped by our prior school experiences. The study reveals that reconstruction of previous overseas experience and co-construction of meaning from this reconstruction can serve as a powerful means of enhancing understanding of cross-cultural issues. The reconstruction process also offers a means of engaging those who do not have international, educational experiences in discussion of these issues. The article concludes that seemingly casual, everyday conversations can offer insights that inform teacher practice as well as preservice teacher education.  相似文献   

实行"产学研"联合,提高工程教育质量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了迎接知识经济的挑战,提高科学技术在经济增长中的贡献率,我国需要一大批能胜任研究、开发、设计、制造、工业管理的工程师。本文介绍了清华大学与企业界合作的实践,说明“产学研”联合对优化工程人才培养模式、强化专业技术训练、提高高等工程教育质量具有不容低估的重大作用。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,质量公平成为我国农村教育改革的新追求.语言,作为教育过程的核心要素,应是提升农村教育质量的重要抓手.语言融通路径摆脱结构主义思路,借助社会语言学的理论和方法,展示了城乡语言差异以及农村语言和学校语言间的区隔,揭开了城乡教育质量不公平的微观运作机制.在此基础上,它试图超越农村语言与学校语言的二元对立,以农村语...  相似文献   

In this article, we report a research project on web-based case instruction that was developed and implemented to allow prospective early childhood teachers to be exposed to various dilemmas faced by practicing teachers. The goal of this project was to design an instructional tool and method that could help prospective teachers expand their notion of classroom management beyond a set of techniques. We collected 23 prospective teachers’ pre and postessays before and after the 3-week implementation of the web-based case instruction, along with surveys and a focus group interview data. The initial data analysis results indicated that this instructional method was effective for (a) promoting prospective teachers’ awareness of multiple perspectives, (b) encouraging them to explore diverse ways of problem solving, and (c) articulating their justification based on a sense of moral responsibility and affective engagement. We conclude with implications for future research and early childhood teacher education.
Kyunghwa LeeEmail:

The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical framework for action learning and action research for better understanding and improving university learning and teaching. Action research is conceived as a philosophy, a theory of learning, a methodology and a technique. The philosophy includes theories of action, critical theory and personal construct theory. The learning theory encompasses adult learning, experiential learning and double‐loop learning. The methodology is based in the dialectical epistemology and the non‐positivist paradigm. Examples of action research as a technique are the nominal group technique, the repertory grid technique and other tools aiding reflection and group discussion. It is concluded that action research not only advances knowledge, but also improves practice in higher education by. developing people as professionals and “personal scientists”, and organisations as “learning organisations”.  相似文献   

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