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高等教育服务质量与学生满意度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文以满意度的特性为切入点,将结构方程模型与满意度的测量结合起来,对构成高校MBA教育满意度的因果变量及理论模型进行分析和路径设计,通过模型的拟合度检验模型的合理性,最后通过AMOS软件进行实证分析,以期为高校获取MBA教育竞争优势提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高等教育机构正面临着激烈的生源竞争局面,探讨高等教育服务质量与学生满意度的关系,提高高等教育服务质量,增加学生满意度,对吸引和保留学生,从而适应竞争形势的需要有着重要现实意义和战略价值。笔者在文中从学生的角度。在分析问题的基础上,提出针对性的建议,以期对高校的发展提出改进意见。  相似文献   

学生满意对一个学校的发展至关重要.本文旨在揭示学生期望、感知质量、感知价值、学生满意、学生忠诚五个潜变量之间的结构关系.首先在前人研究的基础上,构建一个反映五个潜变量关系的结构方程模型,然后通过问卷设计、量表开发,对电大学生展开调查得到实际数据,再对量表数据进行缺失值处理,并据此对提出的结构方程模型进行拟合、修正和解释,最后得出潜变量之间关系的几点结论.  相似文献   

在对天津市中学生教育的实证调研基础上,建立了教育服务质量感知和重要程度的四分表,并发现学校服务质量和学生满意度正相关,其中有形性、保证性、实践性和可靠性与满意度高度相关。  相似文献   

基于学生评价的视角,构建经管类实验教学满意度评价模型,并以在校本科生的实验课程为研究对象对模型进行实证分析。研究结果表明:实验教学内容体系、实验师资水平和实验教学保障体系正向影响学生参与度和学生满意度,并通过学生参与度间接影响学生满意度。同时,学生满意度正向影响学生忠诚度,学生满意度和学生抱怨之间为负向关系。  相似文献   

高职生顶岗实习满意度既有利于学生综合素养提升,又对学校与企业沟通起到良好的促进作用,因此,该研究具有较强实践意义。但实习生与正式员工相比,又有其特殊之处。本文通过结构方程模型对工作本身、薪资福利、人际关系、个人发展、管理体系、工作环境、上级领导七个因素对满意度影响建立假设,同时,验证实习满意度与粘滞知识转移及学生技能发展之间相关性。数据表明,薪资福利、个人发展及管理体系对满意度影响较大,其满意度技能发展呈正相关,但与粘滞知识转移相关性不显著。  相似文献   

网络教育服务质量学生满意度实证分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
学生是网络教育服务质量的直接感知者,其满意度是衡量网络教育服务质量的一项重要指标.基于预期不确定理论和服务质量衡量理论,将顾客满意度模型引入到网络教育服务质量中,结合网络教育实际,建立网络教育服务质量、学生期望、学生价值和满意度之间关系的结构模型.以网络学院学生为调查样本对模型进行实证检验.实证研究结果支持大多数假设,结果表明学习过程、资源、学生服务价值是影响学生满意度的重要因素,服务价值是服务质量与学生满意度的中介变量.  相似文献   

基于美国顾客满意度指数模型、中国高等教育顾客满意度指数模型等相关模型,结合我国职业教育的特点,构建了学生短期岗位实习满意度概念模型及研究假设。研究共收集了221名学生的调查数据,并通过结构方程模型进行检验。结果表明:在学生短期岗位实习时,企业对实习的服务支持、实习的服务支持对学生的实习感知、实习感知对实习体验、实习体验对实习满意、实习满意对实习意愿等均有极显著的正面影响。  相似文献   

支付高昂教育费用的民办高职学生理应享受良好的教育服务。通过对819名民办高职学生对教育服务质量满意度因子均值得分的SPSS统计分析,发现民办高职院校学生满意度因子的总均值得分大体一致。无财政性拨款的民办高职教育促进了教育公平,培养了大量技能型人才,但在思想层面却不被社会各阶层所接受。为此,民办高职院校要在教育新常态的环境中求发展,必须重视提高教育服务质量和学校声誉建设,引导学生对母校的认同感。  相似文献   

调查了应届毕业大学生对四年大学生活的满意度,通过分析他们对大学生活的满意度、教师上课效果的认可度,对就读大学的情感归属度,对大学未来发展的期望度,以及对职业素质认知度等五个角度,有效解读了高校服务型管理模式所面临的挑战。围绕"学生的满意度和高等教育质量有机结合,大学教育的目标和学生的需求有机结合,美好的办学理想同有效的办学载体有机结合"三个结合,提出了服务型高校管理模式的建构路径。  相似文献   

Discussions of support and intervention in undergraduate university education are dominated by discussion of attrition. This study quests more broadly in arguing that support and intervention for undergraduate students may also benefit from models of engagement and success as well as conventional risk and failure. Supporting this proposition is a study that involved multifactorial approaches based in a combination of aspects of social network theory and social ecology theory. Analysis was enacted through social network analysis of archival data sets derived from a single cohort of 4065 undergraduate students at a regional Australian university. The findings suggest that models of academic success are suited to examination of the broader issues of student agency and undergraduate university education. The success networks developed are uniquely student-centred and place-based and may serve as more nuanced models for university intervention and support structures and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to present the determinants of students’ perceptions of quality and experience of study at international branch campuses in Malaysia, a country that is set to become an academic hub in Asia. This study used a multi-method approach for data collection. The respondents comprised 245 students (both undergraduate and postgraduate) from six renowned international branch campuses operating in the country – three from Australia, two from the UK and one from India. In addition, a total of 21 face-to-face interviews were conducted after the survey. The results revealed that across the seven dimensions examined concerning education and non-education qualities – university reputation/image, programme quality, lecturers and teaching quality, student learning environment, effective use of technology, counselling and academic advising support, and social life (direct/indirect) facilities – the students were largely satisfied. The paper adds to the existing body of research on higher education service quality, particularly on students’ perceptions and expectations of international branch campuses.  相似文献   

University policies are increasingly developed with reference to students’ learning experiences, with a focus on the concept of the ‘student voice’. Yet the ‘student voice’ is difficult to define and emphasis is often placed on numerical performance indicators. A diverse student population has wide-ranging educational experiences, which may not be easily captured within the broad categories provided by traditional survey tools, which can drown out the rich, varied and gradual processes of individual development. There is no single tool that can be used to measure students’ experiences. This paper draws on findings from four narrative inquiry studies, carried out in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, to illustrate how a narrative approach could be used to complement performance indicators. This provides a richer context for educators’ understanding of students’ experiences and for supporting and setting institutional agendas.  相似文献   

客户满意度分析是提高汽车销售企业经济效益,提高企业市场竞争力的重要途径。采用结构方程模型,应用偏最小二乘法可以科学的分析客户满意度的调查数据,从而得出提升汽车销售企业客户满意度的具体方法。  相似文献   

Student satisfaction has received growing attention in Higher Education systems in recent years, and are increasingly used for internal and external accountability in the sector. This does leave us with questions on the extent to which variance in student satisfaction can be explained by Higher Education Institution (HEI) and course attended rather than by individual student characteristics; and on what factors may predict student satisfaction. In this study we used the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) to look at these questions in a sample of approximate 70000 UK postgraduate students from 100 HEI's. Firstly, confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the validity of the proposed multidimensional structure of student satisfaction in PTES. Then multilevel models were used to look at variance at three levels (HEI, course and student), and the relationships between institutional and student factors collected in PTES and student satisfaction. Two years of data (2014 and 2015) were used. Findings suggest that over 90% of variance is explained at the student level for all dimensions of student satisfaction in both years, with variance at the HEI level being particularly low. Individual student characteristics explain more variance than institutional characteristics, but only some (such as BME status) are significant, and explained variance is low. These findings suggest using student satisfaction as an accountability measure in HE may be highly problematic.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interrelationships of the key influences on student satisfaction via multivariate analysis from three groups of university students in two popular private universities in Malaysia. The correlation coefficient and structural model indicated that student satisfaction is influenced not only by academic quality, but also by the university core services, information technology services, and skill building. These dimensions are linked to one another. The strong interrelationships between these dimensions are indicative that holistic approach needs to be adopted rather than dealing with each dimension in isolation in creating a valued education. Significant performance gaps of key influences indicated that the satisfaction levels are below students’ expectation despite the satisfaction scores being above average. Academic assessment, teaching quality, and IT are areas where a university management needs to prioritize resources in order to increase student satisfaction. Students who perceived higher value are more likely to have higher repurchase intention.  相似文献   

This article explores several aspects of service quality for the provision of higher education. Alongside the trend of the massification of higher education over the past two decades, higher education institutions are required to review quality across a range of outputs, besides teaching and learning. The study was undertaken within the undergraduate placement programme of a UK higher education institution and investigated aspects of service quality through students’ surveys conducted over a five-year period and staff questionnaires and interviews. The findings of the study point out that, amongst other factors, the increase in student numbers implies a deterioration of higher education service quality. Based on the findings, several areas that can potentially improve the quality of higher education services in modern universities are identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determinewhether student engagement in three goodeducational practices (cooperation with peers,active learning, faculty-student interaction)increased between 1983 and 1997 in response tothe calls to improve the quality ofundergraduate education in the United States.The data source was 73,050 students whocompleted the College Student ExperiencesQuestionnaire. The results from multipleregression and effect size analyses showed thatthe frequency of involvement in these goodpractices did not change over time. Variationin the scores of the three indicators acrossyears and types of institution(doctoral-granting universities, comprehensiveuniversities, liberal arts colleges) wasminimal indicating a stable pattern with onlyrandom fluctuations during this 15 yearperiod.  相似文献   

Student satisfaction is both an important and yet controversial issue within the higher education sector, which is typically measured through policy-driven metrics such as the National Student Survey. However, less is understood about the qualities of a satisfying student experience ‘as lived’ from the perspective of the student, thus questioning the adequacy of such measures. In response to this, the current study used student-driven photographic elicitation as a means of more adequately capturing the holistic student experience. This entailed nine final-year undergraduate psychology students who each gathered a series of photos, which formed the basis for discussion in an interview. Thematic analysis of the narratives of the interview discussions revealed several main themes surrounding their experiences. These were: ‘Learning Environment’, ‘Work–Life Balance’ and ‘Wider University Community’. Findings are discussed with reference to the implications of student satisfaction, and national metrics used for measuring it, for institutional policies of recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

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