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Rolling my eyes, the sweat starts to form, In this kitchen they call a café, Turning my head, I' m falling again, With noone to catch me thi time, Words come in gasps, like souls in their flight, Filtered down through the air, Faces that stare with eyes that see through me. In this place where the lonely despair, tn con.., conversations, in con.., conversations.Alone in my room again, with the silence I can't bear, The telephone won't ring for me, But I don't really care, The city lights, the yellow dots, Like sirens without sound, Tempting me to venture out into the promised land:  相似文献   

1.um and aah支支吾吾A:Why do you always um and aah?你干吗总是支支吾吾的?B:I don’t know where she is indeed.我确实不知道她在哪儿。A:I don't believe you!我不相信你!B:Please,don't ask me again.请别再问我了。  相似文献   


雨啊你能否告诉我,太阳什么时候升起,月亮什么时候发光。因为我开始成长,把雨洒在我头上,让阳光照在我身上。让我成长,让我成长。Rain please tell me,When the sun shines,When the moon gives bright.Because I start to grow,Rain in my head,Sun light over my body.Let me grow,Let me grow.雨@世荣~~  相似文献   

一、在句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从句,它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表词从句和同位语从句。Whether he will come here or not is unimportant to me.(主语从句) I don′t know what he means.(宾语从句) I′m slad that you are here.(宾语从句用在形容词之后) The teacher is satisfied with what you have done.(介词宾语从句)  相似文献   

When I was six years old,I was very lovely,I had short hair,big eyes,small ears and a big mouth.One day,I was at my grandparents’house,there was a pool near their house,I saw some fish in the pool,I was very excited,I wanted to catch them,suddenly,I fell into the pool,"Ah"I shouted,my mum came to help me,it was too dangerous,from then on,I don’t catch fish any more.  相似文献   

One old Chinese poem says: "君从故乡来, 应知故乡事." Friends ask me the same question each time I come to Beijing to stay for a few days. Well, I hijacked1 the poem-my friends don’t really ask me that same question, but they ask me "君从他乡来, 应知他乡事"; they ask  相似文献   

1. Paranoid 有妄想症的 A: I really feel depressed lately. 我最近觉得很沮丧。 B: What happened? 怎么啦? A: I think my boss is about to sack me. 我觉得老板马上会炒我鱿鱼。 B: Oh, don’t be so paranoid, I am sure he won’t! 哦, 别那么胡思乱想啦, 我肯定他不会  相似文献   

I love rain! Rain is wonderful! Itbrings special things for us to see andhear. When I was little, I never wentoutside while it rained. My mother never let me. I would look out ofmy window and watch the rain come down. Sometimes children inraincoats would walk by. How I wished I could be outside, too! One summner I went to visit my uncle. There was a big woodsbehind his house. I could hardly wait to explore it. On the first morning I woke up very early. Then I heard it. Therain was beating on the roof and tapping at the windows. "Oh, no! It's raining. And I have to stay inside! " I said to  相似文献   

I’ve been dying to meet you.我非常非常想见到你。Every time I see you,you leave me out inthe cold.每次我见到你,你都不睬我。I only have eyes for you.我只在意你。If you don’t want to lose me,you’d betterlay it on the line.如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我吧。Tell me your story,I’m all ears.告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听。Someday,when your ship come in,you’llbuild your dream house.总有一天,当你有钱时,你会建造你梦想的家。I hope your idea takes wing.我希望你的想法成真。I wish that you would …  相似文献   

Who knows!天晓得!It is not a big deal!没什么了不起!How come...怎么回事,怎么搞的。Easy does it.慢慢来。Don’t push me.别逼我。Come on!快点,振作起来!Have a good of it.玩得很高兴。It is urgent.有急事。What is the fuss?吵什么?It doesn’t make any differences.没关系。Don't let me down.别让我失望。God works.上帝的安排。Don’t take ill of me.别生我气。Hope so.希望如此。Go down to business.言归正传。None of my business.不关我事。I’m not going.我不去了。Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?I do…  相似文献   

1.My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE AJOB WELL DONE. “If you’re going to kill each other,do it outside.I just finished cleaning.” 2.My mother taught me RELIGION. “You better pray that will come out of the carpet.” 3.My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. “If you don’t straighten up,I'm going to knockyou into the middle of next week!” 4.My mother taught me LOGIC.  相似文献   

1.excuse me和sorry excuse me主要用于向某人请教、询问或请示,如: Excuse me,may I come in?对不起,我可以进来吗? Excuse me,could you let me know your telephone number?对不起,能告诉我你的电话号码吗? Excuse me,may I ask you a question?对不起,我可以问你一个问题吗? sorry常用于由于失误或做错了事向对方道歉,如: I’m sorry that I didn’t come to class.对不起,我没来上课。  相似文献   

一、表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为:来吧;行啦。如: Come on,Lucy,come on.Don’t be so shy.来吧,露茜,来吧,别不好意思。 Come on,Bill,you call tell me,I won’t tell anybody.来吧,比尔,告诉我吧,我不会告诉别人的。二、用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点。如:  相似文献   

先看一下这样的两个句子:Certainly I don't teach because teaching is easy for me.Nor do I teach because I think I know answers,or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.当然,我之所以教书,并不是因为我觉得教书容易。  相似文献   

易婉 《今日中学生》2013,(10):25-26
6.How’s that?①用于征询意见:"你认为这个怎么样?"—There,the picture’s on the wall.How’s that?—I don’t think you’ve got it quite straight(挂得不太直).②用于提出疑问:"为什么?"—I’m not sure I’ll be able to come and visit you again.—How’s that?  相似文献   

尾灯“靠边停,”警察说。“你的车没有尾灯。”驾驶人走出来,朝车后看了看,站在那里全身发抖、说不出话来。“哦,没那么严重啦,”警察说。那人喃喃地说:“我担心的不是尾灯。我的老婆和拖车到哪儿去了?”Taillight“Pull over,”said the policeman.“You don’t have a taillight.”The driver stepped out,looked in back of the car,and stood quivering and speechless.“Oh,it’s not that bad,”said the policeman.The man mumbled,“It’s not the taillight I’m worried about.Where are my wife andtrailer?”快乐长寿的秘诀…  相似文献   

※ 单词拼写 ※ 1. I must a_____________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 2. In order to avoid the p______________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a European country in 1981. 3. He was too s_______________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend. 4. You’ve put me in a very a_____________ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 5. I am sorry that I was a____________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you sa…  相似文献   

我12岁的女儿放学回到家,发现我正躺在床上。“感觉不舒服吗,妈妈?”她关心地问到。“是的,不舒服。”我回答。“哦,你别担心晚饭,”她给我鼓劲说,“我会扶你到炉边的。”My12-year old daughter came from school and found me in bed.“Don!t you feel well,mom?”he asked with concern.“No,I don!t.”I said.“Well,don!t worry about dinner,”he reassured me.I will carry you downto the stove.”安慰@郑妍  相似文献   

<正>宾语从句是常用的语法知识,牢固树立以下五个意识可以更好地掌握它的用法,避免出现错误。一、从句意识宾语从句是在一个句子中充当宾语的从句,所以整个句子被称为复杂句,而宾语从句是这个句子的一个部分——宾语。如:I don’t think that Mary will come.我认为玛丽不回来了。“I don’t think that Mary will come.”这个句子为一个复杂句,其中“that Mary will come.”为宾语从句。  相似文献   

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