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Résumé A la suite de la réforme universitaire réalisée au Zare en 1971, les trois anciennes universités: l'Université Lovanium, l'Université officielle du Congo à Lubumbashi et l'Université libre du Congo `a Kisangani, sont devenues des campus universitaires et tous les instituts supérieurs regroupés en deux types, les instituts pédagogiques et les instituts techniques, furent rattachés aux facultés universitaires correspondantes.Une des fonctions que la Faculté des Sciences de l'Education devait assumer à la suite de cette réforme, était la formation d'enseignants qualifiés. Pour comprendre le rôle que doit jouer la Faculté d'Education dans le système de l'enseignement, il faut avoir des connaissances exactes sur le genre de formation exigée des enseignants, sur la situation réelle de leur qualification et sur leur nombre. Nous analyserons donc dans cet article, le système de la formation, les données actuelles sur les enseignants dans l'enseignement zairois aux niveauxprimaire, secondaire et supérieur.
As a result of the university reform of 1971, the 3 oldest Zaire universities, Lovanium, the University of the Congo at Lubumbashi, and the Free University of the Congo at Kisangani, became comprehensive universities. The institutions of further education, regrouped in two categories, teacher training colleges and technical institutes, became attached to the corresponding universities.One of the functions of the university faculty of education which this reform introduced was the further training of certified teachers. If we are to understand the future role of the faculties of education in the Zaire educational system, we must have data on the types of teacher training needed, on the current level of teacher qualifications, and the number of teachers. This paper gives an account of teacher training in Zaire and up-to-date data on teachers in primary, secondary and higher education.

Zusammenfassung Im Zuge der 1971 in Zaire durchgeführten Hochschulreform sind die drei alten Universitäten - die von Lovanium, die Universität des Kongo in Lubumbashi und die Freie Universität des Kongo in Kisangani - Gesamthochschulen geworden. Alle Fachhochschulen wurden in zwei Kategorien neu zusammengefasst, nämlich pädagogische und technische Institute, und diese jeweils den entsprechenden Fakultäten der Universitäten angeschlossen.Dieser Reform zufolge sollte es mit zu den Aufgaben der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft gehören, die Weiterbildung qualifizierter Lehrer durchzuführen. Um die künftige Rolle der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft im Rahmen des Bildungs-systems zu verstehen, bedarf es genauer Kenntnisse von den Anforderungen, die an die Lehrerausbildung gestellt werden, vom gegenwärtigen Bildungsstand der Lehrer und von deren Zahl. Deshalb werden in diesem Aufsatz das Ausbildungssystem und die augenblicklichen Gegebenheiten für die Lehrer im Unterrichtswesen von Zaire untersucht und zwar auf allen Stufen: Grundschule, Sekundarschule und Hochschule.

AN EXPLORATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL RESILIENCE OF TEACHING STAFF – This study focuses on the degree of resilience displayed by teaching staff with the aim of promoting their professional development and preventing job-related exhaustion. Seven underprivileged schools in Montreal were selected, and 24 teaching staff with contrasting personal profiles were interviewed on the subject of their work. The Alceste software was used to analyse the conversations, which revolved around techniques applied when dealing with critical incidents. The main analysis identified five different discourses among the respondents. Three of these were associated with the more resilient of the teachers and two were associated with the more vulnerable ones. Resilient teaching staff characteristically discussed dealing with aggressive behaviour, the teaching-learning relationship and the subject of social relationships, whereas vulnerable teaching staff focused on work beyond the classroom, people in positions of higher authority and the community. The authors note that teachers who are just embarking on their careers appear more vulnerable than more experienced teaching staff, which suggests that more resources should be provided to support teachers in their profession.  相似文献   

AN EXPLORATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL RESILIENCE OF TEACHING STAFF – This study focuses on the degree of resilience displayed by teaching staff with the aim of promoting their professional development and preventing job-related exhaustion. Seven underprivileged schools in Montreal were selected, and 24 teaching staff with contrasting personal profiles were interviewed on the subject of their work. The Alceste software was used to analyse the conversations, which revolved around techniques applied when dealing with critical incidents. The main analysis identified five different discourses among the respondents. Three of these were associated with the more resilient of the teachers and two were associated with the more vulnerable ones. Resilient teaching staff characteristically discussed dealing with aggressive behaviour, the teaching-learning relationship and the subject of social relationships, whereas vulnerable teaching staff focused on work beyond the classroom, people in positions of higher authority and the community. The authors note that teachers who are just embarking on their careers appear more vulnerable than more experienced teaching staff, which suggests that more resources should be provided to support teachers in their profession.  相似文献   

L'auteur décrit son expérience de travail avec le système informatique logo au niveau de l'école primaire. LOGO est évidemment un outil très puissant mais il pose la question quant à une formation appropriée des enseignants et pour son utilisation.

The author describes his experience of working with the LOGO computer language at Primary level. LOGO is clearly a very powerful tool but its very power raises major questions about its use and about an appropriate training for teachers.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude d'une seconde langue étrangère en Israël, et particulièrement l'étude du français, est dans la plupart des cas, réservée aux élèves qui obtiennent de bons résultats dans les tests d'aptitude à l'apprentissage d'une première langue étrangère et de bons résultats dans l'étude de cette première langue (l'anglais).Beaucoup d'élèves, enfants d'immigrants d'Afrique du Nord, obtiennent des résultats peu élevés dans les tests d'aptitude mais sont fortement motivés à apprendre le français. Nous avons voulu tester l'hypothèse que la motivation et l'attitude personnelle à l'égard du français et de la culture française jouent un rôle important chez un grand nombre d'élèves israëliens. Notre étude vérifie l'importance de ces deux facteurs dans l'apprentissage du français, seconde langue étrangère.
The study of a second foreign language in Israel, and in particular the study of French, is most frequently restricted to those pupils who get good results in aptitude tests for learning a first foreign language, and good results in the study of that first language (English).Many pupils, children of immigrants from North Africa, obtain poor results in the aptitude tests, but are strongly motivated to learn French. We wished to test the hypothesis that motivation and personal attitude towards French language and culture play an important part in the case of a large number of Israeli pupils. Our study bears out the importance of these two factors in the learning of French as a second foreign language.

Zusammenfassung In Israel bleibt das Erlernen einer zweiten Fremdsprache, insbesondere des Französischen, grösstenteils solchen Schülern vorbehalten, die in Fähigkeitstesten für das Lernen einer ersten Fremdsprache (English) sowie in deren Studium gute Resultate erzielen.Viele Schüler aus nordafrikanischen Immigrantenfamilien schneiden bei den Fähigkeitstests schlecht ab, sind jedoch stark motiviert, Französich zu lernen. Ein Test der Hypothese, dass Motivation und persönliche Einstellung zur französischen Sprache und Kultur bei einer grossen Anzahl israelischer Schüler eine wichtige Rolle spielen, hat die Bedeutung dieser beiden Faktoren für das Erlernen des Französischen als zweiter Fremdsprache bestätigt.

Swiss policy vis-à-vis children of migrant workers has two objectives: promoting their integration in the Swiss educational system and permitting to a certain extent, efforts to preserve their linguistic and cultural identity. The authors analyse the policy measures and their educational objectives for each stage of education.  相似文献   

笔者在对阿拉善盟未利用地资源开发利用现状、动态变化和存在的主要问题进行深入分析的基础上,探讨了阿拉善盟未利用地资源开发利用的成熟经验,提出了阿拉善盟未利用地资源开发利用的合理化建议。通过研究发现:阿拉善盟未利用地开发利用的生态环境影响评价常常被忽视,造成了不同程度的生态环境破坏。在用地政策上,没有相应的技术支持和标准,且优惠政策少,规划管理依据不足。使用土地的相关税费、价款等优惠政策力度不够,无法弥补未利用地相对于耕地的开发成本差额,致使用地者开发利用未利用地的积极性不高。在今后利用过程中需加强未利用地资源调查、评价与监测;编制规划、研制标准,规范未利用地开发利用的程序、规模和时序,达到未利用地开发利用的环境影响、生态保护和节约集约利用。  相似文献   

NATURAL SCIENCES IN KINDERGARTEN: A SOCIO-COGNITIVE FRAMEWORK FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING – The present study presents a socio-cognitive framework for the construction of the scientific knowledge of natural phenomena among pre-school children and for the development of science activities at kindergarten. It involves elements from theories of social interaction; social psychology of development and cognitive functioning; and research in natural-science teaching methods which acknowledge the importance and fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognitive operations and learning. The study also presents some of the more significant results of the research carried out on different aspects of this topic. The discussion unfolded here supports the hypothesis that the construction of natural-scientific knowledge at the pre-school age and corresponding scholastic activities are necessary and effective.  相似文献   

Conclusion Les limites de cet article ne permettent de tirer que quelques conclusions d'ordre très général. On peut remarquer tout d'abord que ces opérations demeurent trop peu connues et que l'ignorance tant de leurs caractéristiques que de leurs résultats pédagogiques, ne permet pas d'effacer les opinions négatives erronées qui continuent à être émises à leur sujet. Elles ont mis en évidence le bien fondé d'une approche globalisante, considérant la mise en place d'un véritable système original (et non l'adjonction au système traditionnel d'un élément supplémentaire, comme ce fut presque toujours le cas dans les pays du Nord), fondé sur l'usage de longues séries d'émissions, cohérentes et à fort taux de redondance. Elles ont enfin relevé l'importance déterminante du ‘facteur humain’ à tous les niveaux de l'entreprise qu'il s'agisse de l'adhésion des divers publics concernés, de la cohésion d'équipes, ou, problème qui ne fut jamais résolu convenablement, de la formation des nouveaux spécialistes requis par ces projets.  相似文献   

A survey of achievement in primary education in the Ivory Coast shows that the results of girls are inferior to those of boys in all subjects and at all levels of schooling. Concerning the learning of French (the language of instruction in the Ivory Coast), the situation differs from that observed in a number of industrialised countries, where the performance of girls is generally superior to that of boys in subjects linked to language learning. On the other hand, it conforms to the situation observed in other developing countries, where boys most frequently show superior results. This pattern of results suggests that the differences in achievement between the sexes are of a cultural origin. Analysis of factors associated with these differences in the Ivory Coast seems to confirm this hypothesis:
  • -First, society in the Ivory Coast attaches less importance to the educational achievements of girls than of boys. Girls go to school less often than boys or leave school more readily than boys. They less often express the desire to continue their studies beyond the primary school.
  • -Secondly, girls leave the circle of female members of the family (mother, aunts) less and have fewer opportunities to speak French outside school than boys. The latter speak more French ‘with their father’ (who himself is more likely to have been at school than the mother) or with ‘their friends in the street’.
  • -Finally, the education which girls receive, itself imposes a certain reserve (not to speak too much, not to make oneself stand out) which generates a passive attitude in class: girls begin to speak less, make fewer voluntary contributions, ask fewer questions and are more often reckoned to be ‘timid’ by their teachers. In classrooms in the Ivory Coast, where education is highly ‘oral’, this expresses itself in a probably significant reduction of girls’ ‘actual time of involvement in learning’ (time-on-task).
  •   相似文献   

    In this Article, we examine primary teachers’interpretation of their pupils’ productions in mathematics. We study the changes in teachers’ interpretation as they were taking place during discussions on pupils’ productions and the influence of the interpretation on the teachers’ choice of intervention in class. Six seminars, betwen one researcher and 21 teachers from the same school, revealed the elements that contributed to the interpretative process. These elements allowed to describe five “milieux” to which teachers are sensitive as they interpret pupils productions. The results bring a better understanding of the origins of teachers’ attribution of causes to pupils mistakes and of their preferred interventions with pupils who experience learning difficulties. The results suggest how changes in interpretation transform interventions and what conditions are necessary to initiate these changes.  相似文献   

    YOUTH LITERATURE IN THE CONTEXT OF PEDAGOGIC AND LITERARY NORMS: THE FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES OF AFRICA – There are two approaches to children’s and youth literature, one didactic, the other aesthetic. This gives rise to the following question: taking into account the fact that children’s literature aspires to be a literary form in its own right, should more weight be attibuted to its aesthetic value when evaluating it? This paper examines this question – which has in the past been the subject of highly controversial discussions in the German-speaking regions – by focusing on youth literature in the French-speaking coutries of Africa. The pedagogic dimension cannot be ignored when considering this literary context because it is so much a part of the post-colonial dynamic. Youth literature in the French-speaking countries of Africa echoes current realities. Examples are used to demonstrate how literature can deal with vital questions without neglecting the literary aspect.  相似文献   

    Sans résumé
    Models for special education

    Modelle Für Die Sondererziehung

    Conseiller permanent au Ministère de l'Education nationale, Paris  相似文献   

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