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A recent development in English teaching in Russia is the emergence of private online language-tutoring schools, which offer one-on-one lessons by means of audio/videoconferencing. It remains unclear: (1) how these new providers of educational services are presenting themselves to the potential learners; (2) what ideology they tend to drawn on and (3) whether there is sufficient similarity to conceptualise these websites as exemplars of the same genre. This paper employs the tools of critical discourse analysis (CDA), Genre Theory and Appraisal within the Systemic Functional Linguistics to study the language of 17 websites of private online language schools. The study aims to investigate whether the websites exhibit similar discourse and ideology and whether they might belong to the same ‘genre prototype’. The analysis reveals a considerable thematic, structural and rhetorical similarity between the websites and a high presence of neoliberal ideology.  相似文献   

Collocations are word combinations essential for achieving fluency in a given language. Considerable emphasis should therefore be placed on teaching collocations as a part of vocabulary instruction in language teaching. However, there is no current consensus on how best to teach collocations, and few studies have addressed the issue. This quasi-experimental study investigated the effectiveness of online tools for learning English adjective-noun collocations compared to learning collocations via traditional activities. A quasi-experimental design with a pretest and immediate and delayed posttests was applied to 53 participants (n = 25 for the control group; n = 28 for the experimental group). The test results reveal that participants in the experimental group who learned collocations with online tools performed significantly better on both immediate and delayed posttests, demonstrating the effectiveness of these tools on learning adjective-noun collocations.  相似文献   

英语歌曲在交际法英语教学中是一种非常重要的教学手段,为语言教师提供了大量丰富多彩的语言材料,他们不仅能用于有目的的语言训练,而且可以最大程度地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生主动的参与英语语言学习的意识。  相似文献   

杨秋灵 《双语学习》2007,(11M):14-14,16
Critical Language Awareness (CLA) is an approach to language teaching based on a critical sociocultural theory of language and critical discourse analysis. CLA has a great relationship with English language teaching, but there are few articles talking about it. So the author here will present her understanding of the relationship between CLA and English language.  相似文献   

尹朦 《中国现代教育装备》2011,(15):118-119,133
计算机辅助语言教学可以为学生提供更多的感性材料,创造生动的语言学习环境。计算机辅助语言教学模式改革了教学结构,优化了教学过程,提高了教学质量,有助于取得最佳的教学效果。同时,计算机辅助语言学习也有其自身的局限性,针对这一问题提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

Despite the substantial amount of work which has been conducted into teachers’ research engagement in mainstream education, this topic has been awarded scant attention in the field of English language teaching. This paper presents the results of a survey representing the first stage of multi-method investigation of research engagement in ELT. Moderate levels of reading and doing research were reported by the sample studied here, and this level of research engagement is analysed in relation to two key factors also examined in the survey: teacher's conceptions of research and their perceptions of the institutional research culture.  相似文献   

互联网使网上即时交际成为现实,网上聊天为人们提供了一种崭新的交际方式。本从语言学的角度出发,用会话分析的方法对网上英语聊天室进行了分析。发现网上会话在话轮替换、毗邻话对等方面呈现出与面对面交际不同的特点。  相似文献   

英语阅读教学,应注重发挥学生的主体性,培养学生的综合素质与实际运用能力。然而,当前有一部分幼师专科院校的英语阅读教学局限于传统教学方法,让学生在课堂上被动汲取知识营养,课堂气氛有点"沉闷",可想而知其英语教学效果不佳。本文结合任务型教学法理论,分析了当前幼师专科英语阅读教学现状,思考如何在阅读教学中有效运用任务型教学法,以期为幼师专科英语阅读教学的提高提供理论参考。  相似文献   

冯涛 《文教资料》2006,(10):171-172
文章通过对体态语的介绍,提出教师应帮助学生掌握所学语言的文化背景知识。在英语课堂上教师应该合理、有效地运用体态语,同时应有意识地培养学生的体态语交际能力与技巧,从而提高其跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

任务型英语教学法浅析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
任务型教学法是交际框架下的一种英语教学方法,是交际教学思想的进一步发展。它主张语言教学要面向全体学生,注重人人参与,使学生真正成为学习活动的主宰者和决策者。在课堂教学中强调学习者之间的互动性和合作性,鼓励学生通过做事来学习语言、掌握语言。它体现了现代英语教学的新思想、新观念,为中国英语教学开拓了一条新思路。  相似文献   

本文所研究的对象是将英语作为外语的学生.那么,这一类的学生应该学什么?这是一个十分重要的问题. 以英语作为外语的学生是否要和说本族语言的人一样?如果是,他的发音是否也要象说本族语的人一样?他应该学习点什么?除了听、说、读、写四项主要的技能,他是否还需要一些其它的技能?等等,让我们首先将目光放到学生应该学的教学大纲的类型上.  相似文献   

越来越多的人学习英语,但大部分人学的是哑巴英语。只会听,而不会说。笔者介绍了交互性教学在口语中的应用,介绍了小组学习法、辩论法、角色扮演等不同方法,这些方法对学习者口语能力的提升有很大地帮助。  相似文献   

任务型语言教学在商务英语教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商务英语教学目标是培养学生在商务场景中运用语言进行交际的能力。任务型语言教学提倡“做中学”,强调在交流与合作中提高学生的语言能力。因此,任务型语言教学的应用,有助于实现商务英语的教学目标。本文根据对任务型语言教学的认识,以实例阐述了任务型语言教学在商务英语教学中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes how collaborative online projects (COPs) are used to facilitate science content-area learning for English Learners of Hispanic origin. This is a Mexico-USA partnership project funded by the National Science Foundation. A COP is a 10-week thematic science unit, completely online, and bilingual (Spanish and English) designed to provide collaborative learning experiences with culturally and linguistically relevant science instruction in an interactive and multimodal learning environment. Units are integrated with explicit instructional lessons that include: (a) hands-on and laboratory activities, (b) interactive materials and interactive games with immediate feedback, (c) animated video tutorials, (d) discussion forums where students exchange scientific learning across classrooms in the USA and in Mexico, and (e) summative and formative assessments. Thematic units have been aligned to U.S. National Science Education Standards and are under current revisions for alignment to the Common Core State Standards. Training materials for the teachers have been integrated into the project website to facilitate self-paced and independent learning. Preliminary findings of our pre-experimental study with a sample of 53 students (81 % ELs), distributed across three different groups, resulted in a 21 % statistically significant points increase from pretest to posttest assessments of science content learning, t(52) = 11.07, p = .000.  相似文献   

中国经济发展,对大学生的英语水平提出了新要求。三本院校作为特色的群体,其英语教学必须改革。本文将从教学教材角度探讨三本院校大学英语教学改革。  相似文献   

培养学生的创新能力是教育工作的基本方向。实行创新教育首先要转变教育观念,并将其渗透到所有的教学活动中。造就要求教育工作者选则适当方法,营造创新氛围,培养发散思维,创设想象情景,选择恰当的教学方法是将创新意识融入英语教学的重要方法。本文就此类问题追行了初步研究和探讨并追行了实践和总结。  相似文献   

语料库是近年来新兴的一种语言学习资源,其最大特点是语言的自然真实性。英语语料库这种新型教学学习资源将对我国英语教学中的语法教学、词汇教学、学生语言错误分析和学生自主学习等方面产生积极的影响和推动作用。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中,教师和学生将自己的内部世界外化时,即互动时,所发出的声音和文字发挥着极其重要的作用。但是,在现实的表达过程和言语交际过程中,语言表达却存在着一定的局限性,有时难以收到老师期望的教学效果。  相似文献   

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