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This study aimed to initially explore the possibility of helping front-line teachers to integrate the principles of self-regulated learning (SRL) into Chinese reading instruction in a 1-year collaborative project. A total of 197 Secondary 3 students and 6 Chinese language teachers from a secondary school in Hong Kong participated in the study. The findings of quantitative and qualitative data in this study generally support the feasibility of incorporating the elements of SRL in Chinese reading instruction. Students improved their comprehension performance, intrinsic motivation, strategic knowledge, and strategy use after this learning experience. Teachers also expressed positive attitudes towards the new instruction and made constructive changes on the instructional materials and activities. However, the study found teachers' traditional beliefs might affect theimplementation of SRL instruction. The implications of these findings for understanding Chinese students' capacity for SRL and planning effective reading instruction to enhance their SRL abilities are discussed.  相似文献   

从自主的角度考虑,学习策略应用的关键在于调控技能。如何让学生具备对学习过程及自我意识的调控,拟以《花的话》的学习为例,探讨提高学生自主阅读理解能力的策略和实践指导的方法。  相似文献   

本研究在学业不良大学生学习问题成因调查结果基础上,依据自主性学习理论,自行设计学业不良大学生自主性学习能力开发模式.经实验证实该模式对学业不良大学生自主性学习能力提升有良好效果,能有效促进学业问题改善.  相似文献   

In order to self-regulate, students need to honestly reflect on their learning and to take appropriate corrective action. A simple procedure to cultivate student skills in self-regulated learning, known as the Task Evaluation and Reflection Instrument for Student Self-Assessment (TERISSA) is discussed in this paper. TERISSA guides students through two evaluations of the complexity of a task: the first is undertaken just before solving the task and the second straight after completing the task. This study involved 63 undergraduate students and observed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.007) in performance between the students who did (6.1/10) and did not (4.1/10) use TERISSA during tutorials leading up to an assessment task.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relative stability and variability of self-regulated learning (SRL) in kindergartners across various contexts (teacher-directed activities, small-group work, and independent work). They assessed the role of temperament and context on children's use of SRL while seeking to identify if there are optimal contexts for promoting SRL in particular children. The results revealed that although temperament was not related to SRL, children's regulation strategy usage was heavily dependent on context, contradicting the idea that children are either high or low self-regulators. The relative stability of SRL varied by child, with some children showing more sensitivity to context than did others. Optimal contexts for eliciting SRL also differed by children, with some children exhibiting elevated regulation during small-group activities and others during teacher-directed activities.  相似文献   

For many decades, teacher-structured hands-on simulations have been used in education mainly for developing procedural and technical skills. Stimulating contemporary learning outcomes suggests more constructivist approaches. The aim of this study is to examine how self-regulated learning (SRL), an important constructivist learning environment characteristic, is expressed in hands-on simulations. Via structured observations of teachers’ SRL promoting strategies and students’ SRL strategies in eight hands-on simulations, along the three phases of SRL, this study is the first to expose whether students and teachers use SRL in hands-on simulations, what these strategies look like and what their quality is. The results show that both students and teachers demonstrate SRL behaviour in the forethought, performance and reflection phase to some extent, but that they vary considerably in their occurrences, form and quality and provide opportunities for improvement. For example, teacher strategies ‘modelling’ and ‘scaffolding’ were often used, while ‘giving attribution feedback’ and ‘evaluation’ were lacking. The student strategy ‘proposing methods for task performance’ was used regularly, while ‘goal-setting’ and ‘self-monitoring’ were often absent. An overview shows exemplary teacher and student behaviours in the SRL phases with lower, medium and higher quality in hands-on simulations.  相似文献   

生态学习观从整体性、适应性和多元性的角度来审视学习,认为学习是对环境的感知和作用于环境的行为之间互动的结果.自主学习者是有意图的信息探测者,是主动的、相互交流的、善于反思的、情境性的学习者,他具有自组织性、情境适应性和学习多样性等生态特征.学习共同体的构成与特征揭示了其就是最有利于自主学习者成长的外层环境.从学校、班级和学生的层面看,促进自主学习者成长的措施包括设置多元化的课程、构建学习共同体以及培育学习者的自我调节能力.  相似文献   

This article reports on analyses of the instructional practices of six middle- and high-school science teachers in the United States who participated in a research-practice partnership that aims to support reform science education goals at scale. All six teachers were well qualified, experienced, and locally successful—respected by students, parents, colleagues, and administrators—but they differed in their success in supporting students' three-dimensional learning. Our goal is to understand how the teachers' instructional practices contributed to their similarities in achieving local success and to differences in enabling students' learning, and to consider the implications of these findings for research-practice partnerships. Data sources included classroom videos supplemented by interviews with teachers and focus students and examples of student work. We also compared students' learning gains by teacher using pre–post assessments that elicited three-dimensional performances. Analyses of classroom videos showed how all six teachers achieved local success—they led effectively managed classrooms, covered the curriculum by teaching almost all unit activities, and assessed students' work in fair and efficient ways. There were important differences, however, in how teachers engaged students in science practices. Teachers in classrooms where students achieved lower learning gains followed a pattern of practice we describe as activity-based teaching, in which students completed investigations and hands-on activities with few opportunities for sensemaking discussions or three-dimensional science performances. Teachers whose students achieved higher learning gains combined the social stability characteristic of local classroom success with more demanding instructional practices associated with scientific sensemaking and cognitive apprenticeship. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research-practice partnerships, highlighting how partnerships need to support all teachers in achieving both local and standards-based success.  相似文献   

探讨大学物理教学中激发学生内在和外在学习动机的途径,以期通过激发维持学生自主学习的动机,提高学生学习物理的主动性和积极性,从而提高大学物理教学效率。  相似文献   

网上教学资源要满足学员开展自主化学习的需要并体现教师网上导学的作用,应着重从以下四个方面进行网上教学资源建设:强调“个性化”服务,引导学员自主学习;优化网上教学资源,激发学员学习热情;丰富交互手段,发挥导学作用;加强媒体应用管理,保障网上资源建设。  相似文献   

Learning persistence in a cyber-learning environment is not only an index determining the success or failure of individual learners but also a source of important information to establish the management direction of educational programs in an organization. Accordingly, learners need to be motivated to continue to grow in order to ensure both qualitative improvement and quantitative growth of cyber learning. However, previous research on successful and continuous learning has considered the factors relevant to learning persistence independently from satisfaction and only investigated the correlation and prediction, rather than examining the comprehensive causal relationships. Accordingly, the current study established self-regulated learning as an exogenous variable, and learning flow, satisfaction, and learning persistence as endogenous variables. We investigated the structural causal relationships among these variables by using structural equation model (SEM). We collected data from 594 students in W Cyber University and conducted surveys regarding self-regulated learning, flow, satisfaction, and learning persistence. In the study results, the self-regulated learning ability of cyber-university students directly affected learning flow (β = .420), learning flow directly affected satisfaction, and learning flow (β = .464) and satisfaction (β = .354) directly affected learning persistence. The SEM results showed that learning flow intermediated between self-regulated learning ability and satisfaction and between self-regulated learning ability and learning persistence. In addition, satisfaction intermediated between learning flow and learning persistence. In the concluding remarks, we suggest the necessary strategies for planning and managing a successful learning process for effective cyber education.  相似文献   


Despite the theoretical argument and empirical evidence regarding the impact of self- assessment on academic achievement and self-regulated learning (SRL), the mechanism for this impact is understudied. The present study aimed to investigate the characteristics of self-assessment practices at different SRL phases and its relationship with academic achievement. Using a course assignment as the learning task, sixty-three students enrolled in a one-year master programme in a teacher education institute responded to an instrument assessing their self-assessment practices (including four self-assessment actions) at the SRL Preparatory, Performance and Appraisal phases of the task. Their final scores of the assignment were also collected. The results showed that self-assessment is a fundamental skill for SRL and occurs at each SRL phase with different patterns. Autoregressive relationships were found for all self-assessment actions between different SRL phases. Self-reflection at Performance phase was found to influence feedback seeking at Appraisal phase. Self-directed feedback seeking through monitoring at Performance phase was the strongest and positive predictor of academic achievement; and achievement had negative impact on all self-assessment actions at Appraisal phase. This study may assist educators and researchers to better understand the complexity of self-assessment in relation to learning process.  相似文献   

Using Schatzki’s practices framework as a lens, this paper reports on the practices of university students accessing learning resources at a research-intensive university in South Africa. Using a mixed-methods approach, 1001 survey responses and 6 focus groups were analysed to explore how students in three professional disciplines access learning resources, with the focus on digitally mediated piracy practices. The findings suggest a blurring between the legal and the illegal and indicate the normalcy of piracy practices, with nuanced distinctions and understandings manifest.  相似文献   

概念图应用、自主学习及其教学设计均是当前教育技术领域的研究热点。通过一种“教师导学→小组自主探究→学生自主绘制→小组汇总概念图→教师总结评价”的自主学习教学设计和教学实践发现:用概念图作为教学设计工具,能够较好地发挥自主学习的特征,有效实现自主学习目的,促使学生产生有意义学习。概念图工具与自主学习方法可以在教学中得到完满的结合。  相似文献   

Measurement is a central issue for the self-regulated learning (SRL) field as SRL is a phenomenon difficult to measure in a reliable and valid way. Here, 3 waves in the history of SRL measurement are identified and profiled. Our focus lies on the third and newest one, which combines measurement and intervention within the same tools. The basis for this approach is located in the reactivity principle via students’ self-monitoring: when students are aware of their actions, they can react and change what is needed. That happens when the measurement tools promote students' self-monitoring which turn part of the intervention then. Examples of this new approach to SRL measurement and guidelines for implementing it are presented.  相似文献   

This article argues that action learning has been incorporated into the Chinese administrative system because of a functional need for Western learning technology. This finding contrasts with those presented in the existing literature, which assert that Western practices have only been partially implemented, if implemented at all, because they were selected to serve certain political objectives. Therefore, this paper presents a different picture of Chinese governance, showing that it is not exclusively driven by political considerations but rather respectfully drawn to Western expertise and open to accommodating foreign ideas in order to update existing administrative knowledge. For practitioners, the findings suggest that, if a Western practice can serve major reform objectives and smoothly function within the constraints of the political ideology of the Chinese Communist Party and if its effectiveness is convincingly demonstrated, the practice can be accepted to improve the functioning of the system, and it can thus have a true impact on Chinese administrative governance.

本文认为,由于中国对西方的学习方法的功能需求,行动学习已被纳入中国的行政体系。这一发现与现有文献中提出的结论形成鲜明对比:现有文献认为,出于某些政治目的,西方实践被有选择性地施行。因此,本文提出了一个关于中国政府实施西方实践的不同的论点,表明中国政府在行政管理方面对西方实践的施行,不是完全由政治考虑所驱动,而是由于中国政府出于谦恭的态度被西方的专业知识所吸引,并愿意接受外国的思想,以更新现有的行政知识。研究结果表明,如果西方实践能够服务于重大的改革目标,并在中国共产党的政治意识形态约束下顺利运作,且其所展示出的价值令人信服,则其价值本身就会被中国政府所认同和接受,并且它因此而影响了中国政府的行政管理。  相似文献   

Portfolio assessment (PA) has been extensively adopted for writing development in the past three decades. Much research on PA primarily investigates students’ and teachers’ perceptions of its benefits, and how it influences students’ motivation and general writing abilities. Despite its purported effectiveness, not much has been done to understand the relationship between PA and self-regulated learning (SRL) especially in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) writing research. This paper contends that PA can productively foster SRL in EFL writing classrooms, and, more specifically, it develops a conceptual model of SRL within the context of writing portfolios and iterative feedback processes. Supporting evidence emphasising how PA can facilitate SRL is discussed and evaluated. The paper ends with six recommendations and implications proposing how SRL can be promulgated in EFL portfolio-based contexts. Finally, possible future research is suggested.  相似文献   

在基于计算机网络的大学英语自主学习中,教师角色要转变为管理者,要加强对学生的日常管理和有效指导,要着力培养学生的信息素养,并提高学生的自我效能感。  相似文献   

鉴于国内迄今为止尚没有专门用于测量自主学习的工具,无法对学生的自主学习能力是否改善作出直接、准确的评价,影响实验结果的科学解释和说明。有鉴于此,本文试图首先编制一份大学生自主性学习量表,以此作为评估自主学习的工具,并为以后的实验研究做准备。本文把自主学习分为7个维度,每个维度又包括若干次级维度,由此编制出分量表和总表。实证研究部分的结果表明,大学生自主性学习量表具有较好的信度和效度,可以初步用于测评大学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of web-enabled pedagogies on students' involvement in learning. A series of quasi-experiments were conducted to investigate whether students' involvement increases over time if intervened, respectively, by problem-based learning (PBL), self-regulated learning (SRL), and their combinations. Two classes of 102 first-year students at a vocational school in a one-semester course were chosen for this empirical study. The results were generally supportive. The authors further discuss the implications for schools, scholars, and teachers engaged in e-learning.  相似文献   

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