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This study examined the extent to which teaching practices and teaching experience predict mathematics skills of children’s in the third through fifth grade by focusing on three cognitive components: (1) knowing facts and procedures, (2) applying this knowledge and (3) using reasoning. This study was longitudinal. The data was collected from 1810 students and 90 teachers attending Estonian- and Russian-speaking schools. The students’ were tested twice, at the beginning of the third and at the beginning of the fifth grade. The teachers were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing their teaching practices. The results revealed that teachers from Estonian-speaking and Russian-speaking schools’ classrooms differed in their use of teaching practices and teaching experience. Teachers in Russian-speaking schools were slightly more experienced, and they reported using more teacher-centred practices compared to teachers in Estonian-speaking schools. The study showed different effects on the outcomes of the children attending classrooms where the study language was Estonian and Russian in solving arithmetic word problems when accounting for the teachers’ use of different learner-centred teaching practices in the classroom.  相似文献   

利奥塔以语言游戏方法 探讨合法化问题。他对语言游戏的独特理解体现于两条原 则即游戏的竞技特性和语言的社会关系特性。从哲学史、科学史和逻辑发展史角度看,语言 游戏显现为现代理性认识的必然替代物。游戏是前苏格拉底的希腊假设。科学语言的出现和 自身分离,导致科学与叙事(社会)的矛盾。一方面,科学向叙事提出合法化要求;另一方面 ,科学又必须借助叙事才能使自身合法化。因此,真理和正义是合法化问题不可分割的两个 方面。后现代社会不能延续现代大叙事的合法化模式。但又必然借助叙事,那就是小叙事。 小叙事的特点由paralogie表征,正如大叙事的特点由métadiscours(元话语)表征一样。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of education reforms in Estonia in the 1990s on adult skills using the OECD PIAAC surveys. Estonia implemented extensive education reforms in the early 1990s throughout Estonian-speaking schools while Russian-speaking schools were exposed to less comprehensive reforms, which were implemented later. A large minority of Estonia’s population at the time was enrolled in Russian-speaking schools providing a unique opportunity to measure the impact of education reforms on literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills among adults by comparing improvements in PIAAC performance among Estonian and Russian speakers. Difference-in-difference estimation suggests that the reforms led to an adult skill dividend of around 15 to 30 percent of a standard deviation. This translates to a wage (productivity) premium of around 5 to 12 percent.  相似文献   

甘肃汉语方言声韵调及特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雒鹏 《西北师大学报》2001,38(2):120-125
甘肃汉语方言(以下简称"甘肃方言")属官话方言西北官话.按古入声字的今调类,甘肃方言内部可分为中原官话、兰银官话、西南官话三大片;按地理及内部特征,甘肃方言可分为八个小片.甘肃方言声母一般是24个;韵母一般是32个;调类有些方言是3个,有些方言是4个.甘肃方言声韵调跟中古音系、北京音系都有对应关系.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the link between the orthographic transparency of a language and the ease or difficulty of acquiring spelling proficiency in that language. The two languages compared are English, with a highly irregular sound-to-print correspondence, and Estonian, a Finno-Ugric language that has one of the most highly regular sound-to-print matches among alphabetic languages. Our study finds Estonian students able to use their early knowledge of stable letter-sound correspondence to attain a high level of spelling proficiency as early as first grade. English students progress more slowly along a predictable pattern of acquiring proficiency based on increasingly more difficult word features. The final indication is that progress in spelling is highly dependent on the orthographic depth of the language being studied.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that Nigeria has at least 400 indigenous languages in addition to English, Arabic and Pidgin. The Nigerian language space contains a variety of microcultures and many traditional ethnolinguistic groups. Due to the extremely complex and complicated linguistic ecology, successive governments have found it difficult to take a bold and clear policy position on languages within the country. The boldest policy statements yet are those in the 1979 Constitution and in the National Policy on Education. When read in conjunction, the provisions lead to the conclusion that government recognizes Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba as the three major languages which have official recognition. No clear statements are made on the other languages, a situation that has engendered a feeling of alienation and frustration in speakers of those languages. This paper will look at the antecedents of these policies, the tensions generated by them and the implications of language practices in education in different parts of Nigeria, as well as the psychological effects of belonging to major or minor language groups within the country.  相似文献   

Immigrant women to Canada face unique challenges in gaining mastery of English or French, the country’s two official languages. The study focuses on differences among women with respect to pre-migration and post-migration characteristics that position them differently with respect to language learning in the social contexts where they assert their immigrant identity. This study examines issues in language acquisition among adult immigrant women and their strategies to improve language skills within four years of arrival, using nationally representative data from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC). The study shows that older women, less educated women, and some immigration class groups (i.e., spouse/dependents, family class, refugees) have lower language proficiency at arrival and less chances to improve. Since immigrant women represent a heterogeneous group in terms of pre-migration language skills and access to language learning, adequate language learning support is required to facilitate their effective integration in the Canadian society.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of language attitudes of Estonian secondary school students, ages 15 to 18, are presented, and the implications for the practice of language maintenance are discussed. The survey revealed that Estonian is valued as a token of identity but not much as a commodity in the sense of linguistic economy. It is argued that globalisation has changed the immediate communication domain from a national state level to a transnational level. Because of this global change, the traditional understanding of ethnolinguistic vitality may no longer be entirely adequate—the importance of subjective vitality factors gain importance over objective vitality factors. This means that in the near future, ideological issues concerning group identity become the key that determines which communities retain their language and which are to lose it.  相似文献   

This study is a critical examination of dominant beliefs in textbooks that impact students through constructed transmissions of the so-called normal American identity. A Beka textbooks are examined for findings that illustrate the dissemination of neutral language that is, in reality, charged with dominant ideologies that marginalize those living outside the parameters of the texts. The underlying themes point to the legitimization of the interests of the fundamentalist group as the authority of socio-cultural values and the consensual subordination of other groups. Informed by Freirean philosophy and praxis, the study is framed through a critical lens through which the underlying relationship between power and discourse is examined. As a means of bringing awareness of the inequity in textbooks, the use of dialogue and critique is discussed as a tool for interrupting the power of the dominant and as a trajectory for self-reflection and empowerment.  相似文献   

北宋前期的官、职、差遣分离制度在早期有很多学者研究,但大多语焉不详,且有很大的局限性:首先将官、职、差遣分离制局限于文官系统;再者对"官"的解释局限于"阶官";还有对"职"的解释又局限于"馆职"。其观点一直沿用至今,对后辈学者产生了深远的影响。对官、职、差遣分离制的原因及意义,公认为是君主集权的标志,这一点是毋庸置疑的。  相似文献   

隆林各族自治县是个多语地区。调查发现:语的使用者有扩大的趋势;仡佬族多数已转用汉语;西南官话是隆林各族人民的共同交际语;偏苗话是苗族六个支系的“普通话”。隆林县双语者占全县总人口的98%,壮语使用人口占全县总人口的62%。隆林各民族在本族内使用自己的语言,在社会上通用西南官话,但他们中的绝大多数人都主张在中小学使用汉语普通话教学。并且该县目前绝大多数中小学都已经用普通话教学。因此,可以预测,隆林县说普通话的人口将在5~10年内达到98%以上,成为与西南官话使用人口相等的第二共同交际语。  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which socially constructed notions of ‘language’, ‘social cohesion’ and ‘diversity’ create tensions within different educational arenas, particularly concerning educational policies developed at administrative levels and the subsequent interpretation of these policies in the classroom. Specifically, the article looks at the different production and reproduction processes of an official policy concerning ‘language and integration’, aimed at the immigrant population in Catalonian schools (Spain). The method used combines conversation analysis with text analysis of official documents in order to find traces of interdiscursivity between texts and practices. While the focus of the article is based on a case study of conceptualisations of languages, social cohesion and cultural diversity in two classrooms in Barcelona, it is generally relevant to the world of education, especially as the rate of population movements worldwide has increased significantly in recent years.  相似文献   

汉代是中国古代官学教师制度的初创时期。太学博士与郡国文学,既是官学教师,又是国家官吏,其教师身份尚不十分突出,对其选用、升迁已出现较为明确的制度规定。博士、文学秩卑而职尊,仕途通达,而官学教师不甘久典教职,这一特点在汉代已经显现。  相似文献   


This article examines the post-school pathways of Russian-speaking students in Ireland after completing secondary education; the importance of personal and institutional factors in shaping their transition process, and the role of parents and schools in achieving the post-school goals. The article draws on the qualitative exploratory study of 14 Russian-speaking migrant-origin students, to see how this group progresses beyond secondary schooling in the Irish education system. The study found that all participants had high educational aspirations. Most students achieved their desired first-choice post-school pathway, despite coming from a different linguistic and cultural background. The article points to a range of factors, which affect the post-school transition of migrant young people. The findings are discussed in light of Ireland’s liberal welfare state model with neo-liberal tendencies where those in positions of power can buy into the advantages of the more neo-liberal side of the regime.  相似文献   

李超 《海外英语》2014,(13):262-264
This paper discusses the current language education and issues in Hong Kong,The language apply maintain successfully the international and local identity needs in Hong Kong,both English and Cantonese are mainly in the different areas,meeting the different needs of various aspects of the mainstream language.Hong Kong was a multi-lingual region.English was the official language in more than one hundred years before Return;English enjoyed a dominant position in Hong Kong,where expression under the influence of English,Chinese and English code-switching is also very common.The Return of Hong Kong has a considerable influence to language phenomenon;greatly strengthen the importance of Mandarin.In this paper,from the Angle of social linguistics,this paper discusses the English position before and after Hong Kong's return to China,discussing economic,business,education,and other areas of the social development and changes of English status,and analyzes the Hong Kong residents for English,Cantonese and Mandarin language attitude.  相似文献   

赖尔对“官方学说”即认为人具有躯体和心灵两个实体的传统二元论提出激烈批评.通过逻辑分析方法,赖尔论证了谈论一个人的心灵就是谈论一个人的行为倾向的行为主义身心观.但波普尔认为把身心问题还原为语言逻辑学问题并不能解决身心问题;剻因则认为将心理语言还原为物理语言的俄法是不对的.赖尔对“官方”学说的批评,彻底摧毁了“官方学说”在身心问题上的统治地位,也开辟了身心问题的语言学逻辑,为身心问题的探讨提供了一种新的研究进路.  相似文献   

从教育、媒体和日常文化生活三个领域,综述了英语在我国的使用情况,以揭示英语在我国的地位,并据此对我国未来的语言环境做出展望.文章阐述了英语通过各种途径和媒介已经渗透到人们生活的方方面面,其强势地位对我国的民族语言——汉语——作为官方语言的地位形成威胁.但是,英语不可能取代汉语,汉语将以其博大包容的胸怀取英语语言之精华,丰富我国的语言和文化.  相似文献   

Jude Brady 《Literacy》2015,49(3):149-157
This paper examines the official requirement for the promotion of standard English using Bourdieu's concepts of the production and reproduction of legitimate language. It explores the political drive behind the demand for this standard dialect in England and, through a survey on the views of fifty‐two 14 and 15 year olds, analyses the impact that this is having on adolescent identities in an inner‐city London school. The students perceive non‐standard English as a vehicle through which they can express their ‘true’ selves and construct a collective teenage identity. They use language to construct a division between themselves as teenagers and the adult ‘others’. Although the students do not necessarily want to use non‐standard English in the classroom, or with their teachers, educators need to consider how to afford pupils access to the ‘official language’, which grants privilege and power, without devaluing the identities which they may associate with other dialect forms. The final part of the paper explores the value of Cummin's concept of ‘transformative pedagogy’ (2002) in relation to the study of dialect with adolescents.  相似文献   

“浮华”之初义,源自中国古代“重本抑末”的经济思维,后来扩大到社会认识的各个领域,演绎成为一种社会政治语言。“交会”一词,本源于先秦士人的“游宦”、“游仕”;西汉时儒学兴起,士人求师问学、周游四方,此后演绎为结党权门,交援求名之义。两者皆因有悖于经学传统与名教政治,而为绝对皇权所深恶,最后成为汉魏时期士风变化与思想演进之标识。  相似文献   

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