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运动中专家表现的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在回顾运动专家表现研究的基础上, 指出了运动专家表现研究的发展趋势, 即运动专家表现研究将更加重视纵向研究和性别差异研究; 研究内容将关注专家表现的保持; 运动专家表现的评估将转向模拟运动情境或真实运动情境。此外, 运动专家表现的研究有必要从操作方法上弥补专家———新手研究范式不足, 探索新的研究范式, 并对运动专家表现的获得作重新解释。  相似文献   

本文对长期进行太极拳、长跑锻炼的老年人和老年人对照组共210人分别测定了血清总胆固醇(T-ch)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-ch)、极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL-ch)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-ch)的水平,观察需氧耐力运动对上述血清胆固醇和脂蛋白的影响是否因强度不同而有所不同,结果提示:①强度小(如太极拳)的需氧耐力运动,有很好的降低VLDL-ch、提高HDL-ch的作用,但降T-ch和LDL-ch的作用不明显;②需氧耐力运动降低T-ch、LDL-ch、VLDL-ch、提高HDL-ch的作用,依运动强度的增强而增大。  相似文献   

老年人运动锻炼心血管功能的研究温永军(沈阳体育学院110032)AStudyontheCardiovascularFunctionsoftheAgedWhoDoPhysicalExercisesRegularly¥WenYongjun为了具体了解运动...  相似文献   

运动预期与羽毛球运动水平的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动专家的预期优势已被大量研究证实,然而在解释为何专家具有预期优势的问题上出现了分歧.主要原因是传统研究在概念上混淆了预期反应和动作选择反应,无法揭示运动预期与运动水平相关本质.运用图像定格技术,在实验技术上清晰分离预期反应和动作选择反应.并借鉴"专家-新手"研究范式,探讨羽毛球竞赛情景中运动预期与运动水平的相关本质.发现运动专家的预期优势主要表现在预期正确率上,预期反应时并无优势.正确预期显著缩短运动行为选择反应时,错误预期显著延长运动行为选择反应时.  相似文献   

现代工业文明的大机器化生产,解放了劳动力,传统的生活方式亦随之改变,同时带来被称为“余暇”的社会问题。余暇的典型形式之一是身体娱乐(PhysicalRecreation),本文称为“余暇运动”,它区别于作为教育组成部分的身体运动(PhysicalEducation),亦区别于追求锦标的高级竞技(ToplevelSport)和具有强身祛病为目的的身体锻炼(PhysicalTraining)。余暇运动是继18世纪英国“乡村运动”和以后西欧的“户外运动”发展的产物,它是运动者自愿参加的,非功能性而有意义的,以身体运动为主要特征的游戏(Games)形式。本文在追溯余暇运动发展的基本线索的历史背景下。阐述了余暇运动的指导思想,即新的身体运动观──“运动目的论”。区别于运动手段论,运动目的论强调余暇运动对人的身心完善和自我发展的意义,它尊重人们对运动的需求,注重自发地、自主地从事运动。而这一切又是人们体会运动中的真正快乐,从而持之以恒地从事运动的重要条件。那么什么是运动中的快乐呢?这是余暇运动理论不可回避的一个基本问题,于是文章进一步论证了作为运动目的论的理论基础的游戏论。最后,作者认为,真正的余暇运动本质上代表着人类?  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,专家访谈法等对近几年国内外中长跑运动及对中长跑运动研究的状况进行分析讨论,并从生理、解剖、营养、医学等不同角度和层面对其进行总结,研究认为,中长跑运动及其研究取得众多成绩的同时也存在许多缺陷和研究盲点,这不仅需要进行长期系统的研究,也迫切需要众多生理学专家,生物力学专家、训练学专家联合起来对此进行深入探讨和思考。  相似文献   

对运动领域中关于决策的理论研究和实证研究做了详细的分析和总结。发现运动决策研究在研究方法方面尚缺乏生态学效度、实证研究涉及的运动项目不够广泛、研究者对专家和新手的界定不一致等问题。建议运动决策研究还要在专家——新手的范式下进行更深一步的探讨,并进行多运动领域、多因素和多方法的研究,进而发掘运动决策的规律,更好地服务运动实践。  相似文献   

一、前言早在50年代,美国生理学家卡波维奇就提出过运动处方(exerciseprescription)这个概念。1960年日本猪饲道夫教授首先使用运动处方这一术语。1969年世界卫生组织(WHO)使用了运动处方术语,从而在国际上得到确认。二、运动处方...  相似文献   

曲棍球运动是一项古老的运动项目,公元前约2000年波斯即有用棍击球的运动,后经希腊传入罗马。中世纪法兰西人称这种球戏为霍凯(hocquet),意为“牧羊人拐杖”。传入英格兰后遂称曲棍球(hockey)。现代曲棍球运动始于英国。1861年英国出现第一个...  相似文献   

早在20世纪70年代末期,运动科学和运动医学就成为美国游泳至关重要的因素。当时的英国游泳协会曾恳请医师、科学工作者和运动训练专家给予帮助,以支持国家队和奥运代表队的训练和比赛活动。直到1983年,这种帮助还仅仪局限于对游泳运动员进行现场的医疗支持和恢复。目前,科学技术已经渗透到各级水平的运动项目中。科技服务的这种独特方法已经深深地扎根于美国体育的历史中,赛前采用科研公关小组来帮助游泳运动员和其它奥运选手进行备战,已使美国成为世界超级体育强国。在准备比赛中,通过启动运动科学与运动医学计划,教练员可以咨询生理学家、生物力学专家、运动训练专家和心理学家,从  相似文献   

We propose a Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) which is an amalgamation and extension of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat, the model of adaptive approaches to competition and the debilitative and facilitative competitive state anxiety model. In the TCTSA we posit that self-efficacy, perceptions of control, and achievement goals determine challenge or threat states in response to competition. Distinct patterns of neuroendocrine and cardiovascular responses are indicative of a challenge or threat state. Increases in epinephrine and cardiac activity, and a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) characterise a challenge state and increases in cortisol, smaller increases in cardiac activity and either no change or an increase in TPR characterise a threat state. Positive and negative emotions can occur in a challenge state while a threat state is associated with negative emotions only. Emotions are perceived as helpful to performance in a challenge state but not in a threat state. Challenge and threat states influence effort, attention, decision–making and physical functioning and accordingly sport performance. The TCTSA provides a framework for practitioners to enhance performance, through developing a challenge state, and encourages researchers to explore the mechanisms underlying performance in competition.  相似文献   

The body has become a vital research object in several disciplines in recent years. Indeed, in the social sciences and humanities, a corporeal turn in which embodiment has become a key concept related to learning and socialisation is discussed. This cross-disciplinary paper addresses the epistemological question of how we know what we know and theoretically and empirically contributes to current arguments of a shift from embodiment to emplacement. In other words, this study strives for understanding of the intersection of mind, body and place through a focus on how bodily knowing is formed as part of a moving world. The purpose of the paper is to explore the kinaesthetic experience as bodily knowing in emplaced semi-formal teaching. Through long-term ethnography in a Swedish skateboard setting and in-depth analysis of digital visual material, this paper demonstrates how kinaesthetic experience might be viewed as knowing and how a particular type of this experience might be interpreted as explosiveness and, as such, an act of physical remembrance and energy transformation. Knowing is formed along paths of movement and rhythm, and kinaesthesia is identified as a multisensory experience. It is argued that a fruitful way of bridging the mind–body divide is to view the body as un/knowing, rendering it both knowing and not knowing simultaneously. Moreover, emplaced via its senses in a sociocultural and spatio-temporal environment, this conceptualisation of a moving body in a moving world might allow for re-thinking regarding how a body in context knows, teaches and, possibly, learns.  相似文献   

为实现中小学体育器材规格的科学化与规范化,对中小学健身类器材爬竿、攀网、平梯进行了体育学的理论与实践研究,认为:爬杆高4m,直径3.8cm和高4.5m,直径为4.2cm;攀网高3m,宽2m,顶网长1.5m,网格20cm×20cm和高3.5m,宽2m,顶网长1.5m,网格20cm×20cm;平梯高2.4m,长4m,抓握横杠间隔0.35m,横杠直径3.2cm和高2.6m,长4m,抓握横杠间隔0.35m,横杠直径3.2cm的器材规格分别适用于小学和中学。同时提出,城市中学体育教学应加强学生上肢力量与身体灵巧性训练。  相似文献   

According to the cultural sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, gaining access to a social space or a position within a social space requires a specific capital. For teachers, this is normally indicated by a valid teaching certificate with relevant subject knowledge. However, when no qualified teachers are available, which is the case for the subject of school sports in Sweden, other assets gain recognition. Drawing on Bourdieu's conceptual framework, this paper examined the conditions for school sports in Sweden, and based on questionnaires answered by 109 teachers, explored the competencies, education and backgrounds teachers in upper secondary school sports possess. The paper address the question: what valuable resources are required to become a teacher of school sports and gain recognition as symbolic capital? The results show that while school sports in Sweden are carried out through a school subject and thus regulated by the government, it is influenced by both the fields of education and sport. Furthermore, the questionnaire results show that a majority of the teachers are employed as coaches instead of teachers and that less than half of them (45%) have a teacher education background, while 95% have a coaching education background. However, the results also show that teachers assessed their competencies for teaching school sports as high, especially with regard to competencies in specific sport skills. In conclusion, this paper shows how coaching education and experience in competitive sports are an important resource required to become a teacher in school sports and is thus recognized as symbolic capital. Therefore, school sports cannot be viewed as a legitimate part of the field of education but can be viewed as a part of the field of sport.  相似文献   

This article takes a point of departure in the debate whether physical education should consider a limited or an increased commitment towards public health goals and a public health agenda. The article further discusses the relationship between physical activity and health, and the perspective of health in physical education. This is done through a critique of the dominance of a pathogenic perspective of health, as well as through a salutogenic approach regarding health as a process. A salutogenic approach makes, as suggested in the article, other questions—salutogenic questions—possible. In this sense, physical activity and movement can be regarded as something more than mere protection against disease or overweight, and by posing salutogenic questions we can enrich our understanding of the relation between physical activity and health, and in consequence richness to the perspective of health in physical education. With a salutogenic approach, the pupils’ unique and common experiences of health, movement, body ideals or outdoor-life can meet a wider perspective of health. This would facilitate a health perspective in physical education that draws attention to the qualities, abilities and knowledge that pupils can develop, and, in the name of learning health, point the way to the possible contribution of physical education in pupils’ health development in terms of how physical education can enrich their lives, strengthen them as healthy citizens and contribute to a sustainable (health) development.  相似文献   

The effective numerical method proposed by Shimamuraet al. (2007) is extended to predict the ball motion in a draw shot as well as a follow shot in billiards. The extended method is verified experimentally using a high speed camera. It is observed in the experiment that a ball rotates backwards with a lot of slip (between ball and table) at first and then rotates forwards in a draw shot. Such a ball motion is predicted quantitatively with the numerical method. Numerical simulations are performed to investigate the effects of material properties of a cue on ball behaviour in follow and draw shots and it is found that the impact force increases with increasing stiffness of the shaft in both follow and draw shots, while its duration time is shortened with increasing wave velocity in the shaft for both shots. It is also found that there is a certain shaft stiffness that gives the minimum ball centre velocity, the minimum angular velocity, the minimum slip velocity between ball and table and also the minimum time when the backward rotation changes to a forward one in a draw shot, while the ball centre velocity and the angular velocity increase with increasing shaft stiffness in a follow shot.  相似文献   

This article presents the institutional implications and ideologies in the organisation of a Sports Movement for the disabled, whether a physical or sensory handicap, and focusing particular attention on its development in France, linked with international structures. The emergence and development in France of sports organisations for the disabled is based on a different model from that introduced in England by Guttmann through the Stoke Mandeville Games. From the 1960s, both trends, one supported by physicians and the other by individuals concerned with disabilities, structured the International Movement as a contest of negotiations and competition. The objective of rehabilitating paraplegics put in place at Stoke Mandeville gradually gave way to a sport rational and the integration of all types of disability within the Movement. The desire to unite in a single organisation was the driving force of the Movement in its search for dual recognition, on the one hand, as the representative of all physical and sensory deficiencies and, on the other, by the able-bodied sports councils and, in particular, the International Olympic Committee. However, this raised a number of issues inherent to any deficiency when taking into account its specific peculiarities.  相似文献   


William P. Morgan reviews the arguments associated with trait psychology, in particular in the field of sport psychology. He describes the existing research including several models and their ability to predict behavior, emphasizing the viability of a mental health model. In addition, Morgan discusses a role of perception and cognition in sports and physical activity. Finally, trait theory is placed in a realistic perspective, to be applied in a multidimensional framework in studying prediction of behavior. The article by Daniel M. Landers involves a reexamination of the arousal-performance relationship. The role of attention in performing most sports skills is discussed, with particular emphasis on the attentional narrowing phenomenon. In addition, Landers discusses the measurement of anxiety, recommending that it be viewed as a multidimensional construct consisting of physical, behavioral, and cognitive components.  相似文献   

论排球优秀二传手的选材   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马金凤 《湖北体育科技》2001,20(2):50-52,54
现代排球正朝着速度快、技术娴熟、战术多变、对抗激烈的方向发展。事实证明,一个排球队要想达到或赶超世界先进水平,必须拥有优秀的二传队员。一个队进攻战术水平的高低,很大程度上取决于二传手的水平。因此,科学地选拔二传手,已成为攀登世界排球运动高峰的必要条件之一。从身高、血型、气质、神经类型、情绪、性格几个方面,对排球二传手选材问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Post-apartheid South Africa manifests poor social indicators with over half the population living below the poverty line and the worst levels of inequality in the world, with much work needed to overcome the skewed legacy of apartheid. Sport suffered in this system resulting in unequal access to sporting facilities and opportunities, meaning many South Africans cannot exercise their right to play. Despite this legacy, sport can fulfil a vital developmental role in alleviating some of these issues. The state has a major role to play but it must be supported by civil society and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who have the ability to deliver in situations where government has struggled. This article researches the opportunities and challenges NGOs encounter when using sport for development within the education system, in post-apartheid South Africa. This study used a qualitative approach to collect data on the opportunities and challenges encountered by two NGOs based in Cape Town that use sport as a means of development, but in markedly different ways. The study suggests that NGOs face a variety of conceptual, technical, logistical and organisational challenges using sport in schools and should enact certain measures to reduce resistance from educators and ensure successful programmes. The interaction between NGOs, schools and the state Department of Education is a complicated process that presents obstacles and opportunities. Nevertheless, despite these challenges it is clear NGOs can support schools in South Africa to optimise their physical activity programmes in the backdrop of a stagnating education system and a lack of sporting support from the government. NGOs in an educational setting such as schools operate in what Houlihan has identified as a crowded policy space. Yet, the observations in this study suggest that, particularly in the context of education, a partnership policy model of NGO work is preferred.  相似文献   

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