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学校教育的最大功能体现在促进学生个体社会化。当前学校教育中存在诸多个体社会化的异化现象,阻遏着学生发展。要消除这种异化现象,必须树立正确的新理念.  相似文献   

艺术的本质是审美,艺术的价值和功能以审美为基础;同时,艺术教育在本质上是审美教育,虽然它能有效地培养德行,但其最主要的功能还是提高学生的审美修养。可人们往往只习惯从德育的角度去规范艺术教育的目的,去评判艺术教育的成败,艺术教育在一定程度上成为了德育的附庸。这种不突出审美特性的艺术教育已经不是真正的艺术教育。  相似文献   

在美国文学史上,德莱塞的自传体小说<"天才">一直备受争议.他以辩证的认识,多维地处理了他的创作对象.他摈弃了片面性和绝对性,使善与恶、自然与社会、艺术与现实等在<"天才">中辩证地统一起来.本文以19-20世纪之交美国自然主义作家的自身经历为研究起点,追溯美国工业化进程中社会价值观的变迁,集中分析作家艺术审美的形成和异化,揭示大众意识的转变,探索工业化进程中现实与精神链接失败的原因.  相似文献   

当前我国的心理教育理论和实践都是知识教育层面的,不利于学生心理素质的真正提高。从本质上说,学校心理教育是一种交往-生成性实践活动,它具有主体多极性、中介多维性、双向建构性、生成性等特点。心理教育的理论要从生命成长的维度来寻找自身生长的逻辑起点、框架与意义,要回到人的生活世界,从交往-生成实践的本体性和可能性来寻求教育策略。  相似文献   

六朝志怪小说中有许多关于"异化"的题材故事,如人与异类像动物、植物甚至无生命之物之间的互化,这些并非六朝小说家的原创,而是中国古代神话中的变形思维模式在六朝特有的社会环境下的继承和演变。  相似文献   

With a point of departure in the concept of democracy, this article aims to show how Swedish Popular Adult Education influenced the content of the established school system in Sweden. The Popular Adult Education and established school systems are studied through their relation to democracy, based on curricula, as well as on visionary and political steering documents. In accordance with conceptual history, the study shows how Popular Adult Education and the established school, with their different spaces of experience and references to separate traditions, gradually became accommodated through a common horizon of expectations about the importance of democracy. When this coalescence appeared, an administrative shift could be identified and the Popular Adult Education Movement was partially disarmed.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - School alienation is identified as a severe educational problem that hampers students’ academic journey. However, little is known about the...  相似文献   

THIS BRIEF COMMUNICATION addresses program abuse in out-of-home placement which deepens what we identify as the alienation response in the already alienated child. Alienation is defined as a state of feeling separate, apart, not being able to relate effectively with another, not belonging, and with impaired ability to connect the inside world of feelings with the outside environment. Program abuse is seen as any act or condition permitted in a program that further alienates a child. In evaluating a child's degree of alienation and developing creative methods to reach the most severely “child alone,” the use of the Alienation Chart in Figure 1, has been helpful to our staff.  相似文献   

伴随着经济发展和技术进步,新闻也借助多元渠道更新更快、涉猎更广、传播更远,日益密切地影响着大众舆论和社会生活。然而传播过程中出现了有悖于新闻传播本真目的的种种异化现象。通过分析新闻传播异化现象的成因和对策,有助于大众媒体正确发挥新闻传播的初始功能,使公众正确理解新闻内容,感受新闻价值。  相似文献   

The Parent Education and Guidance Program was motivated by the belief that the fostering of a positive, ongoing relationship between the school and home can have a significant bearing on the development of family strengths for coping with a handicapped child. The training program utilized parent support groups and professionals from various fields to involve parents of handicapped children in group process directed toward the holistic approach to meeting the child's social, emotional, and intellectual needs. During the course of the program it became apparent that parents needed the help and support of other parents who shared similar difficulties related to having a handicapped child in the family. Issues related to developing personal awareness as well as interpersonal skills were dealt with at the parent meetings. An atmosphere of mutual understanding and support between members of the Child Study Team and parents developed as a result of less formalized and more relaxed contact during the 8-month program.  相似文献   

If statistical projections are accurate, by the year 2000 there will be 10 million children, worldwide, infected with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS virus (The World Health Organization). This is considered by Dr. Jonathan Mann of Harvard University's International AIDS Center to be a conservative estimate (Signor, 1992). We do know as a fact that by 1991 in the United States there were 3,624 children under the age of 13 who had been diagnosed with AIDS since 1981, and 211,633 adolescents and adults diagnosed during that same period (United States Federal Centers for Disease Control). There are many who believe that counseling with students who have AIDS soon will become the major challenge facing school counselors (Arnzen, 1992). This article will discuss a two-pronged approach for use by school counselors in responding to AIDS in the school setting: a preventive approach through AIDS education, and a model for counseling with students.  相似文献   

成人高等教育校外办学的特殊情况要求主办高校加强质量管理,要在规范办学、加强管理全程监控、加强教师队伍建设的方面上,认真做好成人高等教育校外办学的质量管理.本文就成人高等教育校外办学的质量管理存在的问题以及校外办学的质量管理的时策建议,进行研究探讨.  相似文献   

During the transition from elementary school to secondary school, in Germany, students are assigned to different school tracks, academic or non-academic, that differ markedly in compositional and institutional characteristics, e.g., the level of cognitive activation and performance standards are higher in academic tracks than in non-academic tracks. Currently, there is a lack of research examining the changes in achievement goals (mastery-approach, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) and in the association between achievement goals and school achievement during the transition to these different school tracks. There were 1646 students who participated in a large-scale, three-wave longitudinal study from Grade 4 to Grade 6. While results revealed only slight differences between the two school tracks, the three types of achievement goals declined over time. In elementary school mastery-approach goals were positively and performance-approach goals negatively associated with school grades. After the transition to secondary school mastery-approach goals predicted school grades positively, whereas performance-approach goals negatively influenced achievement (academic track). Overall, the results indicate that between-school-tracking plays a minor role for the development of achievement goals and the relation between goals and achievement.  相似文献   

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