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在全球化背景下,世界各国都被纳入了知识经济的洪流。劳动力市场中岗位特性的变化带来了对工作者技能要求的变化,要求建立以能力为基础的人才培养机制。在具有动态性和开放性特点的知识经济环境下,能力的提升和保障需要依靠灵活和持续的终身学习体系。因此,教育系统要提供公平而有质量的教育,就需要转变教育实践和教育研究的工作范式,最终建立终身学习的体系和现代教育管理系统。  相似文献   


This article contributes to the literature by proposing a methodological approach that scholars in all research fields can use to develop high-quality explanatory typologies. We argue that every typology should be constructed using a systematic, transparent process and must have a strong theoretical foundation to validate its explanatory value. Drawing on Max Weber’s typology theory, we apply our approach to construct three ideal types of vocational education and training (VET) programs. By bypassing heterogeneous context conditions, our typological approach enables us to compare VET programs based on the criteria that are relevant to an explanation of youth labor market outcomes. We build on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, which helps elucidate the significance of the linkage between actors from the education and employment systems in VET. The first ideal type, with maximal linkage, entails equal power-sharing between both kinds of actors. We expect such a VET program to have the most favorable outcome. The other two ideal types, in which one system has all the power, result in either undesirable youth labor market outcomes, such as unemployment or skills mismatch, or lack of access to further education.  相似文献   

European countries are striving to increase secondary school completion rates as part of their labor market planning. Denmark has taken an approach that places youth education guidance counselors at the center of their efforts. Based on interviews with 25 counselors and 10 other education leaders, this article explores the role and practice of these Danish counselors in regard to meeting state education goals. While the counselors strongly support the country’s high educational goal, they have concerns about its attainability, its across-the-board application, and coercive, or ‘individual-blaming’ elements of its implementation. Countries wishing to adopt this model should consider the fit between counseling philosophy and policy so as to avoid role conflict.  相似文献   

劳动力市场特征和高等教育的多样化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于教育和劳动力市场关系的四种理论模型对教育与个人劳动生产率的不同假设,强调高等教育的多样化以应对劳动力市场多方面的需求,是当前促进我国高等教育改革与发展的必然选择。增强高等院校的自主性、提倡教育投资多元化和均衡的政府拨款导向,是推动高等教育机构强化自身特色及其在劳动力市场中的竞争优势,并形成多样化的高等教育系统的有效途径。  相似文献   

我国劳动技术教育的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新中国成立以后,为解决高小和初中毕业生从事生产劳动的问题,开始加强以劳动技术教育为中心的宣传教育活动。1953年至1957年,中小学加强劳动教育与实施基本生产技术教育,劳动技术教育的课程地位得以确立。20世纪六七十年代,劳动技术教育明显带有思想政治教育的特点。1978年后,在"教育与生产劳动相结合"的方针的指引下,劳动技术教育有了长足的发展,其学科和课程地位再一次得以确定。1993年后,从素质教育的角度对劳动技术教育给与了充分的肯定。新课程把劳动技术教育变成综合实践活动课程,客观上削弱了它的课程地位。劳动技术教育是素质教育的一大要素,应还原它的学科地位。  相似文献   

It is estimated that one third of Sweden's adult population pursues studies in one form or another. This is a very high proportion by world standards, and may be partly explained by the great variety of forms for adult studies that have gradually emerged in the past hundred years and been justified on different grounds. Those forms for adult studies, folk high schools and study circles, which have their roots in and are still firmly established in the popular movements, are the oldest examples. Correspondence schools and courses arranged by the broadcasting media and the labor market organizations are other important forms. As a modern labor market policy took shape it provided for public labor market training (AMU), which is especially intended for the unemployed and people in danger of losing their jobs. In 1968, the state-run system of adult education was augmented by a municipally sponsored system, which gives adults greater opportunities to study at levels corresponding to the senior level of the comprehensive school, i.e., the last three grades of basic compulsory education, and to the upper secondary school, which is voluntary. These broadened opportunities stood out as a legitimate demand for fair play after nine years of basic schooling was made mandatory.  相似文献   


Debate about manpower forecasting has continued for 25 years or more. The investigation reported here is an attempt to add to the debate. It focusses on the provision of secondary technical education in Egypt and the demand for technical school graduates, especially graduates from courses in agriculture. Egypt's secondary school system is more strongly vocationally oriented than that in most other developing countries. The approach used in the investigation has two components: interviews with potential employers and interviews with secondary school graduates. The supply of graduates from agriculture schools is seen to be far greater than likely demand. Severe constraints on the effective working of the labour market are apparent.  相似文献   

具有良好的体系,完备的功能、多元化的方式这就是美国职业教育。美国从事职业教育的学校紧贴社会需求设置课程及时调整专业类别,重在就业的岗位知识和技术技能的培训,学生根据劳动力市场变化需要选择自己的专业方向。当前我国的职业教育发展存在两种不同的取向。一方面人们认为职业教育就是就业教育,另一方面受发达国家职业生涯教育、关键能力等职业教育理念的影响,以及迫于我国现实的就业压力,人们认为职业教育要以人为本,不仅要满足于学生职业生涯规划发展的需要,还要加强职业素质及关键能力的培养,培养具有发展潜力的综合素质较高的高技能人才。  相似文献   

Retaining a secondary education structure designed during British colonial times has resulted in a secondary education system ill suited to serve the labor market needs of Bangladesh. As the country enters an era when increasing numbers of people move away from subsistence farming lifestyles into the informal and small business sector, Bangladesh requires a system that provides large number of people with basic skills for such activities. The economic distortions caused by a secondary sector mismatched with the realities of the labor market result in ongoing income inequalities, unnecessary demand for secondary education growth, and expenditures for private tutors by parents who can ill-afford such services.  相似文献   

以严密标准、系统完整、融汇互通的顶层设计为基础,利用"双元制"确保劳动力再生产质量,通过人才素养与劳动力市场的紧密联系来保障就业,德国职业教育与培训体系的优势显著。但职业性别刻板印象仍广泛存在,使德国教育和就业系统中出现显著的性别差异,加剧了德国劳动力市场风险,不利于职业教育与培训体系的持续健康发展。对此,德国发挥学术界先锋作用,利用研究佐证克服职业性别刻板印象的必要性和迫切性;采取结构调整措施增强"双元制"的吸引力,改善职业教育与培训性别差异;并从不同教育阶段着手帮助学生建立性别平等观念,消解职业性别刻板印象的负面影响,全面应对职业性别刻板印象对其职业教育与培训体系带来的挑战。  相似文献   

Community and technical colleges serve a vital function in STEM education by training workers for medium- and high-skilled technical careers and providing employers the labor necessary to operate and maintain thriving business ventures. A curriculum developed with the elements of a systems-based approach results in a program more relevant to the needs of the institution, its students, and industry partners—and avoids the pitfalls of programs designed without a plan or process in place. To achieve validity and reliability, curriculum assessment tools should be conduits to collect critical feedback from students, graduates, and the industries and academic partners served. Research was undertaken to design and evaluate an associate degree-level STEM workforce education program at the nexus of bioenergy/bioproducts, electrical systems and maintenance, and wastewater treatment plant operations. Component to the research, a program’s graduates were interviewed and professionals representing a spectrum of manufacturing/processing-type industries were surveyed. A curriculum development and assessment model emerged to help community and technical college faculty and administrators develop, evaluate, and revise associate degree-level STEM workforce education programs.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the determinants of regret of study program for tertiary education graduates in Spain and the Netherlands. These two countries differ in their educational system in terms of the tracking structure in their secondary education and the strength of their education-labor market linkages in tertiary education. Therefore, by comparing Spain and the Netherlands, we aim at learning about the consequences that the two educational systems might have on the regret of study program in tertiary education. Basing on the psychological literature on regret, we derive some expectations on the determinants of regret of study program. Results reveal that both, education track and education-labor mismatch of tertiary education, are important determinants of the likelihood of program regret. Results allow us to derive some policy recommendations on the tertiary education system.  相似文献   

为强化职业教育系统与劳动力市场间的联系,满足不断变化的劳动世界和学习者个性化的需求,德国引入了技术技能人才培养与资格认定的创新型资格化模块——附加资格模块。附加资格模块的实践价值体现在:作为职业资格的重要补充,促进了职业教育的现代化,提升了职业教育的吸引力;作为学生职业成长的重要路径,满足了学生的个性化需求,提高了毕业生的就业能力;作为企业和职业学校人才培养的重要工具,满足了企业的个性化需求,提高了职业学校的办学声誉,也促进了校企双元开展深度合作。德国附加资格模块的成功经验,对我国开展1+X证书制度试点具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

日本神奈川县相模原市的职业能力开发大学是日本劳动厚生省所属的一所高等职业技术师范大学,该校电子技术专业属大学本科层次,学制为4年,招收高中毕业生,培养目标为中等职业技术学校或培训机构的师资。本文通过对该校的课程设置进行分析,剖析日本职业师资培养的特点和启示。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on upper secondary technical and vocational education (TVE), which accounts for 41 % of total enrollment at upper secondary schools in China. Using a nationally representative sample and a propensity score matching research design, this study has found large relative private return to TVE compared with general academic high schools, specifically for academically low-performing students, a group that is particularly vulnerable and in need of attention from policymakers. The difference in private returns is most profound for females. In light of the lower cost of attendance, these results can offer additional support, at least qualitatively to other countries that are contemplating the use of TVE as a viable and sometimes better alternative to academic education for select students.  相似文献   

In 1989, there were 10 English-speaking African countries, plus Mozambique, with on-going population education programs within the school system. 7 other countries had programs in the planning stages. School programs were preceded after out-of-school and informal programs of the 1970s. Countries have designed population education in their own terms. The generalized goals of population education for the region were to expand awareness of population-related issues and problems; to develop skills, values, and attitudes which will enable people to make rational and timely decisions; and to behave in meaningful and socially desirable ways and improve the quality of human life. Population education has been accepted in most education curriculum in African countries, but fertility regulation in an action program is limited to a few countries. Although attention has been directed to mortality, teen pregnancy, drug use, and AIDS, there has been little discussion of the status of women, child labor, and female circumcision. Family-life education and population have been linked because of the acceptability of the term and the reality that the family is the basic unit of society. Anglophone African strategies have encompassed a central location for the population program within government, a pilot phase, an integration into other subjects, a life-long approach, and community participation; each of the aforementioned topics is discussed. Constraints in program design and implementation were identified as the lack of political support; the absence of a firm and consistent policy; the perceived conflict between population education and cultural values; the limited, sporadic financial support; the shortage of resources; poor attention to the importance of horizontal and vertical information transmission; and lack of coordination between agencies with population education programs. Future needs are for program expansion and a focus on groups at-risk, prominent policy support at the decision-making level, and teacher-training. Curriculum must be renewed periodically with a focus on its appropriateness for adolescents. Adolescent sexuality, contraception, and the spread of AIDS must be addressed, both formally and informally for those who are illiterate. Sustainability requires institutionalizing population education within the ministry of education with a stable budget and staff.  相似文献   

Prior research on the labor market success of secondary vocational education has produced mixed results, with several studies finding wage gains only for individuals who work in training-related occupations. We contribute to this debate by focusing on a single occupation and organization and by comparing the careers of employees with and without occupation-related training in high school. We use longitudinal data on the careers of military recruits who completed high school Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC), a military science program that has features of a vocational training and school-to-work program. We find that the occupation-specific training received via JROTC reduces early turnover and improves long-run job stability for those who choose military jobs, suggesting that an important effect of vocational training is to improve job match quality. We also find that promotion rates for vocational graduates are similar to their peers, suggesting that vocational education in general works by improving occupational sorting.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了改变城乡二元经济结构 ,统筹城乡经济发展 ,必须加快农村富余劳动力向城镇转移。但目前我国现行的户籍制度、用工制度、教育制度和社会保障制度等一系列制度的缺陷和不完善造成了农村劳动力向城镇转移的滞缓 ,形成了城乡劳动力市场的分割。为了统筹城乡发展 ,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场 ,应深化现行户籍制度改革 ,加快建立城乡统一的户口登记制度 ;建立统一、开放的用工制度 ,实行本地人和外地人平等用工制度 ;改革教育制度 ,赋予农民工子女平等受教育的权力 ;切实推进包括进城农民在内的所有非农人口的社会保障建设  相似文献   


Markets constitute the very centre of the post-communist reforms in the countries of Central and East Europe and the former Soviet Union. The two alternative approaches available for framing the market reform conceptually are, however, both inadequate. Those in favour of revolutionary theories fail to see the strong inertia of the academe and its desire for stability. Proponents of evolutionary theories of market reforms do not recognise qualitatively new relationships in many areas. Those eager to demonstrate the success of the market reforms as well as those presenting the success of the centralised higher education in a number of areas fail to realise the lack of legal framework for market reforms and missing political decisions on which the reforms could be based on. This article discusses the role of labour markets, markets of degrees and qualifications as well as the market of educational services as related to higher education reforms. It is proposed that downsizing the State has shifted many of its previous functions to random, often external agents. This creates a meta-level market - the market of market reforms in higher education. Through this quasi market formerly unified higher education systems and even institutions are broken into segments often ignoring each other's existence and seeking individual short term goals. As a result markets' pressure on higher education has taken extremely aggressive forms limiting access to quality higher education while the systemwide enrolment is rapidly growing through theactivities of new low calibre universities and diploma mills.  相似文献   

职业技术教育是变科学为技术,变潜在生产力为现实生产力的最直接、最迅速、最有效的途径,应作为产业来经营。发展职业产业必须转变观念,转变政府职能;形成多元化的职业技术教育资源输入机制;建立集团化、企业化的职业技术教育运行机制;培育和发展市场体系;建立完善的法律保障体系。  相似文献   

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