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A brief behavior rating scale consisting of 28 items divided into 7 categories was developed for use in a school setting. Reliability coefficients for each of the categories ranged from.79 to.91; total reliability was.92. Test validity was based upon the successful discrimination between neurologically impaired, socially maladjusted, emotionally handicapped, and normal children.  相似文献   


The study was conducted with 115 Hispanic (53 Males, 62 Females) and 119 Anglo (61 males, 58 females) fifth grade students and 12 teachers (11 females, 1 male) in a public school district in the Southwest. The study was designed to determine teachers’ nomination rates of Hispanic and Anglo students to gifted and talented programs and to establish if there were differences in teachers’ ratings on the SRBCSS across ethnicity and gender groups for nominated and not nominated students. Results indicated that ethnicity was a factor in teachers’ nomination rate and that these differences were more pronounced between Hispanic and Anglo females. Results also indicated that teachers’ ratings on the SRBCSS for nominated Hispanic and Anglo students were similar, but that ratings for non‐nominated students differed significantly by ethnic group.  相似文献   

Researching quality in early childhood settings has been operationalized in many ways, within and across countries. Nevertheless, despite some consensus on what might constitute a universally recognized view of what is considered essential for young children’s development, there are strong indicators that locally developed assessment tools are likely to give more contextually relevant results. Yet, little appears to be known about how to develop localized tools for assessing quality, especially in culturally diverse research contexts. Further, it would seem that not much is understood about the ways researchers and research participants have worked together to achieve reciprocal outcomes. In drawing upon cultural-historical theory, this paper goes beyond the traditional binary of an emic–etic perspective and instead describes a dialectical model for creating conditions for generating research intersubjectivity. An example of how researchers and participants worked together to develop an interactive e-quality rating scale in Vietnam is presented with the research exchange methods of Dialogue through the technology, Capturing moments of localized quality, Community walk, and Research selfies. These methods together acted to underpin the methodology that foregrounds what we have termed research intersubjectivity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a globally oriented scoring sheet, reference guide, and rating scale for facilitating clinical hypotheses from children's Kinetic School Drawings (KSDs) and further empirical evaluations of the KSD technique. The paper also provides information regarding the construction of these instruments, along with some preliminary findings in terms of the procedures' reliability and discriminant validity.  相似文献   

Students’ perceptions of their classroom climate have been found to relate significantly to students’ learning outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to construct an instrument for assessing elementary-school students’ perceptions of classroom climate, based on a previous instrument that was being used in Chile by a public national school mental health program as a tool for aiding teachers in improving classroom management, but which showed poor psychometric properties. We used a six-staged mixed-methods approach to construct relevant items and dimensions based on this measure and by adapting previously-existing scales. Item development included participatory construction of items involving program officials, focus groups with students, and a pilot study. The final version was administered to a sample of 6813 elementary-school students. Results showed adequate reliability and construct validity, convergent validity with school climate, and divergent validity with peer victimisation. When consequential validity was explored through semi-structured interviews with program officials and school administrators, we found that the instrument was being used as a tool for helping teachers to improve their school climate and management skills. We discuss the importance of constructing instruments using a mixed-methods approach.  相似文献   

This paper is about a design-based research project which evaluated the novel use of Lesson Study for assessment (LSfA) purposes. It starts by explaining the principles and design of LSfA procedures based on a Lesson Study model and dynamic assessment principles. It outlines the training and support provided to six Lesson Study teams in three primary and three secondary schools, each involving two class teachers and the school’s SEN coordinator. The evaluation findings focused on the LSfA processes and procedures, for example, the outcomes of LSfA for teacher confidence and knowledge, assessment capabilities and continued benefits. The LSfA process was seen to involve processes such as honest and constructive observations, analysing lessons to see what to change and using knowledge about learning difficulties. Some of the context factors that supported and inhibited the process are also outlined. Analysis of the pre-post LSfA pupil assessments showed a decrease in identifying areas of pupil difficulties and an increased identification of enabling factors. This is interpreted as evidence for the LSfA having dynamic assessment potential. The paper concludes with an account of how the LSfA procedures were adapted in response to this evaluation and suggestions for future development and research.  相似文献   

A factor analysis of the abbreviated Conners Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS) was completed using a sample of 108 regular and special education students. Two factors accounted for 69.5% of the total response variance: Factor I consisted of items describing attention deficits and motor activity, and Factor II consisted of items describing excessive affective reactions. It is suggested that the abbreviated CTRS be interpreted with respect to its latent structure, rather than to one global score as has been common practice.  相似文献   

Children who had been nominated as potential candidates for gifted programs were assessed to determine the relationships among certain behavioral and intellectual characteristics. Records were compiled listing 132 first- through eighth-grade children's race, sex, age, grade level, Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) IQ scores, Scale for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS) scores, and WISC-R IQs. Only children achieving SIT IQs of 130 or higher were included. A regression equation for the prediction of a WISC-R Full Scale IQ score from a given SIT score was computed and compared to that developed for predicting the WISC-R IQ in another study. All variables except SIT IQ were poor predictors of WISC-R IQ scores. A moderate correlation was computed between SIT and WISC-R Verbal and Full Scale IQ scores. A somewhat lower, but still significant, degree of relationship was found between SIT and WISC-R Performance IQ scores. Some difficulties with using the SIT as a screen for gifted programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Using German linked employer-employee data, this paper investigates the short-term impact of on-the-job training on wages. The applied estimation approach was first introduced by Leuven and Oosterbeek (2008). Wages of employees who intended to participate in training but did not do so because of a random event are compared to wages of training participants. The estimated wage returns are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, the decision to participate in training is associated with sizeable selection effects. On average, participants have a wage advantage of more than 4% compared to non-participants.  相似文献   

A project is described that involved school psychology students in doing applied research. The possible impact that implementing such a plan might have on creating cooperative research opportunities, on providing training in applied research, and on influencing the school's perception of the school psychologist's role is considered.  相似文献   

This mixed method investigation included a quasi-experiment examining if revision instruction enhanced the substantive revising behavior of 15 English language learner (ELL) and multilingual 10th grade students enrolled in an English class for underperforming students in comparison to 14 non-ELL and multilingual students from the same class who did not receive such instruction. The study also involved a qualitative analyses of the revisions made by students from both groups to more fully describe the type and frequency of substantive revisions made. In terms of the quasi-experiment, students in the treatment group made more Developing Argument revisions than the control group. The qualitative analysis revealed the specific moves students made in their revision work to develop argument including: utilizing text, personal opinion, interpreting text, extending argument, and asking a question. Theoretical and educational implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: "Errorless compliance training" is a recently developed, success-based approach for teaching children to comply with parental requests without the use of coercive consequences. Two mothers were trained to use this intervention to reduce severe child defiance that was precipitating mother/child confrontations and physical abuse. METHOD: To determine probability of child compliance to specific requests, we observed mothers delivering requests to their child. We then developed a hierarchy of compliance probabilities for each child. Mothers were trained to deliver a high density of Level 1 requests (those that typically yielded compliance), and provide praise for child compliance. Lower probability request levels were introduced gradually, at a slow enough pace to preclude noncompliant responses, reducing the need for mothers to respond aversively to child behavior. RESULTS: At treatment completion and follow-up, both children demonstrated substantial improvements in compliance. CONCLUSIONS: The errorless approach may be well suited to managing parenting deficits and child opposition commonly associated with family violence.  相似文献   

The term ‘hypervideo’ has different interpretations in the scientific literature. The aim of this contribution is to define hypervideo as it is and can be (more optimally) used for teaching and learning purposes. Videos can promote learning by recreating real experiences and dynamic processes, although they do not necessarily enable students to interact with contents and to self-regulate their learning. Hypervideos technically overcome these limitations and add further benefits. However, even though some literature on the topic exists, the concept of hypervideo is not well represented in the scientific community and lends itself to different interpretations. Results show that hypervideo is defined as a dynamic artefact, it should allow navigation control and include additional material; it could also integrate individual or collaborative annotation and automated or manual feedback. So far, most studies have been conducted in artificial settings involving tertiary-level students. Finally, its use is beneficial for students’ learning.  相似文献   

A policy-evaluation study was set up of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teacher training in Flanders, focusing on the following questions: (a) What is the validity of the content and format of the teacher training, and (b) to what extent is the ICT teacher training linked to policies of schools? In-depth interviews were organised with respondents of primary, secondary, and adult education schools. The results indicate that ICT school policies are not well developed and reveal a partial match between policies, needs, and the actual in-service training. Innovative applications of ICT are not promoted. The supply-driven approach, the school-based nature, and follow-up activities are questioned.  相似文献   

In recent years as public health measures such as improved sanitation, water supply, and immunization have taken effect in developing as well as economically developed countries, there has been an increase in attention to health problems arising from voluntary behaviour such as sexual activity and substance abuse rather than simply from passively acquired infection. This is of special relevance to adolescents who have generally been given lower priority in health services because they are relatively disease-free yet whose patterns of behaviour have great significance for their present and future health. However establishing or changing health behaviour during the dynamic period of adolescence can be difficult especially when the environment is rapidly changing too. This is especially so in developing countries where the traditional directive approach to guidance may need to give way to a somewhat more non-directive style of counselling in order to accommodate greater adolescent autonomy, without loss of fundamental cultural values. Because few people in developing countries are experienced in such techniques WHO has developed a module for training counselling skills for adolescent sexual and reproductive health which preserves culture specificity in a non-directive approach and uses behavioural techniques to train communication microskills.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role and significance of comparative evaluation for improving education and training. It stresses that sound policy decisions require increasingly quantitative, as opposed to purely qualitative, measures of educational performance. These must, however be built on valid comparisons: so inter-country statistics should be interpreted with caution while statistical trends within a single country or region can prove most revealing. The article suggests avenues for further research and a summary of current evaluation activity is appended.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden Rolle und Bedeutung vergleichender Beurteilungen für die Verbesserung von Aus- und Fortbildung diskutiert. Betont wird, daß sinnvolle Zielsetzung immer häufiger quantitative statt rein qualitative Bildungsmaßnahmen erfordert. Diese müssen jedoch auf gültigen Vergleichen basieren; überregionale Statistiken sollten vorsichtig bewertet werden, während statistische Trends innerhalb eines einzigen Landes oder einer Region äußerst aufschlußreich sein können. Dieser Artikel zeigt weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten und gibt eine Zusammenfassung gegenwärtiger Bewertungsmuster.

Résumé Cet article examine le rôle et l'importance de l'évaluation comparative dans l'amélioration de l'éducation et de l'apprentissage. Il souligne que de saines décisions en matière de politique éducative nécessitent de plus en plus l'application de critères quantitatifs par opposition à des critères purement qualitatifs lors de l'évaluation des performances scolaires. Ceux-ci doivent néanmoins se fonder sur des comparaisons valables: les statistiques transnationales sont à interpréter avec prudence tandis que les tendances qui se dégagent des statistiques effectuées dans un certain pays ou une région particulière peuvent s'avérer tout à fait révélatrices. Cet article propose des perspectives pour une recherche plus poussée et comporte une annexe résumant les activités actuelles d'évaluation.

Sumario En el artículo se discute el papel y significado de la evaluación comparativa en la mejora de la educación y la enseñanza. Se enfatiza que las decisiones políticas cabales requieren, cada vez más, mediciones cuantitativas, en oposición a las puramente cualitativas, del rendimiento educativo. Sus conclusiones, sin embargo, deben basarse en comparaciones valederas: las estadísticas de distintos países tienen que interpretarse, al confrontarlas, con mucha cautela, mientras que aquellas relativas a un mismo país o región son más fiables y reveladoras. El artículo propone vías de investigación suplementaria e incluye un resumen de las actividades evaluatorias actuales.

The authors present a rationale for developing core competencies for training and organizational development in extension. Core competencies are defined as “the basic knowledge, attitudes, skills, and observable behaviors that lead to excellence in the workplace.” Competency-based models can be used to create an infrastructure that promotes innovation and continuous learning in every dimension of an extension organization. Competency models are designed around the skills individuals and groups need to be effective now and in the future. Competencies must be tied directly to the mission and strategic issues of the organization. A ten-step model is offered for identifying, validating and developing core competencies for an extension training and organizational development system. The seven core competencies developed by North Carolina Cooperative Extension using this process are defined. These competencies are being used or adapted by several states in the Southern Extension Region of the United States, and extension organizations throughout the United States are beginning to develop competency-based models for training and development. Illustrations of the application of the core competencies in North Carolina are provided along with preliminary qualitative evidence of the impact of this approach.  相似文献   

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