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Päivinen  Maria  Eklund  Kenneth  Hirvonen  Riikka  Ahonen  Timo  Kiuru  Noona 《Reading and writing》2019,32(7):1723-1746
Reading and Writing - The aim of this study was to examine the situational associations of reading-related task values and efficacy beliefs with achievement emotions, and whether these associations...  相似文献   


We investigated relationships among expressed emotions, perceived motivation, perceived emotions, and three dependent variables (i.e., behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and student achievement) in the context of a blended online course. We defined “expressed emotions” as emotions detected by an affective computing tool in messages that students posted to online discussion forums in a blended undergraduate writing course. The results of two-step hierarchical multivariate regressions revealed that expressed emotions differentiated positive emotions from negative emotions better than perceived emotions did. Moreover, while no significant effect emerged for perceived motivation and perceived emotions, expressed fear was a significant predictor of student achievement (i.e., final score). Although affective computing is in its infancy, our findings suggest the potential use of expressed emotions for educational research and practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the antecedents and consequences of epistemic and activity emotions in the context of complex mathematics problem solving. Seventy-nine elementary students from the fifth grade participated. Students self-reported their perceptions of control and value specific to mathematics problem solving, and were given a complex mathematics problem to solve over a period of several days. At specific time intervals during problem solving, students reported their epistemic and activity emotions. To capture self-regulatory processes, students thought out loud as they solved the problem. Path analyses revealed that both perceived control and value served as important antecedents to the epistemic and activity emotions students experienced during problem solving. Epistemic and activity emotions also predicted the types of processing strategies students used across three phases of self-regulated learning during problem solving. Finally, shallow and deep processing cognitive and metacognitive strategies positively predicted problem-solving performance. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the way in which participants in a qualitative study drew upon accounts of relationships and emotions in sharing their perceptions of assessment. By first exploring ideas about emotions and relationships in learning and assessment through the literature and subsequently discussing an interpretation of participant narratives, the author suggests that emotions and relationships surrounding past learning and assessment contexts can influence current perceptions of assessment and learning in powerful ways. The study also reveals how students value opportunities to express their beliefs, feelings and emotions during the assessment process. They also expect teachers to balance objectivity in assessment with empathy for those parts of themselves shared in the process. The conclusion is drawn that there are important implications for learning in the emotional response of students to assessment and in the nature of teaching and learning relationships that are worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

Students' opinions about the opportunities and the implications of VR in instruction were investigated by administering a questionnaire to humanities and engineering undergraduates. The questionnaire invited participants to rate a series of statements concerning motivation and emotion, skills, cognitive styles, benefits and learning outcomes associated with the use of VR in education. The representation which emerged was internally consistent and articulated into specific dimensions. It was not affected by gender, by the previous use of VR software, or by the knowledge of the main topics concerning the introduction of IT in instruction. Also the direct participation in a training session based on an immersive VR experience did not influence such a representation, which was partially modulated by the kind of course attended by students.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to explore the inseparable role of emotions in the teaching and the learning of science at the primary school level, as we elaborate the theoretical underpinnings and personal experiences that lead us to this notion of inseparability. We situate our perspectives on the complexity of science education in primary schools, draw on existing literature on emotions in science, and present arguments for the necessity of working towards positive emotions in our work with young children and their teachers. We layer our own perspectives and experiences as teachers and as researchers onto methodological arguments through narratives to emerge with a reflective essay that seeks to highlight the importance of emotions in our work with children and their teachers in elementary school science.  相似文献   

This special issue of Learning and Instruction examines the role of emotions in academic learning, with a special focus on emotions in computer-supported academic learning (or e-learning). Three central research challenges concerning emotion in e-learning are: identification (e.g., what are the key emotions in e-learning?), measurement (e.g., how can we tell how strongly a learner is experiencing each key emotion during e-learning?), and explanation (e.g., what are the causes and consequences of the learner's emotional state during learning?). A useful goal of research on emotions in e-learning is to test an affective-cognitive model of e-learning with links among an e-learning episode, the learner's emotional reaction during learning, the learner's cognitive processing during learning, and the learning outcome.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative study exploring the role and functionality of emotions in feedback. In-depth interview data from students and lecturers at an Australian university are analysed using cognitive appraisal and prototype theory. Results suggest that students experience a range of positive and negative emotions in feedback contexts which function to address both achievement and relational concerns. Practical implications are identified.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of perfectionism in the second/foreign language (L2) learning context. To this end, we investigated the possible links between perfectionism, emotions, achievement goals, and L2 achievement. A total number of 2008 secondary school students completed the relevant questionnaires. First, confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assure the construct validity of the questionnaires. Then, separate structural equation models were conducted to examine the relations among variables. Results indicated that adaptive perfectionism was directly related to positive emotions, while the opposite pattern was found for maladaptive perfectionism. Moreover, only adaptive perfectionism was related to mastery goals, and both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionisms were related to performance-approach goals and performance-avoidance goals. Maladaptive perfectionism dimensions were negatively related to L2 achievement, while one dimension of adaptive perfectionism had positive relation and another one had negative relation with L2 achievement. Finally, mediation analysis was performed and results showed that only negative emotions and only mastery goals could mediate the relation between perfectionism dimensions and L2 achievement.  相似文献   

伴随网络媒体的快速发展,反映社会现状的网络社会已经形成。网络媒体的方便、快捷、超越时空及其信息发布的隐蔽性,为网民素养提出迫在眉睫的解决课题。基于网络的虚拟社区教育平台的功用和价值普遍受到世界各国的高度重视。如今,我国网民数量每年剧增,各种网络社会问题层出不穷,一方面揭示了网民个体素养、自控能力等方面需要得到社会的关注,另一方面网络虚拟社区亟待打造健康、环保的教育管理环境。  相似文献   

虚拟现实与教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以多媒体CAI系统的深入普及、虚拟现实技术的不断发展为出发点,论述了将虚拟现实技术应用于教育的必要性与可行性,提出了一种模拟演示系统的开发研制方案,并且展望了虚拟现实技术与教育相结合的广阔前景.  相似文献   

根据作者近几年的教学经验,结合新兴起的虚拟现实技术,从课堂教学、实验教学、运程教学三个方面论述了虚拟实现技术在优化现代教育中的应用.  相似文献   

阐述了虚拟现实技术的教学优势,从建立新的办学模式和直接服务于教学这两个方面论述了虚拟现实技术在现代教育中的应用.  相似文献   

虚拟现实(V irtual Reality,V R)技术的教育应用研究方兴未艾,且已显露出改变传统教育模式的迹象,"因材施教,寓学于乐"这一经典的教育理念很有可能在虚拟现实技术的支持下得以实现。目前,国内外已有不少教育及相关研究机构在实践和探索基于虚拟现实技术的教学,这些研究揭示了虚拟现实技术在促进学生学习上有巨大优势。与此同时,基于虚拟现实技术的教学也面临着不小的挑战。虚拟现实作为一项前瞻性的教育技术,探讨其潜在的优势与所面临的挑战、为其进一步的实证性研究提供理论支持颇有必要。  相似文献   

现代网络信息技术带来了人类生存方式的变革,即虚拟生存的出现。虚拟生存中的人性是网络社会的人性,我们在认识虚拟生存的积极作用的同时,还需要加强人文精神的引导,不忘记追寻人生的价值和意义,虚拟生存空间才会给人类带来一个美好的全新世界。  相似文献   

Research has shown that various individual factors play an important role in the underachievement of gifted students. Most often discussed as predictors of underachievement are motivation, learning behavior, and emotions. To examine which specific constructs from these fields simultaneously predict underachievement among gifted fourth graders, logistic regression was performed on data from eighty-five highly intelligent students out of thirty-four classrooms. Students reported on their self-efficacy, learning goal orientation, use of text-reduction strategies, anxiety, boredom, anger, and enjoyment. Emerging predictors of underachievement were self-efficacy, use of text-reduction strategies, and anxiety. As these constructs are all connected to self-regulated learning in different ways, an intervention was implemented which successfully encourages self-regulated learning among students of differing cognitive abilities. Assessing the intervention’s effectiveness for different ability levels was important as the intervention was not a pull-out program, but was integrated into regular classroom instruction in which all students in these classes participated. Results from multilevel longitudinal models showed positive intervention effects for learning behavior among gifted underachievers, but no intervention effects on self-efficacy and anxiety could be detected.  相似文献   

Research literature in the field of teacher emotions and change broadly accepts that behaviour and cognition are inseparable from perception and emotion. Despite this, educational reform efforts tend to focus predominantly on changing individual behaviours and beliefs and largely neglect or at best pay token attention to the emotional dimensions of the change process. This study examines teacher emotions in the context of educational reform and focuses on the role emotions play when teachers transfer new instructional processes into their practice. The teachers involved in this study took part in a four year systemic change professional development program designed to refine and extend their instructional practice. A sequential mixed methods research design consisting of the administration of a quantitative questionnaire followed by in-depth qualitative narrative interview analysis was used to gain insight into this complex area of educational change. Findings revealed that the teachers involved in this study experienced a range of emotions when participating in professional development and their emotional responses directly impacted their use of new instructional processes. A cyclical pattern of emotions emerged influenced by time, place and interpersonal relationships. Implications for the future design and implementation of professional development change initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

文艺作品作为思想政治教育的载体,具有生动性、娱乐性和渗透性的特点。文艺作品的灵魂即文艺作品的中心内容或主题思想与思想政治教育的内容与目标是相吻合的,通过文艺作品进行思想政治教育,可以提升思想政治教育的感染力,增强思想政治教育的吸引力,还能提高大众的接受能力。文艺作品对思想政治教育具有重大的意义,本文从民族优秀文化的继承与发展、国家意识形态的维护、辅助形成正确的价值观以及加快实现中华民族的伟大复兴这四个方面展开研究。我们不能忽视文艺作品的重要地位,文艺作品的繁荣昌盛代表着我们文化软实力的强大,文化软实力的提高,更有助于实现我们伟大的中国梦。  相似文献   

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