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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the endometrial secretion and synthesis of proteins in hamsters that were subjected to ovarian stimulation with or without GnRH agonist (Leuprolide Acetate, LA). The results of protein resolution revealed that the molecular weight of the proteins increased from 31D to 66D, while the intensities of photographed protein bands in the hamsters treated with LA and pregnant mare’ s serum gonadotropin (PMSG) were less than that in those treated with PMSG alone. The amounts of low and medium weights (31kD and 45kD) proteins newly synthesized in LA+PMSG group and saline group (control) were significantly higher than that in PMSG group. The synthesized and secreted proteins in groups LA and control were similar. The data suggested that a physiologic endometrial protein secretory and synthetic change with GnRH agonist regarcded as a possible cause of the higher pregnancy rate in in vitro fertilization. The degree of endometrial secretion and synthesis varied considerably with the type of ovarian stimulation used. Project supported by China Medical Board of New York Inc., USA  相似文献   

高职学生性知识、性道德与性问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:解决高职学生(以下简称大学生)两性交往过程中的两大不良倾向:性愚昧无知与性放纵轻率;开展性心理咨询服务,促使和保证大学生身心健康。方法:课题组于2001年11月至2002年10月对襄樊职业技术学院2000级与2001级大学生进行了性知识、性道德与性问题匿名性问卷调查,然后进行X2检验与U检验分析。结果:(1)大学生希望获得的性知识排序为:青春期表现与卫生、两性交往知识与性病防治知识等;大学生希望获得性知识传授方式为:专家专题报告、课堂讲授、影像教学片等,男女等需求具有差异显性(P<0.01)。(2)对“贞操观”问题,仅有31.9%的大学生认为“至关重要”,对婚前性行为问题,大学生主要看法是“理解并不赞成”,对自己成为第三的可能情形,大学生认为主要是“与对方相见恨晚的感情”,女生的性道德观念比男生较严肃而认真(P<0.01)。(3)大学生存在的性问题主要是:性问题为性自慰、性搔扰、婚前性行为等,性自慰男性高于女性,受到性搔扰女性高于男性而且主要受到陌生人搔扰;婚前性行为比例较低,以上问题男女之间均具有差异显性(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:对大学生应由专家进行性知识、两性交往的感情观、贞操观与婚姻法制观念教育,教育大学生正确对待性冲动,控制性自慰,防止性搔扰,杜绝婚前性行为。  相似文献   

从安全性行为到"性纯洁"——论美国性教育策略的变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从美国性教育的缘起、内容、意义入手,论述了发生于美国的“性革命”在抛弃了传统道德对性的约束后所引发的雪崩般的卫生和社会问题以及面对这一危机美国性教育策略的变革过程,即由以避孕措施为基点的安全性行为教育转向以人格为基点的“性纯洁”。  相似文献   

对未成年人的法律保护,日渐引起学术界和司法界的关注,但有关未成年人的性犯罪研究,一直较为薄弱。刑法中除了简单的几个法条之外,对于很多的性侵事件显得力不从心。在此试从性侵事件的角度,分析我国法律的现状,力求为保护未成年人男性(仅指14—16周岁)的合法权益,提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

Using survey data from a large, public university, the authors examined the relationships of precollege sexual violence experience to revictimization and disclosure. Among victims of campus sexual violence, those with prior sexual victimization were no more or less likely to disclose to campus resources and were less likely to disclose to peers. Results suggest that institutions need to be prepared to support students with a range of victimization experiences. There is also a need for earlier and expanded sexual violence education and awareness efforts.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of deaf youth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

从九十年代初至今,詈语研究成果颇丰,然而大多数研究者都是对“詈语”进行宏观研究,却少有针对詈语家族中的重要成员——“性詈语”——进行专门研究.从人格心理学,禁忌文化和语言变异三个方面来探讨性詈语,进而揭示性詈语的产生机制,内在驱动力及演变发展规律.  相似文献   

衡卫国 《生物学教学》2004,29(12):29-30
地球上现存的生物种类,在个体性别方面大致可分为两大类:一类是个体无性别差异,这类生物一般比较原始、低等;另一类是个体有性别差异,雌雄异体,多见于高等动物和部分高等植物。这些生物的雌雄个体比接近1:1,是典型的孟德尔比数。说明其中必有某种机制存在,即有一定的遗传物质来决定。然而,生物的两性分化要通过发育过程才能实现.此过程需要在一定环境条件下进行。  相似文献   

网络空间的虚拟性,滋长了两性关系中的性混乱现象。两性性关系的紊乱,既不利于个体的幸福,也危害社会的稳定发展。我们人类性行为依然要遵循性爱合一、忠贞专一、不伤害三条性伦理原则。当今时代,网络为人类的情爱与道德的发展提供了更广阔、更自由的发展空间,人们应当正确地认识并迎接挑战,把握机遇,以完善爱情、道德、人性及社会。  相似文献   

当前随着青少年生理成熟期的提前和社会观念的逐步开放,未成年人性行为问题凸显,且有愈演愈烈的趋势。因此剖析未成年人性行为问题的现状、探究未成年人性行为问题的原因,促进未成年人身心健康发展,已成为教育工作者的当务之急。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheimpactonpiles bridgestructuresbymovingshipsorotherdriftingobjectsoftende stroysthebridge,soitisimportanttostudythe  相似文献   

网络空间的虚拟性,滋长了两性关系中的性混乱现象.两性性关系的紊乱,既不利于个体的幸福,也危害社会的稳定发展.我们人类性行为依然要遵循性爱合一、忠贞专一、不伤害三条性伦理原则.当今时代,网络为人类的情爱与道德的发展提供了更广阔、更自由的发展空间,人们应当正确地认识并迎接挑战,把握机遇,以完善爱情、道德、人性及社会.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper seeks to examine some of the effects of a differing sexual orientation on teachers’ daily lives in the staffroom and classroom. The data analysed were mainly collected in interviews with gay and lesbian teachers. It is hoped that by opening up some of the issues surrounding teachers and sexual orientations, this paper will help to lessen the stigma so typically attached to gays and lesbians who work in occupations that deal with young children or in jobs that entail moral responsibility.  相似文献   

Moving ships and other objects drifting on water often impact a bridge's pile foundation. The mechanical model of the piles-bridge structure under horizontal forcing was established, and a time-domain approach based on Finite-difference Method was developed for analyzing the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure. For a single pile, good agreement between two computed results validated the present approach. The slenderness ratio of the pile, the pile-soil stiffness ratio and the type of the structure influence the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure. The computed results showed that the stiffness of the structure determines the dynamic response of the piles-bridge structure under horizontal forcing. Project (No. 001110442) supported by the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China.  相似文献   

脏话作为一种非正规的边缘性语言,在现代社会已经无所不在。大部分脏话具有浓厚的性意识指向,直接以男女性器官或性行为为对象,尤以女性为甚。脏话的性意识指向背后是复杂的男女两性社会权力、地位关系,也体现出两性性心理的差异、变化。分析脏话的性意识,不仅能展现一定的社会文化、社会关系、两性性心理,而且能剖析出脏话中一些实质性的东西,为禁止脏话提供有用的参考。  相似文献   

马克思和恩格斯从现实的具体的人出发,通过对社会之性与自然之性,异化之性与正当之性,爱情之性与无爱之性,人类延续之性与实现全面发展之性的区分和论述,指出性的本质是它的社会性,性爱活动是建立在自愿基础上的爱情的活动,性爱的深层意义在于实现人的全面发展。马克思恩格斯性伦理思想对当前网络性伦理的构建具有重要的启示性意义,按照马克思恩格斯的性伦理学观点,我们认为网络性活动的本质是人的社会性活动;网络性伦理构建的目标最终指向是保障性权利,追求性自由与性道德的高度统一,实现人的全面发展;网络性伦理构建的关键在于消除异化之性,主张正当之性,实现性自由与性道德的统一。  相似文献   

性犯罪被害人司法救助研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性犯罪被害人是急需救助的弱势群体,而救助性犯罪被害人是司法机关的职责之一。与其他刑事被害人相比,性犯罪被害人精神损害尤为严重,精神损害赔偿的要求合理而强烈,为此司法机关应修改相关司法解释,赋予性犯罪被害人精神损害赔偿权。同时,在司法实践中保障她们的知情权和参与权;鉴于性犯罪被害人的敏感与脆弱性,司法机关在救助时应尊重其人格、保护其隐私。  相似文献   

当前我国对进行什么样的性教育,大体有三种不同的意见:一是青少年需要性知识教育,但更需要性道德教育;二是性教育是性知识教育,与道德无关;三是既要讲性知识,又要讲性道德,也要讲避孕套。可见性教育的根本分歧在于把性道德放在什么位置上。综观欧美和亚洲主要国家地区近几年性教育的演变,不难发现:无论是教育内容或发展历程,其实质就是性道德教育的回归。我国的性教育晚于西方,又有自己的国情特点,回顾一下国外的性教育历史及其成败经验,借鉴国外的经验教训,对我国青少年性道德教育显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

Hooded rats received five 1-sec shock presentations of 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0 mA. Activity measures recorded during each 30-sec intershock interval and at various retention intervals (.10, 2.5, and 24 h) following footshock (FS) indicated that (a) 5 sec after FS activity is directly related to shock intensity, while 10–30 sec following FS activity is inversely related to shock intensity; (b) the rate of decline in activity following FS increases with successive shock presentations; (c) activity is greater 10 h after FS than at a 2.5- or 24-h retention interval; and finally (d) shock compartment confinement increased activity and resulted in a substantial alteration in the form of retention curve in the 0.3-mA group but had lesser effects upon the retention curves of the 0.5- and 1.0-mA groups. The data were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that the “incubation effect” is a result of a decline of the activating effects of FS.  相似文献   

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