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施春岭 《教师》2014,(23):59-59
本文探讨了混合学习法在中职英语写作教学中的应用,认为中职英语写作教学中应用混合学习模式,可实现课堂教学和网络学习的有机结合,调动学生的学习积极性,提高学生的英语写作水平和计算机操作水平,值得在教学中普及和推广。  相似文献   

基于对高职学生使用英语写作网络评估方式的问卷调查、网络评估过程中高职学生写作效果等两方面的研究,分析网络在线评估方式在高职英语写作中应用的可行性。分析结果表明,网络在线评估方式有助于高职学生注重写作过程,激发写作兴趣,提高写作水平,因此在高职英语写作中使用网络在线评估方式切实可行。  相似文献   

周雪  张芳  王喜 《海外英语》2014,(4):63-64
英语议论文写作是各类英语测试中的常见形式。有效地课程设计能够较好地提高大学生英语议论文写作水平。后现代课程观的核心思想是以学生所需为基本点,倾听学生的学习诉求,通过合理的课程设计,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,并以此提高学生的学习效率。该文以后现代课程观为指导,围绕其所阐述的4R理论,对独立学院大学英语议论文写作水平的提高给出合理的可行性建议。  相似文献   

传统“大学英语写作”课程以教师评价为主,对于提高学生写作水平、写作课程参与度及积极性收效甚微。有鉴于此,基于Peerceptiv互评网络平台,构建基于师生合作互评的“大学英语写作”混合教学模式,以12名非英语专业大一学生为实践对象,践行“学生中心,产出导向,持续改进”的教学理念。研究表明,混合教学模式下学生互评加教师评价能显著助推不同水平学生提升英语写作能力,提升学生参与度和收获感,凸显学生主体作用,规避了传统英语写作课程“填鸭式”“满堂灌”教学的弊端,减轻了教师的批改负担,提高了教学效率,实现了“以评促学,以评促教”的“评、教、学”的有机融合。研究结果以期对“大学英语写作”教学模式改革提供可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   

田青 《考试周刊》2013,(43):89-90
传统的"以教师为中心"的英语写作课堂教学效果欠佳。作者以建构主义、自主学习理论和个性化教学为理论基础,以计算机网络为教学辅助工具,提出了以"学生自主学习"为中心的网络环境下英语写作教学模式,旨在提高学生的写作兴趣和写作水平。  相似文献   

写作是英语学习的重要内容,是英语教学不可缺少的组成部分。写作可以使学生全面掌握基本词汇、基础语法,在不断练习和总结中提高语言综合运用能力。初中是学生英语写作学习的初级阶段,学生写作英语存在词汇量不足、句式单一、中心思想不明确等问题。为了解决这些问题,提高学生英语写作水平,作者在教学中采用增加学生词汇量、培养学生对时态和语态的掌握、加大学生阅读量、练评讲结合等方式,有效地提高了学生的英语写作水平,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

通过教学实践与课堂观察,发现中职学生英语写作水平较低,主要表现为害怕写作,不愿写作,写作积极性不高。基于此,本文以英语作文批改和评价方式作为主要研究对象,通过改变评价方法、扩充评价内容,优化评价标准等、改变评价方式(学生互批、面批、适度纠错)等策略,以提高英语作文评价的有效性,最终实现提高中职生英语写作积极性和写作水平。  相似文献   

混合学习对大学生英语写作水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混合学习作为一种新型教学模式,实现了传统面对面教学模式和在线学习模式的融合,使得英语学习朝着个性化和交互式自主化的方向发展,从而有效提高了大学英语教学效果.因此,研究混合学习模式对提高英语教学具有重要意义.本研究通过对170名非英语专业大学生进行问卷调查和英语写作测试,探索了混合学习模式对大学生英语写作水平及写作动机的影响.研究通过建立小型语料库,并利用语料库检索分析软件Wordsmith分析语料库中作文文本的词汇复杂度、词汇稠密度、词长、句数和句长五项指标,应用社会科学统计软件SPSS13.0对所有数据进行描述性分析和相关分析.研究结果显示,混合学习模式对提高英语写作水平有积极的促进作用;学生的英语写作学习动机明显增强,尤其是内在动机得到显著提高;学生对于混合学习满意度较高.文章最后探讨了混合学习在大学英语写作教学方面的优势以及本研究的局限性.  相似文献   

英语写作教学借助形成性评价可以激发学生写作兴趣,提高学生写作能力和写作水平。形成性评价的形式丰富多样,在课堂教学活动中,教师应结合学生英语水平和学习规律,采取分值评价、语言评价、自我评价、相互评价等方式,优化学生的英语写作活动,提高写作教学效率和质量。  相似文献   

网络交流环境下的合作写作是一种基于互联网的文化交流和写作互助的学习模式。本文从建构主义学习理论出发,用实证研究的方法分析得出网络交流环境下的合作写作训练有利于提高学生的写作水平。研究的目的在于寻求一个以网络为交流平台,通过英语合作写作的训练培养学生的合作能力、自主学习能力和英语应用能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

Blended learning has risen in popularity in the last two decades as it has been shown to be an effective approach for accommodating an increasingly diverse student population in higher education and enriching the learning environment by incorporating online teaching resources. Blending significant elements of the learning environment such as face‐to‐face, online and self‐paced learning leads to better student experiences and outcomes and more efficient teaching and course management practices if combined appropriately. Hence, an appropriate systematic and dynamic approach of blended learning design is crucial for a positive outcome, starting with planning for integrating blended elements into a course and creating blended activities and implementing them. Evaluating their effectiveness and knowing in which environments they work better and improving the blended activities designed from both the student’s and instructor’s perspective are critical for the next delivery of the course. This article aims to increase awareness of higher education educators about how traditional face‐to‐face learning can be transformed into blended courses so as to develop student engagement with both in‐class and online approaches, whilst being time effective for the instructor.  相似文献   

在信息化教学中,出现了一种新的教学模式,即线上线下混合式教学。这种教学模式能够实现学生学习深度的提升,改善学习效果。混合式教学已经被广泛应用到各个学科中,线上线下混合教学所具有的优势,为教学水平的提升提供了可能。对混合式教学在管理学课程中的应用进行探索,以期推动教学水平的提升。  相似文献   

在教育信息化背景下,为了提高教师和学生的信息化素养,为了提高学生的自主学习能力、解决问题的能力,在建构主义理论、混合式学习理论、泛在学习理论的指导下,黄冈职业技术学院应用文写作课程采用线上线下混合式教学,促进了信息技术与课程的深度融合。本文从实施混合式教学的理论基础,实施混合式教学的必要性以及具体的教学组织三个方面进行阐述,说明信息技术与课程教学的深度融合有助于提升人才培养质量。  相似文献   

A synchronous blend of online learning and “face-to-face” teaching is becoming a feasible instructional approach in higher education with the advent of technology. Although this learning mode is not new in higher education, little research has been done to contextualise social presence experiences in which effects of interactions were explored for enhancing learning. A qualitative approach was adopted using the case study method to examine the instructor and students’ pedagogic interactions in the social presence of a blended synchronous learning environment. This paper reports an exploration of the blended learning with an online group of students at a remote site attending a computer-aided engineering drawing course synchronously with a face-to-face group taught by an instructor in a laboratory. The process of interaction was visually and verbally mediated by videoconference as if in an online face-to-face learning community. The findings show that the online and face-to-face groups had different social presence experiences in which interaction emerged. Emotional adaptation and practice is needed for the students and the instructor in such a complex environment. Based on the interaction patterns, a framework of interactions in the blended synchronous learning environment is conceptualised to inform course development and instructional design. Implications for further study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many education institutions and teachers are recognizing and applying online learning and related educational technologies to help students achieve satisfactory learning performance. Due to the free entertainment on the Internet that may distract students’ attention from online courses and with the purpose of developing students’ teamwork abilities, the author in this study adopted team-based learning (TBL) and co-regulated learning (CRL) to develop students’ involvement in a blended computing course. The subjects in this study were 111 first-year students from three classes taking a compulsory course titled ‘Applied information technology: data processing’. The first group (G1, which received online TBL and CRL) and the second group (G2, which received online TBL only) were the experimental groups. The last group (CG), which received the traditional teaching method in a blended learning environment, served as the control group. The results in this study indicate that students who receive the online TBL have significantly higher involvement than those without. However, the online CRL does not contribute to better development of students’ involvement in the implementation of TBL. The insights for teachers who plan to adopt e-learning, and the reasons for the ineffectiveness of CRL, are discussed in this study.  相似文献   

混合式教学既是线下面对面教学和在线教学的混合,更是一种“以学生为中心”的教学与辅导方式的混合。针对传统“通信原理”教学中存在的学生课后学习时间不足、课堂注意力难以长时间集中,以及理论教学和实践应用脱节等问题,以国家精品在线开放课程“通信原理”为依托,形成了以问题为引导的混合式教学模式。从线上线下课时安排、教学组织、教师分工和学习成效考核方式等方面进行了探索。实践表明,该混合式教学模式在“通信原理”教学中取得了良好效果,可为其他类似课程开展混合式教学提供参考。  相似文献   

While there has been extensive research on online communities of enquiry, little work has been done on the extent to which cultural factors can inhibit student participation. In this study of a ‘blended’ model of learning in which students attended face-to-face lectures but were required to take part in online seminars, we found that although most students felt that they belonged to a community of enquiry, there were considerable obstacles to their readiness to respond fully to the views of others. We ascribe these difficulties to the particular cultural context in which the learning occurred in Northern Ireland and contend that course designers should take account of such ‘cultural inhibitors’ in designing online or blended courses.  相似文献   

Communication skills are a significant contributor to an individual's success in the workplace. Unfortunately, students often have trouble expressing their ideas in written form and the poor quality of students’ written work often impedes the learning process. This pilot study investigates the use of online writing studios within a quality improvement methods course and the impact of this intervention on students’ writing competency and perceptions about the writing process. The impact of this approach on student performance is evaluated within and across semesters using comparative statistical analyses. Results show that students who participated in online writing studios performed better (i.e., at least one rubric level higher) on their final written assignments for the course compared to students who did not, and that this approach is associated with improved students’ perceptions about the writing process. This research suggests that the use of online writing studios within a content‐specific course can incrementally improve students’ writing competency over the course of one semester, and can positively affect the learning of written communication skills and change students’ perceptions about various aspects of the writing process.  相似文献   

阐述了混合式教学模式在“制药反应工程”教学中的实践途径和实施效果。实践结果表明,通过引入混合式教学模式,线上线下学习相结合,开展翻转课堂教学,能够激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性;通过调整课堂教学内容,课堂教学中弱化公式推导、强化知识运用,能够调动学生课堂学习兴趣和课堂参与度;通过细化平时成绩构成、引入期中考试,能够有效引导学生注重过程学习,提升学习效果。说明混合式教学模式的引入显著提升了教学效果和学习效果,为基础理论课程的教学改革提供了有利的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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