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Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   

Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   

This paper explores how information is shared across the vertical and horizontal boundaries of government agencies. Different types of information sharing are identified and discussed in terms of their strengths and encountered challenges. Centralized types of information sharing are found as a primary strategy adopted to facilitate interagency information sharing in the two dimensions. Particularly, influential determinants from type comparisons and government agencies are identified and discussed regarding what agencies may take into considerations when selecting certain types of information sharing. While there is no single type of information sharing that can satisfy all the needs and concerns of government agencies, most agencies still simultaneously employ several types of information sharing in different circumstances. A competition-and-cooperation relationship exists among the different types of information sharing in both dimensions. The paper suggests that a balance between centralized and decentralized types of information sharing should be achieved to obtain advantages and diminish disadvantages. The similarities and differences between the types in the two dimensions are also compared and discussed. Lastly, the conclusion outlines the contribution and limitation of the current research and suggests future studies of the current work.  相似文献   

This article discusses political interests and maneuvering that went on among professional trade associations, government agencies, and public interest groups and the ultimate effects that it had on the outcome of the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Act of 1993, also known as the WINDOW bill. Insight is provided into the increasingly contentious politics of information in the United States. With the trend toward the explosive growth in availability of and access to government information in electronic formats, it is recognized that access to and control of government information has tremendous economic and political rewards for libraries, businesses, and politicians alike.  相似文献   

WeChat official accounts have been increasingly adopted by Chinese government agencies to deliver public services, in response to the “Internet + Public Service” reformation. While previous studies depended heavily on the expert-oriented approach to evaluate the accounts, this paper presents a user-centered study based on a mixed methods research design in which an unobtrusive clickstream data analysis was complemented by a card sorting study, stakeholder interviews, and a focus group. A 2-month server log file containing 42,188,760 clickstream records was obtained from an active government WeChat official account and analyzed at the movement level, which found that the account was mainly used as a lookup tool with most services underutilized and its home portals failed to support effective wayfinding to needed services. Deficiencies in information architecture, operation strategy, and interaction design of the account were identified in the complementary studies. This study not only enriches the knowledge about social media use in the Chinese government for public service delivery, but also introduces innovative methods to generate new research insights. The findings can inform government WeChat official accounts of how to improve service quality and user experience.  相似文献   

Institutional repositories (IRs) are important research management tools that can give increased visibility to the institution’s scholarly outputs. Although statistics were previously available through the various repository interfaces, without an agreed standard it was not possible to measure usage across a range of IRs accurately. IRUS-UK is a national aggregation service, containing details of all content downloaded from participating IRs in the United Kingdom. Through collecting raw usage data and processing them into item-level usage statistics IRUS-UK provides comparable and authoritative standards-based data and also acts as an intermediary between UK repositories and other agencies.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):139-162

The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science published recommendations for a national information policy in 1976, and concerns regarding the protection of privacy and equal public access to online information were introduced. From the mid 1970s to the early 1990s, federal government agencies were beginning to publish materials and maintain records electronically. Most current U.S. government information was available on the Internet by the late 1990s, and depository libraries were required to provide workstations that would facilitate access to documents. Documents librarians, already concerned with the lack of attention to archiving online federal information, were provided with an example of the vulnerability of online publications in the early 2000s when federal agency Web sites were made inaccessible-quickly and easily. The possibility that too much government information was available to anyone with access to the Internet was becoming a national concern. Using government documents as resources, this article retraces the events that were occurring in federal government agencies during the movement of government information to the Internet.  相似文献   

2020年12月9日,国际图联(IFLA)发布的《数字技术政策中的图书馆:政策领域、机制、做法》(Libraries in Digital Skills Policies:Policy areas,mechanisms,practices)报告,回顾和总结了国际组织和各国政府在数字化与互联网政策、战略、相关项目框架中涉及图书馆帮助提高公民数字技能的内容,旨在为图书馆界宣传其在数字技能建设中的重要作用提供参考,并呼吁各国政府将图书馆作为数字技能基础设施的一部分而上升为国家战略。基于这一报告之启示,我国图书馆应提高危机意识,重视用户数字素养培训和教育;抓住政策契机,寻找服务突破口;发挥图书馆行业的引领作用,关注数字经济领域的宏观政策动向,为相关部门提供制定政策参考,使图书馆成为数字经济的重要参与者。  相似文献   

National security controls on information and communication have been realized in Australia through various intelligence agencies and acts of the Parliament which, to varying degrees, restrict public access to documents regarded as essential to the “national interest.” This overview describes these entities and laws as well as the role of the Freedom of Information Act. It concludes that, in stark contrast to the United States, there has been a “freeing-up” of national security controls on information and communication in Australia in recent years.  相似文献   

This study tests the relative importance of different factors of television narratives in how they influence people's judgments of how violent those narratives are. After watching 1 of 3 videotapes of a violent narrative, 99 college students answered a series of questions about their interpretations of the violence. It was found that participants' judgments about the degree of violence in the narratives were more strongly associated with their perceptions of the graphicness of the violent acts and the harm to the victims than with other factors such as the number of violent acts or the seriousness of those acts. Thus, people's judgments of the degree of violence in television programs differs from researchers' conceptualization. Implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Considerably little effort has been devoted to systematically exploring the landscape of government-funded innovation schemes, leaving policymakers and academics little empirical evidence with which to grasp the overall situation of national R&D funding strategies. In the United States (US), patents with a government right or financial interest are flagged, offering a window through which we can examine the landscape of today's patterns of government support for innovation. We conduct the examination from the perspectives of the leading government agencies, the promotor-recipient relationship, and the common concerns of different participants. The results show that the R&D project funding by federal agencies has, among other factors, contributed to the growth in the number of patent records. The Departments of Defense (DoD), Energy (DoE), and Health and Human Services (HHS), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have issued the most funding and hold rights to more patent records than any other agencies. Moreover, reforms to the US patent system made 40 years ago to afford more protection to non-government assignees appear to have significantly impacted patenting activity. Universities, companies, and individuals have become far more active in fulfilling government-funded projects, with remarkable innovations as a result. In recent years, funding priorities have shifted toward research in biomedicine, fields related to human life, and computer science. However, the four dominant agencies responsible for most government funding differ in their investment priorities and frequently adjust which areas of innovation they support. This study is among the first attempts to support the landscape of the public-invested innovation using the full government-subsidized patent dataset. The analyses in this paper are instructive in understanding the dynamics of US government funding for innovation and informing effective policymaking around innovation.  相似文献   

The controversial Escrowed Encryption Standard, recently adopted as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), has polarized some stakeholders both within and outside government and has also raised disturbing questions about the role of Federal agencies in the standards-setting process. This article explores the relationship between standards and Federal information policy and examines the balance between national security and law enforcement concerns, on the one hand, and privacy rights and U.S. economic competitiveness, on the other.  相似文献   

Official statistical offices are often included in government moves to charge users for services. In New Zealand, the change from operating a public statistical service fully funded by government to competing in a contestable economic market has presented a wide range of challenges. Statistics New Zealand—the country's national statistics office—has found that this change has tested its ability to provide services that users will pay for. It has also caused the service to look closely at the interaction between the commercial market and the other, more traditional markets of the service. It is the government and public markets that drive the values of national statistical offices throughout the world. However, it is the move into the commercial market that is now leading to greater consumer responsiveness in both commercial and publicly-funded services, more effective rationing by price and other determinants, and greater promotion of services.  相似文献   

Given the uncertain state of the economy and the changing role of the federal government in solving social problems, librarians must work to become more effective politically. The author suggests that in 1983-1984 the ALA focus efforts on training members to seek legislation that strengthens library and information services. In addition, it emphasizes that librarians must become politically visible on state and local levels and must learn to actively seek financial support from the public and private sectors.  相似文献   

基于整体性视角,分析了若干国家的政府、科研资助机构、科研教育机构、学术出版界以及图书馆科研数 据开放政策体系,并指出所带来的启示。研究认为,数据治理、科研资助、科研管理与数据服务整合是进一步推动科 研数据开放共享的关键。  相似文献   

Early in World War II The Federal Communications Commission's War Problems Division, cooperating with other agencies, expressed opinions that contributed to loss of jobs for at least 30 foreign‐language broadcasters accused of enemy sympathies. Those opinions perhaps violated civil liberties. Factors facilitating the rulings were new agencies' unclear jurisdictions, paramount desire to win the war, belief in propaganda's power, and broadcasters' leasing of time to brokers which made it difficult to determine employees' politics. This blacklisting demonstrates the need for clear jurisdictions in government agencies, separation of judicial and accusatory functions in administrative agencies, and care in protecting civil liberties during national emergencies.  相似文献   

Sharing of knowledge, information, and practices across cultural and national boundaries has become a means to address critical global problems. As government agencies increasingly collaborate with international counterparts on these issues, transnational knowledge and information sharing networks grow in importance as mechanisms for collaboration. This paper explores the nature of transnational public sector knowledge networks (TPSKNs) and identifies critical contextual factors that shape their performance. In these networks, each participating organization operates within complex national, organizational, and information contexts. The contextual differences between participants produce distances in culture, politics, intentions, organizational factors, relationships, knowledge, resources, geography, and technology. These distances influence their ability to engage in the processes and interactions that are essential to network performance. The paper concludes with a conceptual dynamic model that accounts for the relationships among these factors that can guide further research in understanding knowledge and information sharing across national and cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide are encouraging public agencies to join e-Government initiatives in order to provide better services to their citizens and businesses; hence, methods of evaluating the readiness of individual public agencies to execute specific e-Government programs and directives are a key ingredient in the successful expansion of e-Government. To satisfy this need, a model called the eGovernment Maturity Model (eGov-MM) was developed, integrating the assessment of technological, organizational, operational, and human capital capabilities, under a multi-dimensional, holistic, and evolutionary approach. The model is strongly supported by international best practices, and provides tuning mechanisms to enable its alignment with nation-wide directives on e-Government. This article describes how the model was conceived, designed, developed, field tested by expert public officials from several government agencies, and finally applied to a selection of 30 public agencies in Chile, generating the first formal measurements, assessments, and rankings of their readiness for e-Government. The implementation of the model also provided several recommendations to policymakers at the national and agency levels.  相似文献   

The study investigated how three agencies in Sweden were pursuing the implementation of an electronic archive (e-archive). The e-archive was seen by the Swedish National archives as a pre-requisite to the effective management of government information and would help the agencies to comply with the Swedish Public Sector Information (PSI) law which requires them to publish open data. It was also seen as an important component of an efficient e-government. The study further had two objectives: to establish whether the common specifications were being used and how the implementation of the PSI-law was being pursued. Interviews and a literature review were used as data gathering techniques. The Records Continuum Model (RCM) was applied to enhance an understanding of how the agencies were dealing with the publication of open data. Two of the agencies had implemented an e-archive but the third agency lacked one. All the three were publishing open data. The agency that did not have an e-archive was publishing open data that suited its existing information management infrastructure. This has implications since the PSI-law requires full publication of all PSI which has no restrictions. The common specifications were not being used by the agencies.  相似文献   

The business sector has already recognized the importance of information flow for good management, with many businesses adopting new technology in data mining and data warehousing for intelligent operation based on free flow of information. Free flow of information in government agencies is just as important. For example, in child welfare, entities that fund social services programs have increasingly demanded improved outcomes for clients in return for continued financial support. To this end, most child welfare agencies are paying more attention to the outcomes of children in their care. In North Carolina, many county departments of social services have successfully adopted the self-evaluation model to monitor the effects of their programs on the outcomes of children. Such efforts in self-evaluation require good information flow from state division of social services to county departments of social services. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive KDD (Knowledge Discovery and Data mining) information system that could upgrade information flow in government agencies. We present the key elements of the information system and demonstrate how such a system could be successfully implemented via a case study in North Carolina. The next generation infrastructure in digital government must incorporate such information system to enable effective information flow in government agencies without compromising individual privacy.  相似文献   

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