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个体对母语和第二语言的认知存在差异性,缘于个体抓住了母语语言习得的最关键时期并以极大的信息量早早地占据了大脑言语中枢。输入大脑的语言信息并与脑语言细胞相互作用、相互影响,在大脑构建了母语语言认知构架。当第二语言信息滞后地进入大脑言语中枢时,个体也试图去构建第二语言认知构架,因受母语认知构架的负迁移,构建过程异常艰难。因此,个体运用第二语言时也不能象运用母语那样自然。  相似文献   

在《看得见风景的房间》中,福斯特把小说的女主人公露西置于英国文化与意大利文化的冲突中,直接导致了这个中产阶级女性文化身份的分裂及嬗变:露西在意大利文化的影响下,文化身份分裂为渴望融入意大利世界、享受美好生活的露西与被英国中产阶级男权意识牢牢束缚的露西;最终在爱默生父子的影响下,露西抛弃了她中产阶级的文化身份,与英国下层阶级的男子结合,成为了边缘化的中产阶级。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies used by a mother with a child with autism during games activities with peers to provide the child with social skills. The research method of this study is ‘a qualitative single‐subject case study’. The participants in this research are a mother and her 9‐year‐old child with autism, one brother and three typically developing peers. The research data were collected through field notes, interviews, audio and videotape recordings during natural interactions between the mother and her child. The strategies the mother used were analysed using video records during games activities in a natural park. The interactions of the mother with her child were examined in the context of a hide‐and‐seek game. Micro‐ethnographic‐analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the video records. According to the research data, it was found that the mother with a child with autism made extensive use of 13 different verbal strategies and seven different non‐verbal strategies. It was observed that the mother guided her child and the group during the hide‐and‐seek game, arranged the environment of the games, carried out routine activities both at the beginning and at the end of the games and arranged the games in accordance with the abilities and preferences of the child. These applications bear a resemblance to the model of integrated game groups. As a result, the data from the present research reveal that a mother having a child with autism acts as a guide during the games and uses verbal and non‐verbal interaction strategies in this guidance process and by doing so contributes to the process of participation in the games by the child with autism and in the child's social interaction with his peers.  相似文献   

A second-time mother uses a combination of comfort measures and hypnosis for childbirth to achieve a medication-free birth. In the hospital, her use of hypnosis and the posterior position of her cervix made it appear that she was not dilated. After she was fully dilated, pushing took several hours. Throughout the birth, the mother remained calm and did not experience pain, thanks to her practice with prenatal yoga and the Hypnobabies method of childbirth.  相似文献   

母语问题日益受到国际社会的关注,但学界对于"母语"的概念问题至今仍然众说纷纭。本文对中国期刊网上的文章进行抽样调查和对大学生群体进行了问卷调查,认为对母语的理解受制于不同语境。在民族共同语相同的情况下,母语是人幼年习得的第一语言,往往是思维与交际的自然工具;而在不同民族共同语的背景下,母语则指向民族共同语。  相似文献   

研究使用翻译并修订后的"Hong"氏逆反心理量表、父母教育方式量表对250名初中生进行问卷调查,结果表面中学生逆反心理在年级、性别变量上差异显著,初二学生的逆反心理高于初一;女生的逆反心理低于男生;父母教养方式在性别上的差异有统计学意义;父母亲的教育方式与中学生逆反心理相关显著。父亲因子2惩罚严厉、父亲因子3过分干涉、父亲因子5拒绝否认、母亲因子2过度干涉、母亲因子3拒绝否认、母亲因子4惩罚严厉对逆反心理总分有较大的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

母语在外语教学中的灵活运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
母语在外语教学中的积极作用已得到越来越多人的认可,如何灵活运用母语于外语教学中已成为众多外语教师倍加关注的话题。本结合笔的教学经验和学习体会,总结了一些母语在外语教学中的运用情况。  相似文献   

双语教学是在我国少数民族地区为了使少数民族学生既能学好汉语,又有利于保留少数民族语言,在教学中使用的两种语言.《概率论与数理统计》作为一门理论性很强的数学课程,具有自己独特的概念和方法,内容丰富,结论深刻,对学生来讲是一门比较难学的数学课程.在双语数学教学中既要从本课程的特点出发,又要考虑到学生的实际,选取恰当的教学方法.  相似文献   

This article is written in a personal capacity; it is based on a presentation entitled ‘If the child is father to the man, can the researcher be mother to the poet?’ given as part of the ECER symposium, ‘Telling stories: truth and fiction in educational research’ hosted by David Bridges, at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Edinburgh, 23 September 2000. It is meant as a stimulus to discussion about the relationship between poetry as a species of ‘creative’ writing, and research writing—how and why they might be complementarities as well as opposites. Rather than attempting a theoretical paper, the author uses excerpts from her own poetry—and those of the prize‐winning poet, Jane Draycott, with whom she recently co‐authored a book, and whose ideas have contributed to this article—to explore these ideas.  相似文献   

A new model of society in post-Soviet Russia introduced novel family patterns to everyday life as well as to children’s literature, with traditional parent and children’s functions becoming subject to rethinking. The tendency to reconsider parental functions can be observed in texts from different genres, but it appears most overtly in modern fairy tales which, on the one hand, link modernity with the national folkloric code but, on the other, aim to overcome the code. Unlike many contemporary Russian authors for children, who leave little narrative space for parents, Sergey Sedov makes the mother central to his “Fairy Tales About Mums.” He describes various situations in which this figure regains the depth and comprehensiveness of a Jungian Great Mother Archetype. The author combines different fairy tales, cultural stereotypes and literary themes to create the image of a new mother who possesses various roles, some of which place her in opposition to the gender stereotype of patriarchal Russian folklore. This article uses structural, typological and motive methods of analysis to trace the transformation of the mother’s image from the traditional folktale canon to determine its activity-related and axiological aspects and to analyse various manifestations of the mother in terms of the tales’ semantic and aesthetic integrity.  相似文献   

母语负迁移指的是二语学习过程中母语对二语的阻碍作用。汉英两种语言分别属于不同语系,它们之间虽然有相同点但也存在着很大的差异。由于语言决定思维,因此汉英翻译中以汉语为母语的译者在翻译时,不可避免地会受到母语的影响,译出不合英语表达习惯和语法结构的句子。结合教学中所遇到的母语负迁移现象,母语对汉英翻译的影响主要表现在词语选择、句式结构及语篇衔接三个方面。汉英翻译实践中,译者应多关注目标语的表达习惯、语法特点、句式特点及语篇衔接习惯等,并多进行两种语言间的比较,以期将母语对翻译的影响降至最低。  相似文献   

对比幼儿母语习得与外语教学之间的差异发现,幼儿和外语学习者在学习目的、学习动机、所接触的语言文化环境和对待语言文化及错误的情感因素上都存在差异;同时发现学习语境中教授者的合作性和对待偏误的态度也存在差异。文章建议外语教学从学习者和教授者两方面入手,学习幼儿母语习得的成功因素,以提高外语教学的效能。  相似文献   

Interlingual transfer refers to transfer rules from the first language.There are many differences between English and Chinese,which will unavoidably interfere with the English learning.When the interference of mother tongue fosters target language learning,it is called mother tongue’s positive transfer.Conversely,the mother tongue’s negative transfer will emerge.With mother tongue mode of thinking automatically,Chinese students always make errors when they compose a sentence or write a passage.Interlingual transfer includes three aspects:lexical transfer,grammatical transfer and cultural transfer.  相似文献   

汉语迁移对外语学习的影响历来是语言学家们研究的重点.也是旅游英语口语教学和培训的难点。造成旅游英语口语汉语负迁移的原因有许多,有因汉语习惯而形成的用词搭配负迁移,有因东西方文化背景的差异和汉语思维方式惯性而形成的负迁移等。教学和培训中应从学习中西方文化着眼,以掌握足够的词汇为抓手,以区别思维特点为切入点来解决旅游英语口语表达中汉语负迁移问题。  相似文献   

汉语作为越南学生学习的目标语言,在语音学习过程中存在一种"交叉性",既依赖母语中与目标语相同或相近的发音,又要排除母语对学习目标语的负面干扰。基于此,越南留学生中介语声母发音也是如此,从实验语音学的角度对其进行声学分析,可以找出发音偏误,以辅助教学工作。  相似文献   

"母亲"作为一种文学形象在父权社会中一直处于被神话的状态。传统的书写方法是把母亲塑造成贤妻良母,这是男性出于自身需要而刻意制造的神话,这一书写方式成为一种常规,影响深远。而当代女作家们却发现了这种书写方式的男权意味,采用了不同于传统的书写方式,对母亲进行了颠覆性书写:写出母亲的恶和母亲的欲望,并对母女关系重新审视,对女性历史进行构建,使母亲形象变得更加丰富而真实。这种文学活动是在特定的语境中发生的,其发生与创作主体的人生经历、所处的社会经济环境、西方审丑意识的影响等不无关系。  相似文献   

通过实际测量和匿名调查,调查了683名陕西大学生的身高,用EpiData软件进行数据录入,Spass 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果表明:儿子的身高均值比父代身高均值高1.05cm(t=3.40;p<0.001),女儿的身高均值比母代身高均值高1.47cm(t=6.10;p<0.001),总的变异趋势是群体的身高在增高。从相关系数和遗传率都可以看出,身高主要与遗传有关,男青年的最终身高其父亲的影响比母亲重要,母亲身高对女儿身高的影响更为明显些。  相似文献   

Westminster College is currently undertaking a research project into the language development of children of school age in conjunction with the Department of Linguistic Science, University of Reading. The collaboration represents an attempt to apply Linguistic Science to the work of classroom teachers within the mother‐tongue. The following papers indicate the nature of the project and its possible uses to the teaching profession and students of language acquisition.  相似文献   

目的语文化是大学外语教学不可或缺的一部分,而近年来在外语教学中过分强调目的语文化却造成了外语学习者在现实交际场景中母语文化的缺失.这种母语文化的缺失不单单源于目的语文化与母语文化之问的冲突,更重要的是外语教学中缺少了母语文化元素.“Glocal English”这一概念的提出为我们带来了一种把全球语言(Global E...  相似文献   

个体对母语和第二语言的认知往往出现差异。缘于母语抓住了个体语言习得的最关键时期并以极大的信息量早早地占据了个体大脑的言语中枢,并与脑语言细胞相互作用、相互影响,在大脑建立了母语认知构架。当第二语言信息滞后地进入大脑言语中枢时,个体也试图去构建第二语言认知构架,但受母语认知构架的负迁移,构建过程异常艰难。同时,个体运用第二语言时也不能像运用母语那样自然。  相似文献   

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