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Wife Swap
Two cannibals- a father and his son - are elected by their tribe to go out and get something to eat. The pair walk deep into the jungle and wait by a path. Before long, a little old man walks by.  相似文献   

1.Use soap to wash your hands.用香皂洗手。 2.Dry your hands with your towel.用毛巾把手擦干。 3.Please go to the toilet/bathroom,boys go first。男孩先去洗手间。 4.Turn the tap off,when you have down.洗完手后,把水龙头关上。 5.Show me your hands.are they clean/dirty?让我看看你的手干净了吗?/脏吗?  相似文献   

One day little Nick got two white rabbits.One was big,the other was little. 一天,有人送给小尼克两只白兔.一只大的,一只小的.  相似文献   

across表示“横过,穿过,跨过”。例如: When you go to the other side of the road,you should walk across the road.  相似文献   

我们在前两个故事中说到了the first little pig and the third little pig have come back to China。现在,the second little pig也要comes back to China。不过,在回家之前,the second little pig要到俄罗斯的莫斯科大学作演讲。The second little pig的演讲很受大家的欢迎。演讲之后,校长and the second little pig go to a restaurant.They drink一种味道很特别的汤。The second little pig says.“I like this soup.Do you know how to cook this soup?”校长说:“当然会了,这叫俄罗斯汤。Every husband and wife know how to cook this soup.你听了这个story后就会知道怎样煮俄罗斯汤了。”同学们,赶快听故事吧!你是否能掌握煮俄罗斯汤的技巧呢?  相似文献   

1.be from/come from来自1.a little一点儿2.like doing sth喜欢做某事3.go to the movies去看电影4.play sports做运动5.write to sb写信给某人  相似文献   

小朋友们生病了.就需要去医院看病。因为医生护士知道如何才能把我们医治好。那如果泰迪熊“病”了,谁来给它看病呀?不要着急,在德国柏林就有一家专门给泰迪熊看病的医院呢! You might (可能)go to the hospital if you're ill. You may think it is a little scary (害怕的)to go to a hospital. But doctors and nurses in the hospital can help you feel better.  相似文献   

The first little pig成功地完成了他的毕业论文,并且获得了教育博士学位。The first little pig is very happy.十天以后,he will go back to China.但是,他非常舍不得他的老师和同学。三年来,他们给了小猪 a lot of help.“I will email you.Goodbye.”“Goodbye,little pig.”The little pig坐飞机回北京了。On the plane, the little pig遇到了一位来自日本的年轻人。他要到北京学习呢。他发现the little pig因为离开了自己的老师和同学而伤心,就对the little pig说:“我可以给你讲一个日本故事让你高兴起来。OK?”The little pig说: “OK.Thank you.I love stories.”The little pig到底听到了一个什么故事?播放光盘你就知道了。  相似文献   

I'm a big,big bear,我是一只大棕熊,I'm a little,little dog,我是一只小狗狗,Big,little,big,little,大和小;大和小,Clap!Clap!Clap!懂了你就拍拍手。  相似文献   

Two big eyes,HA HA HA!one little nose.Make a funny face!Two big hands,HA HA HA HA!ten little toes.HA HA HA HA!One big mouth,HA HA HA HA!  相似文献   

教学步骤及说明 Step 1. Warming-up Let' s chant: Hop a little. Jump a little. One.Two. Three. Run a little. Skip a little. Tap oneknee. Bend a little. Stretch a little. Nod yourhead. Yawn a little. Sleep a little, in your bed!  相似文献   

文竹青 《湖南教育》2005,(10):25-25
用竞赛活动复习词汇。如复习have和make时,把学生分成四个组,比比哪个组写的have或make短语多。为公平起见,让每组第一个同学抽签决定所选的单词,分两大组进行评比,多一条词汇即多一分。纸条是从前往后传的,原则上是每个同学每一次写一条,时间是三分钟。用学唱英语歌曲、猜谜等活动进行复习。这是我教过的If you’re H appy的歌词:If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands郾(clap,clap)郾If you’re happy and you know it,clap your hands郾(clap,clap)郾If you’re happy and you know it,and you really want to show it,If…  相似文献   

如何联系小T:福建读者林新来信询问little, a little, few, a few的区别和用法。答:little, a little, few, a few都表示“一点”,但little和a little一般用来修饰不可数名词,而few和a few则一般用来修饰可数名词。Little与a little之间的区别和few与a few之间的区别是一样的。Little和few表否定含义,表示“少得几乎没有”;而a little和a few 则表肯定含义,表示“虽然少,但还是有一点的”。试比较:There's little orange juice in the fridge. We should go to the supermarket to buy some.冰箱里只有很少一点橙汁了。我们要去超市买一些…  相似文献   

One day, little Tom didn' t want to go to school and telephoned the teacher.  相似文献   

At the Barber's Shop I go to the barber's shop(理发店)every two weeks.I don't like very long hair.When I go to the barber's shop,we al-ways talk a lot.He tells me all his news,and I tell him all mine.He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop every day and he likes to talk with most of them.So he always has lots of news for me.Every year the barber goes to France(法国)for two weeks for his holiday.And when he comes back to England,he has a lot of interesting and funny news.When he cuts my hair,he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages(宁静的小村庄),  相似文献   

教学步骤及说明Step1.W arm ing-upLet's chant:H op a little.Jum p a little.One.Two.Three.Run a little.Skip a little.Tap oneknee.Bend a little.Stretch a little.Nod yourhead.Yawn a little.Sleep a little,in yourbed。设计意图:学生跟着《节拍英语》中的H op alittl  相似文献   

Oh,clap your hands, And sing with glee! For Christmas is coming, And merry are we.  相似文献   

1.M onther m onkey has two m onkeys,but she loves the younger better than theelder.猴妈妈生了两只小猴子,可是她特别爱她的小儿子。2.M other m onkey only looks for foodfor the little son,but lets the big son lookfor food by him self.猴妈妈把找来的食物只给小儿子吃,却让大儿子自己去找食物。3.O ne day a wolf com es into the for-est.M other m oneky clim bs up a tree withthe little son.有一天,森林里来了一只狼,猴妈妈急忙带着她的小儿子爬到树上。4.M other m onkey holds his little sonin the arm s closely u…  相似文献   

One,Two,Three One,two,three,four,five,I caught a fish alive.Six,seven,eight,nine,ten.Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go?Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?The little one on the right.一、二、三一、二、三、四、五,一条活鱼被我捕。六、七、八、九、十,又把鱼放跑。为啥捉住又放跑?鱼儿咬我手指头。哪个手指头被鱼咬?右手这个小指头。Tipscaught v.捉住(catch的过去式)alive adj.活着的bite v.咬(bit是过去式)finger n.手指童谣一首@梦妮…  相似文献   

One摇Finger,Two摇Fingers,一个指头,两个指头,One摇arm,Two摇arms,一条手臂,两条手臂,One摇shoulder,Two摇shoulders一个肩膀,两个肩膀,One摇leg,Two摇legs,一条腿,两条腿,One摇foot,Two摇feet.一只脚,两只脚。One Finger,Two Fingers@岑建强 @开云  相似文献   

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