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以应变测试为样本,采用Director软件开发了材料力学实验中弯扭组合变形仿真实验.仿真实验内容包括测试弯曲应变、扭转应变及圆管表面一点的主应变.学生可通过网络进入虚拟实验室进行实验.仿真实验具体包括仪器设备、实验步骤的介绍、桥路形式的选择,应变片连线操作,应变仪调试及数据测量记录等.开发的仿真实验软件与实物实验过程相似.与一般课件相比增强了灵活性、可操作性和判断提示功能,使学生掌握知识的同时并不感到枯燥无昧,激发了学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONConcrete filledsteeltubesarenowwidelyusedinfactories ,powerstations,bridges ,etc .Centrifugalconcrete filledsteeltubesarehollowstructuralmemberscentrifugatedbyhigh speedcentrifuge ,andarethereforeofconsiderablylessweightthantraditionaltubes .A…  相似文献   

A real-size experiment on 11 tubes was done to study the performance of centrifugal concrete-filled steel tubes under bending and torsion. This paper first introduces the relevant operating method, equipment, subjects and processes. The factors that affect deformation and stiffness and the break mechanism under different loading were studied. Experimental stress analysis showed that the values of practical critical stress of steel tubes accorded well with the MISES Yielding Rule. The correlative equation (on the bearing capacity of a structural member under bending and torsion) deduced in this study may provide valuable reference for the design of this structural member. Project supported by the Zhejiang Province Electric Power Designing Institute and the Electric Power Ministry of China  相似文献   

本文对传统的薄壁圆筒的弯扭组合实验方法进行了改进,提出了一种新的综合性实验方法。该实验方法能够提高学生的综合理论分析和实验分析能力,适合在参加实验时学生多、课时相对较少的普通高校材料力学课程中推广。  相似文献   

应用薄膜理论、第三强度理论探讨了内压作用下环壳内的应力和应力状态,对薄壁回转壳体的强度设计、计算壁厚进行了详细分析.  相似文献   

The buckle and collapse of offshore pipeline subjected to combined actions of tension, bending, and external pressure during deepwater installation has drawn a great deal of attention. Extended from the model initially proposed by Kyriakides and his co-workers, a 2D theoretical model which can successfully account for the case of simultaneous tension, bending, and external pressure is further developed. To confirm the accuracy of this theoretical method, numerical simulations are conducted using a 3D finite element model within the framework of ABAQUS. Excellent agreement between the results validates the effectiveness of this theoretical method. The model is then used to study the effects of several important factors such as load path, material properties, and diameter-to-thickness ratio, etc., on buckling behaviors of the pipes. Based upon parametric studies, a few significant conclusions are drawn, which aims to provide the design guidelines for deepwater pipeline with solid theoretical basis.  相似文献   

应用疲劳试验机对退火后15号和45号碳钢及其各自3种塑性变形材料进行了回转弯曲及扭转疲劳实验,讨论了在相同塑性变量的条件下,两种钢材的扭转疲劳极限与回转弯曲疲劳极限之间的关系。实验结果表明:15号和45号钢的扭转与弯曲疲劳极限的比,分别为0.53~0.57和0.57~0.58,即塑性变量相同的情况下,含碳量高的材料其疲劳极限比也较高;相同含碳量的情况下,塑性变形量较小时其疲劳极限比较低。  相似文献   

针对弯扭组合实验中弯曲切应力的测量误差较大,对圆筒弯扭组合实验装置中的应变花布置方式进行了调整,重新设计了弯曲切应力和扭转切应力的实验方案,并增加了测量附加弯曲正应力的实验内容,从而增添了实验的思考性和难度,加深了学生对应力状态分析和电测组桥原理及方法的理解与掌握.  相似文献   

Semi-analytical elasticity solutions for bending of angle-ply laminates in cylindrical bending are presented using the state-space-based differential quadrature method (SSDQM). Partial differential state equation is derived from the basic equations of elasticity based on the state space concept. Then, the differential quadrature (DQ) technique is introduced to discretize the longitu- dinal domain of the plate so that a series of ordinary differential state equations are obtained at the discrete points. Meanwhile, the edge constrained conditions are handled directly using the stress and displacement components without the Saint-Venant principle. The thickness domain is solved analytically based on the state space formalism along with the continuity conditions at interfaces. The present method is validated by comparing the results to the exact solutions of Pagano’s problem. Numerical results for fully clamped thick laminates are presented, and the influences of ply angle on stress distributions are discussed.  相似文献   

制备钢纤维增强粉煤灰基地质聚合物,钢纤维的体积掺量不同,研究钢纤维体积掺量对地质聚合物抗折破坏行为及声发射特性的影响,通过研究声发射信号波形平均频率AF及RA(上升时间与幅值的比值)的变化趋势,得出地质聚合物基体的拉伸破坏及剪切破坏的规律。结果表明:镀铜钢纤维对地质聚合物的增韧效果明显;持续时间在40000μs以上,且所含能量很高的波形为诱发灾变破坏的波形;小RA值、大AF值对应着地质聚合物基体的拉伸破坏,大RA值、小AF值对应着纤维拔出过程中与基体的相对剪切破坏。  相似文献   

通过采用面模型与球壳模型对均匀带电球面处的电场强度的计算与分析,揭示了其场强分布与所采用的物理模型的依赖关系,指出两种模型下谈及球面处的场强均有实际意义。  相似文献   

利用F-投射模给出模肘的关于余遗传挠对(T,F)的余局部化的具体形式P/c(K),其中P是M的投射盖,K是.h:P→M的核,c是幂等根函子c:Mod-A→Mod-A,使得MεT(←→) c(M)=M我们记Po(M)=P/c(K).并给出了P,的一些范畴性质.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The finite element method (FEM) has been widely employed for solving linear elastic and elas-tic-plastic fracture problems. The evaluation of stress intensity factors in 2D geometries by FEM is a tech-nique widely used for non-standard crack configura-tions. Basically, there are two groups of estimation methods, those based on field extrapolation near the crack tip (Chan et al., 1970; Shih et al., 1976) and those using the energy release when the crack propagates. However…  相似文献   

针对正交异性钢桥面板容易发生疲劳开裂的问题,对超高性能混凝土(ultra-high performance concrete, UHPC)加固正交异性钢桥面板开展疲劳试验研究,得到了典型U肋-盖板-横隔板(RDF)焊接节点的热点应力、疲劳寿命、裂纹扩展以及刚度退化等关键性能指标。结果表明,与RDF裸板试件相比,UHPC加固试件关键区域热点应力水平显著降低,试件刚度退化速度明显减缓,试件疲劳承载力提高。  相似文献   

基于理论分析、数值计算和试验测试,探讨了在正常使用状态下,张角可变的人字梯在受到不同静止载荷状态下的多类别应力分布规律,研究了当可变张角维持不变时,在量值相同但作用位置不同的静载作用下,人字梯踏板所产生的不同类别应变的变化规律。首先采用有限元分析方法初步计算了人字梯在试验设计载荷作用下的整体响应,继而采用理论计算方法计算了人字梯踏板的受力、应力和位移变形情况,以及安全使用人字梯的最大半张角,并在此基础上确定了试验方案并进行相关理论计算。得到了各类应变的最大值与两个等量载荷作用位置的函数公式,该公式属于经验公式,在工程实用中可用于进行对人字梯的安全评估和校核。  相似文献   

通过采用面模型与球壳模型对均匀带电球面处的电场强度的计算与分析,揭示了其场强分布与所采用的物理模型的依赖关系,指出两种模型下谈及球面处的场强均有实际意义。  相似文献   

楤木皂苷对应激状态小鼠作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究应激状态下,楤木皂苷对小鼠应激能力的影响.方法:建立缺氧、ISO+缺氧、强迫游泳应激3种动物模型,将实验动物随机分为生理盐水、人参皂苷和格木皂苷3组进行对照实验.结果:楤木皂苷对提高小鼠应激能力的有明显作用(p<0.05),与人参皂苷相似.结论:楤木皂苷具有明显提高小鼠应激能力的作用.  相似文献   

以测试混凝土抗压强度的试件为数值分析对象,模拟混凝土试件抗压强度的广义荷载,分析了混凝土试件在其标准抗压强度下的应力场,提出了一个混凝土试件破坏强度的概念。  相似文献   

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