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It is increasingly recognised that social learning by teachers can stimulate professional development. In this study, we search for the social behaviour patterns which can act as a catalyst for professional development, with an explicit focus on student teachers’ learning. Based on the ‘Dimensions of Social Learning (DSL) Framework’, including 4 dimensions and 11 indicators of social learning, the present study explores the social configuration of one network of primary teachers (n?=?12), student teachers (n?=?12) and teacher educators (n?=?2). Two research questions guide this exploration: (1) What patterns of social behaviour in teacher networks are likely to lead to professional learning? (2) What network facilitation guidelines can be discerned to assist teachers and teacher educators wishing to optimise student teachers’ professional development? Data collection consisted of video recordings, reflective notes and semi-structured interviews with network members. The findings paint a picture of how social learning in teacher networks is related to the group’s social configuration. Observation criteria and student facilitation guidelines are suggested to support professional development within teacher networks. For each dimension in the DSL Framework, one point of attention is discerned to optimise students’ learning in teacher networks.  相似文献   


Although it is frequently claimed that learning analytics can improve self-evaluation and self-regulated learning by students, most learning analytics tools appear to have been developed as a response to existing data rather than with a clear pedagogical model. As a result there is little evidence of impact on learning. Even fewer learning analytics tools seem to be informed by an understanding of the social context and social practices within which they would be used. As a result, there is very little evidence that learning analytics tools are actually impacting on practice. This paper draws on research in self-regulated learning and in the social practices of learning and assessment to clarify a series of design issues which should be considered by those seeking to develop learning analytics tools which are intended to improve student self-evaluation and self-regulation. It presents a case study of how these design issues influenced the development of a particular tool: the Learning Companion.  相似文献   

终身教育、终身学习、学习化社会是直接有关,紧密联系的概念,但它们有其不同的内涵、特征,终身教育是指对人的教育伴随人的生命全过程,终身学习提供公民个人终身继续学习的全程,学习社会提供学习资源、学习机会和激励社会成员人人学习、继续学习的社会愿景.终身教育与终身学习的最终目标是学习化社会的建成,学习社会发展的最终目的是实现人和社会的和谐发展,保持经济、社会可持续发展的目标.  相似文献   

论学习方式的变革   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
学习方式的转变意味着个人与世界关系的转变,意味着存在方式的转变。教育必须以学生的发展为本。为此,我们今天必须倡导新的学习方式。所有能有效地促进学生发展的学习,都一定是自主学习。但并不是所有的学习领域和学习主题都需要用合作学习的组织形式,也不是所有的学习领域和学习主题都需要用探究学习的方式来进行。  相似文献   

作为“互联网+”时代全新的教育理念和学习方式变革,深度学习成为地方本科院校学生学习质量的重要表征。深度学习是高阶思维的认知重构过程,是深度参与的交往互动过程,也是积极投入的主体成长过程。地方本科院校学生从浅层学习到深度学习的演进经历了接受学习、参与学习和创造学习三个阶段。从认知内容、学习动机和社会互动三个维度来看,地方本科院校学生深度学习的实现机制和发展价值是:从原理记忆到项目实践的认知内容高阶化,促进学生文化性发展;从被动接受到主动创新的学习动机内化,促进学生自主性发展;从主客体互动到实践共同体的社会交往深化,促进学生社会性发展。基于此,促进地方本科院校学生深度学习的实践策略为:重视价值观引导和生涯规划、重构充满“获得感”的课程体系、创建学习实践共同体、打造智慧学习生态。  相似文献   

社会临场感是指在利用媒体进行沟通过程中,一个人被视为"真实的人"的程度及与他人联系的感知程度。它能够促进虚拟环境中人与人的交互以及学习者的知识建构,是影响在线学习的重要因素,也是影响在线学习满意度的重要指标。文章首先介绍了社会临场感起源与发展过程,然后论述了社会临场感的内涵,包括定义的界定与辨析、内在属性及影响因素,之后对常用的测量社会临场感的方法进行分析,最后研究者介绍了关于社会临场感的研究热点并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

成人学习特点及其学习策略生成的途径探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
学习策略的掌握直接影响到学习者的学习效率,是衡量个体综合素质的重要标志。成人作为社会建设的主力军,推动和引领着社会发展的潮流,策略性学习是成人适应社会变迁以及个体生存和发展需要的必然选择。  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下,各种社会化网络应用实践为"以学习者为中心"的各种社会化学习形式提供了前所未有的机遇和环境。技术支持的非正式学习极大地影响了大学生的成长与发展:大学生可以在web2.0环境中寻找学习导师,在非正式学习过程中培养自主学习的能力,在在线实践社区中学会合作、探究学习。为了促进大学生的非正式学习,我们要加深了解非正式学习的价值,明晰正式学习与非正式学习的联系,创造多元的学习环境和条件,探索新技术并引领学生使用新技术。  相似文献   

整体论是一种关注整体的哲学思想,它既强调整体的“相互关联”,又关注个体的自由和“灵性”。整体论对当今教师学习与发展的启示是:从“人”的发展看,教师学习不仅仅是知识和技能的获得,更有情感与态度的学习与发展;从专业的形成和发展看,教师学习是贯穿其整个职业生涯的整体的、连续的过程;从人的社会学习情境看,教师学习与个人发展、学生发展、同事发展、学校改进以及社区(社会)发展等相互联系、不可分割,共处于一个学习共同体中。  相似文献   

洪頵 《铜仁学院学报》2008,10(6):112-115
教师的学习对学校、社会的发展有着特别重要的意义,然而人们却对教师学习的必要性认识不充分,缺乏紧迫感。现实中也存在各种学习方面的问题。文章对教师学习的原则作了理论上的、系统化的思考,并为解决教师的学习问题从教师、学校领导、培训机构三个方面论述了教师学习的策略。  相似文献   

从教育技术学科发展史的宏观视角看,教育技术经历了前学科时代、电化教育时代以及信息化教育时代三个时期。教育技术的变迁并非是一种孤立的社会现象,与之相应的是形成了三种典型的学习变革,即面向过去的知识复制式学习,面向现在的知识重组式学习,面向未来的知识创新式学习。教育技术变迁与学习变革并非简单的逻辑上的一一对应关系,但是二者存在着紧密的互动作用,这种变化也是整个社会变迁的缩影。  相似文献   

建设学习型社会是国家教育发展的重要战略之一。西方学者对学习型社会建设的认识期待,主要包括提升劳动力、促进人的全面发展、培养合格公民和建设民主社会、新的社会形态、文化革命和社会运动、社会和谐等六个方面,以及神话论、乌托邦、理想主义、掩盖论、异化论等五大质疑。在此基础上进一步反思了开展的学习型社会(城市)建设实践。这可以丰富我们对学习型社会的认识,为推进我国学习型社会建设提供启发。  相似文献   

台湾终身学习社会的营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾终身学习社会的发展,得益于社会各教育机构与组织的贡献,这些机构与组织涵盖各级正规、非正规及社会教育机构,为民众提供了多元化的终身学习资源与服务。"贯穿正规教育体制的终身学习"、"打破学校藩篱的社区学习"、"面向海外的远程学习"反映了台湾终身学习社会的起源与发展过程。空中教育机构及社区大学是台湾终身教育的两大支柱,台湾通过"非正规终身学习成就认证制度"、"社区大学与空中大学合作"、"两岸终身学习合作"、"融入国际的终身学习社会"等途径建设起终身学习体系。  相似文献   

论学习的本质与当代学习变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习就其本质而言 ,是人的个体在历史文明的全面占有中实现的加速发展。当代学习变革作为社会变迁的一个重要方面 ,已经成为当代社会发展的基本动力之一。学习变革在学习主体、学习权利、学习内涵等方面显示出一系列本质特征。  相似文献   

Abstract. An explanatory methods design was used to evaluate the influence of a service learning course on learning, personal, and social outcomes for service learning (n = 142) students. These students showed improvements in diversity and political awareness, community self-efficacy, and civic engagement scores from the beginning to the end of the semester. In addition, the students' academic learning, personal and interpersonal development, and community engagement were detected as the major benefits from engaging in service learning. The findings of this study suggest that service learning contributes to students' academic learning and personal and social development through social-emotional processes.  相似文献   

Action learning is extending its reach internationally and is increasingly used in distinct cultural settings. This paper explores action learning in an African context and examines how action learning as a cultural product is biased towards Western values and practices. We draw attention to the political, cultural and social encounters of internationalizing action learning which are often glossed over in current debates. The paper illuminates the historical development of pedagogical practices in Africa to elucidate how the social, political, cultural and economic processes have influenced and informed learning in African societies. Second, we review action learning and question its relevance and transferability in non-Western contexts. Finally, we will reflect on the potential of action learning in Africa, and its implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

How can action learning contribute to social capital?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper explores the contribution that action learning can make to the formation of social capital via experiences of action learning projects in NHS Pathology Services in the UK. The paper describes the development of action learning practice in recent years, reviews the notion of social capital and considers how action learning might contribute to its formation. A case study of action learning in the development of a locally unified pathology service is used to illustrate the processes by which actions and learnings may be transferred and extended from sets to contribute to organisational learning in wider systems and networks.  相似文献   

党的十六大提出"形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展"的学习理念,对于每一个社会成员来说,过去那种"十年寒窗,终身受用"、"文凭到手,名利全有"等观念已经不符合时代的发展,终身学习才是硬道理,不学习就不能生存,不充电就停滞不前。在这种新的社会形势下,教师作为育人者的角色将要承担更多的责任。  相似文献   

In recent years, action on sustainability has been highly influential around the globe and many now recognize the importance of individual and social learning for inspiring action and achieving sustainability outcomes. Transformative learning theory has been criticized, however, for insufficient development of the link between learning and action. The purpose of this paper is to deepen our understanding of the learning–action cycle among adult learners in the sustainability context. We consider this through insights from two studies in Kenya and Canada, utilizing a qualitative approach. Both studies employed semi-structured interviews as their primary data collection instrument and used other tools such as focus groups and journal writing. Three broad nodes of social action—individual, interpersonal and collective—are identified and defined based on the data collected. Results show that while all three types of action were evident in the outcomes of participants, individual social action was the most common and collective social action was the least. Barriers to applying learning in action are also derived from the data, including situational, personal, interpersonal, sociocultural and environmental obstacles. Factors that assist in overcoming such barriers include community support networks and skills training.  相似文献   

学生的学习观及其对学习的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
学生的学习观是学生个体对知识、学习经验的直观认识,经历由客观主义倾向到建构主义倾向的发展,其形成和发展受学生自身的学习经验、所学专业、课堂教学以及学校和社会文化等因素的影响,它反过来又对学生的学习成绩、认知过程及策略、自我调节以及学习动机都具有重要的影响。转变学生的学习观因此也应当成为学校教学的一个重要目标。  相似文献   

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