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考察美国大学人力资源管理相关科系的专业基础课程开设情况,对我国的人力资源管理教育有一定借鉴意义.以两所高校的人力资源管理相关专业的课程内容大纲作为研究对象,分析人力资源管理专业教育课程规划与其担负使命.结果显示,美国大学人力资源管理教育的基础课程,均有多元知识范畴的完整分布,其主要作用在于培养具有解决问题能力的终身学习型人才.通过分析,为我国高等院校人力资源管理教育的课程体系建设提供参考  相似文献   

China’s key science and technology universities are modelled on the French école Polytechnique. As such, they are utilitarian institutions, rooted in the concept of cultivating manpower for society’s economic progress, and tending to ignore the development of the individual. As China’s elite higher education system took in a rapidly increasing number of students in the recent massification process, China’s key science and technology universities underwent reform to become more comprehensive in curricular offerings and more research-oriented in function. The authors have uncovered an interesting phenomenon: Despite repeated discussion in academic circles, this transformation was never actually a conscious strategic choice for universities. Only when the Chinese government launched a program of higher education “massification” did universities develop their own unique reform strategies in a move to become more comprehensive and more research oriented. The authors have adopted a multi-stream analysis framework to describe and analyze three case study universities: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (NWAFU). It was found that Chinese universities already have quite a high level of autonomy, but that the government still has the power to make strategic decisions. Each university’s decision-making mechanism has been an independent process within the constraints of the political economic structure over this period, and policy-making has combined top-down and bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

This article is based on the analysis of the changes in global university rankings and the new ‘products’ based on rankings data in the period since mid-2011. It is a summary and continuation of the European University Association (EUA)-commissioned report ‘Global University Rankings Their Impact, Report II’ which was launched in April 2013. It covers the changes in the ranking methodologies which have been the most visible in the CWTS Leiden Ranking and Webometrics and which have replaced some indicators with newly designed ones. Changes have been made in other rankings as well, but they are less visible. A new U21 ranking was launched in 2012. It is an attempt to rank national higher education systems rather than individual universities. New rankings by conventional ranking providers have demonstrated that in reputation rankings or reputation indicators the scores drop even more sharply than in the most élitist rankings and therefore can be used for even narrower groups of universities. Several ranking providers have started their own data collections and combine ranking data with the data from the newly established data collections and use them for several multi-indicator classifications or profiling tools. QS has been most productive and has added not only classification and profiling tools, but has also launched a ranking of student cities, and ‘stars’ that universities can obtain. Generally, the rankings’ impact is growing. Let us see where it will bring us. At the same time, some rankings providers have changed language and explain the biases, flaws and misunderstandings created through misuse of rankings or using ranking indicators without proper knowledge.  相似文献   

This article addresses the challenge of reclaiming higher education (HE) as a public good for building effective democracies. We use Bernstein’s model of pedagogic rights and Fraser’s model of social justice to develop a normative framework for discussing how universities in unequal societies might mitigate social injustice. Referring to recent student protests in South Africa, we show the extent of student anger and frustration at the misrecognition they experience due to the reproduction of colonial hierarchies at postcolonial universities. The article is an attempt to respond to students’ calls about ‘black pain’, ‘black debt’ and for the ‘decolonisation’ of South African universities. In particular, we focus on theories of recognition and how these are being played out in the current South African HE context. Our aim is not to critique student politics, but to understand the position and heed the cry of the subaltern student. We deliberate on what an adequate response, framed within a model of pedagogic rights, might be from those who teach in and manage universities. We note some impediments to implementing this response and conclude by asserting the importance of working with a politics of recognition and representation as well as redistribution.  相似文献   

Australia’s higher education policy settings have signalled a shift towards marketisation. As a consequence, Australian universities have become increasingly competitive, and as they seek to compete for students in higher education markets, they begin to resemble commercial organisations. This article examines the challenges confronting the leadership team at one of Australia’s fastest growing universities, Australian Catholic University. Specifically, it seeks to address the development of systems to better service future students in an environment where the University is not aware or accepting of the need for change.  相似文献   

资金投入是高校信息化可持续发展的重要保障,文章调研了美国部分高校在经济衰退的大环境下对IT资金管理的应对。总结了这些高校IT投入的变化、IT的成本控制的总体思路、具体措施以及由于变革带来的机遇等,总结了我国高校信息管理者可以借鉴的几个特点。  相似文献   

高校美术馆是美术馆(博物馆)领域的新兴试验田,我国高校美术馆在上世纪90年代开始大兴土木,较国外的高校美术馆来说,它仍然十分稚嫩,但高校美术馆尤其是艺术类院校的美术馆具有很大的研究价值和发展空间。作者认为对高校美术馆的管理应该借鉴企业管理的新模式新思路,不应对美术馆的资金收入存有芥蒂,因为美术馆只有在产生自我供血机制后,才能更加有效地发挥其公共性能和社会性能。  相似文献   

The current studies test the hypothesis that the financial burden of college can initiate a psychological process that has a negative influence on academic performance for students at selective colleges and universities. Prior studies linking high college costs and student loans to academic outcomes have not been grounded within relevant social psychological theory regarding how and when the financial burden of college can influence students’ psychological and cognitive processes. We test the hypothesis that the salient financial burden of college impairs students’ cognitive functioning, especially when it creates an identity conflict or perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future. First, we use longitudinal data from 28 selective colleges and universities to establish that students who accumulate student loan debt within these contexts are less likely to graduate from college because student loan debt predicts a decline in grades over time, even when controlling for factors related to socioeconomic status and prior achievement. Then, in an experiment, we advance research in this area with a direct, causal test of the proposed psychological process. An experimental manipulation that brings high college costs to mind impairs students’ cognitive functioning, but only when those thoughts create an identity conflict or a perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future.  相似文献   

University–community partnerships (UCP’s) are exciting areas of academic and social interest. This interest seems to be a response to the multiple challenges academic institutions and communities face in the context of the social, economic and institutional changes that affect both universities and communities worldwide. Along with the acknowledged benefits of such initiatives, studies have also noticed that UCP’s tend to engender internal tensions and conflicts which harm the spirit of collaboration between partners. This article challenges the conception of UCP’s as inherently conflictive and suggests a more complex vision. It argues that UCP’s can be better understood through organizational paradox theory. This theory offers a way to grapple with the complexity of UCP’s and overcome the binary conception of conflict or collaboration. The article illustrates the interrelatedness of conflict and collaboration by presenting seven areas that characterize the paradoxical nature of UCP’s.  相似文献   

制度性保障是大学社会责任履行机制的重要构成部分,然而当前我国大陆地区大学社会责任的制度设计与社会需求出现了严重的偏离。针对这一问题,在历史制度主义理论的指导下,以南开大学与台湾高雄科技大学大学社会责任制度设计的差异塑造过程为例,揭示了大陆高校与台湾高校社会责任制度设计出现差异的深层原因。研究发现,观念差异导致了大陆与台湾高校社会责任定位的不同;参与主体差异导致了两地大学社会责任运作模式的不同;权力的不对称性差异使得两地大学社会责任的制度选择过程呈现为“顶层设计”与“多主体参与”两种不同的决策方式。在此基础上,提炼了一些改善大陆大学社会责任制度化的意见,以期能够为促进我国大学社会责任的建设服务。  相似文献   

基于麦格雷戈的"X理论—Y理论",联系不同的人性假设,同时参照高校学生的心理发展特点,将不同的管理理论运用于高校学生管理中,以便在发展的各个阶段采取相应的管理方式,为学生的个性塑造以及新时期人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,地方性大学的快速发展成为我国高等教育发展历程中的大事件.本文通过比较深圳大学、汕头大学、烟台大学和宁波大学这四所新建地方性大学的建校背景、办学投入和发展现状,总结四校的办学优势与存在问题,为新建地方性大学的可持续发展提供比照参考  相似文献   

大学核心竞争力即高校所拥有的获得外界认可并在大学竞争中获得优势的核心能力。资源独有性、相对稳定的动态发展性、办学卓越性等是大学核心竞争力所应有的特性。大学核心竞争力通过硬实力和软实力表现出来。硬实力主要体现为师资、科研、学科等方面;软实力主要指以大学精神为内核的大学文化以及品牌声誉等。培育大学的核心竞争力,需要各办学实体进行科学合理的顶层设计、实施灵敏的社会服务机制、打造品牌声誉、经营优秀文化、注重学科建设。  相似文献   

教会大学为中国近代农业教育做出了重要贡献。农学是教会大学中除了医学以外的一门重点学科。近代中国开办农科的教会大学典型当属金陵大学和岭南大学。教会大学农学教育,不但为我们引进了教学、科研、推广三位一体的农业教育模式,为近代中国培养了一批农业科技人才,而且其院系后来也成为新中国农业教育的重要组成部分。教会大学农业教育注重理论、实践、实际三结合,注重敬业奉献与艰苦奋斗精神的培养,积极开展与国内外机构交流与合作,对我们今天办好农业教育颇有启示。  相似文献   

兼职教师是开放大学高质量发展的重要一环。文章采用比较研究法从兼职教师的定位、准入、发展和评价等四个维度分析英国开放大学、马里兰学院大学和阿拉玛·伊克巴尔开放大学的兼职教师管理,发现认同程度较高、准入标准严格、发展渠道畅通、考核机制完善是其共同的特点。借鉴国外开放大学兼职教师的管理经验,我国开放大学需打造教学共同体,提高兼职教师归属感;严控准入关口,建立兼职教师淘汰机制;构建多元化培训体系,畅通兼职教师发展渠道。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆的学术机构性质与新建本科院校图书馆建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《普通高等学校图书馆规程》第一条指出:高等学校图书馆是学校的文献信息中心,是为教学和科学研究服务的学术性机构,是学校信息化和社会信息化的重要基地。高等学校图书馆的工作是学校教学和科学研究工作的重要组成部分。高等学校图书馆的建设和发展应与学校的建设和发展相适应,其水平是学校总体水平的重要标志。目前新建本科高校图书馆的学术性并没有得到很好的发挥,主要是未能充分体现学术性机构的性质,难以成为学校总体水平的重要标志,需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

With consumerism changing students to customers and teachers to service providers, ever more vulnerable and naïve students enrol and, instead of collaboration between institutions, there is competition. There has been a call in the literature to face these challenges through ethical leadership in universities. Specifically, concern has been expressed over higher education marketing practices. In response, we attempt to construct a virtuous model of marketing ethics within higher education institutions’ values. We attempt to defend interconnectivity between the virtues of integrity, trust, fairness, and empathy under the direction of phronesis and seek to inform those responsible for making marketing higher education. We envision higher education’s marketing relationships as having the potential to endure, where universities ethically lead rather than reflect ethical norms, and where academics are encouraged to speak out. We discuss how it might be implemented.  相似文献   


University rankings are increasingly important internationally, and in the UK include a sustainability ‘Green League’. However, there is little evidence about experiences of studying in ‘sustainable universities’. We report an empirical study at five universities in varied positions in the Green League, exploring students’ energy literacy, environmental attitudes and perceptions of their institution’s energy-saving efforts. Although the link to energy literacy is not clear, findings suggest that there are significant differences between students’ environmental attitudes at universities placed at different points in the league. In addition, students at higher ranked universities are more positive about their university’s energy-saving efforts, suggesting that these institutions may exhibit more overt manifestations of sustainability. This is important since students report being more likely to choose energy-conservation behaviours if there is visible representation of energy use. The study is the first to attempt a comparison between universities at different positions in a sustainability ranking.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of colleges and universities have made the decision to pursue membership in the NCAA’s Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) with the idea that participating in higher profile intercollegiate football can help attract students to their institution. This belief, however, has not been empirically examined. Using difference-in-differences estimation, this study examined freshmen application trends at three colleges and universities (Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University, and Western Kentucky University) which moved from the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) to the FBS in the mid-2000s relative to similar FCS institutions which did not move to the FBS. Findings showed that moving to the FBS had a positive, statistically significant correlation with freshmen applications at the two institutions located in Florida but not at Western Kentucky University.  相似文献   

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