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The development of private (non-state) higher education institutions in Poland has been a phenomenon of increasing importance since 1990. It is a paradox of their existence, particularly in small towns with no previous tradition of higher education, that they have been more successful than the state higher education institutions in educating young people of working-class and peasant background, even though they charge tuition fees. In many ways, the private higher education institutions are more responsive to the demands of an economy in transition than are the state institutions, and they tend to operate more efficiently. Also, they have been rapid to adopt the "Mode 2" variety of knowledge generation. The creation of private higher education institutions has been a stimulus to regional development in Poland.  相似文献   

我国现有高职入口模式“门槛高”、“面向窄”,不适应职业教育的发展方向。我们要改革高职入口模式,坚持以考查职业技能为主,面向全民,建立相关改革配套措施,推动全民职业素质的提高。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,高等教育产业化已成为我国高等教育发展的一个热点,本文主要分析了高等教育产业化肯定论和怀疑论,并倡导应科学地审视高等教育产业化。  相似文献   


In the last decade access initiatives have been designed to facilitate greater access and participation for people from marginalised groups who have traditionally been excluded from higher education. In common with international trends, young people with disabilities in Ireland have been included in this process. However, people with disabilities remain under‐represented in higher education. This study explored the quality of access to higher education for young people with disabilities through existing access routes. Both the young people and the professionals (career guidance teachers) agreed that access routes lack transparency. There was a dearth of professional knowledge about the options available to young people with disabilities leaving school. This lack of professional knowledge combined with the opaqueness of access routes forced the young people to rely on parental support and/or disability agencies for information and guidance. It can be concluded that goodwill and compassion are no substitute for an informed system that ensures equitable access for young people with disabilities to higher education.  相似文献   

加拿大音乐教育联合会最初成立于1992年,它的宗旨是确保每个中小学生有接受音乐教育的机会。它不仅在加拿大中小学音乐教育中起着不可忽视的作用,也推动着加拿大音乐教育的全面与健康发展。在中小学音乐教育的发展过程中,加拿大坚持了自己的教育理念,形成了自己的特色并取得了巨大的成功。在未来中小学音乐教育中,继续为满足不同学生的需求和最终实现教育的公平而努力奋斗。  相似文献   

Access to higher education in Brazil is to a large extent restricted to the higher socio-economic groups. Public universities have limited places and entry is determined by highly competitive exams, thereby excluding those who have not had a high quality secondary education or attended an expensive preparatory course. There has been considerable growth in the private sector to absorb the excess demand, but the majority of Brazilians cannot afford the fees. This paper develops a concept of equity in higher education in which, firstly, there should be sufficient places in the system as a whole and, secondly, all people should have a fair opportunity of attending the university of their choice regardless of socio-economic background. Recent efforts to expand access are analysed, including incentives for the growth of private universities, student loans and the new Prouni initiative, in which private institutions provide free places to low-income students in return for tax exemptions. While these initiatives have the potential to increase the total number of places, they will not lead to an equitable expansion, as disadvantaged students will still be confined to courses of lower quality or with lower subsequent value on the employment market. Initiatives aimed at the public sector such as the introduction of quotas and changes to entry examinations are also discussed. Finally, some implications for future policy development are outlined. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Havana, 25th–29th October 2004.  相似文献   

To meet its future challenges in financing higher education, Egypt has no option but to search for alternative funding arrangements. This article considers the question of how to do so, keeping in mind the need to ensure equitable access to good quality education for those who cannot afford it. To this end, the article begins by assessing public expenditure on higher education in Egypt, with respect to its adequacy, efficiency, and equity. Next, it analyzes the impacts that demographic changes, the demand for quality education, and the transition to private provision of education will have on the nature of financing higher education in the future. It concludes by suggesting alternative strategies to address the problem of financing higher education in Egypt.  相似文献   

依附与发展:俄罗斯私立高等教育特点评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2007,28(3):60-63,73
转型以来,俄罗斯私立高等教育迅速发展.除了具有世界私立高等教育的许多典型特点之外,俄罗斯私立高等教育还有一个独有的特点--公立组织参与创办私立高等教育机构.从俄罗斯转型的特点以及私立高等教育所遭受的认同性危机来看,私立高等教育机构与各种公立组织的依附关系,可能是俄罗斯私立高等教育获得认同以及生存发展的必要条件.  相似文献   

University enabling programs, worldwide, generally target high school students who excel at school, or post-secondary students who have underperformed in their university entry examinations. Murdoch University provides an access program for Year/Grade 12 students who are not on a university pathway during their final year of high school. This intervention engages students at a transitional stage of cognitive development to: (a) determine their readiness to move to the next level of their cognitive thinking; (b) facilitate that process through collaborative learning; (c) support and nurture university aspirations and (d) provide a direct transition pathway from secondary to higher education. The influence of Vygotsky's zones of proximal development in the context of this program is discussed, and by comparing the performance of these students in their first year of university with other domestic-entry students, we argue that this enabling program prepares them for successful transition into higher education.  相似文献   

发展独立学院正在成为发展我国民办高等教育的一种新的思路,新的重大举措。为着促进民办高等教育的多样化发展,我们认为可以在发展独立学院的基础上更进一步,即直接实施部分公立高校向民办高校的转制。本文在回顾我国高等教育办学体制改革历程的基础上,对实施部分公立高校向民办高校转制的意义及其转制策略进行了初步分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Private for-profit higher education has grown rapidly in many parts of the world. This growth is attributed to many factors, including a broadening of the student population and the recognition that wider access to higher education will be economically beneficial to individuals, governments and society as a whole. In Australia, the number of students in private for-profit higher education is rising, with dramatic projections for the next 10 years. The Australian government has set a target to increase the participation of students in higher education, with a focus on increasing the access and success of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is unclear, however, what role the burgeoning private for-profit institutions will play in meeting the government's targets, and what incentives will be provided for them to increase the access and participation of students from disadvantaged groups. This paper analyses the key drivers of growth in private for-profit higher education in Australia, and discusses issues around quality and standards. It examines the strengths and limitations of the sector, and the extent to which it contributes to diversity, access and the participation of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It argues that the sector needs clear government directions to improve levels of access, and new government policies to encourage public-private collaborations to help ensure sustainability. The paper also briefly touches on the need for a review into the current structure of Australia's higher education sector as a whole, and whether higher education would benefit from the formation of public community colleges with the explicit aim of widening access for disadvantaged student groups. Further, the paper suggests that encouraging such public-private collaboration may be beneficial to ensure access and participation of students from all walks of life, including disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

Using data from a census of private schools in one of Lagos, Nigeria’s administrative jurisdictions, this paper explores the linkages between a heterogeneous sector of private schools and issues of school access, affordability, quality, and ultimately social mobility for households at the bottom of the income distribution. Although a large private education market has buoyed Lagos’s growth towards near-universal primary enrolment, this heterogeneous school sector appears to be providing socially stratifying paths towards educational attainment. We apply Lucas’s theory of effectively maintained inequality to assess the extent to which access to higher quality education services within the private sector is determined by cost. We find that higher-cost private schools provide students with greater opportunities to study in institutions with higher quality inputs and increased potential for progression within the educational system. As such, it is highly likely that these schools are primarily accessible to students at the upper ends of the income distribution.  相似文献   

在对少年儿童素质教育日益重视的今天,人们越来越多地认识到音乐对于人一生发展的作用。本文从不同年龄阶段儿童音乐学习的心理特点,根据音乐教育的特点,反思了儿童音乐教育中人们认识上的一些误区。探讨了儿童音乐教育的途径与方法。  相似文献   

This article investigates the consequences of an expansion of domestic university places in Australia after 2009 for inequalities in access to tertiary education. I focused on how different individual-level socioeconomic factors were influencing not only the likelihood of continuing education at the tertiary level but also a type of institution one studies at. Thus, I simultaneously analyse vertical and horizontal dimensions of inequalities in access. The expansion has not dramatically changed the differentiated access within different socioeconomic groups. However, the influence of parental education and secondary school context on continuing education has weakened. But those who have benefited the most are young people from upper service class. They not only approach near-universal access faster than other social classes but also improve their relative chances to study at the most prestigious institutions. Controlling for academic ability at the age of 15 showed that socioeconomic background continuous to matter after that age. This means that student-oriented equity policies undertaken closer to the point of transition to tertiary education have a capacity to decrease educational inequalities. Results are discussed against the background of the current higher education policy trends regarding equity in access.  相似文献   

论民族声乐教师的专业素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学是民族声乐专业中至关重要的环节,是主导专业知识结构以及文化综合素养的主要调控。本文立足于当前高等教育人才培养目标和全面推行专业素质教育战略,结合民族声乐教学自身的现状,对民族声乐教师自身专业素质和能力进行初步探讨,以及结合声乐教育的具体特点对民族声乐教师队伍的未来构建提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the private share of tertiary enrollments and overall access, measured by the gross tertiary enrollment rate, using a cross-national dataset from 122 countries spanning 1999−2017. In contrast to the dominant assumption in international development that expanding the private sector will necessarily increase access, we find a weak association between the private share of tertiary enrollments and gross tertiary enrollment ratio globally. That said, this association is stronger when there is high demand for higher education, as proxied by secondary gross enrollment ratio and urbanization. We also find regional variation, with private higher education positively associated with access in Central and Eastern Europe and core English-speaking countries and negatively associated with access in sub-Saharan Africa, after accounting for demand factors. We argue that private higher education is only an effective policy solution for expanding access when there is high unmet demand for higher education and a conducive policy context.  相似文献   

In accordance with the education policy which puts human capital at its heart, higher education is expected to produce marketable competent professionals in response to the needs of an expansive knowledge-based economy. In one reading, to support competitive knowledge-based economy, higher education students should graduate as young and fast as possible. The article asks whether it is credible that the young & fast principle as an objective for university education would provide a feasible way of enhancing professional labour force to serve knowledge economies. The analysis of study careers of 17,000 European second cycle university graduates shows that transitions from school to higher education to professional employment vary considerably in the 12 countries. The key finding is that countries with rather slow progression in the initial part of the transition tend to do better in the end, and vice versa. Belgium (Flanders) is the most obvious example of young and fast-graduating students that need a relatively long period after graduation to start their professional careers. In Finland, Austria, and Norway, relatively old and experienced graduates are employed rapidly. The time before professional employment after graduation is short for students who have acquired relevant work experience and acquainted themselves with professional fields. The youngest professionals are found in France where they tend to have access to opportunities for professionally relevant training. However, professional employment cannot be fostered by simply trying to recruit student populations as young as possible, but rather by enriching the labour market relevance of their student careers.  相似文献   

在国家确立高职教育作为高等教育发展的一个类型之后,以往高职教育只能是专科教育而不能有更高层次教育的观念已逐渐淡出历史舞台,部分高职专科升本科成功。但高职教育的更高层次教育该由谁主办的问题又引发了激烈的讨论,因此通过对部分高职专科升本科实践的研究,总结其优势与问题,有利于建立一个举办高职本科教育的准入制度,形成一个规范的高职教育的管理体系,推动中国职业教育大发展。  相似文献   

高师"中国音乐史"课程教学改革尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“中国音乐史”是普通高等师范院校音乐学(音乐教育)本科专业的一门必修课程。该课程在提高学生的音乐修养,完善其知识结构,适应基础音乐教育需要等方面具有独特的价值。本文从课程结构、学习方式、评价模式等方面对高师“中国音乐史”课程的教学改革进行了探索,意在使学生从宏观上把握中国音乐历史的发展线索,树立正确的音乐史观,同时帮助学生找寻到学习本该具有的快乐体验。  相似文献   

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