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This article argues that a grounded-theory research methodology is a useful and fruitful tool to explore important questions in consultation and to generate new conceptualizations and theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The grounded-theory approach is described and illustrated with examples from Hylander's research on consultee-centered consultation as practiced in Sweden. The result is a substantive theory about change processes. The theoretical research approach presented in this article makes it possible to further explore processes of consultation that have not been previously examined.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the experience of so-called “failing schools” in order to develop understandings that can inform improvement efforts. It reports on a study of the experiences of a small number of English primary schools placed in “special measures” as a result of being inspected. The study is unusual in that, in the past, researchers have found it difficult to gain access to such sensitive contexts. Existing literature argues that staff collaboration and social cohesion have to be necessary features of efforts to support change in schools that are seen to be failing. However, the detailed analysis of what happened in the schools within this particular study suggests that the experience of being characterised as “failing” can act as a barrier to the creation of more collaborative ways of working. This analysis led to an examination of the links between culture and leadership, and how such links can provide useful insights for school improvement in contexts that are defined as failing.  相似文献   


In this article, we provide critical information on previous research and offer recommendations for establishing and implementing teleconsultation services within a school setting. Specifically, we review (a) the history behind teleconsultation, (b) previous applications of technology and teleconsultation within the school setting, (c) recommended equipment for completing teleconsultation, (d) previously identified benefits of using teleconsultation, (e) previously identified concerns regarding the use of teleconsultation, and (f) the best practices for providing teleconsultation services. Important considerations from current research in the area of teleconsultation are highlighted.  相似文献   

>Although teaching has traditionally been regarded as a stressful occupation, it may be argued that the increased pace of change and enhanced levels of competition within education have impacted upon all schools in Britain, and have brought added pressures to the profession. Additionally, a number of schools have experienced further traumatic change through the process of school merger and, hence, it would seem that teachers in these particular schools are highly vulnerable to high levels of stress.

A study, which was carried out to assess the levels of stress experienced by teachers in a sample of schools which were threatened by merger, had merged or had not merged, revealed that those who were threatened by traumatic change exhibited the highest levels of stress. The findings are discussed in relation to their implications for the management of traumatic organisation change projects.  相似文献   

心理辅导作为学校教育的内容之一,愈来愈受到人们的重视,不少学校的德育工作者开始从事学生心理辅导。但由于心理辅导与德育工作有着本质的区别,因此对这个问题应该有一个正确的认识,并且还要有重大的转变。从心理辅导与德育工作的关系来看,德育工作者从事心理辅导可以从转变观念、改进工作方法、整合德育与心理辅导的内容等几个方面入手。  相似文献   

教学能力是教师专业素质的核心,也是影响教学质量的关键因素。学科教学能力是学科教师教学能力的集中体现。本研究以扎根理论为方法论指导,对10位中学特级教师进行深入访谈,利用MAXQDA 12软件对访谈内容进行整理、编码和分析,建构学科教学能力的结构模型。该模型包括本体、工具、条件、实践、情意、发展6个要素集以及11个核心子要素,体现学科教学能力的本征性、结构性、生态性和发展性。该模型对教师学科教学能力的培养、测量以及职前学科教师教育课程与教学、职后教师培训和教学能力标准的制定具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Despite the promise of technology in education, many practicing teachers face several challenges when trying to effectively integrate technology into their classroom instruction. Additionally, while national statistics cite a remarkable improvement in access to computer technology tools in schools, teacher surveys show consistent declines in the use and integration of computer technology to enhance student learning. This article reports on primary technology integration barriers that mathematics teachers identified when using technology in their classrooms. Suggestions to overcome some of these barriers are also provided.  相似文献   

This study analyses the functioning of a school as a social system in an atypical context with the purpose of generating propositions to tackle educational problems confronted by socially and economically disadvantaged groups attending these schools. Adopting the constructivist grounded theory, the analysis suggests that there is a kind of “vicious cycle” in the functioning of this atypical school, which adversely affects the school system. Breaking the vicious cycle involves five basic propositions: (1) making school a better place than students’ homes, (2) overcoming the enduring difficulties of working in an atypical school, (3) multiplying learning opportunities, (4) prompting parents to assume more responsibility, (5) locating leadership that makes a difference. These propositions clarify the significance of informal subsystems, school community and the wider environment along with their enabling and blocking effects on a disadvantaged school system. Parallel to other studies on disadvantaged schools, the study highlights the need to refine the orthodox view of the concept of formal education and school, as well as the role of school principal, teachers and parents affiliated with atypical schools.  相似文献   

高校教师与中小学教师远程合作研究,意指高校教师与中小学教师借助现代信息技术工具所构筑的交流渠道和平台展开合作研究.其根本目的是促进高校教师与中小学教师之间的自然对话和深度交流,为促进教师专业化发展添砖加瓦.其中需特别注意的问题是:让信息技术成为日常教学和研究中的自然元素;主动与被动相互制衡;即时需求与长远合作兼顾;允许琐碎与意义共生、自由与规范并存.  相似文献   

高校教师与中小学教师远程合作研究,意指高校教师与中小学教师借助现代信息技术工具所构筑的交流渠道和平台展开合作研究。其根本目的是促进高校教师与中小学教师之间的自然对话和深度交流,为促进教师专业化发展添砖加瓦。其中需特别注意的问题是:让信息技术成为日常教学和研究中的自然元素;主动与被动相互制衡;即时需求与长远合作兼顾;允许琐碎与意义共生、自由与规范并存。  相似文献   

In this review we synthesize findings from 9 separate professional development initiatives conducted by the Philadelphia Education Fund in concert with the School District of Philadelphia with the aim of understanding why such initiatives achieve only partial implementation at the school level. We identify a cluster of policies and structures that have the effect of depleting or preventing the formation of social capital among staff in a school building. Evaluations from these initiatives show that entrenched policies and practices converge to prevent or break up the norms, networks, and social trust required for reforms to take root. Specifically, program implementation is often frustrated by the frequent turnover and lack of support from principals, the disruption of faculty teams, and union work rules that increase rates of teacher transfers and limit time for faculty to meet and work together. The solitary nature of teachers' work is reinforced through these practices--a phenomenon that inhibits the creation of a culture of reflection and renewal that is desperately needed in inner-city schools.  相似文献   

The authors explored emotion regulation (ER) among 25 counseling professionals (master's-level counselors-in-training and counseling supervisors) using grounded theory and established 5 themes: (a) emotional experiences, (b) emotion processing, (c) metacognition, (d) emotional self-protection, and (e) emotional support. The emerging theory provides a foundation for teaching and practicing ER.  相似文献   

The authors examined trends in school counselor consultation preparation using data collected from 238 program websites, 73 program survey responses, and 57 syllabi. The results indicated an emphasis on consultation content related to theories, stakeholders, and topics, rather than experiential practice. The findings suggest a need to incorporate and assess more application-specific consultation activities and assignments.  相似文献   

遵循理论与实际相结合的原则,结合物理学科特点及教学课程特点(即教法课程源于中学物理教学、高于中学物理教学,并直接指导中学物理教学。)提出“高师教法教师与中学物理教师互相学习、共同合作、相互促进”的方案。  相似文献   

从"专家型教师"视角出发,选取5位专家型化学教师,采用扎根理论研究方法,基于多重个案分析,得出他们对化学学科核心素养的理解和基于核心素养培养的化学教学的认识。研究发现,专家型教师认为学生化学学科核心素养应包括学会学习与终身学习,学会思考与科学精神,化学思维与学科逻辑,团队合作和沟通能力。基于核心素养培养的化学教学需要教师具有认识并践行:知识是载体,学习过程更重要;课堂是平台,教学方式要优化;知识会遗忘,留下的是素养。上述研究和结论对于扩展化学学科核心素养的建构方式,丰富对化学学科核心素养的认知,启迪基于核心素养的化学教学实践,具有启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

创客教育是一种以造物为形式的工程教育,旨在培养能利用各种技术手段与方法把创意转化成真实产品的人才。创客教育的新要求对创客教师的实践活动和能力结构提出新的挑战。为了进一步廓清我国创客教师的实践领域与能力结构,对来自10个省份且具有两年以上创客教育经验的38名教师进行行为事件访谈,并应用扎根理论方法对59万字的访谈资料进行三级编码,结果发现:我国创客教师的实践领域主要包括制定学校创客规划、实施学校创客教学、指导学生创客竞赛、建设与维护创客空间、参与与引领专业发展等5个方面。经过对每一项实践活动所对应的能力及其子能力进行分析、汇总、调整、合并,最终形成了包括创客规划能力、创客教学能力、竞赛指导能力、空间建设能力和专业发展能力等5项一级能力及其对应的13项二级能力的创客教师能力结构体系。这一针对我国创客教师的本土化探索对指导当下和未来我国创客教育实践的开展,创客教师的培养、选拔和评估具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育和基础教育的发展密切相关,面对新课改对中小学教师的全新要求与挑战,教师继续教育应采取主动回应措施,保持和基础教育课程改革的同步发展。本文分析了教师继续教育课程开发的一般流程,提出了教师继续教育课程开发的举措。  相似文献   

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