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Today the quality of teachers is held to be increasingly important yet there continue to be doubts about whether teacher education programs graduate teachers ready to meet the challenges of their initial years of teaching. In some jurisdictions, other agencies (Ministries of Education, school districts, and private providers) are supplementing the work of teacher education through the introduction of new teacher induction programs which have become favoured policy initiatives to enhance new teacher transition, retention and quality. Evidence suggests that induction and mentoring increase teacher retention and ensure more effective socialisation of new teachers into the school culture. In spite of their growing popularity, the degree to which induction programs complement teacher education and/or impact new teacher professional learning remains unclear. In this paper the authors report a secondary analysis of data from an evaluation of the New Teacher Induction Program in Ontario, Canada to consider the implications for the future of teacher education by asking: What are the challenges facing new teachers? In what ways does the induction program support new teacher professional learning? What are the major implications for the future of teacher education?  相似文献   

This phenomenological study aimed to explore how early career teachers were supported in their transition from teacher education to professional practice. It involved interviewing seven recent graduates from a post-degree teacher education program on their perceptions of both the program and their local school district in supporting them as early career teachers. Results involve numerous recommendations for supporting these teachers during their induction into the profession leading to the articulation of a continuum of lifelong professional learning that includes teacher education, induction and mentorship, and professional development. Key responsibilities for school districts, principals, and teacher education faculty are included.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查和访谈的方法,以贵州省的3所地方本科院校为例,对地方本科院校物理师范专业教师教育类课程的设置与教学现状进行了调查,发现毕业生对课程设置的满意度较低,所存在的问题有教师教育类课程偏少、实践性课程偏少等,课程教学存在着实践性教学薄弱、教学方式单一等问题,毕业生的工作胜任力也存在着一些不足.针对所发现的问题,建议增加教师教育类课程的比重,增强课程的弹性;优化教师教育类课程结构,形成多层次、序列化的课程体系;变革教师教育类课程的教学方式,加强实践性教学.  相似文献   

高能实践与教师教育实践课程的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育迫切需要开发具有针对性和具体学习内容的实践课程体系。近年来兴起的高能实践理念为这一需求提供了一些解决方案,研究者提炼出对于高水准的教学而言最为核心的实践活动单元并辅之以相应的教师教育方法,力图在实践有限的教师教育过程中为教师种下专业发展的种子。它因其简约、跨情境性和对实践直接关怀的特点,对我国已有的教师教育实践课程观可能是有益的补充。  相似文献   

学前教师发展是幼儿园发展和教育改革成败的关键。近年,各国纷纷开展教师教育改革,特别是在政策创新、教师教育课程、教师专业成长方面获得了很多颇有价值的成果。为确保教育质量,国外开展了学前教师教育改革的政策创新。为提升教师的实践智慧,国外学前教师推进了教师教育的课程变革。  相似文献   

美国密歇根州立大学的教师教育项目以培养卓越教师和教师领导者为目标,构建起了以基于满足多样化学习者学习需求的教学专业核心课程、基于实践反思和角色建构的教育实习课程为主体的优质教师教育课程体系,彰显出学会学习、基于研究、反思探究、多元文化、理念引领等特征,凸显出对高质量教学的追求,体现了学习中心取向、专业发展取向、多元文化取向三个鲜明的课程建设取向。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,土耳其的教师教育面临着很多的问题与挑战:一是师资的严重短缺;二是地区之间存在着严重差异,特别是农村地区缺乏优质的教师资源;三是师范生的录取缺乏有效的评价标准。为应对上述问题与挑战,土耳其近年展开了系统的教师教育课程改革。首先,加强教师教育的课程质量建设;其次,对传统单一的教师教育课程进行了大力改革,特别是提出了"互为贯通"的课程培训理念;第三,对教师教育课程中的基础课程变革十分重视,提出了重新设计基础课程的改革方案;第四,增强高校在师范生实习环节的指导力度,并在教师教育课程中去"西方"化,更突出土耳其的文化精髓,使教师教育课程内容更加本土化。  相似文献   

论教师职前教育的经验课程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"经验"是教师专业发展不可回避的概念,"经验学习"是教师职前专业发展的重要内容,"经验课程"是教师职前教育课程中的重要组成部分。在教师教育范畴中重新审视"经验"、"经验学习"和"经验课程",建立符合教师专业发展要求的"经验课程",是当前教师职前教育课程改革的重要任务。  相似文献   

教师教育课程标准对于规范教师教育课程、提升教师教育质量、促进教师专业发展都有十分重要的意义和价值。制定教师教育课程标准是一项十分重要的工程,必须从全局性、战略性的高度认识教师教育课程标准研制工作。  相似文献   

师范教育是培养中小学教师的摇篮,师范教育的课程设置直接影响到未来教师知识结构的合理构建。分析了我国教师教育课程体系存在的问题,在比较和借鉴了几个发达国家教师教育课程设置的基础上,对构建师专类学校教师教育课程体系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Concerns around the provision and retention of quality teachers are global. Amongst these concerns are the preparedness of graduate teachers and the quality and nature of teacher education. The purpose of the article is to focus questions of teacher preparedness and education within a wider discussion around the professional life-cycle of teachers. Initial teacher education is viewed as the first phase of the professional life-cycle of a teacher; part of a professional continuum of learning and expertise, rather than a distinct preparatory phase. We do not present a detailed model for this continuum; believing there is still significant work to be done on defining and delineating the levels of expertise. Such work is beyond the scope of this paper. We do provide a starting point for further consideration. Further, we suggest a scaffolded transition, determined by the learning needs of teachers, between initial teacher education and induction, moving to in-service learning, with closer connections between providers and schools to mitigate against a disconnect between these phases of development. The potential role of professional standards in supporting teacher learning across the professional life-cycle is also discussed.  相似文献   

始于2011年的"卓越教师教育培养计划"对教师教育提出了更高的要求,而课程体系是教师教育改革中的一个至关重要的主题。目前中国教师教育课程体系仍存在着课程结构不够合理、教育类课时过少等问题,优化教师教育培训课程体系有积极意义。在国家实施"卓越计划"及新的时代背景下,教师教育课程体系改革必须走"优化"之路,做到既不加重学生学业负担又要提高课程教学效果。据此,教师教育课程体系改革需要遵循卓越性、前瞻性、实践性和独特性等思路。  相似文献   

根据基础教育课程改革新师资和师范毕业生就业需求,针对传统分段式师范教育的不足,提出了“整合连贯型”教师教育模式,并在昆明学院10个师范类专业开展了相应的理论研究与实践探索。经3年多实际运作,建立了完整的“整合连贯型”基础教育师资培养的教育教学组织体系、课程体系和新型实习实践制度,出版了系列教材,改变了传统教师专业理论课程教学形式单一的状况,其理论研究与实践探索成果被省内外多所高校采纳。  相似文献   

高师院校综合化后教师教育呈现出弱化现象已为世人所见,这一现象导致了师范生培养质量下降,因此,对当前师范类人才培养模式的改革显得尤为迫切。全日制普通师范类本科人才"2.5+1+0.5"培养模式的研究就是针对上述问题而提出的,该培养模式在课程设置比例、教师教育类课程模块、教育实践类课程教学以及师资队伍建设等方面都做了大胆改革,以期达到提高师范生培养质量的目的。  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师教育质量提高的关键所在,科学合理的教师教育课程教学评价的标准是培养高水平教师的重要因素,也是教师教育教学质量持续不断提高的有效保障。目前,我国教师教育课程教学存在的诸多问题无不与教师教育课程教学评价的标准有关。在当前我国高等教育“质量工程”和教师教育课程改革的大背景下,应用CIPP评价模式评价教师教育课程教学质量,对促进学生发展、教师发展、课程改进和教学资源优化配置等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

The paper starts from the observation that teacher attrition/retention seems to be a wicked issue: it seems to have strong face validity and a commonsense meaning, but the literature doesn’t provide a clear and distinctive definition. In the first section, the author analyzes the different ways in which the issue of teacher attrition and retention is problematized—in general and educationally—as the basis for a definition: as an educational issue, teacher attrition and retention refers to the need to prevent good teachers from leaving the job for the wrong reasons. Arguing that teacher attrition/retention constitutes both a problem and a challenge, he continues in the second part of the article foregrounding several lessons learned from the research on teacher attrition. A first lesson is related to the central role of social relationships and teachers’ need for social recognition as well as sense of belonging. Secondly, the impact of performativity policies on teacher attrition is discussed. A final lesson looks at teacher attrition and retention from the perspective of career and teachers’ work lives. The conclusion section outlines an agenda for teacher education, teacher induction, and school development to positively deal with the challenge to keep the good teachers in teaching.  相似文献   


Work-integrated learning (WIL) has assumed life as a central feature of higher education curriculum design in a wide range of disciplines with the ultimate goal of producing work-ready graduates. Under recent Australian government initiatives affecting teacher education, placement forms of WIL have been touted as the panacea for perceived problems with graduate teacher quality; resulting in the national regulation of placement design and length in this discipline. This article reports the findings of a qualitative study into the perspectives of fifteen teacher education students from one regional Australian university. The study investigated these students’ placement experiences and the impact of these experiences on their perceptions of readiness for a career in the teaching profession. Thematic analysis is the method used to identify two key themes in the data collected through semi-structured interviews. Despite recognising the benefits of real-world opportunities for skill development and practice inherent in WIL placement experiences, the study highlights important limitations of these forms of WIL on the development of professional readiness arising from the contextual features of particular placement sites; relationships with workplace supervisors and performance pressure associated with assessment during placements. These findings not only confirm the importance of social processes in the preparation of work-ready graduates but question reliance on placement forms of WIL learning for nurturing graduates’ readiness for professional work.  相似文献   

叶飞 《教育科学》2008,24(1):34-37
师范生免费教育在课程目标、策略以及评价方式等方面与以往的教师教育都将存在一定的差别。目前,北京师范大学、东北师范大学、华东师范大学等部属师范大学已经纷纷对免费师范生的课程目标、课程设置等进行了相应的探索和改革。免费政策的实施为教师教育的课程抉择提出了一系列新的难题,而课程目标的设定则是解决课程设计、课程实施、课程评价等问题的起始点,因此显得尤为重要。本文通过对师范生免费教育的课程目标设定的基础和依据进行分析,期望能够促进师范生免费教育政策的落实,同时也期望引起更多的课程专家对这一领域的关注。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare alternative teacher education programs in English as a foreign language (EFL), biology, and mathematics to traditional programs in the same subjects. To do this, we analyzed data on all of the students who studied in the aforementioned programs during 2009 and 2010 in the largest college of education in Israel—a total of 91 students from the alternative and 74 from the traditional programs. The study used administrative data provided by the college and by the Ministry of Education. The study examined the following aspects: performance during initial training, success during the induction period, retention rates in the first 5 years of teaching, and the characteristics of their placement in schools.

?Findings indicate great variation among the 3 alternative programs. Of the 3, only the mathematics program exhibited high rates of entry into teaching and high retention rates. The programs in English, both alternative and traditional, produced the lowest percentages for both graduates and teacher retention. Additional findings reveal the tremendous difficulties faced by the education system to recruit, train, prepare, and finally, retain high-quality teachers within the system.  相似文献   

论高师办学与课程实践的互动发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培育高素质师资是教师教育改革与基础教育发展的共同责任。实施新课程六年来,中小学教师存在诸多矛盾和困惑,既有教师在职专业持续发展方面的原因,也有职前教育中高师院校办学方面的原因。互动新课程中,基于教师专业化理念,高师院校重审教师教育的优势和特色,实施切实可行的专业引领策略,促进课程改革不断深入,既是坚定教师专业情意态度的职责使然,也是提升教师教育理性价值的现实要求。  相似文献   

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