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This study was designed to examine whether first-grade boys' use of retrieval and first-grade girls' use of manipulatives reflected gender differences in their abilities to use these strategies or gender differences in preferences for strategy use. Eighty-four first-grade students, 42 boys and 42 girls, from two suburban elementary schools participated in this study. The children solved basic arithmetic problems under two conditions: a free-choice condition in which they were allowed to solve the problems any way they preferred and a game condition in which the children's strategy use was constrained so that all children used the same strategies on the same arithmetic problems. Strategy use during the free-choice session replicated the findings of earlier research indicating that girls tend to use strategies utilizing manipulatives and boys tend to use retrieval. During the game condition, when we controlled the types of strategies children used on different problems we found that boys were as able as girls to calculate solutions using manipulatives. Girls, however, were not as capable as boys in their retrieval of answers to arithmetic problems from memory. No differences were found in error rates or speed of retrieval. Gender differences were found in the variability of correct retrieval, with boys being significantly more variable than girls.  相似文献   

传统的性别文化观念影响着男女两性数学能力的培养和形成过程.女性和男性的不同心理、生理特征和数学本身的学科特征,并没有造成两性数学能力差异.促进数学能力性别平等的对策有:继续扫荡“传统性别观”的残余,加强女性的数学教育,建构性别平等的社会性别文化.  相似文献   

侯芬 《海外英语》2012,(17):270-273
The present research aims to find out(1) What are gender differences of Meta-cognitive Strategy Use and Listening Achievement(2) What are the correlation between male and female students’meta-cognitive strategy use and their listening achievement.236 subjects,including 153 girls and 83 boys,in a medical university located in Guangxi participate in the research.The results show:(1) both male and female have significant differences in their use of meta-cognition,planning and evaluating but this is not the case in their listening achievement.Moreover,female obtains higher means in meta-cognitive strategies use and gets higher listening achievement than male;(2) male and female’s overall meta-cognition and planning significantly correlate with their listening proficiency and male’s correlations are slightly higher than female’s;(3) only male high-achievers highly correlates their listening with meta-cognition,monitoring and evaluating at a significant level and just female low-achievers significantly correlate their listening achievement with meta-cognition.  相似文献   

工作记忆与学习能力的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工作记忆是一种对信息进行暂时加工和贮存的能量有限的记忆系统,工作记忆通过阅读理解、写作和数学问题解决而影响学生的学习能力。语音回路对阅读的影响更多地体现在复杂句子结构的理解上,中央执行功能在语言意义的加工过程中起着更大的作用,写作能力的逐步完善与工作记忆能力的增长密不可分,工作记忆的三个成分对简单和复杂数学问题解决都产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to integrate gender and group effect into bridging strategy in order to assess the effect of bridging analogy-based instruction on sophomore students’ misconceptions in Newton’s Third Law. Specifically, the authors developed and benefited from anchoring analogy diagnostic test to merge the effect of group and gender into the strategy. Newton’s third law misconception test, attitude scale toward Newton’s third law, and classroom observation checklists were the other measuring tools utilized throughout this quasi-experimental study. The researchers also developed or used several teaching/learning materials such as gender and group splitted concept diagrams, lesson plans, gender splitted frequency tables, make sense scales, PowerPoint slides, flash cards, and demonstrations. The convenience sample of the study chosen from the accessible population involved 308 students from two public universities. The results of multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that the bridging strategy had a significant effect on students’ misconceptions in Newton’s third law whereas it had no significant effect on students’ attitudes toward Newton’s third law.  相似文献   

决策树技术在移动学习性别差异研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对近千名高等教育移动学习者进行大规模调查所收集到的数据,研究者使用C5.0算法分别生成男女生群体关于课件使用满意度的决策树,然后比较从中提取的不满意规则进行性别差异研究。实验结果表明:在移动学习中,女生对学习资料有更高的要求,女生对学习资料要求的个体差异高于男生,女生使用课件时更容易受外界因素干扰。  相似文献   

工作记忆是执行认知任务时所涉及的一个对所需信息进行临时保持及操作的系统,它能同时储存和加工信息,其工作记忆容量有限。阅读理解是一个复杂的认知过程,是在头脑中形成语言描述的情境,用推理等活动揭示语言材料意义的过程。个体工作记忆阅读广度的差异反映了阅读能力的差异。只有进一步认识工作记忆的个体差异对阅读理解的影响,才能更好地发挥工作记忆对阅读理解的促进作用。  相似文献   

This study explores gender differences in home computer use and control beliefs relative to being able to use computers. Perceived control of computer usage was measured in 152 Grade 8 Norwegian students. One group of students ( n = 58) had no computer training and did not use computers at school. In this group, males were found to have greater perceived control of the computer as well as greater confidence in own success, compared with females. Another group of students ( n = 94) had computer training in school. No gender differences were found in this group. The results are discussed in terms of sex stereotypes and the impact of computer training.  相似文献   


Motivation differences of gender, science class type (biological vs. physical), and ability level of 242 high school students were investigated. High achievers and physical science students had higher scores than did low achievers and biological science students on academic goals, valuing science, and perceived ability. Boys had higher scores than did girls on perceived ability and stereotyped views of science. For only a subset of variables, these main effects were moderated by class type using achievement-level interaction. The class type main effect was moderated by gender in only one instance. Gender did not interact with achievement level for any variable. Instructional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of personal response devices (or “clickers”) in the classroom has increased in recent years. While few quantitative studies on the effectiveness of clickers have been published, it is generally reported that clickers have been well-received by the students who use them. Two separate populations (Winter 2006 and Spring 2006) of engineering students were given clickers to use during a general chemistry class. Clicker use was compared to student grades for each course. During both terms, a higher percentage of female students than male students “actively participated” in the lectures, where active participation was defined as answering more than 75% of the clicker questions over the course of the term. Active male students earned final grades about 10 points higher than non-active male students. Active female students, however, scored only about 5 points higher than non-active female students. Student learning was assessed by comparing performance on exam questions and clicker questions with similar content. Students who answered clicker questions correctly were 11–13% more likely to answer the corresponding exam questions correctly than were students who did not answer the clicker question. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of clicker use in the classroom and examine gender differences associated with this use.  相似文献   

本文从社会语言学角度,论述了英语语用中性别差异在语音语调、句法结构、话题选择、话语风格方面的具体表现,并分析了这些差异产生的根源及其所反映的社会现象。  相似文献   

申利芬 《海外英语》2012,(18):238-240
This study aims to investigate the use of amplifiers in term of gender and disciplinary groups in academic research arti cles,which is based on the British Academic Written English Corpus(BAWE).18 amplifiers were examined across two dimen sions:gender and disciplinary groups.The results show amplifiers are more common in males’ academic writings than in those of females in general,amplifiers are used more often in AH discipline.However,not all amplifiers show significant gender differ ences between men and women.Six words show a significant difference between male and female writers:pretty,by far,perfect ly,quite,a great deal,totally,which are used more often by males.However,the interesting is in LS discipline,most amplifiers are used more often by female than male writers and males tend to use by far more frequently than females.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that phonological analysis skills make a unique contribution to reading ability against the hypothesis that one latent phonological factor underlies the assocations among analysis skills, verbal working memory skills, and reading achievement. Hierachical multiple regression analyses examined the unique contributions of phonological analysis and verbal working memory measures to the prediction of 3 measures of concurrent reading ability in 68 second-grade children (mean age 7 years 4 months). Phonological analysis and verbal working memory measures each accounted for unique variation in each of the 3 reading measures. In addition, phonological analysis measures, but not verbal working memory measures, were particularly strong predictors of pseudoword reading skills. These results suggest that, although phonological analysis and verbal working memory skills share a substantial amount of common variance, phonological analysis and verbal working memory tasks do tap somewhat different reading-related skills.  相似文献   

In the past decade, extensive research on gender and learning styles has produced a multitude of findings: gender differences in learning styles are small on average, but across studies quite different results are observed. In the present study, this heterogeneity is the central focus of our attention. Two possible interpretations concerning the educational context and the concept of gender identity are investigated: the teacher and the subject he or she teaches. Besides the variable gender as a dichotomous variable, the variable gender identity is included to reflect the theoretical standpoint of the social construction of gender differences. Using multivariate techniques on a data set of 432 adult secondary students, the observed relations between gender, gender identity and learning styles are described. Gender identity turns out to explain more variance in the use of learning styles compared to gender. Furthermore, it is shown that gender (identity) differences in learning styles do not vary across teachers and, with one exception, they do not vary across subjects.  相似文献   

空间能力性别差异略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间能力的性别差异得到众多实证研究的支持。但差异形成的原因却是争论不休的问题。关于性别差异形成的理论假说主要可概括为三类,即强调生物因素的假说,强调环境因素的假说,生物一环境相互作用假说。而各类假说的科学性如何,最终取决于该假说能否同时解释性别内差异和性别间差异。生物一环境相互作用假说能够较好地回答该问题,它是目前比较容易接受的假说。  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated a male advantage in spatial skills and science achievement. The present research integrated these findings by testing the potential role of spatial skills in gender differences in the science performance of eighth‐grade students (13–15 years old). In 2 (N = 113), the findings showed that mental rotation ability mediated gender differences in physical science and technology/engineering test scores. In 3 (N = 73,245), science performance was examined in a state population of eighth‐grade students. As in 2 , the results revealed larger gender differences on items that showed higher correlations with mental rotation. These findings underscore the importance of considering spatial training interventions aimed at reducing gender differences in the science performance of school‐aged children.  相似文献   

现有对大学毕业生性别工资差异的研究大多忽略了工作能力的效应.基于“中国大学毕业生求职与工作能力调查”数据,采用Neumark分解方法,作者研究了大学毕业生工作能力对性别工资差异的影响.主要结论有:男生毕业半年后的月工资平均高于女生约14%,其中,约84%的工资差异是由于性别歧视造成的,剩余16%的工资差异是由于禀赋差异导致的.进一步研究发现,男生比女生的工作能力显著高约3个百分点,解释了68%的禀赋差异,进而解释了11%的性别工资差异.因此,政府需要进行反歧视立法,加大反歧视查处力度,女大学生群体则应努力提高自身的工作能力.  相似文献   

Against the background of neuroimaging studies on how the brain processes numbers, there is now converging evidence that numerical magnitude representations are crucial for successful mathematics achievement. One major drawback of this research is that it mainly investigated mathematics performance as measured through general standardized achievement tests. We extended this research by investigating the association between numerical magnitude representations and children's strategy use during single‐digit arithmetic. Our findings reveal that children's symbolic but not nonsymbolic numerical magnitude processing skills are associated with individual differences in arithmetic. Children with better access to magnitude representations from symbolic digits retrieve more facts from their memory and are faster in executing fact retrieval as well as procedural strategies. These associations remain even when intellectual ability, digit naming, and general mathematics achievement are additionally controlled for. All this indicates that particularly the access to numerical meaning from Arabic symbols is key for children's arithmetic strategy development, which suggests that educators and remedial teachers should focus on connecting Arabic symbols to the quantities they represent.  相似文献   

语言中的性别差异是客观存在的社会现象。作为整个文化系统的一个子系统,语言符号系统以四种指表模式--标识、评价、规定和构成反映了两性之间的差异及地位。本文从这四个方面列举了英语中的性别差异现象,分析了导致这一现象的原因,并指出性别语言之间的差异正在逐步缩小,英语中的性别歧视现象将由引得以消除。  相似文献   

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