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自20世纪以来,指称理论是分析哲学讨论的中心话题,描述语理论与历史因果理论两个观点一直主导着这个领域。克里普克(Kripke)反对传统的描述语理论,并提出了自己的观点。多数哲学家们和克里普克(kripke)保持同样的观点,一般认为指称是和人们的直觉保持一致的。近来文化心理学者们通过一系列实验指出文化在人的语言直觉和认知中扮演着重要的角色。Richard Nisbett和他的同事的实验发现东亚人与西方人在认知过程(如:感知、注意和记忆)中存在许多差异,因此一些学者开始怀疑在假定情境下人们对于专名的指称的语言直觉会随着文化差异有所不同。(如:Edouard Machery,Ron Mallon,:Shaun Nichol,Stephen P.Stich.的实验)在这篇论文中,我们将会提供一些新证据来讨论语言直觉随着文化差异而有所不同。  相似文献   


Video games have the potential to educate and engage people—especially young people—in climate change and energy issues by facilitating the development of helpful thoughts, feelings, and actions. The objective of the present article is to propose a set of game attributes that could maximise the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural engagement of players, and lay the foundations for future work. We have used semi-structured interviews with experts to identify a set of game attributes and a group discussion with teenagers to validate them. By applying grounded theory in our analysis of the experts’ responses, we have developed a framework for climate change engagement through serious games. It consists of 15?key attributes that we have classified in three dimensions: cognitive, emotional, and behavioural. Literature review drawn on sources in social psychology, communication and education has contributed to further explain and justify the inclusion of each of the attributes.  相似文献   

直觉是一种非理性的、非逻辑的思维形式,它具有思维的简约性和跳跃性,能瞬间把握和认识事物的特征及本质。它与内部敏感性、顿悟、创造性思维以及内隐学习既有联系又有区别。直觉是一种无法进行推理和验证的认识,因此关于它的正确性有待于做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

翻译是一种再创造性的认知活动,要翻译出上乘佳品,并非易事,必须能够深入原作里层,抓住原作的意境及神韵,努力在语言学习实践中培养出一种对语言文字的感悟能力。这种语感需在长期的学习实践中精心操纵方能成功。而这种语感对出高质量高品味译作无疑起着推波助澜的作用。若语感是“风”,翻译是“纹”,正所谓“风行水上,自然成纹”。  相似文献   

审美直觉与合情推理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了审美直觉与合情推理及其之间的关系,重点阐述了审美直觉强化合情推理的可靠性、审美直觉调控合理推理的方向性。  相似文献   

Pedagogical tact concerns a teacher's ability to adequately handle complex classroom situations that require immediate action. As such, pedagogical tact can be viewed as an enactment of teachers’ intuition. While most teachers, teacher educators, educational leaders and scholars readily recognise the importance of pedagogical tact (and by extension, intuition), few pre-service or in-service programmes devote explicit attention to developing this important teacher quality. This study set out to understand why. Specifically, data were collected to investigate how educators perceive intuition, and its role in teacher pedagogical tact. Ten focus group discussions were held with school board members, teacher educators, school principals, in-service teachers and pre-service teachers. Participants recognised two types of intuition commonly described in the literature (local and nonlocal), and affirmed the importance of intuition for teacher pedagogical tact. These educators also noted that teachers are rarely if ever encouraged to make conscious use of their intuition, let alone develop it. There was consensus that teachers differ in how well they are able to tune into their intuition. Though the scale of the study is small, the findings suggest that more attention should be given to developing teacher intuition and pedagogical tact than is currently the case.  相似文献   


Self- and peer-feedback are commonly used in higher education, and in most cases, it is assumed that students will engage with the feedback. There is, however, limited systematic exploration of how students use the feedback. This study proposes a structured reflective journal for students to engage with both self- and peer-feedback in the context of teamwork competencies. In total, 519 undergraduates’ self- and peer-ratings and feedback and a matching number of reflective journals were coded for how students internally negotiate self- and peer-feedback on teamwork competencies. The analysis of ratings shows upward trajectories of self- and peer-ratings over time, and the analysis of journals suggests students were more effective in building their teamwork competencies when they negotiate their experiences by giving attention to positive affect, goal intention and performance. These findings highlight the importance of priming students to be reflective of self- and peer-feedback via a written and codified reflective journal.  相似文献   

Drawing upon our experience as university faculty in teaching novice educators, we explore the issue of resistance from students around learning that entails critical reflection. By novice educators, we refer to pre-service teacher candidates and graduate students in Education faculties, particularly graduate students in adult education/lifelong learning programs, who often do not have prior Education degrees or extensive experience as educators. We believe novice educators should be taught to be critically reflective, regardless of whether they teach in schools, government, the not-for-profit sector, or business sector.  相似文献   

教学中应注意挖掘数学中丰富多彩的美的因素,利用数学美的简单性、对称性、相似性、和谐性与奇异性考察数学对象、思考数学问题,形成数学思维的美学方法和解题策略。美的观点一旦与数学问题的条件和结论特征结合,思维主体就能凭借已有的知识和经验产生审美直觉,从而确定解题的总体思路或入手方向。因此,美的启示在解决问题的思维过程中能起到宏观指导的决策作用。  相似文献   

对范.希勒(Van Hiele)的几何学五级思维水平和Hoffer直观化能力五级水平理论进行分析,结合初中学生年龄特征和认知发展理论,把几何直观性划分为5个水平,并且对《大纲》和《标准》中的几何直观性作分析。  相似文献   

Narratives and activity theory are useful as socially constructed data collection tools that allow a researcher access to the social, cultural and historical meanings that research participants place on events in their lives. This case study shows how these tools were used to promote reflection within a cultural–historical activity theoretically shaped research project on multi-professional collaborative practice. The tools are shown to individually and jointly aid insight, understanding and action. The participants generated data through narratives and analysed the data with an activity theoretical framework. These were then interpreted as cultural historical artefacts by the researcher. The socially constructed paradigm within which they are situated, their participative use, and their creation of insight, understanding and action make them ideal as action research tools.  相似文献   

This paper examines the context of teacher education in which certain students work as teachers whilst at the same time they study in a teacher education programme. The two phenomena that are discussed are the integration of theory and practice, and learning while working. These are located in the wider framework of teachers' pedagogical thinking, and research‐based teacher education. The paper reports on students' experiences of the success of integrating theoretical studies in their work as teachers and the related issue of how a student's everyday grasp of classroom practice has been taken into account in their studies. The paper also raises the issue of the university–school relationship through students' estimations of the impact that their participation in teacher education has brought to the school in which they work and other key aspects of the university–school relationship.  相似文献   

费尔巴哈对事物从感性的、直观的形式去理解,对后来马克思主义哲学的产生有着举足轻重的作用,这种作用表现为:马克思对对象的理解超越了费尔巴哈的直观,着眼于实践去理解,从主体方面去理解,这一超越为马克思哲学开辟了新的道路。  相似文献   

从语感研究的现状看,关涉语感本身的理论问题得到了比较深入的研究,也取得了很多成果。同时,语感作为我国第八次课程改革《语文课程标准》的核心词汇之一,语感培养问题开始真正走进人们的思维视阈。由于现实上语感实践环节的研究相对薄弱,从而造成语感教学实践成为目前语感研究面临的最大问题,其中既包括语感教学实施也包括切合实际的语感评价指标体系建立。  相似文献   

This article discusses a process of self-inquiry that took the form of a narrative journey of transformation. The process included reflective practice deepened by focusing on the lived experience of being a teacher, and as the process unfolded I sought to discover more about classroom events as lived experiences for teacher and students. The methodology involved dialogue with self in constructing narratives around the insights gained from written reflections, as well as dialogue with others within an established community of inquiry for guided reflection. Through this process, it was hoped that the insights developed would inform practice and transform experience. The study highlighted some of the emotional aspects of the experiences of teaching and learning, and considered the importance of a teacher focusing on subjective response in order to gain awareness of self in practice. The process also revealed some uncomfortable hidden aspects of experience, an awareness of which was considered important in developing more effective and ethical practice. The study identified the value for teacher and students in gaining an understanding of how individuals within a classroom event interact, and for considering how this might affect learning and teaching.  相似文献   

Explorations of relationships between Haidt’s Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ) and indices of moral decision-making assessed by the Defining Issues Test have been limited to correlational analyses. This study used Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity to predict overall moral judgment and individual Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2) schema scores using responses from 222 undergraduates. Relationships were not confirmed between the separate foundations and the DIT-2 indices. Using the MFQ moral judgment items only, confirmatory factor analyses confirmed higher order constructs called Individualizing and Binding foundations. Structural models using these higher order factors fitted the data well, and findings indicated that the Binding foundations significantly positively predicted Maintaining Norms and negatively predicted both overall moral judgment (N2) and the Postconventional Schema. Neither Individualizing nor Binding foundations significantly predicted Personal Interest. While moral judgments assessed by DIT-2 may not be evoking the MFQ foundations, findings here suggest the MFQ may not be a suitable measure for capturing more advanced moral functioning.  相似文献   

Drawing on a Chicana feminist epistemology, the author, a Latina immigrant, presents how she used her cultural intuition to engage in a two-year ethnography with Latino immigrant families. She argues that for her engaging in ethnography with her “own community” is an endeavor that calls to the fore her homegrown epistemologies and her positioning as a Latina immigrant. The themes of doing ethnography en familia, using collective remembering and sense-making, and developing a libratory pedagogy point to an ethnography that strays from traditional, presumed “objective” data sources. Further, she argues that in these contexts of ethnography she was able to reclaim and integrate her various knowledges and identities toward a potential process of liberation.  相似文献   

Nurture groups have been identified as supportive and potentially effective provision for young people with troubled patterns of social, emotional and behavioural development, and a specific literature has emerged in relation to understanding their functioning. The work outlined here derives from an exploratory study by Valerie Taylor, a senior educational psychologist in Staffordshire, and Anthea Gulliford, from the University of Nottingham, describing and analysing the relationship between nurture group working and children's behaviour as perceived by adults involved, using qualitative approaches. Drawing upon grounded theory methods, the investigation commenced with an exploration of the relationship between nurture group attendance and children's behaviour. The grounded theory which emerged encompassed a strong vein of data relating to what could be described as parental engagement. It is this strand which is explored here, and consideration is given to the potential for facilitation of the home–school dialogue in the nurture group context, with reference to commentaries regarding parental participation and home–school engagement.  相似文献   

The article uncovers the complex process of educational policy enactment and the impact this process has on teachers as policy actors as they undertake the task of introducing a new mathematics curriculum in a Canadian secondary school. The three year study based on in‐depth qualitative interviews adopts a classic grounded theory approach of concurrent iterative cycles of data collection, conceptual categorisation and analytical abstraction, to identify six emergent concepts indicative of policy actor engagement with the policy process: (1) Professional and Emotional Investment; (2) Decisional Legitimacy; (3) Hierarchical Trust; (4) System Integrity and Viability; (5) De‐professionalisation; and (6) Identity Safeguarding. Further, and significantly, the grounded theory analysis identifies the core concept of Affective Disruption, conceived as an interruption to an individual's emotional equilibrium resulting from interference to their cognitive sense‐making in relation to policy. It is proposed these six emergent concepts and Affective Disruption as a core concept are precipitated within policy actors in response to the tensions created by the process of policy enactment; the research findings moving towards what might be tentatively termed a policy social psychology.  相似文献   


This paper positions the photographic image of the self (the ‘selfie’) as the reflexive indicator on which students are prompted to reveal their learning behaviours, and uses this mode of reflexivity to construct a qualitative study of engagement in a higher education setting. The study leverages the intensified processes of self –reflection created by the novel forms of convergence across the social landscape in which the selfie is embedded, to reveal how oppositional and indexical selfie-reflective practices can operate to uniquely connect behaviours to learning in this sector.  相似文献   

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