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We examined the effectiveness of the Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model of writing instruction with a self-determination training component for middle school-age students with emotional and behavioral disorders. We randomly assigned students to experimental or comparison treatments during which special education teachers provided the intervention. Students in the experimental groups received instruction on how to plan and write persuasive essays, were trained on self-determination skills, and were taught how to use persuasive writing to self-advocate. Students in the comparison condition received writing instruction with the established school writing curriculum. Instruction for both groups lasted 33 days, four days a week during 30-minute sessions. Experimental students significantly outperformed comparison students at posttest in all the persuasive essay-writing components assessed, in their ability to recall the parts of a persuasive essay, in the self-efficacy measure, and on self-determination knowledge. Experimental students were able to maintain gains in almost all writing measures and were able to generalize to content areas, although comparison students slightly increased in number of words. Student and teacher interviews revealed an overall satisfaction with SRSD procedures and the results.  相似文献   

The civil rights movements involving skin tone, gender or gender orientation, disability, and other physiognomic features remain important in securing the legal rights of individuals to equal treatment and equal opportunities regardless of their personal characteristics of color, origin, gender, and so on. Unfortunately, these welcome civil rights movements have led to a misunderstanding of unfairness in another group of individuals whose rights and opportunities have often been abridged—students with disabilities. Individual rights and opportunities must be insured, but doing so requires the discrimination of differences among differences. That is, not all differences require the same remedy to insure equal rights and opportunities. Misunderstanding of differences and their implications have led to political concerns about disproportional representation, particularly of students with emotional or behavioral disorders, which place unwarranted constraints on special education services.  相似文献   

情绪与行为障碍是一种重要的障碍类别,目前已经在美国和台湾得到高度重视,相关研究也得到迅猛发展。我国在该领域的研究起步较晚,但研究数量逐年增加。文章主要采用文献研究的方法回顾了近年来国内有关情绪与行为障碍的研究文献,分别从界定、分类、诊断和教育等几个方面进行梳理,以期总结出目前我国在该领域的最新研究进展,为进一步研究及其在实践方面的合理应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Students who experience social withdrawal and anxiety (internalizing difficulties) are often overlooked in schools due to the covert nature of their symptoms. The literature lacks empirically supported preventive approaches for kindergarten students who are socially withdrawn and behind their peers in developing social skills. Furthermore, research suggests that parents often are not adequately involved in interventions during this critical period of social development. In response to this need, a school-based intervention was implemented to increase the positive social interaction of three kindergarten students on the playground. Treatment consisted of (a) social skills training, (b) adult mediation, (c) self-evaluation and reinforcement, and (d) parent involvement through home notes. The effects of this intervention were assessed on the playground during recess using partial interval recording of target students’ positive interactions. During implementation of the intervention, all target students demonstrated improvements in social interaction. Future studies should investigate whether addressing the limitations of this study would yield stronger results with this underserved population.  相似文献   

大学生的情绪障碍,主要指影响大学生正常行为和活动效能的情绪因素或情绪状态,可以表现为逆反情绪、自卑情绪、自负情绪、冲动情绪、焦虑情绪、抑郁情绪等多方面.主要是由于心理、生理以及社会等多方面因素而导致,大学生情绪障碍的调节是针对于以上因素进行,必要时辅以药物治疗,从而使大学生充满愉悦、幸福、健康.  相似文献   

Although children with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) demonstrate significant difficulties in academic achievement including reading, little attention has been placed on effective reading instructional practices for this population of students. The purpose of this article is to briefly review the knowledge base of early reading instruction and the deep gaps in the research literature on how reading is taught to students with EBD. Finally, we will summarise several completed and ongoing research efforts that inform us of the instructional status quo for students with EBD in reading and efforts to improve academic outcomes for this population.  相似文献   

In this article I define, describe, and give a rationale of psychoeducational groups for university and college students. I also provide examples of psychoeducational groups for university survival and retention and career exploration and for theme groups for lonely students and for those with disabilities. Finally, I discuss four key elements important for conducting such groups.  相似文献   

情绪智力视野下的大学生情感教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪是一个竞争空前激烈的世纪,在这样的时代背景下,优秀的智商并不能成为个人幸福与成功的唯一保证,相反,良好的情绪智力在个人幸福与成功中起着重要的作用。因此,高校应重视大学生的情绪、情感教育,提高其情绪智力水平,促进其个人的幸福与成功和社会的健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

人的情绪 ,情感问题在当代被许多学科的研究所重视 ,总体上看 ,在中国 ,心理学研究较多 ,相比之下 ,教育理论和教育实践对这方面的开发研究较薄弱。本文认为 ,鉴于情感对人的重要意义 ,在教育系统内应重视和认真地对待情感教育。本文即是在大学教育的层面上 ,就情感教育的意义 ,以及情感教育的目标设计、内容设计 ,建立一个纲要性的框架。  相似文献   

论述了特殊教育学校对学生开展信息化教学的意义,分析了利用网络化教育能提升学生的学习兴趣并增强其学习效果。指出这种教育对学生易引发注意力,快速激发学习动机,对教师可提供个别化教学的功能和资源。同时也指出特殊教育信息化还有很长路要走。  相似文献   

Functional assessment methods are currently being touted as the key to effective programming for students with disabilities who exhibit serious behaviour problems. These methods have been effective in developing behavioural supports for students with severe disabilities in a variety of educational settings. This paper reviews the functional assessment paradigm in relation to students with serious emotional and behaviour disorders who have well developed cognitive abilities and linguistic skills. Based on the needs of these students, the Assessment Intervention Process, a system for facilitating the development of effective positive behaviour plans, is described.  相似文献   

The difficulties students identified with emotional and behavior disabilities present sometimes strain inclusive educators. General education teachers often find themselves ill equipped to provide effective support for both students with and without disabilities. An effective intervention that may hold promise for included students with academic and behavior problems involves the use of choice; more specifically, consequence choice, which provides students with the ability to select their own reinforcement. The current study examined the effects of choice of reinforcement via a single-subject multielement design with baseline for four students with emotional disturbance or behavior disabilities educated in an inclusion setting. With an increase in task difficulty, the behavior of two students indicated a functional relation between engagement and choice and two additional students demonstrated a functional relation between the presence and absence of reinforcement. Students did not distinguish academic behavior across the course of the study. The difficulty level of the instructional material, as well as the perceived preference of the reinforcers may play a role in study outcomes. Future directions follow study limitations and implications for inclusion practitioners.  相似文献   

师生关系具有丰富的情感价值,其状况直接影响特殊学生在校的学习生活与特殊教育质量.基于情感教育理论视域,实践中,特殊教育师生关系囿于传统观念、教师情感素质、学生生理或心理功能缺失的影响,日益显现出重知识轻情感、单一线性及生活与人身的过度依赖等偏倚现象.特殊教育中师生关系情感偏倚的原因在于,部分特殊教育教师情感素质与教育敏...  相似文献   

Drop-out from upper secondary school is considered a widespread problem, closely connected with youth unemployment. The aim of the current study was to examine whether parents' level of education predicted drop-out for 16–24-year-olds when accounting for basic skills. For this purpose, data from the Norwegian (n?=?996) and American (n?=?641) samples in the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL) were used. Stepwise logistic regression showed that parents' educational level was a significant predictor of early school leaving in both countries, but explained significantly more of the variance in USA than in Norway. Mothers' educational level predicted early school leaving in USA also when accounting for youth's basic skills, but this was not the case in Norway.  相似文献   

浅谈大学生情感教育的策略与技巧   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以辅导员工作经验为基础,分析论证大学生情感教育的策略和技巧,提出了教师应该热爱学生策略,即以情育情;辅导员自身的情感修养策略。辅导员应与学生保持密切的联系和相当的共处时间的策略,以及善于把握最佳的适时技巧;师生平等的友谊技巧;冷热兼用的适度技巧;善于发掘的诱导技巧。对大学生辅导员工作作出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

阐述情感德育理论对高校贫困生教育的指导意义,分析贫困学生存在的情感问题,探讨如何运用情感德育理论做好贫困生的思想政治教育工作,提高德育实效性以服务贫困生的健康成长。  相似文献   

保守是一种注重现实经验、反对不切实际的心理倾向和思维方式,区别于守旧和理想化。它怀疑一切完美方案,相信人的理性的有限性,强调在经验和积累中顺其自然、因势利导地渐进发展。教育改革中的保守立场反对片面强调体验性和个人化知识,反对简单否定知识的确定性和客观性,维护传统知识观与教学方式的适用性。对于学生自主,保守立场认为应该将其放在各教育价值中综合权衡,不应片面主张其在教育目标中的核心地位;学生自主应该受到教育权威与传统规范的限制,权威和传统是个人自主性形成的支撑性条件。  相似文献   

普通高校音乐教育与大学生情商的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
普通高校音乐教育可以通过认知,情感、审美使大学生的个性得到和谐发展,促进大学生情商的发展。音乐教育的认知作用还表现为在一定的文化背景下,大学生群体对音乐内涵的认知。音乐教育的情感作用总是和思想倾向紧密交织在一起。  相似文献   

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