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This article uses data obtained from a 2-year study—observation, survey, written- and verbal-artifact analysis, and interviews—of an interdisciplinary organization of pain management professionals to illustrate the analytic advantages of Mol and Latour's multiple-ontologies theories over incommensurability theory in understanding interdisciplinary practice. We demonstrate that pain science and medicine encompass a variety of practices that transcend disciplinary boundaries in ways not accounted for with incommensurability theory. After explicating multiple ontology theory and illustrating its analytic potential, we conclude by recommending a postplural model for inquiry into rhetoric of science.  相似文献   

This article traces the reception of a “science comic book” by various audiences including readers and reviewers after publication as well as grant application review committees vetting the proposed project in its conceptual stage. Specifically, the work is a biology textbook containing comics-style visual explanations couched in the form of an imaginative story interwoven with and supplementing traditional text-based explanations of the same ideas. The analysis uses Genette’s concept of “paratexts” (i.e., a class of speech genres comprising those supplementary texts that contextualize and inform readers’ interpretations of the primary text that they accompany) to examine the rhetoric of the visual in the discourse of science education. This analysis observes that the stigmatization of comics as a medium played some role in how readers, critics, and reviewers responded to the text. The implications of this stigma for cultural conceptions of science and their relationships to other knowledge domains, including the arts and humanities, raise a concern for the mediation of public impressions of science as an institution.  相似文献   

This article is a case-based theoretical exercise designed to investigate the role that ethics, culture, and artistry play in scientific illustration. In this article, the author theorizes a visual model of cultural interplay and scientific illustration in the creation of scientific knowledge and argues that scientific illustrations work as epistemological devices because they are culturally mediated constructions imbued with personal, organizational, and disciplinary trust, and shaped by the embedded cultural worldviews.  相似文献   

针对计算机专业数字图像处理课程演示和实验平台的教学实际情况,详尽分析了PhotoShop和OpenCV软件在数字图像处理课程教学中应用的合理性和优势,提出将PhotoShop和OpenCV软件作为数字图像处理课程教学演示和实验的工具。既可以用其在理论教学环节展示各种图像处理算法的效果,又可以在实验教学环节中通过基于OpenCV的编程让学生掌握图像处理的实现方法,更深入了解图像处理的思想方法。  相似文献   

This article examines how empty state pages (ESPs) constrain user-generated communication through the ethical lens of Bourdieu’s habitus. The authors define ESPs as interactive instructional templates that prompt users to input information to participate in an online network. Through a case study analyzing ~450,000 online comments from The New York Times, the authors find a direct connection between ESP elements, such as the character limit for comments, and online writers’ cultivated habitus.  相似文献   

科学技术发展的伦理思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学技术的发展给人类的发展带来巨大进步,但也令人类的持续发展面临许多困境,如:科技的危险程度与其强大程度成正比,现代科技的发展带来新的富有挑战性的伦理问题,传统的伦理价值淡化甚至消失,人的异化不可避免,系统危险增加,等等.因此,必须全面理解科技与伦理的联系,科技与伦理相互渗透、和谐发展,推进人类全面、协调、可持续发展.科技工作者必须建立将科技造福于人类的伦理观,这是唯一正确的选择.  相似文献   

语言形象化手段的心理基础是联想、类比和移情。语言形象化手段的主要效用是开发智力、活跃思维、培养人的创造力。此外还可增强语言的表现力。  相似文献   

Crowdfunding is a novel mechanism for garnering monetary support from the online public, and increasingly it is being used to fund science. This article reports a small-scale study examining science-focused crowdfunding proposals from Kickstarter.com. By exploring the rhetoric of these proposals with respect to traditional grant funding proposals in the sciences, this study aims to understand how the language of science may be imported into this popular genre.  相似文献   

数字技术革新带给电影的不仅是制作方式的改变,它的影响已经深入到电影的本体论和认识论层面。通过分析从类比影像的转录到数字影像的转码的底层运行模式的变化,以及这种变化使电影的索引式影像符号中因果性关系的断裂对电影产生了本体论意义上的影响。在这一转化模式中,特别考察了类比式影像的绵延时间是如何被数字媒介的自动机制所打断,以及在数字影像中时间是以什么样的形式出现。影视理论和数字媒介理论越来越呈融合趋势,对数字电影时间的思考有助于理清二者的区别和联系。  相似文献   

修辞学的当代复兴,与人们对语言、知识以及二者关系的重新思考分不开。现代修辞学重视从双向交流和整体文化建构角度,从哲学、文化学、社会学、人类学等不同学科方向上综合描述和阐释修辞现象,强调修辞的普遍性,复义性,交流性和认知性。后现代修辞理论则强调修辞作为“无中心”的“播撒”,是无法组合成有序结构的自相矛盾的表意手段,认为修辞作为能指的互设,具有“形式游戏”和“自我解构”的“转义”功能。现代修辞学与后现代修辞理论呈现出来的不同理论特色,表明了当今时代人类文化在走向全球化的同时,更强调多元化、多层化和非中心化的发展趋向。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships among Taiwanese high school students’ scientific epistemic beliefs (SEBs), conceptions of learning science (COLS), and motivation of learning science. The questionnaire responses from 470 high school students in Taiwan were gathered for analysis to explain these relationships. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized to reveal that the students’ absolutist SEBs led to reproduced COLS (i.e. learning science as memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating, and practicing) while sophisticated SEBs were related to constructive COLS (i.e. learning science as increase of knowledge, applying, and attaining understanding). The students’ reproduced COLS were also negatively associated with surface motive of learning science, whereas the constructive COLS were positively correlated with students’ deep motive of learning science. Finally, this study found that students who viewed scientific knowledge as uncertain (advanced epistemic belief) tended to possess a surface motive of learning science. This finding implies that the implementation of standardized tests diminishes Taiwanese high school students’ curiosity and interest in engaging deeply in science learning.  相似文献   

科技进步所产生的社会影响和道德问题已为世人瞩目,深入开展对科技发展与伦理道德之间关系的研究,明确科技行为选择的伦理本质,既是科技实践深入发展过程中向科学家们提出的道德要求,也是规范科学家科技行为选择的道德评价基础。目前,在“科技价值中性论”、“科技作用分别论”等科技伦理存在争议的情况下,认真研究科技行为选择的责任伦理,对科学家们所从事科学研究活动给予明确的责任定位,是现代社会科技伦理的本质要求。  相似文献   

为了建立牙颌组织的三维有限元模型,必须取得牙颌组织的轮廓形态数据。本文提出了一种通过对牙颌组织的CT图像进行处理,从而取得牙颌组织的轮廓形态数据的方法。  相似文献   

科技迅猛发展给人类带来了很大的便利和幸福。同时其负面影响也日益明显,已引起人们的极大关注。本文从科技伦理学的内涵、科技伦理观教育的内容、对理工科学生科技伦理教育的必要性、怎样增强理工科学生科技伦理教育的对策等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查并就结果进行分析,探讨学生对数字影像的解读、判断与使用的习惯与能力,借以了解设计专业学生的视觉思维与价值观,用以提供执行教学策略时的参考。  相似文献   

在传统观念下,摄影被认为是真实时空中发生的事物和活动的复制品,是现实世界的纯粹反映,而数字影像的记录方式从实体的银盐变成了虚拟的像素,通过后期再加工合成或电脑绘图制作的影像把摄影从记忆中的现实空间转化为想象中的拟像空间,解构了传统摄影的确证和记录的本质,颠覆了摄影艺术纪实美、瞬间美的本体特性,重塑了当代影像艺术的创作与审美架构,步入瓦尔特.本雅明所预示的"艺术作为摄影"的时代。本文从传统摄影的本体特性切入,探讨数字影像技术对新闻摄影伦理观念的冲击,摄影艺术创作方法和观念的转变等问题。  相似文献   

福柯的"权力话语理论"是各式语篇话语分析的强有力的理论支撑。他认为,权力话语以权威性的陈述形成其真理性的论断,由此产生的约束性、感染力影响了受众的理性思维的力量和方向。话语作为一门说话的策略,如何运作以加强发话人运用语言影响受众,说服受众,这是对更为隐蔽的新型权力话语的运作方式的深度思考。  相似文献   

As digital media devices have been increasingly used in early childhood educational settings, this study examined whether the iPad with a Vygotskian social development approach—namely, More Knowledgeable Other—can be integrated into low-income preschool classrooms to improve science learning. An analysis of variance was used to examine the overall improvement and differences in improvement among English language learners, children with special needs, and children without special needs or English language learner status. Results showed that all participants improved their science learning abilities as a consequence of the iPad instruction. Among all groups, English language learner children benefitted more than the other groups, but only with a game that had less verbal directions. There were no significant differences by gender.  相似文献   

Throughout his administration, FDR engaged in a complex set of arguments that worked together to defend democracy in general as a viable form of government; American democracy as the highest expression of democratic government; the primacy of the federal government as the most efficient and effective locus of democratic power; and the executive office as the culmination of the form, efficiency, and locus of that power. My specific concern here is with one form those arguments took, the visual metaphors that permeate FDR's rhetoric. Visuality in FDR's rhetoric is especially intriguing because of the way it interacted with the prevailing political culture in order to underwrite radical shifts in political power by helping FDR persuade the mass public to accept a synoptic view of nationalism and governmental responsibility. These changes have implications for presidents, presidential candidates, and for the citizens whose support they seek.  相似文献   

针对数字水印嵌入图像的对数极坐标仿射(LPH)的傅里叶幅度谱的情况,本文设计出四种滤波器,即:经典匹配滤波器、振幅滤波器、相位滤波器和双态相位滤波器;为了比较各种滤波器的识别能力,我们应用这四种滤波器对嵌入图像中的数字水印进行检测.实验结果表明:当含数字水印的图像没有几何失真时,相位滤波器和双态相位滤波器能对图像中的数字水印进行识别,它们的识别能力优胜于经典滤波器和振幅滤波器;当含数字水印的图像发生一些变化.即:旋转10度和缩小为0.9时,则四种滤波器却不能很好地对图像中的数字水印进行识别.  相似文献   

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