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儿童心理理论与儿童道德发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从儿童心理理论角度思考道德心理的两个方面问题:一是从儿童心理理论看个体道德发展,如:道德发展中的自我中心主义、自律道德、观点采择、移情和道德情绪归因判断等;二是从儿童心理理论看道德心理研究方法的深化和内容的扩展。  相似文献   

心理教育是德育的基础.德育应当注重情感因素,构建情感德育,把认知模式转变为情感模式;德育应吸取心理教育的原则、方法,注重学生思想状况和个性特征,提高德育实效;要以情暖人,预防心理疾病,培养学生的健康人格,促进学生全面发展.  相似文献   

心理学是德育工作的基础学科之一,高校德育工作应积极心理学方法,以人为本,重视德育过程中学生的心理自由,加强与学生的心理接触,设置情境,以情动人,激发其较高的成就动机,以提高德育实效。  相似文献   

心理学蕴涵丰富的德育资源,在心理学教学中采用恰当的策略,使心理学的德育功能现实化并整体提高心理学教学的德育效果,必须把知识教学与品德引导相结合;教师引领和学生体悟相结合;有意安排与无意浸润相统一;教学活动与人格陶冶相结合;课内与课外多协调;教学与心理服务相结合。  相似文献   

积极心理学对积极和消极关系的看法对当前中国道德教育具有重要的启示.道德教育首先和主要是一个发扬积极品质的"扬善"过程,而不是消除消极品质的"抑恶"过程的积极道德教育.  相似文献   

对大学生进行思想教育和心理咨询辅导工作均为促进大学生全面发展、适应社会的重要途径.两者有区别,也有联系,应相互借鉴、融合在不同层面上完成不同的任务,实现特定的目标.咨询不能为咨询而咨询,在咨询过程中或一定阶段要自然溶人思想教育;思想教育也要改变过去简单划一的模式,积极吸收心理科学的理论和方法,密切结合心理咨询,实现思想教育工作的科学化.  相似文献   

从无意识心理层面入手,通过分析蘩漪与周朴园、周萍两条主要戏剧冲突,揭示了蘩漪在无意识心理的引导下一步步走向人格分裂,成为自我毁灭的心理发展过程,蘩漪形象表现出很浓厚的心理分析色彩。  相似文献   

This research deals with the different psychological processes people undergo when they experience firsthand authentic moral conflicts. It also discusses the value of authentic moral conflicts in students’ moral development, and reasons for the ineffectiveness of moral education in China. The main reason for the unsatisfactory effects of moral education in China over a period of time lies in the predominance of virtual moral education. In authentic situations, the proper arrangement of moral conflicts requires careful analysis of values hidden in the prearranged or generated moral conflicts so as to utilize, guide, and control them properly. Such arrangement of moral conflicts should be adapted to students’ life experience for deepening their understanding of the moral aspects of life. Also, special attention should be attached to students’ varied requirements, thus leaving enough options and space for their independent participation in activities of moral education. __________ Translated from Educational Research, 2005(3)  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to gain a greater understanding of moral understanding by differentiating moral understanding from moral motivation. Moral understanding was assessed by presenting hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas and using a variety of measures to explore children’s understanding of moral principles and moral reasoning. Two measures of strength of moral motivation were used. For younger children (ages 4–9) emotion attributions to hypothetical wrongdoers was the measure. For older children (ages 10–11) a global evaluation was made based on their reactions to hypothetical moral conflicts and dilemmas. The results suggest that children’s moral understanding includes a grasp of abstract principles and is not just rote learning of concrete rules. However, their adequate cognitive moral understanding by no means implies they are competent moral actors. Implications for Kohlberg’s theory of moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

心理健康、道德行为与德育工作有着密切的关系,这为德育工作者从新的角度去开展工作提供了启示。  相似文献   

人的道德品质是主体在与客体的交互作用中形成的。为此 ,在学校德育中 ,我们必须促使教师转变职能 ,放弃道德灌输 ,加强价值引导 ;构建以学生为本的德育模式 ;创设真实情境 ,让学生在与客体的互动中建构道德品质。  相似文献   

Associations between moral-related traits, such as justice sensitivity (JS), the tendency to negatively respond to injustice, and moral development are largely unknown. From May to December 2018, 1329 5- to 12-year-olds (M = 8.05, SD = 1.02; 51.2% girls, 1.3% transgender and gender-nonconforming) from Germany rated their JS, moral reasoning, emotions, and identity; parents and teachers rated children's theory of mind (ToM) and empathy. Victim JS (caring for own justice) predicted more attributions of positive emotions to norm transgressors in structural equation models (β = .295). Altruistic JS (caring for other's justice) predicted less attributions of positive emotions (β = −.343) and a stronger moral identity (β = .392) unless ToM was considered. Particularly altruistic JS showed associations with advanced moral development. Hence, moral-related traits deserve more attention by moral-development research.  相似文献   

任何道德行为都是发生在现实复杂的时空条件之中的,而学校道德教育的要求却是"无奈件"的.无条件的道德要求和行为体现价值选择之特殊性中包含普遍性.这不仅是道德生活的实然,而且具有教育价值的承栽.而康德的无条件道德律让作为道德教育的根本原则真正体现了道德提升人性的本质特征.  相似文献   

就特定的文化情境中、特定时空中的道德教育实践而言,行为正当与否的判据、教育价值的取向主要是来自于广大的教师群体,教师的道德哲学就构成了道德教育实践的隐性思想基础,并将最终决定道德教育的方向和具体运作.教师必须借助理性的力量,摆脱肤浅的常识经验的束缚,提高对道德价值的理性分辨与选择能力,如此教师的道德哲学才是自由与自觉的,基于此的道德教育实践才是目的明确的自由自觉的行动.  相似文献   

The first goal of this study was to look at the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks. Research into the representation of other sub‐fields of psychology has been conducted but no research has looked specifically at educational or school psychology. The second goal was to compare the representation of educational and school psychology in introductory psychology textbooks to see if one or the other is receiving more coverage. Third, the textbooks with the most coverage were listed in order to aid educational and school psychologists teaching introductory psychology courses in selecting textbooks that adequately cover material from their sub‐fields. A total of 57 introductory psychology textbooks were content analyzed: 65% of the introductory psychology textbooks had educational psychology material and 65% had school psychology material. However, in the textbooks containing this material the educational and school psychology material made up only .29% and .19% of the textbooks’ total content.  相似文献   

道德教育是一种教人如何做人的社会实践活动,是培养人的德性和铸造人的灵魂的精神生产工程,其本体功能是培养人的德性.然而,在现实的道德教育实践中,道德教育表现出一些非道德性的思想和行为.还原道德教育的道德属性,是道德教育的本真归宿.  相似文献   

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