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Learned helplessness was the focus of Part I of this series. The concept derives from a perceived inability to control situations that are controllable. Taught helplessness is the focus of Part 2 of this series. It stems from an inability to control situations that are uncontrollable. When factors outside the control of organizational participants teach helplessness, consultant efforts should focus on changing the system and/or the environment rather than on fixing individuals. In order to assist consultants, the purposes of this article are to: (a) differentiate learned and taught helplessness, (b) describe the antecedents and consequences of taught helplessness, and (c) identify strategies individuals can use to create organizations that teach resourcefulness.  相似文献   

This study is intended as a resource and a tool for those involved in the evaluation, monitoring, or self-review of school management teams. The information presented is based on first-hand experiences of n = 838 elementary and middle school teachers from 55 schools who were directly involved with the implementation and operations of school management teams over a 2-year period. The insight reported by these teachers, who represent both management team members and nonmembers, brings to light many of the contextual issues facing management team implementation, operations, and power distribution. These issues are discussed in terms of implications for evaluation and team self-review.  相似文献   

教育部新近颁布的《科学课程标准》要求开展探究教学 ,培训在职科学教师。探究教学的师资培训应做到以理解探究教学为主旨、理论联系实际、创造良好的合作环境 ,要符合从新手到胜任再到专家的探究教学技能发展阶段 ,灵活运用领头教师、学校与科学家合作、学校与公司合作等模式。  相似文献   

This investigation examines how the process of instructional consultation (IC) supports consultees' problem-solving and fosters change in how the consultees understand pertinent work problems. The setting was a mid-Atlantic elementary school's Instructional Consultation Team, and the participants were 13 case manager consultants and 5 teacher consultees. A micro-ethnographic research approach was used and 4 primary sources of data collected: interviews, direct observations, consultation documents, and IC training documents. Analysis of the data uncovered 4 general themes related to the participants' problem-solving and evolving understanding of the work issues. In the discussion, the question of how IC is a constructive process that promotes consultees' development is considered.  相似文献   

教师的教学行为是关乎教学成败的关键,在课堂教学中,很多被教师频繁使用的、被教师视为有效的教学行为,却并未如教师预期的那样收到良好的教学效果。这就需要我们正确地理解这些教学行为在具体教学情境中的价值,把握住教师教学行为的价值内涵及实现条件,才能真正使教师教学行为发挥出促进教学的推动作用。  相似文献   

In response to increased performance expectations, schools and districts are turning to nonsupervisory, school-based, instructional teacher leader roles to help improve teachers’ instruction and enhance student learning. Increased opportunities to learn about teacher leadership may facilitate the implementation and institutionalization of instructional teacher leader roles. We discuss how institutions of higher education could develop programs for instructional teacher leaders, provide related coursework to school administrators and preservice teachers, and educate school communities about the potential usefulness of these roles.  相似文献   


This study explored the relationship between cooperative and competitive instructional environments in which high level teacher questions were the primary instructional strategy and student achievement was measured by recall of content and the ability to respond to high level test questions. Ninety-six fifth grade students were randomly assigned to one of three groups: competitive environment (Cm), cooperative environment (Co), and control (C). Results of the data analysis by MANOVA indicated that Cm and Co did better than C on both low level and high level portions of the posttest. There were no significant differences between Cm and Co in low level understanding, but significant differences in favor of Cm over Co did emerge on the high level subtest. The implications for structuring classroom environments and the need for further research studies are discussed.  相似文献   

教师需要创设什么样的教学情境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
创设情境是一种有效的教学手段,但有的教师在实践中走入误区,他们或重形式,忽视内容;或重某一功能,而忽视其他作用,致使情境的价值不能充分体现。这就要求我们要注重创设思辨性、生活性、启示性、愉悦性、感染性、鼓动性、体验性、实践性、展示性、互动性及生成性等各种教学情境,使其既具有生动的形式,又包含丰富的内容,促进学生在思想、知识、情感、能力和个性等各个方面获得全面发展。  相似文献   


This is the introductory article to a journal theme issue on Refugee Teacher Collaboration in Malaysia. The origins of this issue are described, as well as the Editor’s hope that these articles will inspire additional consultation research using participatory approaches. A brief synopsis of the issue is provided.  相似文献   


The process of global consultation has received little attention despite its potential for promoting international mutual understanding with marginalized communities. This article details theory, entry, implementation, and evaluation processes for global consultation research, including lessons learned from our refugee teacher intervention. The first half of the article addresses the entry process, culture-specific strengths, and challenges that can be faced in global consultation, including our experience with a lack of formal regulatory oversight of refugee education. The second half of the article details feedback collected from consultants, peer trainers, and peer trainees indicating which training content was most valuable; how some Burmese refugee teachers strive for a more student-centered, “free” classroom for their refugee students; and, finally, the toll that intense refugee teacher consultation took on the consultants.  相似文献   

和人们一般的理解不同,技术作为教师培训内容在美国并不是什么新鲜事。自20世纪初,老师就已经开始在他们的教学中掌握技术媒体的应用技能了。本文中,我们先回顾一下美国教师教育培训的内容演化过程以及技术培训的方法熏探索它从20世纪20年代到21世纪初期的发展变化。从中我们明显地发现,20世纪80年代计算机技术的普及对这种演化过程产生了很大的影响,受这种影响,导致出现了两种完全不同类型的教育技术岗前培训课程并存的状况:一类是在各种传统媒体和以计算机为基础的媒体之间寻求一种平衡;另一类则主要以计算机为中心。虽然我们还不太清楚教…  相似文献   


Restorative justice (RJ) is an alternative approach to school discipline that has been gaining recognition in the public and academic spheres as a way to engage students who misbehave in school. RJ has promise to address racial/ethnic, gender, and disability disproportionality in school discipline. One aspect of school-based RJ that has received almost no attention in the literature is the professional development and ongoing support of teachers in schools using RJ. This article provides a review of extant literature on school-based RJ, teacher training, and consultation methods. Integrating the empirical literature on school consultation and teacher professional development, we argue that schools should implement a multitiered model of professional development to build teacher competency in RJ, specifically including the use of targeted teacher consultation. The proposed model is complementary to an RJ framework, systematic, and capable of evaluation; future research is needed to evaluate its effectiveness in practice.  相似文献   

To what extent can a large-scale national teacher-enhancement project help science teachers employ new pedagogical methods in the science classroom? In this study, data from 13 high school physics teachers who taught 23 classes with 401 students were examined to determine the extent to which a teacher-enhancement project can alter teachers’ pedagogy. Three groups of teachers were examined: experienced users of the new pedagogy, beginning users of the new pedagogy, and a group of comparison teachers who used traditional instructional methods. Results suggest the reform effort can increase the extent to which teachers engage students in experiments and use alternative assessment methods; however, helping teachers use constructivist discussion methods and discuss the nature of scientific inquiry appears to be more difficult. The implications for inservice teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-eight female teachers were classified by degree of dogmatism, locus of control, and teaching experience, and then were randomly assigned to view a videotape of either a 'mental health' consultant or a 'behavioral' consultant. The tapes were originally used in a study by Medway and Forman (1980) who reported that, at least in the early stages of consultation, teachers preferred behavioral consultation over mental health consultation. Our findings are essentially in agreement with those of Medway and Forman and were expressed via significantly higher teacher ratings on scales measuring satisfaction with consultation, teacher strength, and the resolution of the referral problem. Several interaction effects are also discussed.  相似文献   

汪幼辛 《教育学报》2006,2(1):43-47
推论(推理)是皮尔士“探究方法”的核心,教学推论是推论与教学的独特结合,其教学意义必须存在于教师与学生群体的关系中,其核心在于教学中教师如何处理学生推论的条件,即原因、规则和结果。推论有两种处理方式:(1)教师直接明确推论条件———教师对学生推论控制程度取决于明确的条件种类数;(2)教师间接控制推论条件,包括对原因、对规则和对结果三种控制行为。教学推论本质上是在技术兴趣指导下的工具性活动。  相似文献   

从技术理性与教师主体性行为的角度可以看出整学设计的发展经历了规定性、权威性、参与性、使用性四个阶段。新技术时代,教学设计与技术、教师及其专业发展之间相互影响,教学设计可以促进教师专业发展。当前我国教师专业发展在理论研究方面缺乏技术视角、在发展模式上内涵发展不足,新媒体技术时代教学设计是促进教师专业发展的重要途径,教师及教育管理部门应积极推动教师专业的发展。  相似文献   

在教学改革中,存在着三种层次的教学对话:独白型教学对话、技术型教学对话和生命型教学对话,要达到生命型教学对话,就必须实现教师专业发展与自我发展相统一,教师在课堂教学对话中的整体在场以及教师在课堂教学对话中应具有宽容意识。  相似文献   

This article presents a theory of change approach to planning educational reform initiatives with a focus on district level efforts. Using examples from ongoing consulting work with urban school districts, we walk through steps in a planning process that can yield a theory of change that meets 4 criteria: plausible, doable, testable, and meaningful. The benefits of this planning approach for evaluation and implementation of district level educational reform are also discussed.Weconclude with implications of this approach for educational and psychological consultants working with educational reform initiatives.  相似文献   

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