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ABSTRACT This paper shows that the stated principles and content of the National Curriculum are those presupposed in any justification of education in a democracy. What it also shows is that the National Curriculum can only genuinely exercise its democratic role in the kind of society which provides the social and cultural conditions necessary for its practical application. But since the National Curriculum is being implemented in a society which lacks these conditions, any failure to provide an 'education for democracy' will not be a failure of the curriculum it prescribes, but of the kind of democratic society in which it is being enacted.  相似文献   

In the April 7 editorial of this newspaper ("The Problem of Transforming General Education in the Base Areas"), we suggested a general principle for the reform of education in the base areas. We will now attempt to express our opinion again, this time with regard to the question of regulations and curriculum.  相似文献   

This article documents the emergence of environmental education in the curriculum discourse in Aotearoa/New Zealand in 1988, and proceeds to trace its path through a succession of curriculum documents over the subsequent two decades. As well as exploring the form environmental education takes in these documents, the way it emerges in educational priorities is also reviewed. This historical analysis highlights the political nature of the school curriculum in general, and in particular, the place of environmental education within it. It also suggests that the curriculum, by itself, provides little concrete guidance for teachers. In response, I propose that educators must look to their own community for strength and leadership in a hostile political climate.  相似文献   

文章采用Kumar和Berlin在1998年设计的、划分STS教育标准的工具,通过内容分析研究法,对我国《全日制义务教育科学(7~9年级)课程标准(实验稿)》进行分析。此工具分三大类别,共含15项标准。结果表明,STS理念在《标准》中有很好的体现,但STS教育理念的重要性强调仍不足,这其中还有很多值得反思的问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to encourage sociologists of the curriculum to contribute more both to curriculum policy advocacy and the curriculum development process. It concludes by suggesting four areas of curriculum policy research around which both sociologists of education and curriculum studies ‘specialists’ could unite and which would go some way towards meeting the demands of the National Curriculum at the level of policy analysis and implementation.

No one should be expected to say all the time, at the same time, everything that is to be said. (Karl Popper[2] [2] Quoted in Schilpp (1974), p. 1167. View all notes)


Since the publication of A Nation at Risk, some scholars have argued that a national curriculum and national testing are necessary to hold school personnel accountable for student achievement and, ultimately, to raise educational standards. The idea of developing a nationwide curriculum has been widely debated in the United States, where the traditions of local control and state responsibility are dominant. Thus, this article examines the relevance and feasibility of a uniform curriculum in physical education. A core curriculum for physical education has the potential to provide clear goals, coherent instructional guidelines, and relevant assessments aligned with designated program outcomes. A more advanced curricula framework with clear guidance for P-12 curricula and pedagogical practices could promote system-wide changes in school-based physical education. In contrast, the adoption of an overly rigid national curriculum would create a stifling educational context where cultural differences and local flexibility are not allowed.  相似文献   

This article is a theoretical commentary to Robert J. Sternberg’s Active Concerned Citizenship and Ethical Leadership (ACCEL) model as published in the Roeper Review. Though the proposed model is attractive and a formidable attempt to reform education in a politically and economically turbulent world that all too often ignores ethics and wisdom and increasingly shuns critical thinking, this article focuses on the two equally formidable obstacles to implementing the model, namely, systems inertia and evolutionary dynamics, neither of which is addressed by Sternberg (2017). In conclusion, a suggestion is made for the reevaluation of ambitions and position in the light of what the ACCEL model is proposed to potentially achieve.  相似文献   

The 1988 Education Reform Act legislated for a statutory curriculum in state-funded schools in England and Wales. This study explores how, out of a common curriculum framework for both countries, there emerged a school curriculum that was adapted to the distinctiveness of the linguistic and cultural context in Wales. The roles of those most closely involved in policy development in Wales are examined as is the relationship between the 'national' and 'territorial' arenas of policy-making in the months leading up to publication of the Education Reform Bill in November 1987. It is argued that a pragmatic approach to policy development in Wales during that period laid the foundations both for a reworking of the 1988 curriculum framework during the 1990s and for potentially more radical change following the 2002 Education Act.  相似文献   

隐性课程的潜在性与民族团结教育渗透性需求是一脉相承的。民族预科教育基地隐性课程在教师的民族文化素养、学生的民族文化风俗、民族红色文化等方面都蕴藏着丰富的民族团结教育资源。重视基地文化环境建设、挖掘师生民族文化资源、开展形式多样的民族团结教育活动、加强基地制度管理等实践是民族预科教育基地隐性课程中的民族团结教育资源发挥效能的重要途径。  相似文献   

一种新的护理课程框架:KSVME   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵斌 《复旦教育论坛》2003,1(4):80-84,87
近几十年来,护理教育界一直在努力寻求一种能充分反映护理专业特征的课程框架,这种课程框架不仅要有一定稳定性还要有一定的灵活性。本文介绍了一个新型课程框架,描述了它的特征和发展过程,着重介绍了它所包含的几个重要概念,即护理知识、护理技能、护理价值观、护理涵义和护理经验。  相似文献   

目前,我国实施的基础教育课程改革,在许多地方已陷入尴尬境地,致使课改流于形式,严重影响了课改的效果。其重要原因是课改的理论和案例主要来自发达国家,特别是美国,很多方面不符合中国国情。本文基于中、美国情因素的比较,对影响中国基础教育课程改革效果的原因进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

本文采用个人访谈和文献(内容)分析的方法,就课程设置、时间分配、临床实习和师资等方面对中国3年制中等护理教育标准课程与美国21个月制协士护理教育课程进行对比分析,以揭示中美护理教育体系的区别,为促进中国护理教育的发展提供依据。  相似文献   

高校课程负责人制的改革建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对我国现行高校课程负责人制在适用范围、职责与权力 (权利 )、奖励与惩戒、监控上的不足 ,提出扩大适用范围 ,明确责、权、利、罚 ,以及完善组织、制度监控的改革建议 ,以供课程建设参考。  相似文献   

高校是民族观教育的主渠道,课程设置是主要载体.民族观教育的课程设置要体现马克思主义民族观的主导价值,依据教育目标、大学生自身条件和教育条件选择课程内容,形成以核心课程和相关课程相统一、与中小学课程相对接、与各种教育因素相协调的课程体系.另外,要通过课程设置的能动指数、验证标准和效果表征等指标对课程自身进行调整.  相似文献   

Bjørndal, B. & Lieberg, S. 1975. Environmental Education in Primary School. A Presentation of a Norwegian Curriculum Development Project. Scand. J. Educ. Res. 19, 131‐151. The Environmental Education Project at the Institute of Educational Research, University of Oslo, was begun in 1969 and will be brought to an end in 1976. The main aims of the project are as follows: 1) To develop chains of teaching‐learning units in environmental education for primary school grades 1‐6. 2) To gain experience on a theoretical and methodological model for planning and teaching environmental education themes with special regard to the relationship between educational and interdisciplinary factors. 3) To test a model for the diffusion of educational and environmental information to teachers. 4) To develop an interdisciplinary and cooperative approach for planning teaching‐learning units. 5) To gain experience on teaching controversial issues in environmental education and 6) To qualify teachers for planning and teaching their own teaching‐learning units in environmental education. The interdisiplinary project group consists of science specialists, educationists, and primary school teachers. It has developed approximately 80 teaching‐learning units. The article is a summary of the main ideas, aims, experiences and present results of this project.  相似文献   

Christopher Jarman, handwriting consultant and former primary adviser for Oxfordshire, traces the search for a 'national curriculum' for handwriting over the past 100 years and questions the references to handwriting in the statutory orders for English.  相似文献   

分析芬兰教育部2016年发布的《国家基础教育核心课程》小学数学部分的内容、目标表述以及相应的数学教学评价标准,结合当前我国核心素养下的数学课程改革,得出四点启示:前后呼应,要将核心素养具体落实在数学课程中;少即是多,精选基础教育数学核心且重要的学习内容;评价同步,与数学课程内容结合提出评价标准;以生为本,真正让不同学生在基础教育阶段得到充分的成长。  相似文献   

美国的教育行政实行地方分权制,办学和管理的主要责任集中在各州和地方。然而,在20世纪八九十年代基础教育课程改革的浪潮中,美国先后制定并公布了涉及基础教育阶段各门主要学科的全国课程标准。文章主要从美国由工业社会向后工业社会转型这一视角来探讨其全国课程标准编订的社会动因。  相似文献   

中国优秀的传统文化包含着丰富的具有教育价值的内容。深入挖掘传统文化中具有现代教育意义的合理内核,并在教育中把这些文化精华加以传承与发扬,对学生伦理道德的培养、人格精神的塑造、审美情趣的提高、民族自尊心的增强以及共同价值的强化都具有深远的现实意义。但是由于各种因素的影响,民族传统文化在教育中的现状不容乐观。为此,学校要结合新课程改革的要求,积极弘扬优秀民族传统文化,使学生身心受到良好的陶冶。  相似文献   

澳大利亚以"关心和同情、竭尽全力、平等、自由、诚信、正直、尊重、责任感、理解和宽容"九种价值观为核心,从个人、民族和国家三个层面设定价值观教育课程目标,开发课程内容。形成"建立学校价值观""促进学生幸福感"和"跨文化与全球背景下的价值观教育"三大模块嵌套价值观的课程结构,实现学科的横向整合和学段的纵向衔接。课程实施注重整体规划,围绕学生主体,从环境营造、情境创设、课程整合等方面培育学生价值观。课程评价采用量化与质性分析相互验证的方式,评估结果能有效指导课程改进。澳大利亚价值观教育课程成效明显,对我国价值观教育的资源支持、体验激发和家校合作等有一定的启示。  相似文献   

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