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Parental involvement is seen as an important strategy for the advancement of the quality of education. The ultimate objective of this is to expand the social and cognitive capacities of pupils. In addition, special attention is paid to the children of low‐educated and ethnic minority parents. Various forms of both parental and school‐initiated involvement are examined. On the one hand, the connections between a number of characteristics of parents and schools such as the social and ethnic background of the parents and the composition of the school population will be examined. On the other hand, the connections between a number of outcome measures such as the language and mathematics skills of the pupils will be examined. Data will be drawn from the large‐scale Dutch PRIMA (primary education) cohort study, which contains information on more than 500 schools and 12,000 pupils in the last year of primary school and their parents. An important finding is that predominantly schools with numerous minority pupils appear to provide a considerable amount of extra effort with respect to parental involvement, but that a direct effect of such involvement cannot be demonstrated.  相似文献   

When the history of 20th century American Jewry will be written, the central agency for Jewish education will play a prominent role in the story of the local Jewish community. In the first place, the bureau of Jewish education is one of a handful of Jewish organizations spanning the entire century. Moreover, with few exceptions, its constituents represent the total spectrum of the local Jewish population.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加剧,城市流动人口子女的教育问题日益突出,特别是义务教育阶段的流动儿童教育问题已经受到社会各界尤其是学术界的普遍关注,政府和教育部门相继出台了各种政策来解决流动儿童的教育问题.但是预期成效并未显现.本文试通过概述流动儿童的教育现状,以家长参与理论为主要依据,阐明家长参与流动儿童教育的重要性和必要性,以期为解决流动儿童教育问题提供可参考的途径.  相似文献   

为系统考察父母教育期望与留守儿童学习投入的关系,以及父母教育卷入和自我教育期望在其中的双重中介作用,采用父母教育期望问卷、自我教育期望问卷、父母教育卷入问卷以及学习投入问卷,对我国河南、四川、贵州、山西等地1535名留守儿童进行了调查研究。结果发现:(1)单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童知觉到的父母教育期望、自我教育期望、父母教育卷入和学习投入得分均显著低于非留守儿童,而单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童之间差异未达显著性水平;(2)父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入呈显著正相关关系;(3)父母教育卷入与自我教育期望在父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入之间起到双重中介作用。因此,父母教育期望既直接影响留守儿童的学习投入,又通过父母教育卷入和自我教育期望的中介作用影响留守儿童的学习投入。  相似文献   

幼儿的情绪对其心理活动起着重要的作用,是影响个体全面发展的重要因素。同时个体自其出生以来就开始了社会化的进程,无论是幼儿的情绪还是社会化发展,都表现出了鲜明的年龄特点。通过培养幼儿健康的情绪,可以促进幼儿的社会化及心理健康的发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This multi-method study of 102 mothers, fathers, and children examined children's difficult temperament as a moderator of the links between parental personality and future parenting. METHODS: Parents described themselves on the Big Five traits and Optimism. Children's difficult temperament was observed at 25 and 38 months in paradigms that assessed proneness to anger. Each parent's responsive, affectively positive parenting was observed in lengthy naturalistic interactions at 67 months. RESULTS: Regardless of child temperament, for mothers, low Neuroticism, and for fathers, high Extraversion predicted more positive parenting. For difficult, anger-prone children, mothers' low and high Optimism and fathers' low and high Openness were associated, respectively, with less or more positive parenting. CONCLUSIONS: Challenges due to children's difficult temperaments appear to amplify links between parental personality traits and parenting.  相似文献   

Objective. This study explores immigrant group and individual differences within groups in parental reports of involvement in their children's education as a function of both sociodemographic and cultural variables. Design. Over 300 parents from three different immigrant groups - Portuguese, Dominican and Cambodian - were interviewed when their children were in either second or fifth grade. Results. Language comfort and immigrant group membership were the most frequent variables associated with group differences in the various aspects of parental involvement. Cambodian parents showed the lowest levels of parent involvement as expressed in measures of attitudes, contact with schools, home-based control over children's behavior, and provisions of material support for homework. Ethnographic data suggest that differing forms of group migration, the educational system's differing responses to the groups, and group differences in cultural values explain the above findings. Within the Portuguese and Cambodian groups, language comfort was also the variable most frequently associated with individual differences in the dimensions of parent's involvement. Finally, the different dimensions of parental involvement are highly correlated amongst each other within the Portuguese and Cambodian families, but not so for Dominicans. Conclusions. These findings suggest both similarities and differences in the processes of parental involvement in children's education across three quite different immigrant groups.  相似文献   

研究者从重庆市4区县各1所公办一级幼儿园中随机抽取学前班或大班幼儿的家长进行调查,结果发现,家长参与子女学前一年教育的行为表现呈不均衡状态:以家庭为中心的参与显著优于以机构为中心的参与;母亲参与子女学前一年教育的行为表现较好,父亲相对较差;学历、家庭收入水平与家长参与子女学前一年教育的行为呈正相关,是影响家长参与的重要因素.根据调查结果,研究者提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of authoritative parenting, parental involvement in schooling, and parental encouragement to succeed on adolescent school achievement in an ethnically and socio-economically heterogeneous sample of approximately 6,400 American 14-18-year-olds. Adolescents reported in 1987 on their parents' general child-rearing practices and on their parents' achievement-specific socialization behaviors. In 1987, and again in 1988, data were collected on several aspects of the adolescents' school performance and school engagement. Authoritative parenting (high acceptance, supervision, and psychological autonomy granting) leads to better adolescent school performance and stronger school engagement. The positive impact of authoritative parenting on adolescent achievement, however, is mediated by the positive effect of authoritativeness on parental involvement in schooling. In addition, nonauthoritativeness attenuates the beneficial impact of parental involvement in schooling on adolescents achievement. Parental involvement is much more likely to promote adolescent school success when it occurs in the context of an authoritative home environment.  相似文献   

Mothers and fathers from 100 first-generation, Gujarati, Indian immigrant families were interviewed about their socialization values and practices. Adolescents provided data about their parents' behavior as well. 3 predictors of parental attitudes and behavior were examined: modernity, acculturation, and time in the United States. The effects of the predictors varied as a function of parent and child gender. Whereas modernity and acculturation predicted socialization values for fathers of girls, only time in the United States predicted the socialization values of mothers. Parental modernity, acculturation, and time in the United States predicted the use of induction and psychological control, but differently as a function of parent and child gender. Implications for understanding the selective nature of acculturation are considered.  相似文献   

论儿童权利的本性及其教育诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童权利是儿童凭借特殊的身份而享有的正当自由或者利益,这些正当自由或者利益是由道德以及法律所规约的.法律或者道德在确认儿童享有这些正当的自由或者利益时,明确赋予了父母、教师、一般社会公众以及国家所承担的相应义务.受教育权是儿童的一项积极权利,也是儿童的一项基本权利,这一权利的保障对儿童实现其他权利具有基础性和关键性作用.儿童权利对教育提出了承认、尊重和认真对待自身权利的根本性诉求.  相似文献   

家庭教养方式是影响儿童道德发展的重要因素。父母积极的教养方式(如温暖、鼓励、支持等)有助于儿童道德的发展,父母消极的教养方式(如严厉管教、控制、忽视等)会阻碍儿童道德的发展。儿童道德发展及家庭德育面临诸多问题,如家长自身道德素养亟待提高,忽视儿童身心发展规律及德育养成规律,重智育、轻德育,父亲教养缺位严重,留守与流动儿童家庭德育缺失,家庭、学校、社区未能密切配合等。促进儿童道德发展、改进家庭德育现状,需要多方共同努力,家长要进行"适度"与"关爱"教育,父亲要承担应尽之责,此外,还需要传承培育良好家风,关心关爱留守与流动儿童,加强家庭德育横向衔接,做好"互联网+"时代下的家庭德育。  相似文献   

父母教育卷入对儿童青少年学业成绩和心理发展的重要影响,越来越受到各国政府和研究者的重视,同时,愈来愈多的研究者和机构将提升父母的教育卷入作为教育干预的重要手段,以促进受干预儿童的学业成功和心理发展。识别出可能影响父母教育卷入的因素是有效增强父母教育卷入行为的关键性环节。本研究探索了中国文化背景下男孩和女孩父母教育卷入的相关预测性因素,结果表明,父母受教育水平显著预测男孩和女孩父母的教育卷入水平,女孩父母的工作时间显著负向预测其教育卷入水平。在考虑了独生情况和家庭社会经济地位之后,父母心理因素中的父母角色活跃信念、学校效价、感知到的知识技能和感知到的时间精力仍然能够显著预测男孩父母和女孩父母的教育卷入水平。本研究表明,相比家庭社会经济地位,心理因素是父母教育卷入更为重要的预测源。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of school-based, teacher-rated parental involvement on four child outcomes: language development, early reading skills, and positive and negative measures of social-emotional development. The 28 children were assessed for outcomes between 9 to 53 months post-graduation from a birth-to-3 early intervention (EI) program for children with hearing loss. Other factors included in the study were child's hearing loss, mother's education level, mother's current communication skills with her child, and maternal use of additional services beyond those offered by the early intervention program or the child's school program. Parental involvement in children's school-based education program is a significant positive predictor to early reading skills but shares considerable variance with maternal communication skill for this outcome. In this study, maternal communication skills and the child's hearing loss were the strongest predictors for language development. Maternal use of additional services was the strongest predictor to poorer social-emotional adjustment. The study's findings indicate that although parental involvement in their deaf child's school-based education program can positively contribute to academic performance, parental communication skill is a more significant predictor for positive language and academic development. Factors associated with parental involvement, maternal communication, and use of additional services are explored and suggestions are offered to enhance parental involvement and communication skills.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children's mathematics anxiety serves as an underlying pathway between parental involvement and children's mathematics achievement. Participants included 78 low-income, ethnic minority parents and their children residing in a large urban center in the northeastern United States. Parents completed a short survey tapping several domains of parental involvement, and children were assessed on mathematics anxiety, whole number arithmetic, word problems, and algebraic reasoning. Research Findings: The results indicated that parents influence children's mathematics achievement by reducing mathematics anxiety, particularly for more difficult kinds of mathematics. Specifically, the mediation analyses demonstrated that parental home support and expectations influenced children's performance on word problems and algebraic reasoning by reducing children's mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety did not mediate the relationship between home support and expectations and whole number arithmetic. Practice or Policy: Policies and programs targeting parental involvement in mathematics should focus on home-based practices that do not require technical mathematical skills. Parents should receive training, resources, and support on culturally appropriate ways to create home learning environments that foster high expectations for children's success in mathematics.  相似文献   

The current study examined how parents’ cultural socialization efforts contribute to adolescents’ family obligation values and behaviors and how these processes may depend upon the relational climate at home. Utilizing survey and daily diary methodologies, 428 Mexican‐American adolescents (50% males; Mage = 15 years) and their parents (83% mothers; Mage = 42 years) participated in the study. Adolescents reported on their family obligation values and engagement in family assistance tasks across 14 days. Parents reported on their cultural socialization practices. Results indicated that parental cultural socialization was associated with adolescents’ family obligation values and behaviors when parent–child relationships were low in conflict and high in support. Findings suggest that the transmission of cultural values and practices is best facilitated through positive parent–child relationships.  相似文献   

Mothers' total weekly work hours and psychological work involvement were examined in relation to children's achievement behaviors and mothers' parenting. 105 middle-class children ( M = 6 years old) and their mothers (both employed and not employed) participated in this study. Data were collected from lab observations, teacher ratings, and parent surveys. Findings of interest include. (1) for the full sample, higher weekly work hours were associated with poorer teacher ratings of children's grades, school work habits, and aspects of personality conducive to achievement: (2) within the employed sample, as mothers' weekly hours of work increased, daughters' grades were higher but sons' grades, work habits, and ego control were poorer, and (3) mothers' psychological motivation to work related to mothers' support of children's achievement and girls' stronger achievement motivation. The study findings point to the utility of including multiple measures of work involvement and children's achievement-related behaviors.  相似文献   

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