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威斯康星思想是美国威斯康星大学倡导的关于大学服务社会的思想观念,在当代出现了服务方式远程化、服务体系多元化、服务对象精细化、服务内容市场化等新变化。我国地方高校转型发展遇到了办学定位未能突出专业性和社会责任、教师社会服务意识能力欠缺、大学政产学研服务社会的深度力度不够等困境。威斯康星思想对我国地方高校转型发展的借鉴意义在于:积极学习"教学服务型大学"办学定位,高度重视大学社会服务职能;大力开展社会服务活动,不断拓宽社会服务领域与途径;倡导"教学学术"和"服务学习"等理念,强化"双师型"教师培养。  相似文献   

作为一种独立的文化机构,大学需要"学问",更需要"精神"。大学精神归根到底是创新精神与批判精神、科学精神与人文精神、学术自由精神与社会关怀精神。当前我国大学精神出现的危机,迫切要求我们重建大学精神。为此,现代大学制度的构建、现代人文精神的重塑和大学引领社会功能的充分发挥就成为重建现代大学精神的基本策略。  相似文献   

大学教师发展——“教学学术”的维度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学教师发展(Faculty Development)有着丰富的内涵,教学工作是其中一个十分重要的方面。论文借鉴欧内斯特.博耶所提出的"教学学术"的相关理论,指出大学教师发展的核心在于"教学专业"的发展,而教学专业发展的关键则在于以重构学术内涵为切入点,牢固确立"教学学术"的观念;认真处理好"教学学术"与专业科研和社会服务之间的关系;自觉加强关于大学教学本身的科学研究。  相似文献   

大学教师专业发展是大学内涵发展的重要内容。在工具理性盛行的背景下,大学教师"学术成果"的数量和教学工作量往往跟其生计与职称挂上了钩,"学术"异化为仅仅满足谋生需要的活动,偏离了原初的学术之道。大学教师要以学术为业,就要坚守学术之道,履行教学、研究和社会服务的学术职责。以学术为业蕴含着为神圣的责任和义务而奉献并实现自我学术生命价值的内容。这就要求大学教师在专业发展过程中逐步树立潜心学术活动、遵循学术范式、恪守学术伦理的学术态度,不断完善与提升教学技能,谙熟教育教学方法与技术,理性分析人类社会需要,通过学术应用转化活动来增加社会发展、技术进步的动力,承担起对学术和社会的神圣责任,完成教师的自我超越。为了在大学教师专业发展过程中实现教师以学术为业,大学需要在文化、制度和组织环境三个方面提供系统支持。  相似文献   

大学自古以来就是一个学术属性的共同体,学术共同体是大学人的生存载体和基本生活方式。大学学术共同体的发展经历了"自主性"到"制度化"、"知识分子"到"学者"、"学人社会"到"多元组织"的发展演变;学术共同体在大学呈现出"行政型""利益型""追随型""师徒型"和"愿景型"等五种存在形态,并具有"功利化""工具化""权力化"和"制度化"等特征。而通过构建"自律"的学者群体、"自由"的学术精神"、自治"的共同体和学术的"自觉"等途径,不仅能缓解当前学术共同体存在的学者行为"失范"、学术志业"失真"、学术生态"失衡"和学术共同体"失位"等矛盾,也是构建理想学术共同体的关键。  相似文献   

学术评价的目的在于保证学术的严肃性,保障学术活动质量,建立规范的学术秩序与环境。大学教师学术评价制度主导着大学教师的学术行为方式,其价值导向依次为:促进大学教师的发展,弘扬大学精神,提升国家的创新能力。当前我国大学以量化为主要特征的学术评价制度不仅使大学偏离了其学术评价的目的,且极易引起学术道德的失范。完善我国大学教师学术评价制度需要"破""立"统一,即:建立现代大学制度,政府退出评价主体;加强社会参与,推行社会中介评价机制;强化同行评议制度,完善同行评议方法;形成约束机制,建立学术诚信制度。  相似文献   

大学是一个具有自身逻辑系统的社会组织,学术性是其根本属性,学术发展是其持续创新的根本动力.推进大学学术发展,应以科学发展现为指导.具体包括:恪守"第一要义",一心一意谋划发展;明确"核心",坚持以人为本;领会"基本要求",推动全面协调可持续发展;掌握"根本方法",做好统筹兼顾.  相似文献   

大学自诞生之日起就在"象牙塔"的庇护下保持着学术独立、自治、自由的历史传统,并长期徘徊在社会的边缘。随着现代社会的发展,大学与社会的关系愈来愈密切,社会要求大学走出象牙塔并为社会提供服务的呼声越来越高,从而使大学面临一系列难题:大学究竟要不要走出象牙塔?假如要,该如何走出象牙塔、如何保持其基本学术价值?。对于这些问题,博克认为大学既要坚守象牙塔,又要走出象牙塔,更要超越象牙塔以维持两者的平衡。对我国大学象牙塔精神存在的问题进行反思有利于我国大学象牙塔精神的重构。  相似文献   

大学教师职业是一种学术职业。随着大学职能的演进以及社会经济发展需求的变迁,大学教师学术职业在横向层面发生了功能性和类型的分化,即教师由原来"单一身份承担单一功能"发展为"单一身份承担双重功能"再到"多种身份承担单一功能或多元身份承担多元功能"。明确大学教师学术职业分化的概念与内涵,进而明晰大学教师学术职业分化的内在规定性,这是构建大学教师学术职业分化体系的理论逻辑,也是解决大学教师学术职业分化带来的教师学术职业管理实践问题的前提和基础。  相似文献   

新一轮地方本科高校转型发展,是在大学再学术化背景下,为实现大学学术功能、形态的多元化和多样性要求而进行的一次关于大学学术研究功能、形态和实践范式的再分工和再调整;其最终目的是要通过一部分地方本科高校转型发展的探索实践,在我国高等教育内部建立起学术性与应用性两种相对分立的教育实践体系;它对地方高校教师学术职业理念和形态的转变提出了现实要求,同时也进一步加剧了大学教师学术职业分化。坚持对大学学术研究分化现象的肯定性和批判性双重价值评价,以及坚持大学学术的根本价值和保持大学学术形态多样性的统一,应该成为地方本科高校转型发展背景下应对大学教师学术职业分化的两项基本原则。  相似文献   

学习型社区的建设问题及策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从终身教育的理念出发,发展社区教育在我国实现全面小康社会的目标过程中有着重要的现实意义。发展社区教育的主要目标是建立尽可能多的学习型社区以适应社会发展的要求,根据学习型社区的理念和建设要求,我省构建学习型社区的策略是结合社区教育的开展和经济发展形势,理顺社区的领导管理体制;营造社区的共同愿景;挖掘社区的有效教育资源;创造人人学习和团队学习的气氛。  相似文献   

In this experiment we studied the effect of goal setting on the strategies used to perform a block design task called SAMUEL. SAMUEL can measure many indicators, which are then combined to determine the strategies used by participants when solving SAMUEL problems. Two experimental groups were created: one group was given an explicit, difficult goal and the other was not given a goal. The two groups were comparable in their average visual–spatial ability. The results indicated no goal effect on the strategies, defined in terms of the combined indicators. However, the goal did have an effect on some of the indicators taken alone (total problem-solving time, total viewing time, and model-viewing frequency) but this was true only for subjects with a low cognitive ability. These findings demonstrate that setting a goal can have an effect on some strategy indexes used to assess performance on a visual-intelligence design task. This research has implications for defining intelligence-test instructions and educational requirements in school.  相似文献   

In an initial experiment with a minimal version of a calculus tutor, it was determined through analyses of verbal protocol data that students were attempting to execute a fairly standard working‐backwards, means‐ends strategy to solve systems of equations, but were having difficulty maintaining the requisite goal stack. To remedy this problem, an enhancement to the interface of the tutor was designed which allowed students to post and display the subgoals required by the means‐ends strategy. As students progressed through problems, individual subgoals were boxed and shaded to indicate which subgoals were active and which had been satisfied, respectively.

An experiment testing the effects of this type of goal posting showed that student problem‐solving performance improved in terms of both speed and accuracy while the goal blackboard was present. Furthermore, many of the positive effects persisted after the goal blackboard was taken away.

Two explanations for the beneficial effects of goal posting are offered. The first is that the display served as external memory which maintained goal structures that would have otherwise been lost in the shuffle of problem solving. The second, perhaps more compelling explanation is that, in the process of posting goals, subjects learned something about the underlying structure of problems.  相似文献   


Reducing student absenteeism and truancy is a goal of many schools across the country. Surprisingly little research focuses on what schools can do to increase and sustain students' daily attendance, and even fewer studies explore how family-school-community partnerships may contribute to this goal. In this longitudinal study, data were collected on schools' rates of daily student attendance and chronic absenteeism and on specific partnership practices that were implemented to help increase or sustain student attendance. Results indicate that several family-school-community partnership practices predict an increase in daily attendance, a decrease in chronic absenteeism, or both. The data suggest that schools may be able to increase student attendance in elementary school by implementing specific family and community involvement activities.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of Quest, Pringle (2000) asserts a number of criticisms of the achievement goal approach to motivation and claims that conclusions drawn by researchers in this field are “overly optimistic.” In this response, we sugest that Pringle's paper is marked by a limited review of the literature and many erroneous conclusions. Several issues of contention are discussed, and it is proposed that claims of achievement goal theorists are rightly optimistic. In particular, the assertions that the achievement goal area of inquiry is deconrextualized and reductionistic are challenged. It is also argued that the championing of the interpretivist perspective for the study of motivational processes rellected in the Pringle article is inherently biased. In contrast, we suggest that there is not one correct methodology or theoretical perspective for understanding and fostering motivation of young people in physical education and that the achievement goal framework has much to offer with respect to this question.  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory has evolved since introduced about 40 years ago. One of its newer variants is the goal complex model. It assumes that each achievement goal (i.e., performance or mastery) can be pursued for many reasons and, more provocatively, that the goal’s effects depend partly on why it is pursued. Clearly, the first task for this area is to identify likely goal pursuit reasons, develop and validate a measure of reasons, and chart the influence of those reasons. Progress remains limited, however. Nearly all studies have considered only a small set of reasons suggested predominantly by self-determination theory, overlooking several other plausible reasons. Nor is there an established measure of goal pursuit reasons. To overcome those limitations, the current study validated and tested a new goal complex measure that includes several additional goal pursuit reasons, both personal (e.g., pride) and social (e.g., to make close others proud, or to help or serve others) in nature. Two culturally distinct samples of university students – one from the USA (n = 400), the other from Thailand (n = 404) – completed the measure with performance goals in mind and then reported a diverse array of educational outcomes. Their results converge for the most part. In each sample, the new measure proved to have good structural validity and psychometric properties. Several goal complexes, including the new social ones, showed unique and often desirable relationships with outcomes, too. The findings raise several research directions and implications for achievement goal theory.  相似文献   

孔子对人才的培养有一个高规格的目标,这就是“君子”,又确立了一个低规格的目标,这就是“士”;但孔子所追求的是高规格的目标。为实现培养目标,孔子十分重视教学内容的选定与安排,不仅重视文化知识、专业技能,更重视学生的道德情操和实践能力,即注重学生的综合素质的培养与提高。在教学方法上,孔子积累了可贵的经验,主要有因材施教、诱导启发、座谈讨论。因此,孔子能培养出大批杰出人才则是必然的。  相似文献   

The seeming lack of motivation of many academically gifted students is an area of frustration and concern for many parents, teachers, and psychologists. This article explores two studies in which researchers designed interventions to improve academic achievement. Both interventions were created using the Achievement‐Orientation Model. The first study matched the intervention to the student and found that the students' grades increased over the intervention period, t(45) = 2.56, p = .014, d = .38. Students using treatments linked to goal valuation and environmental perceptions showed the greatest academic grade growth; the self‐efficacy and self‐regulation groups showed little or no grade improvement. Building on the finding that goal valuation was important, the second study used a mixed‐methods design to pilot an intervention focused on goal valuation and student autonomy. The results of this study were mixed, as the intervention appeared to help two of the three students. Although these studies offer further insight into possibilities for promoting academic achievement among gifted students, further research examining how to best support and foster academic achievement in underachieving gifted students is needed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文认为算法在科学研究中具有普遍意义,解决科学研究中的问题需要一定的方法,但“方法”这一概念含义广泛而不具体,而算法与一般方法相比,则更具体,更精确,因为它是能行的、可操作的。能解决某个科学上的问题,实质上就是意味着掌握了或找到了某种算法,某一问题的可解性意味着能够找到一个适当的算法,而某一问题的不可解性则意味着不可能找到一个适当的算法,或证明这样的算法不存在,在科学史上,很多研究工作的任务和目的,就是要寻找解决某个问题的算法。  相似文献   

生活在美国本土之外的许多人对于美国人最热爱的运动都知之甚少。实际上,若是在美国之外提到这项运动,很多人都会把它跟另外一项运动搞混。绝大多数人认为足球只是一项用脚把球踢进对方球门的运动。可是同美国人讲足球,他们想到的却是一项完全不同的运动。橄榄球(即美式足球)更多地依赖运动员手上的技巧,而不是脚法。  相似文献   

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