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This paper both reviews the other papers in this special issue and puts them in the context of the current agenda of research in dyslexia education. The pluralistic nature of the field is explored with reference to this special issue. The paper suggests a way forward for the field in terms of a developing research agenda for dyslexia education as we progress further into the 21st century.  相似文献   

Historically, humans always have moved acrossthe face of the earth, searching for adventureand fortune. With technological advancement incommunication and transportation, the flow ofimmigrants from developing countries todeveloped nations has intensified. Theyencounter numerous problems adjusting to a hostof cultural differences. Westernpsychotherapeutic professionals are challengedin their interventions with the increasinglylarge clientele. This article defines thenature and scope of the problem and suggestsways that modern counselors can integratetraditional healing styles and techniques withthose they normally use.  相似文献   

当代工业管理是以经济、社会和生态多元目标为基本前提的管理。为了使工业管理主体能够高度重视可持续发展战略问题,亦即为了使工业管理主体在行使其“经济人”角色的同时,又能遏制其“经济人”行为导致的“负外部性”结果,并积极参与到可持续发展活动之中,倡导工业生态协同管理,发挥这种管理面对多元目标“动态平衡”关系的协同学性质,无疑是至关重要的。  相似文献   

我们要了解21世纪国际教育的十大发展趋势,即终身化、多元化、分权化、远程化多媒体化、个性化、产业化、市场化、大众化、竞争普遍化、国际化,积极迎接知识经济的挑战,抓住机遇,促进教育的发展扣人才的培养。  相似文献   

21世纪的高等工程教育--循环创新模型与21世纪大学建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在知识经济的浪潮中,显著的科技、经济、文化发展正在重新定义传统意义上的“大学”。荷兰德尔特理工大学与一批世界顶尖工科大学正在研究的“循环创新模式”与“21世纪大学建构”对正面临同样挑战的我国高等工程教育是一个有益的启示。  相似文献   

军校教育作为现代教育的一个特殊领域,它的发现体现了当代世界科学技术和教育发展的内在要求。适应新时代的变化,军事院校的教育体制有其共同的发展趋势。表现在:拓宽基础,培养适应性强的复合型人才;加强继续教育,提高军官素质;力求用最尖端的科学技术武装军队,以及为此建立“开放型”的教育体制。  相似文献   


The current process of globalisation has led to a convergence of international and Spanish concerns regarding teaching and research issues in the area of comparative education. Both in their teaching and their research work, the academics within the Spanish comparative community display a notable – and typically Hispanic – heterogeneity. This includes their use of epistemologically diverse frameworks and paradigms as well as their penchant for intellectual and teaching traditions built upon a wide-ranging, diverse gnoseological foundation. Along with research agendas focused on topics well within the orthodoxy and tradition of the field, Spanish comparative work has also tackled subjects long advocated by the late-modern agenda such as post-colonialism, the world ‘disorder’ and refugees and hospitality pedagogy. The community's engagement with and analysis of the cultural reality of Latin America stands out as a specific feature of Spanish comparative studies. While the works published in the Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC) (Spanish Journal of Comparative Education) attest to the theorisation and markedly interdisciplinary nature of the analyses carried out by many of our academics, the authors of this essay argue for the inclusion of teleological perspectives. Only by incorporating the viewpoints offered by these teleological disciplines will we be able to stand up to the sterile, eminently relativist tendencies of post-modern epistemology.  相似文献   

Engineering lies at the interface between science on the one hand and society on the other. It is concerned with the systematic application of scientific and mathematical principles towards practical ends for the benefit of people. Traditionally the emphasis in engineering education has been on the scientific side, with students given a thorough grounding in the basic scientific and mathematical principles underpinning their discipline. However, the constraints on engineering problem-solving today are increasingly not technical, but rather lie on the societal and human side of engineering practice. These changes require new approaches within the curriculum and by promoting active learning and encouraging students to experiment and be more creative, eLearning is one of an important number of strategies for achieving the paradigm shift that is required.  相似文献   

分析了21世纪的文献信息服务工作的发展趋势,从新世纪文献信息资源的发展、文献信息服务手段的转变、不断培养提高文献信息人员的自身素质和专业水平等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

21世纪是高科技和知识经济的时代,时代的发展需要构建相应的科技伦理。21世纪科技伦理的构建主要包括构建科技伦理观和构建科技伦理的主要规范。  相似文献   

The popular conception of distance education is of a system in which students receive few of the consumptive service benefits of their colleagues in full‐time education. In fact, distance educators have generally been better at articulating what they mean by student service than traditional educators. Nevertheless, the rationale developed by distance educators for providing such services is less well based, making the service side of distance education vulnerable to pressures to reduce costs. With signs of a change in what traditional students, acting within a consumerist framework, want in the way of support services, and with distance education undergoing considerable changes in the wake of the development of e‐business, there is a need to reconsider the rationale for and nature of student services, drawing on some of the thinking that has taken place in the service management sector.  相似文献   

当今世界的科技革命迅猛发展,知识经济已见端倪,经济全球化趋势增强,国际环境既对我们提出了严峻的挑战,也为我们提供了迎头赶上,实现跨越式发展的历史性机遇。同样,我国教育也面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。我国要实现社会主义现代化的发展目标,关键是人才的培养。为了迎接新世纪教育的改革和发展,中国教育学会、北京师范大学联合主办的“2001·中国教育论坛”于6月21~22日在北京举行。论坛主题是:21世纪人才培养与教育创新。教育界、经济界和科技界的专家学者约120余人汇聚一堂,为教育的改革和发展献计献策。论坛由中国教育学会会…  相似文献   

高素质人才的培养,取决于高素质教师,我们应站在时代的高度,抓住机遇,探索出一条能培养出适应新世纪师资队伍之路。  相似文献   

面向21世纪的高等职业技术师范教育研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高等职业技术师范教育作为我国师范教育体系的重要组成部分,其教学内容和课程体系既要顺应高等教育改革的总趋势,又要体现自身特色,这是关系到职技高师生存与发展的基础与前景。  相似文献   

Current business and educational environments are mandating the identification, building, and assessment of specific critical competencies for the workforce. However, traditional approaches to competency analysis are often slow, expensive, and backward looking. This article presents several new computer‐aided approaches to competency analysis and provides examples of their use, including a detailed case study analyzing curricula and skills for professionals who provide benefits and work incentives planning and assistance to persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

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