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国家级非物质文化遗产项目邕剧,虽然是汉民族创造的皮黄戏曲剧种,但长期在壮族聚居的桂西南地区流动演出,其舞台语言、音乐、化妆"行头"、剧目内容等,自然融进了壮族的历史文化元素,成为西南各民族共有的戏曲艺术,具有动人的艺术魅力。研究邕剧与壮族历史文化元素交融的现象,可为振兴民族传统文化艺术提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

国家级非物质文化遗产项目邕剧,是南宁最富有地方文化特色的戏曲剧种之一。邕剧作为西南地区汉壮各民族共同培育的皮黄剧种,大量经典剧目都必须由女性角色(即旦行)担纲或参与表演。从历史和现实的角度揭示邕剧旦行的重要地位,分析邕剧旦行表演艺术的全能性、技巧性和多面性,尤其是当家旦散发旦的艺术特色,为邕剧旦行表演艺术的传承提供参考。  相似文献   

邕剧《回笼鸽》讲述唐朝时期,贫寒出身的薛平贵与相府三小姐王宝钏分别十八年后夫妻重聚的故事。《回笼鸽》在京剧《王宝钏》的情节、意象上做了改编,融入了很多邕地的社会文化特色,人物形象、人物性格更为饱满,语言上大量运用桂西南官话的俗语、谚语、谐音,充分展现邕州地区的社会风情,使剧本更为世俗化,使剧目更符合邕州地区观众的审美倾向。  相似文献   

邕剧是国家级非物质文化遗产项目,舞台语言以戏棚官话为主,邕州官话为辅,此外,根据剧情需要,还可能使用到"番话"、"京话"和"山西话"等特殊舞台语言。当前邕剧处于濒危状态,这些舞台语言面临失传危险。挖掘、抢救、记录、整理这些独特的舞台语言,成为当务之急。根据邕剧"番话"传承人的录音进行记录、分析、比较,为保存、研究和传习邕剧舞台语言艺术提供真实可信的依据。  相似文献   

浅析邕剧排场戏   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邕剧是南宁市独有的地方戏曲剧种,是南宁市独具一格的地方文化名片。"排场戏"是邕剧发展历史上形成的,是从经典剧目中概括提炼出来的一种通用的基本构件。通过对"过山"收状"等实例分析,论证"排场戏"是邕剧基本功和表演程式的综合运用,应及时发掘整理,以利教学传承,弘扬剧种特色,为南宁地方文化发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

笔者从戏曲研究角度出发,发现当前学术界存在邕剧传统剧目源流、数量不同等争议问题,在拜读邕剧出版类专著《邕剧传统剧目》后笔者有了更为深入的认识与思考。本文以一位"后来"研究者眼光将作者与不同学者观点进行比较分析,发现此书内容相较于邕剧其他理论成果观察更为系统全面,内容也更为细致。通过对《邕剧传统剧目》进行分析,笔者以精读中发现的问题,总结、归纳该著的瑕瑜之处。  相似文献   

邕剧是流行于广西南宁一带的皮黄戏曲剧种,已被列为国家级非物质文化遗产。“戏棚官话”是邕剧演出时使用的一种艺术化的舞台语言,具有独特性、夸张性和包容性等特点。文章从剧本、音像材料和实地调查中整理出4600多字,列成同音字汇。  相似文献   

本文通过对文献的查阅、分析、整理、归纳,力求探求生态文化的内涵和生态文化国内外研究情况以及生态文化问题的历史渊源。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了文化生态旅游的内涵、旅游文化开发的原则及旅游文化开发策略,以期对我国各旅游地在旅游文化开发中保护文化生态平衡、实现旅游业的健康可持续发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

文化生态学的理论方法与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化的生态学研究反映了人类学对环境问题的关注以及学科发展的交叉性.文化的生态学研究既适用于对“简单村落社会”以及“细小的饮食民俗”等文化现象做出分析,也可以用于对诸如苏联解体和东欧剧变这样重大的历史事件的阐释.随着跨文化比较的深入,文化的生态学研究向着“生态系统生态学”和“民族生态学”两个途径演进.文化的生态学研究为文化人类学的研究提供了一个新的视角和方法论,它有助于人们在多层次的时空上明白文化对自然生态系统的影响,从而实现生态系统的可持续利用.  相似文献   

The communication of people partially is the communication of cultures. Culture has a direct effect on international commercial activities in all aspects. Different conceptions about time, space, equality, law and the like, lead people to deal with things in different ways. So to know cultures of the counterpart is to facil-itate our enterprises so as to have a smooth and successful communication in commercial activity.  相似文献   

Rosco and I wait for the fishermen to return.I sit at a wooden bench near the store at Mt.Baker Resort and watch the clouds change shape. Rosco has my belt around his neck and an eight foot tow chain hooked to a tree. Dogs must be on a leash. Ducks and rabbits are loose.  相似文献   

Given a graph G,a subgraph C is called a clique of G if C is a complete subgraph of G maximal under inclusion and |C|≥2. A clique-transversal set S of G is a set of vertices of G such that S meets all cliques of G. The clique-transversal number, denoted as TC (G), is the minimum cardinality of a clique-transversal set in G. The clique-graph of G, denoted as K (G), is the graph obtained by taking the cliques of G as vertices, and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding cliques in G have nonempty intersection. Let F be a class of graphs G such that F={G|K(G) is a tree}. In this paper the graphs in F having independent clique-transversal sets are shown and thus TC (G)/|G|≤1/2 for all G ∈ F.  相似文献   

Résumé Cet essai évoque les contextes pédagogiques de l'écriture au-delà des formes d'écriture convenues en recherche, et questionne les usages scolaires de l'écriture. J'y suggère d'autres usages inspirés d'une approche qui inverse les rapports usuels entre communication et représentation, entre kinésis et mimésis. Cette approche vise une démystification du pouvoir de l'écriture à représenter le réel, à dominer la communication, et une promotion d'une écriture expressive et métaphorique, favorisant l'appropriation de cette technologie virtuellement libérante.Université Laval  相似文献   

Mother's Day--母亲节 Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May every year. This is the occasion we show appreciation to our mothers and to people who have worked so hard to take care of us. Today, I'm sharing thoughts from a friend about mother, love,and the study of English. When we were young students, a teacher touched our heart,and we all miss her very much on this special day in May.  相似文献   

Different nations have different social cultures, and the social culture of every nation is developing with the development of the nation, language is greatly influenced by social culture, which enables language to possess national and historical characteristics. Word is the smallest, independent, meaningful linguistic unit of language. It can well reflect the national and historical characteristics. From synchronic aspect, the social and cultural influence on word meaning is mainly embodied in conceptual and associative meanings of word. The incorrespondence of word meaning is a phenomenon that exists in both conceptual and associative meanings of word among different languages. From diachronic aspect, the development of social culture causes some changes of word meaning to some extent. Therefore, social culture plays a key role in vocabulary learning and mastery of a language.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the way drama works to bring a model of an arts curriculum into reality. He also shows how drama is valuable when discussed as a separate, autonomous subject in the school curriculum as opposed to one subsumed within English. He argues for a view of the arts and gives an example of a sequence of work in an English GCSE class based around Arthur Miller's play View from the Bridge. From this he draws out several strands about the relationship of the drama curriculum to the individual students and teachers, the school, and to culture. He also emphasises the primacy of performance in drama education.  相似文献   

Whether your preferred destination is the executive suite or simply the nearest exit from your current position, don't let your job take you aimlessly down any path. In fact when it comes to career planning, don't think in terms of "jobs" at all, says corporate transitions expert William Bridges, Ph.D. Instead he suggests building your career plan on "doing the work you're best at for the employers who need it."  相似文献   

Beads tell civilization's story. The earliest, made from shells as early as 100,000 years ago, are evidence-like cave paintings-of abstract thought. During the Bronze Age, cities saw trade of stone beads, prized for the technology that produced them and for their raw materials, such as carnelian.  相似文献   

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