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有一天上英语课,老师刚刚到教室门口,忽然听见坐在前排的Tom对Jack说:“瞧,这傻瓜要给我们讲标点符号的重要性了。”老师走进教室,不动声色地在黑板上写下这样一个句子:“Tom says the teacher is a fool.”顿时全班轰然。Tom羞红了脸。此时,只见老师不慌不忙地给原来的句子加上几个标点符号:“Tom,”Says the teacher,“is a fool”.这样以来,汤姆原本想骂老师是傻瓜,结果却  相似文献   

有些小马虎平时做作业不大认真,常常不加标点符号,甚至认为可有可无,无关大局、这是十分错误的。先列举二例趣闻,读后你就会认为逗号虽小,切不可等闲视之。 例1:有个学生名叫Gerald(杰拉尔德)上课铃响了还在大声说:“老师是个真正的傻瓜。”一天老师上课时宣布:“今天我们要学习标点符号。”然后在黑板上写了这样一句英语,“Gerald says the teacher is a real fool。”“(杰拉尔德说老师是个真正的傻瓜。”)学生哄堂大笑后、老师在该句中加了两个逗号,变成,“Gerald,says the teacher,is a real fool。”结果其意思为“老师说,杰尔拉德是个真正的傻瓜。”于是令该生面红耳赤,十分内疚。 例2:有这么一则广告,内容如下:  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Tom: Father, our teacher does not know what ahorse is.Father: Why do you think so? Tom: You know, I drew a horse yesterday andshowed it to the teacher and he asked mewhat it was.汤姆:父亲,我们的老师不认识马。父亲:你为什么这么说?汤姆:是这样的。昨天我画了一匹马,我拿给老师看,可他却问我这是什么。  相似文献   

The teacher asked Tom:"Why did you come to school solate this morning?""Someone lost one yuan."Answered Tom."Oh,now I know,you helped him find the money,"the teacher said."No,I stood on the money untilthe person went away,"was Tom's reply.为什么这样晚来学  相似文献   

O ne day,the teacher inquired Peter:“H ow m uch is four m inusfour?”Peter was tongue-tied.The teacher got angry and said,“W hat a fool!Y ou see,if I putfour coins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocket and all ofthem leak out,now w hat is leftin your pocket?”“The hole,”replied Peter.What Is Left in Your Pocket?!湖北@罗成勇…  相似文献   

学生:The good news is that my math teacher said that I was hard working.这句话中news是复 数形式,为什么be动词要用is? E老师:这个问题的关键是news这个词是以s结尾的名词,意义上是一个不可数名词。所以 不能有a news,two news的说法,正确的表达方式是a piece of news,two pieces of news。本句的主语是the good news,由于中心词news不可数,所以谓语动词要用is。 学生:Tom borrowed my book and did not return it back.这句话的错误出在什么地方?  相似文献   

正[英语原文]One day,the teacher inquired Peter:"How much is four minus four?"Peter was tongue-tired.The teacher got angry and said:"What a fool!You see,if I put four coins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocket and all of them leak out,now what is left in your pocket?""The hole."replied Peter.[汉语翻译]一天,老师问彼得:"4减4等于几?"彼得张口结舌答不上来。老师生气地说:"真笨!你想,我要是往你口袋里放4个硬币,而你的口袋上有个窟窿,硬币全漏掉了,那么,你口袋里还剩下什么?""窟窿。"彼得答道。  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher and said: “Teacher, Pa wants to know if you like roast pig.““I certainly do,“ said the teacher, “and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me.“Days passed, and nothing more was said about the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: “I  相似文献   

Father:Tom,who is the laziest in your class?Tom:I don't know,daddy.Father:You should know,who does-n't read or write in class and just looks here and there?Tom:The teacher.译文:父亲:汤姆,你们班谁最懒?汤姆:我不知道,爸爸。父亲:你应该知道,谁在班内不读不写还经常东张西望?汤姆:老师。谁最懒@水仙  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher and said: "Teacher, Pa wants to know if you like roast pig."I certainly do," said the teacher, "and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me."Days passed, and nothing more was said about the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: "I  相似文献   

不少同学常对unlil、till和not until混淆不清。如常容易说:Tom said he would come till/until supper time,(汤姆说他要到晚饭时才来。)这是一个错句,而应该说:Tom said he would not come until/till supper time,为此,本文特将它们区别如下:  相似文献   

One yuan The teacher asked Tom:Why did you come to school so late this morning? Someone lost one yuan, answered Tom. Oh,I know.You helped him find the money,the teacher said. No,I stood on the money until the person went away.  相似文献   

one day,the teacher asked Peter,“How much 15 fourminus four?,’Peter eouldn,t answer it. The teacher got angry and said,“What a fool!You see,if1 put four eoins in your Pocket,but there 15 a hole in yourPoeket and all of them leak out.And what 15 left in yourPocket?” “The hole,”rePlied Peter. 一天,老师问彼得:“四减四等于几?”彼得答不出来。 老师生气地说:“真笨!你想,如果我放四个硬币在你的口袋里,但你的价墩里有个洞,结果四个硬币都漏掉了。那么,你的口黛里还有什么?” “洞,”彼得答道。四减四等…  相似文献   

四减四等于几?一天,老师问彼得“:4减4等于几?”彼得张口结舌答不上来。老师生气地说“:真笨!你想,我要是往你口袋里放4枚硬币,而你的口袋上有个窟窿,硬币全漏掉了,那么,你衣袋里还剩下什么?“”窟窿,”彼得答道。4-4=?One day,the teacher inquired of Pete“r:Howmuchis four minus four?”Peter was tongue-tied.The teachergot angry and said“:What a fool!You see,if I put fourcoins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocketand all of them leak out,now what is left in yourpocket?“”The hole,”replied Peter.…  相似文献   

Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room. The teacher says,"Why are you arguing?" One boy answers,"We found a ten-dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the higgest lie." "You should he ashamed of yourselves,"said the teacher,"When I was your age, I didn 't even know what a lie was." The boys gave the ten-dollar to the teacher.  相似文献   

I want a nightmare Before the final examination, Tom told his mother, "Morn, I had a dream last night that I'd passed today's exam.""Don't trust dreams, dear. It is said what you experience in dreams usually turns out to be the opposite." Mother replied. "Then I do hope I'll fail the other subjects in my dream tonight," Tom said.在期末考试之前,汤姆告诉他的母亲:“妈妈,我昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦见我通过了今天的考试。“不要相信梦。亲爱的。据说梦中的经历通常与现实相反。”妈妈答道。“那么,我真希望在今晚的梦中,我的其他功课部不及格。汤姆说。  相似文献   

金易 《今日中学生》2004,(26):25-26
One afternoon the students of Class Two had a physics lesson.West was talking to his deskmate Lake.The teacher was very an-gry. “Please stand up,West.”said the teacher.“You must listento me in class.”“You are wrong,Mr Fred.”said West.“I’m listening to you  相似文献   

第一条小鱼说:真有趣.!”第二条小鱼说:哪里有食物?”第三条小鱼说:你是个傻瓜!”第四条小鱼说:我在偷看渔船!”四条小鱼在海里游。.四条小鱼游走了。⒈The firstone said...⒉The second one said...⒊The third one said...You are fool!⒋The fourth one said...⒌Fourlittle fish,sw im m ing in the sea.⒍Aw ay the fourfish sw am四条小鱼$天津小小世界双语幼儿园…  相似文献   

It was a Monday morning.As a teacher walked into the ___1___,he heard a low voice(说话声):"here is the teacher.I am___2___this boring fellow(烦人的家伙)is going to talk about putting in commas(逗号).”It was___3___voice.His name was Bill.He was talking__4__the boy next to him.  相似文献   

A Cloze Test     
Broad was a short boy. He was about one and a half metres 1. But he was sixty 2. He didn't do any exercise at school and he didn't do any housework at home.The teacher and the parents 3 about him. They wanted Broad to keep 4. "You are a good boy," said the teacher. "But you are  相似文献   

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