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充满朝气的啦啦队运动 起源于美国19世纪50年代的啦啦队运动,自上世纪80年代传入我国以来,以它特有的魅力迅速风靡了我国的大江南北。虽然是一项新兴的运动项目,但其释放青春,张扬个性,渲染气氛,激励观众的独特风格却深受广大青少年的喜爱。尤其是在中国大学生健美操艺术体操协会(CSARA)将“动感啦啦队”列为正式比赛项目以后。  相似文献   

作为历史最悠久的运动项目之一,赛马运动虽然和古时相比已然变化许多,但无论怎么变,“速度为王”恒久未变,穿越了千年的追逐,从古至今。  相似文献   

姚远 《乒乓世界》2013,(6):130-131
美津浓的WaveDrive系列纵横多年,一直是中国国家队的主力鞋款之一。随着刚刚与国家队续约成功,Drive系列仍将与国家队一同驰骋。  相似文献   

众所周知,橄榄球是一项激情四射的运动,其激烈程度远远超过足球,带有些许"野蛮性"。但腰旗橄榄球又是一项"文明的"运动,因为它不允许有任何的身体接触,阻挡和冲撞都是不被允许的。  相似文献   

刘虎 《钓鱼》2009,(10):11-11
本着交流的心态,并更好的推动全民健身运动的发展,推动西安市竞技水平再上新台阶,西安名水渔具联合西安市钓鱼协会在五一期间举办了西安市“名水杯”PKI大奖赛,各地钓友反应热烈,踊跃参加,在五一钓友们一展身手,激情释放,比赛精彩纷呈。  相似文献   

打壁球目前还算不上很热.因为多数人对它并不了解.所以更谈不上上瘾.但此项运动在国际上已有着悠久的历史了。它起源于19世纪初叶的英国。并很快成为一项时髦运动,与网球和高尔夫球并驾齐驱。经过一百多年的不断发展和演化.今天,它的爱好者遍布世界各地。超过1500万。  相似文献   

作为历史最悠久的运动项目之一,赛马运动虽然和古时相比已然变诜我,但元论怎样变,“速度为王”恒久未变,穿越了千年的追逐,从古至今。 从选优到竞赛 为何现代赛马活动能成为一项世界性的体育娱乐活动而且长盛不衰呢?这要追溯到人类历史上为求生存而与马形成的亲密无间的关系。不管是生产、劳动、生活、运输、战争与娱乐,人都离不开马,人与马有互相依存、荣辱与共的关系,马几乎进入了人类生产生活的全部领域,对人类社会的政治、经济、文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

广州羽毛球运动的蓬勃发展,得益于市内有近一百个遍布各个城区的羽毛球馆。其中最具代表胜的是天河体育中心羽毛球馆。 天河体育中心羽毛球馆是广州市最大的羽毛球场馆之一,分主馆和副馆,主馆拥有12个场地,副馆拥有10个场地,此外还有位于“全面健身乐园”内免费开放的4片室外羽毛球场地。  相似文献   

根据龙狮运动发展现状,以及龙狮运动自身的特点与作用,论述了龙狮运动对社区健身有重要的促进作用,旨在充分利用社区可利用资源最大限度地促进龙狮运动的发展,使龙狮运动更好地为社区大众的健康服务,促进社区健身活动的深入开展。  相似文献   

洪荣昌 《收藏》2021,(2):113-119
20世纪80年代初期,我还在老家县委机关工作的时候,一次被叫去帮忙县委勤杂保管室搬家。之后保管员招呼我喝茶聊天,他指着一个用老旧报纸包着的东西说:"像这些都没人要的东西,还要搬过来……"我走过去翻开来看,原来是一包苏维埃纸币,各种面额的都有,估计怎么也有两三百张。  相似文献   

西周王陵在何处?这是人们感兴趣的一个话题,也是一个长期困扰人们的问题。自汉代以来,不少学者都在孜孜探求,但至今仍是个谜。西周王陵之所以至今未能找到,一个重要的原因是商周时期的陵墓不封不树,陵墓没有封土堆,也没有种植树木,即墓而不坟,地面上没有任何标志。再者毕竟年代太过久远,距今已有3000多年  相似文献   

Adequate response to mail health surveys by minority populations has proved problematic. The impact of mail survey design features utilized to promote Orthodox Jews' responses (N = 138; 82 eligible synagogue member households) to a mailed questionnaire used to measure walking behavior are described and assessed. An examination of response characteristics by wave as an estimate of nonresponse bias and calculations of response speed and cost-effectiveness were conducted. Response rates of 54.8% and 52.9% for eligible households and individuals, respectively, were accumulated by using 9 of 14 recommended mail survey techniques for this particular population (e.g., culturally appropriate salutation and closing, religious iconography, Talmudic aphorisms, and incentives linked to Hebraic numerology and the synagogue's building fund). Nonrespondents most frequently cited business, forgetfulness, or lack of topic salience as reasons for not responding. No differences on sociodemographic items and 9 of 11 continuous variables were observed by response wave; response speed was slowest in response to later mailing waves; and cost-effectiveness was maximal during postcard follow-up (E statistic = 3.74). Nonresponse bias may not be problematic with a > 50% response rate in this particular population. Front-loading incentives may prompt quicker response and improve cost-effectiveness. Specific design considerations for future consideration and testing are provided.  相似文献   

转眼,北京奥运会的辉煌已经过去两年。备战2012年伦敦奥运会的“大考”周期已过半,今年下半年第16届广州亚运会的“中考”又迫在眉睫。简单回顾,新一轮备战奥运会的工作一直在紧锣密鼓,马不停蹄地进行。今年初,为强化备战奥运会的组织管理,进一步完善层次分明、职责清晰、  相似文献   


Football occupies a central place in many of the strategies aimed at counteracting boys' underachievement in Western schools. At the same time, the significance of football in the construction and negotiation of dominant masculinities has been shown in several studies of British primary schooling. This paper provides an overview of the literature which identifies how football in schools is more than 'just a game' but is often inscribed with broader structural issues. It then goes on to illustrate, through data collected in an ethnographic study of a middle-class primary school, how football was central to the gender regime of the school, particularly in relation to the construction of a dominant mode of masculinity. Here, football did not serve solely as a means of generating male camaraderie but defined relationships between males and females in the classroom and took a central place in the classroom management strategies of the male teachers. The paper concludes by considering the options open to schools who wish to draw on football as a means of motivating and enthusing boys.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to investigate the paradoxical behavior of obsessively passionate individuals: they tend to continue involvement in their passion activity despite reporting the activity as a source of ill-being. We suggested that elevated self-esteem in activity engagement could be one such persistence-promoting factor. In Study 1, we found that obsessively passionate individuals reported lower levels of global self-esteem compared with harmoniously passionate individuals, whereas they reported similar levels of activity-related self-esteem. We suggest that this indicates that obsessively passionate individuals try to compensate for low global self-esteem by utilizing self-esteem contingencies in their passion activity. Study 2 showed that activity-related self-esteem among obsessively passionate individuals was found to be strongly related to comparative performance evaluations, whereas no such relationship was found among harmoniously passionate individuals. We suggest that self-esteem contingencies related to comparative performance criteria represent a persistence-promoting factor among obsessively passionate individuals.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(4):352-364
The current study examined the influence of passion and pride on employees of professional sport organizations. Anecdotally, much has been noted about the role that emotions play in making the sport industry one of the world’s largest and most visible. However, empirical investigation is lacking in relation to those who choose a career in this environment. Results from an analysis of 933 employee survey responses representing 89 teams across 5 leagues suggest that passion and pride play an important role influencing commonly-assessed workplace attitudes and behaviors. Notably, obsessive passion seems to work in a distinctly positive fashion within professional sport workplaces, as compared to its negative influence on employees within other non-sport industries researched previously.  相似文献   

Vallerand et al. (2003) developed a dualistic model of passion, wherein two types of passion are proposed: harmonious (HP) and obsessive (OP) passion that predict adaptive and less adaptive interpersonal outcomes, respectively. In the present research, we were interested in understanding the role of passion in the quality of coach-athlete relationships. Results of Study 1, conducted with athletes (N=157), revealed that HP positively predicts a high-quality coach-athlete relationship, whereas OP was largely unrelated to such relationships. Study 2 was conducted with coaches (N=106) and showed that only HP positively predicted the quality of the coach-athlete relationship. Furthermore, these effects were fully mediated by positive emotions. Finally, the quality of the coach-athlete relationship positively predicted coaches' subjective well-being. Future research directions are discussed in light of the dualistic model of passion.  相似文献   

文章根据文献资料和多年的教学实践体会,针对擒拿格斗课教学中部分学生训练热情不高的原因进行了较全面的分析,并提出若干对策,激发学生参加擒拿格斗课训练的自觉性、主动性和积极性。  相似文献   

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