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电视收视率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入90年代中后期以来 ,我国电视传播界最引人注目的动向之一 ,便是在节目改版与创设淘汰、节目评价与编播制作以及广告经营活动中 ,广泛引入收视率指标。这标志着自1986年中央电视台开始进行日常节目的收视率统计以来 ,中国电视传播界对收视率指标的正式承认和接纳。收视率从传播话语中的“另类”到走上“前台” ,与特定的社会时代背景密切相关。90年代中期以后 ,电视业的市场化、产业化趋势已趋明显 ,1998年召开的九届人大一次会议明确提出 ,对包括电视台在内的大多数事业单位 ,三年后将实行自收自支 ,电视业将被推向市场 ,完…  相似文献   

电视收视率调查分析潍坊电视台张明志1993年8月中旬,我台对电视节目在潍坊地区的收视率进行了一次专门调查。从调查问卷的情况看,观众对电视节目的选择性明显增强,因此,随着社会主义市场经济的确立,电视追逐观众的现象必将成为现实。看清电视市场潍坊位于山东半...  相似文献   

收视率是指在一定时段内收看某一电视频道或某一电视节目的人数与观众总人数的比例.随着传媒的产业化、市场化,收视率已纷纷被各家电视媒体作为节目质量评价体系的重要指标来考核和奖惩创作人员.电视收视率的影响因素有很多.可概括为三大方面,本文对此因素将分别进行分析.  相似文献   

电视收视率,本来是电视传播效果的一个客观测量数据,因为经济方面的原因,如今电视收视率的地位已经提高到了压倒一切的高度。电视收视率真的那么可靠吗?依据电视收视率来投放广告一定会取得很好的效果吗?电视收视率测量的究竟是一个多大意义的参照数据?如何认识电视收视率的本质?这些问题需要我们重新思考对待。  相似文献   

收视率对于电视台、电视节目或栏目的重要意义早已引起各方面的广泛关注,各方面对影响收视率的主要因素都进行了大量的分析与研究。在分析研究中我们注意到,收视率的规定性与自主性是在相互作用的关系网络中实现的,而从规定性与自主性相互作用的角度说,电视节目或栏目的艺术性具有不容忽视的作用。  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代中后期以来,我国电视传播界在节目改版与创设淘汰、节目评价与编播制作以及广告经营活动中,广泛引入收视率指标."收视率"一词越来越多地为广大电视受众所接受,甚至成为衡量节目受欢迎与否的标志性指标.  相似文献   

以收视率为核心的电视媒介调查研究,对电视媒体的健康、稳定发展发挥了重要作用。但是受发展不平衡等因素的影响,收视率调查研究并未完全在电视媒体普及,即使在已经参加收视率调查的媒体中,对收视率的理解和应用也不尽相同。以数理统计和现代数字技术为基础的收视率调查研究,是媒体管理进入信息时代的显著特征,是电视媒体通向市场的重要桥梁。收视率调查是科学,正确使用收视率调查结果,还有赖于对收视率的科学认识。  相似文献   

电视体育节目的收视率近几年来有了大幅度的提高,据统计:体育类电视节目的平均收税率在各类节目中排名第三,仅次于优秀电视剧和重要新闻节目.随着人们生活水平的不断提高、我国体育事业的蓬勃发展,我国作为体育大国和体育强国在国际社会的地位逐步确立,广大观众对体育节目的热情还会高涨,体育节目的收税率还会上升.当然,节目收视率并不是判断节目好坏的唯一标准,况且它又受多种因素影响,因此不能简单地说收视率低的节目就一定不如收税率高的节目。但是,这并不能成为我们忽视节目收视率的理由,节目收视率的高低至少从一个侧面反…  相似文献   

在媒体竞争日益激烈化、白热化的今天,收视率几乎已经成为一条天天抽打电视人神经的鞭子。使得无数电视人心浮气躁、急功近利;也使不少还抱有知识分子心态和理想主义的电视人处境尴尬、去留两难。那么,究  相似文献   

绿色收视率是同代表凶杀暴力的黑色收视率,代表性的黄色收视率和传播病态心理的灰色收视率截然相反的收视率。它强调收视率健康、协调、可持续的增长,强调收视率的增长要建立在节目质量提高的基础上,而不仅仅是简单的数量上的增长。在当前电视领域为了追求收视率而盲目迎合受众、降低节目品位的大环境下,绿色收视率概念的提出无疑使人们耳目一新。  相似文献   

Librarians offer a unique perspective on e-books: on one hand they collect these resources and train users as part of their jobs, while on the other hand, they may be users of e-books themselves. With recent increases in research expectations for Canadian academic librarians, this study aimed to discover: when librarians do research, do they use e-books and how often are they using them? This study examines the results of a survey of 392 academic librarians from across Canada. The survey generated data on librarians' use of, and attitudes towards, e-books. While a number of studies examine the use and opinions of e-books among other user groups, this study examines how librarians search for or use e-books differently than other user groups. Results will help librarians to improve their liaison work and make more informed collection development decisions at their own institutions.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(60):127-138

Many patrons in an academic setting have preconceived attitudes regarding the use of particular formats of indexes and other materials. These attitudes can frequently interfere with a patron's more successful retrieval of needed resources because of the use of their preferred format rather than the use of the best means of access for their information need. The impact of these preconceived views is explored in terms of providing reference service in the present day.  相似文献   


Almost three years after Google Scholar's inception, only a third of Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) member libraries link to it from their Web sites. This article reports the results of a July 2007 survey of OhioLINK academic librarians, conducted to find out about their attitudes and current practices regarding promotion of Google Scholar. It compares the findings about placement of Google Scholar on Web sites and inclusion in library instruction with previous research, and includes recommendations for libraries about Google Scholar.  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of Iowa school and public librarians were surveyed to determine their attitude toward combination school-public library facilities. The survey instrument was based on one developed by L.J. Amey and R.J. Smith for a survey of Toronto school and public librarians. The survey determined that their was little difference in attitude of Iowa elementary and secondary school librarians toward combined facilities, nor was there much difference in attitude of Iowa public librarians serving populations under 2,500 and those serving more than 2,500 toward combined facilities. School and public librarians did demonstrate statistically significant differences in responses to fifteen of the twenty-six statements relating to combined facilities. Compared to the respondents in the Toronto study, a larger percentage of Iowa public librarians were less concerned about the geographic inconvenience of combined facilities and perceived less duplication resulting from combination. Although a larger percentage of Iowa librarians seemed to see some advantage in combined facilities, both groups indicated some important concerns relating to combined school-public libraries.  相似文献   

This study describes a questionnaire survey of reference librarians working at the eighty-nine academic ARL (Association for Research Libraries) member institutions in the United States. The survey was conducted to determine the extent to which information brokers use the materials available in academic reference departments, the types of sources which are consulted, and the nature of the relationship between librarians and information brokers. The data colelcted in the present study indicate that none of the personal and professional conflicts between information brokers and reference librarians that were reported in the library literature during the first half of the 1970s is either widespread or serious. Possible explanation for the change include: (1) an increased professionalism characterizing brokers; (2) the attrition of the less competent brokers; and (3) the establishment and clarification of a role for commercial providers of information which is separate from and not threatening to that of librarians.  相似文献   

This article aims to present an insight into some of the factors influencing the attitudes of academic library staff in three UK university libraries toward marketing and how these factors could be incorporated into an existing model. An online questionnaire about attitudes to marketing and personality was completed by 54 academic library staff from three UK universities. Four academic library management staff were also selected for in-depth interviews. The results indicated that academic library staff have a positive attitude toward marketing and feel that it is vital in the current environment. The research found that personality factors such as extroversion and openness to change, experience and training influenced marketing attitudes. It also revealed that academic library staff were unclear of the definition of marketing, leading to a possible misunderstanding and mistrust of the terminology. The research discovered a gap in marketing knowledge and understanding that must be addressed for marketing success to be achieved. The findings supported the definition of marketing for individual academic libraries as a prerequisite to strategic marketing planning and the importance of considering the attitudes of staff when implementing marketing strategy.  相似文献   

The authors implemented a survey of faculty attitudes toward library research instruction that is closely related to two previously published surveys. After reviewing their results, the authors raise questions about the significance of some of the results of all three surveys.  相似文献   

An experiment examined effects of increasing the number of advertising pods in radio. With the number of commercials kept constant, participants heard ads in 1 or 3 pods. Those exposed to the cluttered condition (i.e., 3 pods) reported the ads as more excessive and the commercial breaks more disruptive than those exposed to 1 pod. Clutter participants self-reported greater irritation than those hearing only 1 pod. This was supported by more frequent skin conductance responses in the clutter condition. However, other physiological measures suggested more cognitive resources were applied during the cluttered condition. Free recall and recognition were greater in the cluttered condition, although the latter not significantly so. Results are discussed in terms of the trade-offs management must make in deciding how to schedule advertising breaks in today's competitive radio marketplace.  相似文献   

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