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为提高课程改革的成效,对专题研习的概念、特征、理论基础、探究策略、探究过程与评估方式及专题研习中存在的问题进行了初步研究和深入思考。  相似文献   

以PBL驱动中华优秀传统文化教育对于国家发展、促进中华优秀传统文化教育常态化实施、推动中小学教育教学变革具有重要的现实意义。目前,我国中小学优秀传统文化教育存在的突出问题是理论与实践脱节、方法和路径单一、传承传统文化的践行力度不够、体系化设计不够、教育教学水平有待提升。构建校本特色的传统文化教育体系,采用PBL模式开展传统文化教育,有利于整合优质传统文化教育资源,设计多样化的传统文化教育项目,激发传统文化教育的活力。为打破中小学传统文化教育发展的困境,PBL模式在实施的过程中,应重点关注资源整合、项目设计、成果转化和师资队伍建设问题。  相似文献   

项目驱动教学法培养学生自主学习能力研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
项目驱动教学法是一种以学生为中心的教学方式。在大学英语教学中引入项目驱动教学法,使学生在教师的指导及同学的合作下,利用必要的学习资料,通过完成一系列任务,获取知识和技能,是培养学生自主学习能力的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

本文从课程理解层面探讨了普通高中开设研究性学习课程的意义,具体论述了研究性学习课程的目标建构、内容设置和教学策略设计等,分析了普通高中实施研究性学习课程的基本情况与现实困难,对研究性学习课程体系建构提出了基本设想。  相似文献   

本文从课程理解层面探讨了普通高中开设研究性学习课程的意义,具体论述了研究性学习课程的目标建构、内容设置和教学策略设计等,分析了普通高中实施研究性学习课程的基本情况与现实困难,对研究性学习课程体系建构提出了基本设想。  相似文献   

This research reports on the efforts of six middle school and high school science teachers in a public school district in New York City to balance innovative teaching methods and strategies with the New York State Learning Standards and Regents requirements. More specifically, this research examines the factors that influenced the implementation of project-based approaches to teaching and learning science. Observations of meetings and classrooms, and collection of artifacts such as curricula, project planners, demographic profiles, student work, and test results served as the primary data sources that were triangulated and related to current theory on project-based learning in science. Four teachers embraced aspects of project-based learning in science and two rejected most aspects of teaching project-based learning in science. Implications for science professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand how an 8th grade science class used a structured problem-based learning (PBL) strategy to study volcanoes and to discuss some of the issues that science teachers might encounter when designing and implementing the PBL strategy. This study took place at Collins Middle School, which is located in a cosmopolitan community in Illinois. The PBL lessons, which a teacher taught cooperatively with his student-teacher, required ten class periods to study two real-life volcanic phenomena. The guiding research questions were: (a) in what ways did the teachers (Mr. Brown and Ms. Jones) facilitate student learning about volcanoes using the PBL strategy?; and (b) what were the students’ engagements like during the PBL classes on a volcano unit? This study’s findings supported three main assertions: first, the teachers’ questions and group dynamics guided and facilitated the students’ course of learning; second, with the teachers’ specific guidance, the students collaboratively built up their supporting evidence; most of the supporting evidence was much more developed than just listing the terms or simple facts on volcanoes; and, third, there existed a tension between the teachers’ ideals and the implementation of the PBL strategy. They tended to slip into the traditional role of focusing on scientific facts about volcanoes.  相似文献   

通过E中学研究性学习课程十年实践的深度反思,提出改进研究性学习课程实施和管理的具体措施:理顺学校管理关系,明晰责权;落实课时和任课教师;实行档案袋管理;成立市级研究性学习教科研组织;加强教育行政部门的督导管理。  相似文献   

当前,我国的教育改革已经进入"深水区",要破解素质教育发展中的难题亟须学习观和方法论的突破,重建项目式学习的时代价值意味着以新的思路去破解传统教育的沉疴和痼疾:重建其方法论价值,为素质教育发展提供育人方式的选择;重建其课程价值,为发展学生实践能力和综合素养提供载体;重建其实操价值,为实施劳动教育开辟渠道。  相似文献   

在分析高职院校英语导游类课程教学现状的基础上,提出了该课程项目化教学的设计方案及项目设计、任务分解、计划制定和项目实施的要点;方案的应用对教学模式的转型具有促进作用,并且需要在实践中归纳总结和作出科学评价,以不断改进和完善。  相似文献   


This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.

The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   

This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.
The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   

项目学习以项目为核心,设计有效的项目任务,使学生在真实的情境中主动探索与解决问题。它作为一种新型的学习模式,可以有效解决技能学习与职业素养相脱钩的难题,给实践性课程的学习带来了新的活力。  相似文献   

以Internet为代表的网络信息技术的发展,带来了许多全新的学习概念,例如当前国外比较盛行的通过网络合作进行的主题式学习(PBL,Project-basedLearning),该文将结合我国新一轮基础教育改革探讨如何利用互联网进行中学化学的主题式学习模式的构建。  相似文献   

新课程改革倡导了很多新理念,其中一个重要理念就是强调学生学习的主体性,而主体性的具体表现就是学生的学习自我效能感。就语文教育而言,要求学生"养成语文学习的自信心和良好习惯",而培养自信心的关键是培养学生的语文学习自我效能感。初中阶段的语文学习自我效能感的培养有助于学生发挥学习语文的主观能动性,并对于提高其语文学习的学业成就感和语文素养有积极作用。因此,语文教师要引导初中生特别是刚从小学阶段步入初中阶段学习的学生树立正确的自我概念,从而培养并提高语文学习的自我效能感,促进语文素养的形成。  相似文献   

传统课堂教学模式重知识灌输,轻能力培养,培养的人才缺乏主体性与创新性,难以满足行业发展对人才的需求。本文分析了基于项目的教学模式的内涵及其主要特征,并将其应用于自动化专业课程的教学中,有效地促进了学生创新意识的培养以及团队协作、口头表达及人际交往等软能力的提高。  相似文献   

This study examined how scaffolds and student achievement levels influence inquiry and performance in a problem-based learning environment. The scaffolds were embedded within a hypermedia program that placed students at the center of a problem in which they were trying to become the youngest person to fly around the world in a balloon. One-hundred and eleven seventh grade students enrolled in a science and technology course worked in collaborative groups for a duration of 3 weeks to complete a project that included designing a balloon and a travel plan. Student groups used one of three problem-based, hypermedia programs: (1) a no scaffolding condition that did not provide access to scaffolds, (2) a scaffolding optional condition that provided access to scaffolds, but gave students the choice of whether or not to use them, and (3) a scaffolding required condition required students to complete all available scaffolds. Results revealed that students in the scaffolding optional and scaffolding required conditions performed significantly better than students in the no scaffolding condition on one of the two components of the group project. Results also showed that student achievement levels were significantly related to individual posttest scores; higher-achieving students scored better on the posttest than lower-achieving students. In addition, analyses of group notebooks confirmed qualitative differences between students in the various conditions. Specifically, those in the scaffolding required condition produced more highly organized project notebooks containing a higher percentage of entries directly relevant to the problem. These findings suggest that scaffolds may enhance inquiry and performance, especially when students are required to access and use them.  相似文献   

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