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本文概废水中蕴含着大量能量,如何高效地回收利用这些能量对于满足世界能源需求,降低废水处理成本,提高污水处理的可持续性具有重要意义。微生物燃料电池(MFC)是近年来发展起来的一种从废水的有机污染物中提取能量的新型生物技术,有望实现废水处理的可持续性发展。然而,目前MFC技术离实际应用还有很长的距离。MFC系统的扩大化问题是阻碍该技术实际应用的关键。本文详细讨论了MFC扩大化过程中的主要问题和挑战,并提出了未来的发展方向。MFC与其他技术结合可以实现较高的出水水质或获得高商业价值的化学品,然而该方面的研究才刚刚起步,要实现其实际应用还需要解决许多问题,包括如何提高生产效率,提高经济可行性,提升系统的稳定性和可靠性等。  相似文献   

简述了MFC特点、工作原理与运行影响因素,重点综述了MFC处理污染废水的研究成果,包括可处理的污水种类、应用与最新研究进展,并讨论了MFC在污染废水处理工程中存在的问题.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,对于肉禽类食物的需求越来越大,畜禽养殖产业呈现迅猛发展形势,进而导致了养殖业污染问题日益严峻。畜禽养殖废水排放是导致农村环境污染的重要原因之一,废水处理技术的研究成为解决畜禽养殖废水污染问题的关键。本文介绍了常见的养殖废水的物化及生物处理技术,分析了处理技术的利弊,并对畜禽养殖废水处理技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厌氧氨氧化的发现为在废水处理中实现高效、低耗、可持续性的脱氮奠定了坚实的基础。因此,该技术的研究也成为近几年水处理方向的热点。拟从厌氧氨氧化的发现及反应原理入手,综述了厌氧氨氧化的应用方面的研究进展,并介绍了工艺存在的问题和相应的对策。  相似文献   

通过对微生物固定化技术方法的介绍和对比,分析评价了固定化微生物在废水处理应用中的研究进展。并具体分析微生物固定化技术在难降解有机废水、含重金属废水、氨氮废水和高浓度有机废水中的应用,也指出这种技术从实验室阶段到工业废水处理应用阶段中还存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

微生物固定化技术在废水处理中应用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对微生物固定化技术方法的介绍和对比,分析评价了固定化微生物在废水处理应用中的研究进展。并具体分析微生物固定化技术在难降解有机废水、含重金属废水、氨氮废水和高浓度有机废水中的应用,也指出这种技术从实验室阶段到工业废水处理应用阶段中还存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

VC++中基于MFC的多线程应用程序设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了Windows的多线程技术与编程思想 ,着重讲述了利用Visual C ++中MFC进行多线程应用编程的过程及实现方法。比较全面地阐述了如何基于MFC实现多线程编程。  相似文献   

将生物脱磷和生物脱氮应用到城市废水处理系统中,能有效地解决废水深度处理中存在的一些问题.  相似文献   

偶氮染料废水的处理方法及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
偶氮染料废水是一种有机物含量高、成分复杂、色度高、可生化性差的难降解废水,其处理方法已引起广泛关注。本文阐述了物理法、化学法和生物法3种废水处理方法在偶氮染料废水处理中的应用,并对各种方法进行了评述,展望了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

高中阶段的学习是一个人踏入大学接受高等教育的重要环节。在高中的各个学科中,英语历来是受到教师和学生所重视的学科。随着信息技术的发展,多媒体技术应运而生并应用到了高中英语的教学之中,在提高教学质量方面发挥出了不可替代的作用。然而,在当前的许多高中英语教学实际中,教师在应用多媒体技术方面仍然存在许多的问题,制约和影响着多媒体技术优势的发挥。因此,本文从实际角度出发,对高中英语教学中如何更好地应用多媒体进行了深入的研究。期望本文的研究能够对提高高中英语教学有效性提供一定的思路。  相似文献   

农村生活污水造成的环境污染问题亟待解决。文中分析了农村生活污水的特点、处理现状和存在的主要问题,探讨了农村生活污水处理的集中式和分散式两种主要处理模式。由于我国农村生活污水以分散式为主,而这方面的研究较少,文中就分散式生活污水处理模式在国内外的研究现状进行了探讨,建议充分结合当地条件和处理要求,灵活的组合生物-生态污水处理技术,尽量使污水处理技术实现低能耗、优质化、资源化,实现农村水污染防治工作的良性发展,保护和改善当地的生态环境。  相似文献   

Many community-based sport and physical activity programs take a positive youth development approach when operating in underserved communities around the world (Forneris, Whitley, & Barker, 2013). However, one of the biggest challenges for these programs is sustainability (Lindsey, 2008). The purpose of this article is to present the 3 authors’ experiences related to program sustainability when working with community-based sport and physical activity programs using a positive youth development approach in underserved communities. The authors describe the challenges faced with program sustainability, including ineffective development approaches, building strong relationships with community partners, knowledge translation, and securing funding. Also described are the strategies used to overcome these challenges, such as planning, capacity building, recruitment, and evaluation. This article is intended to stimulate more open and honest discussions about the realities of positive youth development program sustainability around the world.  相似文献   

Integrating environmental sustainability into universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Universities play a fundamental role in addressing global environmental challenges as their education, research and community involvement can produce long-lasting environmental effects and societal change. By demonstrating best practice in their operations, research and teaching, universities have both multiple and multiplier effects on society. For universities to comprehensively address sustainability, a ‘learning for sustainability’ approach needs to be embedded across every aspect of institutional operations in a synergistic way. Using semi-structured interviews, this research explored the factors that influence the integration of sustainability into the operations, teaching and research activities of universities in Australia and England. The research found that individuals, committed to the goal of a more sustainable world, play a vital role in the success of integrating environmental sustainability into universities. The factors critical to enabling universities to undertake the transformational changes necessary to embed environmental sustainability into all university areas included: a strong policy environment, resourcing of strategies, and encouragement of leaders and environmental sustainability advocates. Educating and building the awareness of university staff of the importance of environmental sustainability to future generations was key to a successful strategy.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国在减少贫困方面取得了巨大成就,但也面临许多困难和挑战,农村扶贫政策及其实施效果成为学术界关注的热点。在梳理学者关于我国的贫困特征、扶贫模式、扶贫政策的实施效果、扶贫政策存在的问题及完善对策等方面的研究成果的基础上,分析当前研究的现状及存在的问题与不足。理论研究的不足制约了研究质量,关于我国农村扶贫政策的价值取向的研究是扶贫政策研究的薄弱环节,如何在农村扶贫政策制定和执行中体现公共政策的价值取向,使公共政策的价值理念更好的引导农村扶贫工作,是需要深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

How much do teachers in tertiary education know about the sustainability characteristics of their incoming students and, if this knowledge were to be available, how could their educational approaches be influenced by this knowledge? In New Zealand, Otago Polytechnic has committed itself to the goal that every graduate may think and act as a sustainable practitioner, and staff are changing their approach to teaching to achieve this. This research sought to benchmark the environmental worldview attributes of an incoming cohort of Otago Polytechnic students to support academic staff who need to know more about the sustainability interests and characteristics of their students, so that they may provide appropriate educational programmes. The research was also designed as the first stage of longer‐term research to evaluate the impact of these institutional changes on how students transform during the period of their tertiary education experience. The data and analysis presented here suggest that even before students start to study in the institution different groups have substantially different sustainability values‐sets. The authors anticipate that the research instruments and approaches used in the present study will contribute to a substantial national exploration of the sustainability value‐sets of tertiary students.  相似文献   

近三年我国Seminar教学研究文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seminar是西方高等学校中常见的一种教学范式,它将研究性教学和学生自主创新学习相结合,研讨式的教学是其主要特征.但是Seminar教学在我国的应用问题颇多.通过对近三年来我国Seminar教学研究的内涵、价值、实施方法、对策的综述,分析其现状、特点、存在的问题.文献研究表明,我国关于Seminar教学的研究取得了不少成果,为Seminar教学在我国的广泛开展提供了实践基础.但是研究内容还不全面,在今后的研究中,应对Seminar教学理论依据、Seminar教学与中国传统教学的关系、提升Seminar的教学价值等方面进行深入研究.  相似文献   

1960年出台的加州高等教育总体规划已经走过了50年的发展历程。50年来,该总体规划有效地维护了加州高等教育系统内部分类发展的秩序,促使高等学校在类型内追求卓越,促进了加州高等教育的发展,但同时也存在一些争议与问题。面临新的挑战,该总体规划仍然会继续存在下去,但会不断进行一些调整。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、分析归纳法等研究方法,以重庆市土家族传统资源体育校本课程开发为研究对象,并进行相关分析.结果表明:少数民族传统体育课程资源校本课程开发已经成为了传承和发扬传统体育文化,完善三级课程的最佳途径,应加大对少数民族传统体育课程资源校本课程开发的相关研究.少数民族传统体育课程资源校本课程开发的研究应从明确界定目标、内容的选择、参与人员的甄选、合理模式的借鉴、有效的组织实施等内容进行探究,对效果的评价应多维度、多角度,全面探究课程开发效果的全面性、综合性、有效性,进而保证重庆市土家族传统体育课程资源校本课程开发的目的达成.  相似文献   

Since 1979 China has been attempting to reform its rather poorly functioning command economy, which suffered from a poor allocation of resources, a lack of incentives, irrational and arbitrary pricing, great waste of resources and a rigid and stultifying bureaucracy. At the same time there has been considerable acknowledgment for some time at the highest levels of Chinese government of the need to ensure environmental sustainability and this has been most recently confirmed in the form of ‘ten great changes’ needed in Chinese environmental thinking. This paper describes the processes whereby environmental policies are created and disseminated in China and points to some of the issues facing western educators who wish to work with Chinese colleagues in advancing global sustainability. It concludes that the problems facing environmental education in China may not be so very different to those elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

西部非再生资源开发中的价值损失问题是对西部乃至全国都非常重要的经济与社会问题。非再生资源开发中的价值损失及补偿对经济社会的可持续发展有重要的作用。在西部地区资源开发的过程中,由于缺乏对非再生资源开发中的价值损失的补偿,从而引发了价值净损失及一系列经济、社会及环境可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

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