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基于实践性知识在职教教师个体知识结构中的价值,提出实践性知识既是职教教师个体知识的核心构成,也是最能体现其专业特质的重要标志,并从职业教育发展的历史脉络,揭示和阐述了职教教师个体知识建构的机制与知识表现形态,同时呈现了实践性知识在个体知识结构中由自在走向自为的历史演进过程,进一步指出知识管理有助于促进职教教师个体实践性知识的有效建构和形成,进而实现其专业化自主成长.  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区能够为学习者提供开放的学习环境,促进学习者知识的获取、分类、存储和共享,使学习者实现个体知识建构和协同知识建构。本文以SECI模型为理论基础,构建了基于移动学习的虚拟学习社区中知识建构双回路循环模型,从个体知识建构和协同知识建构两个回路分析了知识建构的阶段和过程,重点分析了模型中的知识吸收与知识扩散、SECI、知识冲突、知识协同和知识建构环节,最后实证研究了基于Wiki的"云计算"词条的知识建构过程。本研究探索了现代教育技术环境下知识建构的新模式,能够为相关研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

园长专业化知识基础的构成与发展途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园长以整个幼儿园为工作对象和活动范围,集领导者、管理者和教育者三种职业角色于一身.为全面保证幼儿园工作的顺利开展,园长应具备特殊的知识与能力.其中,知识是园长专业化的重要基础和前提条件.园长专业化应具备的知识基础主要由本体性知识、条件性知识、实践性知识和广博的科学文化知识构成,其发展途径主要包括园长个体的自我更新、群体知识分享和专业化培训.  相似文献   

以职业教育教师个人知识建构方式为视角,遵循历史逻辑分析职业教育教师专业化发展的脉络可见,职业教育教师的培养经过了学徒制、学科制和合作制三个阶段,其获取的知识结构是不一样的,而对这些知识结构的分析为我们探索职业教育教师专业化发展提供了重要依据。鉴于此,职业教育教师专业化发展需要专家型教师与企业专家介入教学团队,需要重视教师个体体验及反思,需要创建学习平台,需要按知识分类选择不同的专业化发展方式等。  相似文献   

知识并不通过个体对外部客观的表征而产生,也不通过个体自身的内部推理而获得,而是在共同体内异质个体之间通过广泛对话的途径被建构。知识建构性网络聊天室提供了异质个体之间广泛对话的理想空间,促进了知识建构、知识共享及集体智慧的产生和发展。  相似文献   

基于Web的知识建构系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以建构主义学习理论为基础,通过对新的学习环境下知识的界定和知识获取方式的研究,提出基于Web的知识建构支持系统(KCSS),以有助于个体知识和协作知识的建构。该系统的主要特征是远离静态知识建构,学习小组共享学习成果,共同获取知识并协作完成知识的意义建构。  相似文献   

"从共享到共生"这一理念的提出是南京师范大学视觉文化研究所对十年"视觉文化与媒介素养"课程教学实践经验的理论总结,也是依托于开发建设的"视觉文化"专题网站(www.fromeyes.cn)的支持而逐步凝练而成的一种个性化的教与学方法。"从共享到共生"既是"视觉文化与媒介素养"课程教学的实践特色,又是E-learning环境下知识建构的新理念。"从共享到共生"的形成可概括为三个阶段:知识共享、新知蕴育和知识共生。"从共享到共生"的理论意义在于其揭示了信息时代知识建构的一种共性趋势:即E-learning环境下的学习将促使学习者之间的关系发生变化,在个体间知识共享的基础之上,会逐渐形成一种长效的、群体参与的、以促进个体知识内化和团体知识增长的学习共同体。  相似文献   

论高校辅导员专业化的知识基础及其发展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
高校辅导员的专业化需要一定的知识基础,这些知识主要由本体性知识、条件性知识、实践性知识和一般性科学文化知识构成,并且是动态发展的。其发展路径包括高校辅导员个体的自我更新、群体知识分享和专业化培训等。  相似文献   

教师的知识一般分为"理论性知识"、"实践性知识"和"一般文化知识",而其中实践知识是教师专业化发展的重要基础。文章对教师实践知识的内涵进行解读,对内容构成进行分析,并针对教师实践知识的生成提出了具体的建构之策。  相似文献   

知识并不通过个体对外部客观的表征而产生,也不通过个体自身的内部推理而获得,而是在共同体内异质个体之间通过广泛对话的途径被建构。知识建构性网络聊天室提供了异质个体之间广泛对话的理想空间,促进了知识建构、知识共享及集体智慧的产生和发展。  相似文献   

关于我国职业教育课程改革的思考   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
徐涵 《职业技术教育》2005,26(31):19-21
价值取向模糊、内容不明确、课程开发方法不科学、缺乏合理的运行机制等已经成为深化职教课程改革的瓶颈.应从理论上明晰职业教育的价值取向,准确定位职教课程改革目标,把技术知识、工作过程知识作为职业教育课程的主体,并以职业工作任务为核心,按照职业能力发展规律建构职业教育课程内容,同时建立合理的课程改革运行机制,确保课程改革的质量.  相似文献   

学科教学知识:一个教师专业发展的新视角   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
学科教学知识概念的提出,对教师教育的理论与实践产生了重大影响。文章在探讨了学科教学知识的内涵、特征、建构等问题,并分析了学科教学知识对教师专业发展的意义的基础上,进而提出以学科教学知识概念指导我国教师教育改革的若干对策。  相似文献   

Drawing on the sociocultural view, shared knowledge is regarded as a basis for interdependent working and multi-professional learning in early childhood education. Shared professional knowledge can be seen as a central element in successful collaboration facilitating individual and collaborative professional learning. This study aims to investigate the content and implementation of shared professional knowledge in an early childhood context. Video-taped data were collected using a stimulated recall method from the two participating teachers. The results show that the content of shared professional knowledge was related to two areas in the teachers’ professional knowledge: professional self and professional tasks. In addition, the shared professional knowledge varied according to the teachers’ work contexts. This study offers new knowledge on early childhood education practices and teacher education, considering multi-professional collaboration, and shared learning.  相似文献   


Teachers’ professional knowledge is considered one of the most important predictors of instructional quality. According to Shulman, such professional knowledge includes content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge. Although recent research shed some light on the structure of the dimensions of professional knowledge, little is known how teacher education impacts pre-service physics teachers’ professional knowledge. In an effort to address this issue, we examined the content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge of N?=?200 pre-service physics teachers enrolled in different years of teacher education at 12 major teacher education universities in Germany. We used structural equation modelling (1) to examine the relations amongst pre-service physics teachers’ content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge, (2) to explore how the three kinds of knowledge and their relations differ across different stages of teacher education and (3) to identify factors affecting the level of each component of professional knowledge. Our findings suggest that content, pedagogical content and pedagogical knowledge represent distinct types of knowledge. Furthermore, our findings show that in the first years of professional education, pedagogical content knowledge is more closely related with general pedagogical knowledge while in later years, it is more closely related with content knowledge, suggesting that it develops from a general knowledge about teaching and learning into knowledge about the teaching and learning of specific content. Finally, beyond school achievement and years of enrolment as predictors, we find in particular the amount of classroom observations to have a positive impact on the professional knowledge of pre-service physics teachers.  相似文献   

教师是专业性职业之一,教师的专业素养直接影响到教育的质量。我国已经出台了针对小学、中学和幼儿园教师的《专业标准》,但还没有专门针对高等院校教师的专业标准。论文在分析特殊教育教师专业素养重要性基础上,借鉴《专业标准》构建理念,提出了高等院校从事特殊教育师资培养的专业教师应该具备良好特殊教育专业伦理及师德、特殊教育专业知识和特殊教育专业能力三个方面的素养,并对其内容构成和关系进行了梳理。  相似文献   

专业群建设是高等职业院校进行内涵特色建设与提质增效的重要抓手之一,而微观层面专业群生成过程的知识论分析是探究专业群建设问题的前提与基础。基于知识论和技术哲学的视角分析得出,职业教育面向的知识类型是内涵丰富的技术知识,技术知识教育价值的彰显需要职业教育发挥重要作用。高职专业群的组建需要以职业教育面向的技术知识为载体进行科学编码与组合。结合现有研究和对高职专业群组建实践案例的调研发现,专业群个体的生成须经过技术知识静态加工和技术知识动态编组。在技术知识的静态加工过程中,将实现技术知识从知识—教材—课程的知识形态变迁;在技术知识的动态编组过程中,将实现知识载体从课程—专业—专业群的转化,最终形成不同的专业群体系。职业教育所面向知识体系的复杂性,形成了类型多样的专业群体系。  相似文献   

ESP是高校英语教学未来发展的主要方向,而师资力量薄弱已成为目前制约ESP教学发展的瓶颈问题,亟待解决。本文从有关ESP师资来源的争论人手,分析ESP教师应具备的知识能力结构以及实现途径;在ESP师资队伍的整体建设与管理方面,强调应保持队伍的专职性和稳定性、推动教师队伍内部开展合作教学,并将ESP实践者纳入教学队伍;最后对如何建立ESP教师专业培养体系进行了探索与展望。  相似文献   

多学科视角下的军队院校任职教育研究探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教育学、社会学、管理学以及心理学的不同角度对军队任职教育进行理性的思考,分析了任职教育所处的地位,初步明确了任职教育的实现目标并对任职教育的知识内容进行了分析,最后阐述了对实施任职教育的认识和做好任职教育机制转变的四项基础性工作。  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the knowledge society for education and education systems. It focuses on how education systems in Asia are contributing to the development and sustainability of the knowledge society through creating powerful professional learning communities. The article explores how professional collaboration, at scale, is being used to generate social capital in order to promote educational transformation and improvement. The article draws upon a range of theoretical perspectives to examine how professional learning communities are contributing to educational improvement and the construction of new knowledge. The article concludes by arguing that disciplined, collective and inter-dependent learning is critical for the knowledge society to be sustained.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between professional knowledge, self-concept, and interest of pre-service physics teachers. In order to support student learning and interest development alike, teachers need a profound professional knowledge and respective motivational orientations. Developing both professional knowledge and motivational orientations in teachers is therefore a key challenge of teacher education. Prior research has focused on the development of content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) within teacher education, but the role of motivational orientations such as self-concept and interest have mostly been neglected areas of study. As individuals develop domain-specific motivational orientations, they compare their achievement in an external frame to the achievement of their peers, and they compare their achievements in an internal frame across domains. The effects of these psychological processes on domain-specific motivational orientations are described by the generalized internal/external frame of reference model (GI/E model). We assessed the professional knowledge (CK and PCK) and motivational orientations (self-concept and interest) of N = 200 pre-service physics teachers from 12 teacher education institutes in Germany. To investigate the predictions of the GI/E model, we utilized structural equation modeling. In line with the GI/E model, the analysis revealed that pre-service teachers use social comparisons. Pre-service teachers with a higher CK/PCK also showed a higher CK/PCK self-concept. We also identified instances of internal comparisons as we found that a high level of CK corresponds with a lower PCK self-concept. While we could not identify the same effects from professional knowledge on interest, self-concept mediated the effects from professional knowledge on interest. The results suggest that interdependencies between professional knowledge and motivational orientation should be given more consideration in teacher education research and should also be addressed more explicitly in teacher education.  相似文献   

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