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新一代网络技术的发展与智能终端的普及改变了知识的分布和存储方式,革新了人的知识分享方式,催生了基于移动技术的微型学习。微型学习能够帮助企业员工开展随时随地的短时学习,促进企业内部更大范围的学习协作与知识分享,是保持和提高企业竞争优势的重要手段。企业微型学习的设计要充分考虑组织特征、学习者、微型内容、技术通道和学习评价等要素,通过前端分析、通道选择、内容设计、活动设计和评价设计几个阶段来完成。微型学习的评价可以借助企业学习平台,结合测试、问卷、历程分析等方法对学习者的反应层、学习层进行效果评估。  相似文献   

移动学习与在线电子学习系统的运行平台、展示环境以及传输能的区别,把电子学习资源移植到移动学习终端设备时,存在学习数据格式转换、数据传输、展示自动匹配方面的问题。为了让移动学习平台能处理移动数据传输不稳定和多媒体学习资源以及原有学习平台数据格式异构情况。作者提出学习服务器和移动终端设备之间设置移动协作服务的先进软件解决方案。移动协作服务是为满足移动电子学习情景需求引入了一个新的中间层技术,它提供了各类移动客户端的兼容性学习对象,并允许分布式平台用户访问。  相似文献   

在职业教育的教学改革中,学习评价是改革的核心,它涉及到教学目标、教学内容和教学方法等系列改革。在首都职工素质教育工程的通识课程中,针对职工学习的特点,中央广播电视大学做了一些教学、考试等改革的实践和研究,尤其在学习绩效评价方面,有了一定的收获和成效。  相似文献   

Advancements in information and communications technology and the rapid expansion of the Internet have changed the nature and the mode of the presentation and delivery of teaching and learning resources. This paper discusses the results of a study aimed at investigating how five teachers planned to integrate online resources in their teaching of science topics in the primary curriculum. Based on the findings obtained from the content analysis of the teaching designs created by the participating teachers, and insights gained from the pre- and post-lesson implementation interviews with them, a resource-based e-learning environments (RBeLEs) framework is proposed as an outcome which could be of reference as a planning tool for teachers who wish to integrate the Internet into their classroom teaching.  相似文献   

E-Learning可以打造企业工作与学习的无缝环境,提供企业"弹性、个人化、更新快、随时可得"的学习内容,从而使之成为员工工作时的重要帮手,让员工能即行即知,大大增加学习行动和经验分享的速度,从而提升企业竞争力。  相似文献   

作者介绍了网上教学及其在医学教育中扮演的角色,概述了网上教学的关键术语、教学内容、教学效果,网上教学的实施对师资的要求,网上教学及相关技术的评估以及如何对参与网上教学的教师的学术成就加以认定等。  相似文献   

以了解学生对在线学习之使用情况,与使用学生自行拟定测验题题库的适当性与否为目标,采用课堂学习搭配在线学习作为课程学习的方式,且由每位学生自行拟定课程最后阶段的测验试题,探讨学生的学习态度、适应情况与此教学策略是否合宜。用S-P表分析等研究表明,在此整个学习过程中,学生的学习态度从被动学习转换成了主动学习,学生对于将传统的课堂教学搭配在线学习的方式感到新奇,对于平时少数有缺课的同学亦可利用在线学习的平台将其在课堂上的不足加以弥补,整体对于学习情况为提升且有成效的。  相似文献   

Educational technology research has passed through a number of stages, focusing, in turn, on the content to be learned, the format of instructional messages, and the interaction between computers and students. The field is now concerned with the study of learning in complete, complex, and interactive learning environments. These environments allow both the simulation of experiences that students might have in the real world and also the creation of compelling experiences that cannot normally be experienced directly. Learning environments also often allow students to communicate their own ideas with the use of a variety of symbol systems. These environments are also frequently inhabited by more than one person, making learning within them a social activity where learning is distributed among both people and artifacts. Finally, these learning environments are complex. Studying how they contribute to learning therefore requires research methods other than controlled experiments. This paper reviews research on learning environments to give both an historical perspective on educational technology research and a selective view of the current state of the discipline. It concludes by identifying implications for both practice and future research.  相似文献   

组织针对管理人员实施绩效考核时,常出现考核指标缺乏针对性和系统性、以定性主观评价为主、考核等级差异不明显以及缺乏有效反馈和改进机制等诸多问题。依据绩效考核指标设计的原则和思路,采用KPI关键绩效指标法和360°绩效考核法,以工作态度、工作能力和工作业绩为关键指标要素,设计科研机关管理人员绩效考核方案。该方案由主管领导、同事、服务对象和员工本人共同担任考核主体,其中主管领导和同事考核以量化指标考核为主,服务对象和员工本人的考核以主观定性评价为主。该考核方案有助于员工及时发现和改进现有工作不足、提高工作效率,也为组织开展员工奖惩提供更为准确客观的参考依据。  相似文献   

真实性评价迎合了当代高职教育人才培养改革和发展的需要.真实性评价中的"真实",是要求在课程学习成果评价的任务、能力、产出、标准四个要素上同时体现真实性,是对高职能力本位教学实践的补充与衔接.通过与职场现实工作情境及评价操作的参照比对,构建高职课程真实性评价设计模型,按照评价设计过程分为六个环节:能力要求、评价任务、任务条件、学生成果、评分规则、评分情境,并在真实性评价体系设计中融入对评价信度和效度的考量,以期促进真实性评价在教学实践中的应用.  相似文献   

芬兰教师教育成功的关键原因之一是重视教师绩效评估,并将教师绩效评估看作是教师专业发展的重要手段之一.其绩效评估的内容分别从文化、社会、个人三个层面进行确定,并由专业化的评估机构实施评估工作,在具体评估时重视各评估机构间的交流合作、教师积极工作文化的构建、教师角色的转变和研究型教师培养等.其成功经验可为我国教师教育工作的有效开展提供诸多启示.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on institutionally powered personal learning environments (iPLEs). The concept of the iPLE can be seen as a way universities can incorporate learner-centred approach into the architecture of their technology-enhanced learning environments. The aim of this paper is to pose that there are other ways to learn complementary to virtual learning environments, such as using distributed Web 2.0 tools from personal learning environments (PLEs). With that aim in mind, this paper presents an exploratory study with two different iPLE configurations, analyses how they modify the learning–teaching process, and reports their perceived usefulness from the students' point of view. These two case studies were carried out by a research group of educational technology from a Spanish university in graduate and postgraduate courses. As reported by other case studies, the results revealed that students use the environment basically in the academic context and this usage is conceived as another time and effort requiring task. This fact can be observed in the low level iPLEs customization. The overall conclusions we can extract are, on the one hand, that the new environment to integrate informal and formal learning should be flexible and adaptable to the student's needs and preferences and, on the other hand, that academic tools might someday become personal tools.  相似文献   

实验教学中采用表现性评价具有可行性。结合实验教学,从教师实施评价、学生参与评价、成绩评定3方面讨论了表现性评价在实验教学中的应用,并提出有关的建议。  相似文献   

试论行为表现评估模式——英语课堂教学的形成性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对比分析英语教学的传统考试模式与行为表现评估模式,说明行为表现评估的正确使用有利于以人为本、重视学生能力发展的外语教学思想的贯彻,有利于学生学习自主性、创造性的培养。广大教师因此需要清晰认识行为表现评估,有效地评估学生英语学习的行为表现,使得教师和学生将课堂语言学习与实际生活联系起来,从而促进英语课堂教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

高等职业教育本身及其学生特性决定高职院校学生学业评价有别于普通院校学业评价,而目前我国高职院校学业评价仍以纸笔测验为主,非标准化评价方式流于形式,评价方式上更是问题百出。针对这种局面尝试将几种常见的表现性测验应用于高职院校学生学业评价中,以期对高等职业教育发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查等方法对普通高校学生体育成绩的评定方法进行调查与分析,对存在的问题进行改革。  相似文献   

我国高校教师绩效评价研究开展六十余年来,由国外文献的译介和研究入手,结合具体实践,从概念、目的、意义、原则、方法等角度进行了积极的探讨。但是现有研究内容不统一,结构不明确,缺少对组织战略目标关系的关注,理论缺乏高度和前瞻性,尚未在管理界形成独立的研究领域。未来的高校教师绩效评价要求必须从人力资源管理的视角入手,必须把教师作为资源来看,强调以人为本,关注教师的发展,并且与组织的发展统一起来,通过建立动态和综合评价的模式来实现。  相似文献   

Recent advance in medical education is in correlation with the advances in information technology and thus computer-based learning is being increasingly employed. The objective of the present study was to design and evaluate an e-learning module in anatomy and assess the perceptions of students and faculty about this e-learning module. The participating students were randomized into three groups by block stratified randomization and Google groups were created for each of the three groups. The e-learning module was implemented in three sessions by rotating the three groups. Validated questionnaires were sent to faculty and participating students via Google forms to obtain feedback. The results of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference among the groups in terms of marks obtained with conventional (F = 2.403, P = 0.103), online (F = 6.050, P = 0.005), and blended (F = 5.801, P = 0.006). Post hoc comparisons using the Tukey HSD test, about the gain of knowledge, indicated that the results were insignificant when comparing the conventional group with the online group, but were significant when comparing the blended group with the conventional and online group. The qualitative data regarding the perception of students toward e-learning were analyzed using thematic analysis. The introduction of an interactive e-learning module in anatomy was effective and well received by the students and faculty. The study showed that blended learning has a positive impact on the students' learning by improving cognitive gain and receptive perception for e-learning.  相似文献   

“教育播存网格”,集成多媒体信息处理与管理、数字多媒体无线广播与存贮技术于一身,是一种简洁、快速推进教育资源共享的技术解决方案。它的施教服务对象是面向有线网尚未通达或带宽有限的地区人群;它的服务宗旨是跨越数字鸿沟,让同一时代的人们共享知识财富。天津电大在推进本地区农村终身教育中,营造了基于“播存网格”的区域性实验环境,采用全新的课程传输方式,拓展了数字化学习空间,扩大了学习对象,为基层学习者提供可自主选择、低成本的远程教育服务,取得初步成效。  相似文献   

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