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本文通过对欺负行为以及女生欺负行为具体研究结果入手,讨论了女生欺负行为的特点和具体的干预措施。  相似文献   

杨希洁 《中国德育》2007,2(8):26-28
欺负是中小学中常见的不良行为,可分为直接身体欺负和言语欺负。欺负的发生有特定的情境,年龄和性别因素都会导致欺负的发生。目前,学生与教师对欺负的应对方式,受欺负者与欺负者的个性特征和同伴关系值得关注。从学校、班级、个人三个层面进行干预,可以有效地预防校园欺负现象的发生。  相似文献   

幼儿欺负行为是幼儿在社会交往过程中普遍出现的行为,不利于幼儿身体和心理的健康发展,以及幼儿人格和社会性的健全发展。幼儿欺负行为的产生与幼儿的气质类型、交往技能、性别、移情能力、成人行为以及社会大环境有着密切联系。成人需加强幼儿的移情训练。规范自身的行为.创设良好的环境以及采用适宜的教育手段等干预措施来减少幼儿的欺负行为,从而促进幼儿的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

欺负是学校中经常发生的一种攻击行为,是指力量相对较强的一方对力量相对弱小或处于劣势的一方进行的攻击,通常把欺负行为划分为三种类型:直接身体欺负、直接言语欺负和间接欺负.职业院校女生的欺负问题较为突出,研究职业院校女生受欺负/欺负的现状,对改善女生的生存环境、有效进行欺负干预有重要作用,也为职业技术教育心理学的发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

周朝正 《文教资料》2011,(16):119-120
美国校园欺负行为干预以州为单位,政府积极参与干预行动,同时干预欺负者、被欺负者和旁观者,理论研究紧密联系实践。我国应该重视校园欺负行为,建立一个由个人、家长、学校、国家共同参与的干预体系,理论研究结合实践,制定长期的干预方案。  相似文献   

国外移情与儿童欺负行为研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文介绍了国外对移情和欺负行为概念的界定及分类,重点阐述与分析了移情和欺负行为的关系以及移情训练对预防和减少儿童欺负行为的干预研究,在此基础上提出了现有研究存在的问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

欺负行为在中小学中非常普遍,大约有1/5的学生卷入其中,它阻碍了学生身心的正常发展。本文介绍了欺负行为的类型和特点,欺负的发生发展特点及其影响因素,并对学校中的欺负干预提出了建议。  相似文献   

欺负行为一直受到发展心理学家的关注,它对幼儿发展的影响不容忽视。本文通过梳理国内外有关欺负行为研究的文献后发现,研究者对欺负行为的概念界定不一,对幼儿欺负行为的研究较少,尤其是有关干预研究更为稀少。  相似文献   

学校欺负行为干预研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欺负行为是中小学生之间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击性行为,它对儿童及青少年的身心健康发展具有很大的伤害性。因此,受到许多国家研究者的广泛关注,并开展了相应的干预研究,也取得了一定的效果。了解国内外学者所做的有关学校欺负行为的干预研究,对我们开展学校欺负行为干预研究,促进学生健康成长有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

奥维斯欺凌防范项目是目前世界上最成熟、应用国家最多、影响最大、效果最显著的校园欺凌防范项目。该项目专为学校设计,有完善的欺凌调查问卷,有经过专业培训的认证培训师,包含四个核心维度的内容,分别针对学校、班级、个人、社区不同层面实施具体的欺凌行为干预。学习挪威经验,有助于我国尽快形成一套科学有效的欺凌行为干预机制,提高教师处理欺凌问题的能力,加强对心理问题的疏导。  相似文献   

界定了校园欺凌的含义,阐述了校园欺凌的特点和被欺凌者的行为反应,指出避免和减少校园欺凌事件关键在预防,提出了学校预防校园欺凌行为的对策。  相似文献   

Bullying is an increasing problem within childcare facilities, preschool programs, and public schools. As a result, many districts are instituting anti-bullying intervention programs. This article defines bullying and explains the direct and indirect forms it can take. First, it examines research on bullying during the beginning years of school. Next, it explains how relational aggression occurs and the importance of positive peer support systems within their schools. The article concludes by examining the effects of consistent anti-bullying initiatives (e.g. conflict resolution strategies, daily check-ins, journals, and peacemaking activities) that address bullying behaviors among young children. Through consistent and clear interventions, students can build positive peer relationships that promote a safe and healthy school climate and culture.  相似文献   

本研究以学生遭受校园欺凌为中介,探讨校方营造学校归属感及采取严格学生管理模式的措施对数学、阅读与科学素养产生的间接影响。以多水平中介模型为检验方式,在控制了学生水平与学校水平的干扰变量条件下,得到如下结果:(1)三种核心素养与关系欺凌有显著负向关联,但是未与肢体及言语欺凌有明显关系;(2)学校水平的学校归属感较高以及采取较严格的学生到课管理模式时,学生遭受关系欺凌的情况较为和缓;(3)学校水平的学校归属感较高,学生的数学与科学素养也较高,学校越严格管控学生到课的情况,学生的三种核心素养也较高;(4)学校水平的学校归属感与严格管控学生到课的管理模式会先通过降低学生遭受关系欺凌的方式对核心素养产生积极作用,部分的多水平中介效果存在,但是该效果在不同核心素养上有所差异。研究显示,学校管理在预防学生欺凌和提升学生数学、阅读和科学核心素养方面具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

Bullying is a serious problem that affects the young children’s well being. Early childhood educators find it difficult to manage bullying in the classroom. Preschool is the first environment outside of the home setting where children encounter difficulties when they socially interact with their peers. Based on the principles of protecting and establishing a safe environment for all children, the purpose of this review is to present current empirical evidence about the nature and distinctive facet of bullying among preschool children. It defines both the concept of traditional school bullying and bullying in early childhood education, describes the social context of young children’s bullying, differentiates between bullies and victims in early childhood education, discusses the young children’s interpretations of bullying, describes the young children’s functions in bullying, and provides a rationale for the use of bully prevention programs for young children.  相似文献   

Six hundred and forty high-school students (Grades 7–12) from a large central government school in South India participated in this exploratory study of online bullying (cyberbullying) in India. Participants responded to the Survey on Social Use of Information and Communications Technology (SSUICT; Bhat and Ragan 2013). Findings indicated that approximately half the participants experienced online bullying in one or more roles described by Bhat et al. Education about Asia, 2(18), 36–39, (2013), with these being: initiating online bully, secondary online bully, bystander, or target of online bullying. Overall, engagement in online bullying tended to increase with grade level, and participation in the role of secondary online bully was the highest of the four roles for Grades 8–12. Male participants reported higher engagement in all four roles than female participants, and this difference was significant for the roles of initiating online bully, secondary online bully, and target of online bullying. Significant correlations were found between the four roles of online bullying. Recommendations for addressing the issue of online bullying in the Indian context are provided, along with limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

To complete this special issue on theoretical bases for antibullying efforts in schools, we focus in this article on the importance of teachers and other educators in the ecology of schools. First, we present evidence that teachers are not perceived to be effective at intervening when bullying occurs. Then, using a social motivational lens, we provide an overview of teachers' role as a socializing agent in the classroom and school with a particular emphasis on their influence on bullying behaviors among students. Then we present two theories, the theory of planned behaviors, and the transactional theory of emotions and coping. We believe these theories highlight the complexity of teacher responses and make the case that teachers need more than knowledge of bullying to be effective in their role. We discuss implications for teacher training and professional development.  相似文献   

近年来,校园欺凌事件频频发生,因其恶劣的影响及严重的后果受到社会各界的广泛关注。相当一部分学生直接或间接受到过校园欺凌的冲击,使其产生心理上的危机感和焦虑感,对其学习和心理健康产生了不利的影响。本文通过分析学生欺凌现象的现状及应采取的有效预防策略,能够有效引导和帮助青少年健康成长,促进其身心全面发展。  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of bullying and victimisation among students in special schools in Taiwan. The sample included 140 students with various disabilities, aged 12–18, from 10 special schools throughout Taiwan. Trained interviewers conducted face-to-face surveys using structured questionnaires. Results show that 31.8% of students in special schools experienced peer victimisation within the past year, while 26.5% of students had bullied others during that period. While the findings did not yield gender differences, students in junior high grades tended to report more victimisation experiences than did their senior high counterparts. Severity of disability was positively associated with both bullying and being bullied; however, no difference was found regarding types of disability. Delinquency was positively associated with student bullying and victimisation. Students who suffered victimisation also reported a higher number of suicide attempts. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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