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This paper examines the responsibilities of mental health professionals, particularly counselors, to those who identify or might be identifiable as “transgendered.” There are two main objectives. The first is to describe the critical reflection necessary to deal with gender-variant clients in an ethical and effective manner. The second is to discuss a psychotherapeutic model that is likely to be effective in integrating such reflection into the clinical process, and to make counseling recommendations on that basis.  相似文献   

Path analyses revealed that one's tendency to conceal distressing information, social support, psychological distress, and attitudes toward seeking help predicted intended use of counseling services for college students who had and had not previously been in counseling. Prospective analyses revealed that attitudes toward seeking help predicted actual use of the campus counseling center. These findings have implications for campus outreach programs and in‐session work with clients.  相似文献   

心理咨询对大学生的影响及其作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理健康状况将影响学生的认知、判断、思维和情绪等。学生的心理健康状况存在着明显的个别差异,了解这些差异,可以根据学生不同的心理状况采用不同的工作方式,这对提高学生工作的有效性、科学性、针对性都会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

心理咨询是一种人际帮助活动,是与人打交道的实践活动,在开展心理咨询的过程中不可避免地会涉及到一些职业道德问题。开展心理咨询活动应遵守价值中立原则、当事人利益优先原则、避免与当事人发生多重关系的原则、保密原则、来访者自愿原则等。  相似文献   

No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking. Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. … From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. By the time he can talk, he is the little creature of his culture, and by the time he is grown and able to take part in its activities, its habits are his habits, its beliefs his beliefs, its impossibilities his impossibilities. Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part. There is no social problem it is more incumbent upon us to understand than this of the role of custom. Until we are intelligent as to its laws and varieties, the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible. (pp. 2–3)  相似文献   

Counselor trainees’ multicultural development is a process that engenders strong emotions. The authors inventoried students’ emotions in cultural immersion activities and assessed their impact on course reactance. Findings indicated that reactance was shaped by both negative and positive emotions and that cultural immersion can be universally challenging for students.  相似文献   

There are many theories of counseling and consequently many approaches to describing the sequence of events that occur during the process of counseling. As a result, there is potential for student counselors to become confused over the process. Among the responsibilities of counselor educators is helping students reduce confusion and increase understanding of the process of counseling. This article proposes a four-stage, 16-phase synthesis to describe the process. The rationale for the synthesis includes the need to (a) increase student understanding of the process, (b) keep the number of phases within reason to increase use of the process, and (c) base the phases on client behaviors, particularly verbal behaviors, that occur during the process.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of international counseling students’ (ICSs) acculturation and foreign language anxiety on their counseling self-efficacy (CSE). Results indicated that foreign language anxiety significantly predicted ICSs’ CSE, while acculturation needs further examination in this regard. Discussion and implications for counselor training and research are provided.  相似文献   

Based on the Social Cognitive Model of Counselor Training (L. M. Larson, 1998), this study explored the effects of bogus performance feedback on counseling self‐efficacy and counselor anxiety. After a 10‐minute mock counseling session, 45 master's‐level trainees received either positive or negative bogus feedback regarding their performance. Results showed that (a) participants altered their counseling self‐efficacy depending on the performance feedback they received, and (b) participants reported changes in anxiety following performance feedback.  相似文献   

I address the problems of diminished moral responsibility and of moral relativism, typically associated with education in late modern society, by developing, beyond the problematic contemporary formulations of postmodern ethics, an ethics of integrity as a moral resource for education. This ethics is constituted by the principles of respect for the dignity of persons, and the acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of our moral choices. I show how it offers more than the scant resources of postmodern ethics to educators who seek to enable their students to develop a deeply-founded sense of moral comportment and an authentic identity in the face of the moral complexity of late modernity's globalised and plural society.  相似文献   

The Ethics of Integrity: Educational Values Beyond Postmodern Ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I address the problems of diminished moral responsibility and of moral relativism, typically associated with education in late modern society, by developing, beyond the problematic contemporary formulations of postmodern ethics, an ethics of integrity as a moral resource for education. This ethics is constituted by the principles of respect for the dignity of persons, and the acceptance of responsibility for the consequences of our moral choices. I show how it offers more than the scant resources of postmodern ethics to educators who seek to enable their students to develop a deeply‐founded sense of moral comportment and an authentic identity in the face of the moral complexity of late modernity's globalised and plural society.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to distinguish prior- versus never-counseled nonurgent University Counseling Center (UCC) clients and to test if brief counseling had a differential impact on these two samples. The prior-counseled sample (n = 100) was more prepared for counseling, had a lower stigma for seeking help, as well as lower social connectedness and life satisfaction versus the never-counseled sample (n = 109). After brief counseling (median of four sessions after triage), the prior-counseled group (n = 33) had significantly higher social connectedness, self-esteem, and life satisfaction, while only social connectedness of the never-counseled group (n = 31) increased.  相似文献   

Pre- and postassessment measures indicated significant improvements in students' self-appraisals of their ability to supervise, and in the quality and the clarity of their conceptualizations about a videotaped supervision session.  相似文献   

This article examines current literature on the pedagogy of counseling. The authors offer a critique of current counselor education practices and suggest constructivist methods for educating reflective practitioners.  相似文献   

This article discusses innovative methods for incorporating both live and videotaped counseling sessions conducted by faculty into a graduate counseling program.  相似文献   

休谟在西方伦理学史上具有重要地位。休谟的自然之德虽然体现出他依然流连于古典德性伦理学传统,但更重要的是,他的"是"与"应该"的区分瓦解了亚里士多德目的论伦理学的合理性,对德性的泛化和对德性整体性的消解,也显示出他对亚氏伦理学的背离,所以休谟伦理学不同于古典德性伦理学。同时,休谟对规则和功利的探究又启发了其后道义论和功利论伦理学,但又不是严格意义上的规范伦理学。可以说,休谟伦理学属于古典德性伦理学向近代规范伦理学的转型的中间环节。  相似文献   

关怀伦理以知识为基础,以尊重为前提,以关切为核心,以责任为准绳,体现为一种广泛的"爱"。这种"爱"关照个体、家庭、国家,表现为修身之德、齐家之德和治国之德,而"修身、齐家、治国"正是儒家德性伦理的内核。离开了关怀伦理,难以养成伦理的德性,"修身、齐家、治国"是儒家德性伦理的关怀路径,"平天下"是儒家德性伦理的政治理想和终极德性关怀,因此,关怀伦理是儒家德性伦理的有效生长点。  相似文献   

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