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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(10):1292-1310
Drawing on Bourdieu’s field theory, this paper examines how the Hindustan Times, one of the leading English dailies in India, integrates mojo (contraction of mobile journalism) into its journalistic practices. Further, this paper explores how journalists respond to the concomitant changes brought about by the adoption of technologised practices in the newsroom. The analysis of qualitative data obtained from participant-observation and in-depth interview reveals that the practice of mojo, which is about learning new apps and tools, producing short videos by and for mobile devices, and disseminating news to digital readers through multiple platforms, emerges as a new rule in the field of journalism. Instead of depending solely on a team of mobile journalists, the newspaper aims to develop capabilities and impart training to journalists across the board in the newsroom. This study also reveals that journalists at the Hindustan Times experienced the practice of mojo as both en-skilling and de-skilling.  相似文献   

New Interactions     
From the first studies of wearables inside MIT’s Media Lab decades ago to the smartwatches and smartglasses sold these days as consumer devices, wearables provide clues to better understand new paths to record and distribute information. Google Glass was one of the first immersive products, allowing users to capture and stream information to the Web, creating screen-based micro-interactions displayed in front of the user’s eye or sent to their smartphone. The first-person perspective is not new, but network-enabled Glass creates a novel state of streamed information and images, potentially making the journalist an avatar of the audience. Possibilities also lay in the development of Glass-specific ambient or calm communications—providing users with seamless information updates. Our study explores how Glass, attached to the head of the journalist-broadcaster, creates alternative behaviours in those captured due to its almost-invisible camera. These and other aspects of Glass will be explored during this paper, recalling experiences made across multiple test beds in the United Kingdom, Porto Alegre, Brazil and the Sahara Desert. The lessons acquired from these experiences allow us to understand not only new ways to inform, but new relationships between journalists, newsrooms and the public.  相似文献   

学术报告是高校重要的学术活动,也是具有较高价值的视频学术资源,但只有数量有限的师生能够在现场听到,为了让更多的师生分享到,宜摄录学术报告,建立学术报告视频数据库,为师生提供在线学术报告视频服务。根据学术报告的特点,制定学术报告数据库的建设原则,采取适宜的建设方法与技术、发布平台,通过建立报告拍摄制度、制定流程与规范、打造摄制队伍、定期评估等科学的管理方法来不断提高资源发布的质量。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):339-355
Drawing on procedural justice research from social psychology, this study explores the role that journalistic practice plays in telling community members about whether local politicians are behaving fairly. Qualitative interviews with 24 community journalists working in cities in Upstate New York are used to answer the following research questions: (1) how does content regarding authority fairness find its way into news stories, and (2) what facets of justice—whether distributive, voice, or relational—do journalists emphasize. The interviewed journalists said that they often used their evaluation of local politicians’ fairness in deciding whether to pursue a story. In doing so, these journalists highlighted questions of whether politicians were listening to community members and the degree to which they appeared to take the best interest of citizens to heart. There was little agreement among journalists about the degree to which citizens could adequately make fairness judgments based on local news coverage, although the television reporters believed that television's visual component provided key information about the fairness of local politicians.  相似文献   

数字图书馆中多媒体馆藏与服务的建立   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍岭南大学开发网上多媒体馆藏,并在香港开拓性地利用多媒体点播技术,通过互联网提供数字图书馆服务的实践。得出以下结论:多媒体技术对数字图书馆的影响无法估量,图书馆界应仔细研究和分析多媒体对数字图书馆的影响,充分发掘其潜能,并在引入多媒体服务的过程中,彼此分享经验,共建共享数字化资源。  相似文献   

董敏  张健  刘雪梅 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):77-80
分析视频技术在国内外医学期刊的应用现状,介绍视频稿件的发表过程及存在问题,总结视频技术在期刊中的增值服务。在传统期刊与多媒体融合的环境下,视频技术必将得到广泛应用,将会有更多视频内容和服务出现在科技期刊中,科技期刊应充分利用视频技术提升学术水平和影响力。  相似文献   

对归还文献是否原物无损的自动化识别,是目前图书馆计算机管理系统尚未解决的技术问题,并直接影响到图书馆诚信服务质量。作者首次从文献缺损对构建大学图书馆诚信服务体系的影响出发,对建立图书馆文献缺损防范机制的必要性、技术途径及基本要求进行分析,并根据图书馆采用智能识别技术防范文献缺损的实际效果,对该技术在图书馆的应用前景进行客观评价。  相似文献   

1949年4月20日,国共和平谈判破裂。4月21日,毛泽东主席和朱德总司令发布横渡长江、解放全中国的命令。当晚,中国人民解放军东突击集团第10兵团的第28、29、23军主力及华东军区警备第6旅一部,在苏北靖江张黄港至泰兴七圩港段强渡长江,迅速突破江南沿江长山、夏港、圩塘一带国民党军第51、21军的江防阵地,分多路向江南常州进军。1949年4月23日凌晨,常州解放。  相似文献   

Mobile journalism, whereby a single reporter must write, shoot, and edit their own news stories, is a rapidly growing trend among local television news organizations in the United States and around the world. Using qualitative case study methodology, specifically in-depth interviews and observation, this study compares “mobile journalists” with journalists working within a traditional television news crew, in which a reporter concentrates on the writing and interviewing aspects of newsgathering and a videographer concentrates on the audio/video production. The research looked at four aspects of “professionalization” found in the sociology of professions literature; expert knowledge, professional autonomy, routinization, and encroachment from outside organizations. Findings suggest that the mobile journalists in this study have less specialized expert knowledge. Also, though the mobile journalists felt that working outside a crew gave them greater autonomy, their increased use of work routines suggests they have given up some control to organizational needs. Additionally, there is evidence that these mobile journalists have allowed some encroachment by other professionals, specifically public relations professionals, in order to accomplish their work tasks within specified deadlines with limited time and resources.  相似文献   

一种新型的多媒体检索技术 --基于内容的检索   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
徐建华 《情报学报》2000,19(4):411-416
基于内容的检索是一种新型的多媒体检索技术。本文比较了传统的多媒体信息检索方法和基于内容的检索方法的异同,叙述了基于内容的图像、音频检索技术的要点,指出了在检索多媒体信息时需要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

This study examined whether there were differences in news reporting of women's subjects in South Korea due to reporter gender. The findings reveal that, in covering the women Cabinet members in South Korea, female reporters used a more positive tone, emphasized conflict news value less, used fewer stereotypical references to women, and employed more gender-sensitive perspectives than did male reporters. Our analysis also reveal that there was not a significant difference between the female-friendly newspapers and the female-unfriendly newspapers in terms of the story's tone, gender-equity tendency, and use of conflict news value in their news stories about women Cabinet members.  相似文献   

路鹏程 《新闻大学》2020,(1):53-71,126,127
民国时期的中外记者在新闻专业层面展开了广泛而深入的合作:协同采写新闻报道、共同抗争新闻审查、合力创办新闻教育、互助共建新闻职业团体,但是当他们在关涉国家民族利益的新闻议题上发生分歧和矛盾时,中外记者则都会强调民族主义至上,并就此展开尖锐的争论和激烈的博弈。中外记者的合作与竞争生动而深刻地反映出,中国报业在融入全球新闻传播过程中艰难地协调着专业主义与民族主义之间错综复杂的关系。  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is to address the question, “Is it more dangerous to be a woman journalist when reporting conflict”. Beck states “risk is the anticipation of the catastrophe—so it is existent and non-existent”. Is the contention that female journalists are more at risk, knowledge, or a construction of knowledge? Are editors and journalists who decide that women are more at risk merely anticipating a catastrophe? There is no certainty, of course, that women are more at risk, but the fear that they might be can prevent them from being sent to cover conflict, or force them to decide not to go to dangerous places. Certainly, an improvised explosive device or rocket fire does not distinguish between sexes. In many situations being female actually helps women journalist in conflict zones. In this paper we present findings from a survey of journalists who work in conflict zones and ask whether it is the job or the gender which is the most dangerous?  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):217-232
In the light of newspapers’ struggle to maintain readers and viability in the digital era, this study aims to understand better how newspapers in Latin America are responding to this shift toward user-generated and multimedia content. Using a content analysis of 19 newspapers from throughout Latin America, this study found that newspaper websites are bringing citizens into the virtual newsroom on a limited basis, allowing them to interact with each other and with the newspaper but only to a modest degree. Thus, while all newspaper websites have some multimedia content and most have Facebook and Twitter accounts, few allow readers to report errors, submit their own content, or even contact reporters directly. Further, most online newspaper articles include photos, but video, audio and hyperlinks rarely are used. These results further our understanding of how online interactivity is changing the traditional role of journalists and how Latin America is responding to the challenge.  相似文献   

Broadcast news channels provide fresh, continuously updated coverage of events, in sharp competition with other news channels in the same market. The live moment is a valuable feature, and broadcasters have always relied on teams that can react quickly to breaking news and report live from the scene. Technology plays an important role in the production of live news, and a number of tools are applied by skilled actors in what can be called an ecology of tools for live news reporting. This study explores new video tools for television news, and the tinkering conducted by the reporting teams to adapt to such tools. Six journalists and photographers at broadcaster TV 2 in Norway were interviewed about their everyday work practices out in the field, and we present the findings in an analysis where six aspects of contemporary live news reporting are explored: (1) from heavy to light equipment, (2) more live news at TV 2, (3) the practice of going live, (4) the mobility of live reporters, (5) tinkering to go live, and (6) quicker pace of production. In the concluding remarks we summarize our insights about live news reporting.  相似文献   


BrowZine is a mobile application and web service that helps users create their own personalized library/collection of journals. This column will showcase some special features of this app and describe its format and capabilities for mobile devices. BrowZine enables users to organize and manage journals and articles that are commonly read in their field and disciplines in order to track and keep abreast of new research.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):350-365
Almost all newsroom staff now create content specifically for the Web. Only a handful of studies address aspects of multimedia news production, and no studies have focused on the increasingly popular audio slideshow format. This paper reports the results of an exploratory, qualitative survey of 38 newspaper workers who produce audio slideshows to understand better how and why journalists use them. Although videos are published by a greater percentage of newspapers than audio slideshows, the survey respondents by-and-large prefer the latter as a storytelling medium. Many reported newsroom contention regarding how video verses audio slideshows should be used and feel pressure to focus on the quantity, rather than quality, of multimedia news stories.  相似文献   

我国早期"图博合一"的图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了二十世纪初,在我国出现的“图博合一”的图书馆。这类图书馆既是公共图书馆,同时又兼为博物馆,一馆两用。在一定程度上填补了当时公立博物馆的空缺,从而发挥了双重的社会教育机构的作用。  相似文献   

美国的公民新闻事业   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李青藜 《国际新闻界》2004,(1):35-38,74
本文系统地介绍了发端于 2 0世纪 90年代初美国新闻界的“公民新闻事业” ;它具有迥异于传统新闻事业的 5个特点 ,在美国新闻界发展势头良好 ,在国外新闻实践中也有追随者 ,对美国社会和新闻界产生了深远的影响 ,同时也引发了多方争议。  相似文献   

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